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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 – Food Chain (1)

“Everyone you’ve worked hard during the midterm exams. The finals will be simpler and less complicated so don’t worry too much.”

The chatter caused by Luna’s loose lips quieted down with Marlboro’s entrance.

Marlboro left a word of encouragement then glanced this way for a moment. His gaze was clearly directed at me and Grace.

An unsavory incident had occurred at the academy so it must have had a significant impact on the professors as well. Here the choices would diverge.

Either speak bluntly or focus on their duties. However considering Grace’s background there was only one choice.

“Many things happened during the midterms. But this was our professors’ mistake. Therefore there will be minimal repercussions for you due to the midterms so don’t worry.”

Mentioning it briefly while focusing students on their studies. That’s probably the best the professors could do.

Even if Delphoi’s punishment has been decided its impact will last for quite a while. The professors have no choice but to be cautious.

‘It should dissipate to some degree after a week.’

With midterms over there’s ample time until the finals. There are no intense practical training sessions in between and most will be filled with theory and exercises.

Every Wednesday I’ll meet with Gloria and Chronos for training and on weekends I’ll have personal rest time.

It’s also fine to occasionally visit the forest to gather profitable items. At least until the finals I have nothing to do.

“Normally there would be feedback papers but given the circumstances we’ve omitted them. Also…”

Marlboro’s explanation continued for quite a while. It was related to the final exams.

Most of the scores will be given during the finals and they’ll be careful not to have a catastrophe like the midterms.

He emphasized that there would absolutely be no absurd conditions like limiting attack rights. If that’s the case they must have sorted out matters related to me as well.

“I can’t disclose the details of the final exams but I assure you they will be much fairer than before. So everyone can rest assured.”

If that’s the case we can relax. Even if it’s an unprecedented situation the professors are veterans among veterans.

They should be able to balance things out even with one balance-breaker. The midterms were a bit unfair due to Delphoi’s influence.

‘Then will the final exam content change a bit too?’

I don’t remember well but I know the finals were also divided into teams. And on a large scale at that.

As I was inwardly curious about how they would balance things I heard something I couldn’t easily ignore.

“Before we begin class I have one more thing to say. Listen carefully as it’s closely related to upcoming practical training. It’s about the Forest of Chaos.”


At the mention of the Forest of Chaos not anywhere else I stopped being distracted and lifted my head.

Marlboro confirming my show of interest revealed the reason for bringing it up.

“There are probably students here who frequently visit the Forest of Chaos. Hunting herb gathering etc. With a specially crafted compass it’s possible to enter deep inside. Everyone knows this.”

Thanks to that I met Ellie and Luna and was able to escape that dreadful forest.

I also formed a blood feud and truce agreement with Porori. After that I thought I had no more ties to the forest.

I might have visited occasionally to earn money. But I had absolutely no intention of living there like before.

“However starting today individual entry into the forest will be prohibited. The outskirts will also be restricted unless you form a team of 3 or more.”

“What does that mean? Why the forest all of a sudden?”

“I was gathering herbs there every weekend…”

The entry control on the Forest of Chaos was completely unexpected. I wonder if there was such an event in Soul World.

No matter how dangerous the Forest of Chaos is they never ‘controlled’ entry. But seeing the academy make such a decision there must be a reason.

Marlboro as if expecting the commotion began revealing the reasons one by one without any hint of surprise.

“The reason for the entry control is simple. Recently a major upheaval occurred in the Forest of Chaos. Due to that upheaval monsters and beasts living deep inside are being pushed to the outskirts.”


The beasts and monsters inside are being driven out. It’s a change that cannot be ignored.

Ecosystems usually maintain a near-perfect balance. Such a situation means that balance has completely collapsed.

As I was thinking that Marlboro looked at me with a subtle gaze and continued.

“Usually such changes occur for two reasons. One is when a natural disaster destroys the forest. But there were no signs of fire or anything like that. In other words there’s only one possibility.”

I could roughly guess that one possibility. The direct cause of the wild’s balance being disrupted.

“It’s when the top predator in the food chain disappears. Like the saying ‘When the tiger is gone the fox becomes king’ the Forest of Chaos is currently undergoing a war to determine the new apex predator.”

It’s when the being that reigned as the predator disappears for a specific reason. The Forest of Chaos has turned into a mess because the predator vanished.

The food chain’s structure is complex from the start. If it’s already complex and the top predator disappears then what?

The beings suppressed by the predator will thrive and those beings will fight each other and get pushed out.

“The Forest of Chaos is rich in mana luring monsters and beasts. So until a new apex predator is determined all sorts of beings will be drawn in. In the process some animals will be pushed to the outskirts.”

“Could it be because Sivar disappeared?”

“It seems… to be the case?”

Luna answered Kara’s question in a displeased tone. She must not have expected this either.

Moreover it’s not just me who disappeared. Porori who also reigned as a predator vanished too.

Although Porori’s main diet is acorns he shows no mercy to those who invade his territory. He unconditionally launches preemptive strikes to knock them down.

The unconscious prey is then quickly devoured by other animals or monsters. I was really lucky.

‘It’ll be severely distorted.’

Not just one but two individuals belonging to the apex predators have disappeared.

Forget regulating the population even predators from outside are being left unchecked.

It wouldn’t be strange to call it the Warring States period Forest of Chaos edition. The ones dying are the weak prey.

“Originally only weak individuals like hungry wolves or slimes appeared in the outskirts. But recently even goblins and orcs have been frequently spotted.”

“Goblins and orcs too?”

“Then it’s no different from the deeper areas.”

The news of goblins and orcs appearing caused another commotion.

Goblins and orcs are considered weak among monsters but that’s only when they’re alone.

As the saying goes ‘There’s no match for sheer numbers’ they never move alone. Always in groups of 3 or more.

If even one of them ties your legs a dangerous situation can occur. That’s why I almost died.

What’s even more dangerous are the monsters that consider them as their ‘staple food.’ If measures aren’t taken quickly even predators might appear.

“Therefore the academy has decided to mobilize not only professors but also students to resolve this. The Forest of Chaos is close to the academy so the plan is to regulate it before it becomes serious.”

“Then will we be fighting directly too?”

A student quietly asked with a raised hand. Their voice carried a mix of anticipation and worry.

Usually monster subjugation is done starting from the 2nd year. From the 3rd year they face people not monsters.

1st years mostly hone their skills through theory and practice. But this incident could affect the entire academy.

“Depending on the situation yes. But the professors will thoroughly protect you so don’t worry. Above all our goal is investigation and reconnaissance not direct subjugation.”

The academy is an educational institution where precious talents gather. Each one of them could be responsible for the future of their respective countries.

In other words if even one person is harmed it could lead to an immense loss.

So 1st years with little real combat experience will only do simple tasks and proper subjugation will begin from the 2nd year.

“Of course it’s fine to act rashly. Even if a problem arises the professors will take responsibility. But remember lost limbs or lives cannot be restored.”


It means to quietly follow orders or risk dying from recklessness.

Everyone’s at an age overflowing with vigor so the professors will have to be especially careful. Understandable.

“However there will be some who don’t need separate guidance. Any students here who have single-handedly subjugated large monsters like ogres and multiple times at that?”

I quietly raised my hand as soon as I heard the question. Kara sitting at the edge did the same.

Looking around only the two of us had our hands raised. Individual subjugation of large monsters multiple times was something only we had done.

“As expected. You two will focus on protecting the students during this practical training so keep that in mind.”


“If you don’t like that you can move freely. But you’ll have to write more detailed reports.”


They’re balancing things out this way. Giving freedom in exchange for more investigation.

Still it’s much better than limiting attack rights. Kara and I were students who didn’t particularly need protection.

I feel somewhat responsible for this incident so I plan to work hard. I have to escort Grace anyway.

“The practical training will be held once a week until the outskirts stabilize. Any questions?”

“How will things like gathered herbs or hunted beasts be handled?”

“Most will be used for research by non-combat departments. Don’t worry you’ll be appropriately compensated.”

Then I should work hard for Ellie’s sake too. I’ll have to ask her what she needs later.

I should also discuss with Porori. That guy frequently went in and out of the forest so he’ll know the situation.

Perhaps he also realized the severity and preemptively reduced the population. It’ll be easier if only the outskirts are dealt with.

“I can’t emphasize this enough but safety is the top priority. Especially the ones pushed to the outskirts are different from the monsters you know. Even if they lost the competition their unique cunningness remains.”

Quite an important point. The top students at an ordinary school and a renowned school are different.

And the Forest of Chaos is a top-tier area. The monsters driven out from there cannot be taken lightly.

‘No matter how I think about it I don’t get why they built a school in this damn place.’

From what I’ve heard the first hero founded the academy but I really wonder what they were thinking.

They probably thought it’d be good for training in their own way. Fortunately the monsters don’t come out often.

Occasionally bizarre creatures like Porori appear but they don’t venture outside. In the first place it’s a place you can’t leave without a special compass.

“You can form teams with whoever you want. But make sure to tell your guardian. The guardians include the professors teaching assistants and the two who raised their hands earlier totaling 8 people.”

They included the teaching assistants since it’s ultimately about ‘protection.’

Our class has roughly 30 students so each team will have 3-4 members. Grace is an automatic participant so I’ll have to find the rest.

“Yeonju want to stick together with us?”


Correction. Lee Yeonju is also automatically included.

They’re practically a set menu like a burger and cola. Now there’s about 1 spot left.

This practical training balance or not is meaningless since the purpose is investigation and reconnaissance.

If you write a report based on what you saw and heard anyone can get a good score. It’s rather disadvantageous for me.

“First since there are students who haven’t entered the forest we plan to enter tomorrow afternoon. Also I’ll distribute papers with information gathered over the weekend so read through them.”

Marlboro handed the thick stack of papers he was holding to the front. Then the papers began to be distributed from the front one by one.

I received the paper from the front seat and checked the contents. I’m curious about what’s written.

‘There’s nothing major to be mindful of.’

There are no monsters too difficult for students to handle. Instead there are monsters difficult for individuals to deal with.

If we form a team it’s possible to not just investigate but also subjugate. Literally for safety.

[Discovered a squirrel equivalent in size to a large dog. The squirrel immediately fled upon encountering the investigation team.]


What a truly helpful investigation. By the way what the hell is Porori doing not guarding Ellie’s side?

I think I definitely need to meet Porori after class today. It’d be nice to see Ellie again too.

I haven’t been able to meet Ellie recently due to the midterm period. To make matters worse I was confined so she must be worried.

I slowly skimmed through the paper then neatly folded it in half. There was nothing particularly concerning except for Porori.

After all classes ended for the day I arranged a separate meeting to see Ellie again after a long time.

“Ah. You guys are going into the forest too? I’m going as well.”


What’s this about? Marlboro didn’t mention this.

“The professor recommended me. But he said to only receive protection and absolutely not do anything unnecessary.”

I have a feeling she’ll definitely do unnecessary things. That’s because it’s Ellie.

In Soul World she’s known as one of the characters famous for being a death flag. Another concern has arisen.

“What about Porori?”

“Porori? You mean Ratatoskr?”


“He said he’s in heat so he’ll be in the forest for a while?”


A damn unhelpful bastard. Just try marking your territory.

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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