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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 111

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Chapter 111 – Food Chain (3)

Every animal has a mating season. Squirrels are no exception and even humans have mating seasons.

Animals have difficulty suppressing their instincts so they tend to freely release them while humans suppress them with reason.

If humans couldn’t control their mating season society would not only be promiscuous but horrific in a different sense.

In that sense Porori’s mating season couldn’t be easily overlooked. For now he was targeting only monsters and beasts but who knows what might happen.

From now on there will be more time spent with Ellie so he needs to become more accustomed to civilization.

The forest may be right next to the academy but we might also visit other countries. Precautions are necessary for this reason.

“Ellie. Wait a moment.”

“Hm? Why?”

“Let’s talk just the two of us. About Poro… no Ratatoskr.”

So I called Ellie who was closest to the main personality aside. She widened her eyes at my call.

Unlike me who had somewhat figured it out Ellie and the others were completely unaware.

Grace and Lee Yeonju don’t even know of Porori’s existence so it’s difficult to speak carelessly.

“Why Ratatoskr? Don’t tell me he has something to do with these monsters?”


“Hmm… I see. Let’s step aside for a bit.”

Ellie said that and briefly moved away from Grace and Lee Yeonju. They were busy investigating the traces.

Once we reached a slightly distanced spot I explained step by step what I knew.

“Ratatoskr. Mating season.”

“Yeah. That’s right. He said he was relieving his mating season.”

“These. They’re all traces of that. He only went for the furry ones.”


Ellie’s expression turned unpleasant as she seemed to understand my explanation. She turned her head towards the gruesome scene.

The hairless monsters were killed cleanly while the furry ones all had their lower bodies scorched by lightning.

It would take a more detailed investigation to know they were assaulted. Until then even decent professors wouldn’t know.

“…Is that true?”

“It’s just a hypothesis. But the possibility is high.”

“If that’s the case should we start with an STD test? No wait. Do spiritual beings even get STDs in the first place?”


As expected of Ellie. Normally one would think it’s dangerous but she seeks solutions in a completely different direction.

Of course it’s an important issue in its own way. Historically animals have often transmitted diseases to humans.

Even if Porori is a spiritual being it would be a big problem if he brings back an unknown disease. In fact he even got a rabies shot.

“For now let’s find Ratatoskr first. He said he wouldn’t harm humans but just in case.”

“Got it.”

“Look here young lady. I don’t have any diseases or anything.”

A voice I hadn’t heard in a long time pierced my ears. Ellie and I immediately looked in the same direction upon hearing that voice.

Standing there with his arms crossed and looking imposing was a squirrel the size of a large dog—Porori (Ratatoskr). He hadn’t changed one bit.

“R-Ratatoskr? When did you get here?”

“I felt this guy’s energy so I came to check.”


I listened to Porori’s words then turned my head in another direction. Towards where Grace and Lee Yeonju were.

Fortunately they were preoccupied with something else and hadn’t noticed yet.

We found him much earlier than expected. At this rate we might get caught soon.

“Who are those humans over there? Your friends young lady? Or your females?”


He still hasn’t gotten rid of his wild side. Well he was born a beast so I understand.

But asking if they’re my females out of the blue makes me feel strange. Ellie looks quite flustered too.

“Is that so? Anyway why were you looking for me? Were you worried? I’m really touched.”

“You’re right I was worried. You’re really dangerous.”


Porori tilted his head in confusion when I said he was dangerous. He probably doesn’t realize what he’s done.

Instead of answering I pointed to the gruesome scene with my hand. Porori turned his gaze there.

After staring at the scene for a while Porori seemed to realize something and opened his mouth with an “Ah.”

“Is it because of my mating season? In case I end up attacking the young lady or other humans?”


“Hey. Buddy. Even if I’ve evolved my tastes are set in stone. I have absolutely no interest in humans without any fur.”

Porori said that while looking at Ellie. Specifically at Ellie’s ample bosom.

Then he nodded his head and made a somewhat acknowledging remark.

“But it is fluffy. You freely touch those don’t you?”


“No? Don’t tell me you still haven’t pounced?”

Maybe it’s because of his mating season. He keeps spouting nonsense with that loose mouth of his.

I glanced at Ellie while listening to Porori’s words. Judging by her increasingly reddening face she seems embarrassed.

Even though he’s evolving into a spiritual being and gradually assimilating into civilization Porori’s nature is that of an animal. To him it’s common sense.

Of course I don’t touch them but I do act spoiled from time to time. Ellie is lenient about this part.

Anyway to break this awkward atmosphere we need to change the subject. First let’s address his mating season problem.

“Why use lightning?”

“What do you mean?”

“Lightning during mating. Lower bodies are all burnt.”

“Ah. That?”

Looking at the corpses they all have their lower bodies nicely roasted by lightning. Seeing this one can tell there’s a problem with Porori.

And in response to my question Porori made a sad expression and turned his gaze elsewhere. It feels like he’s looking at a distant mountain.

“There’s a sad story behind this…”


Is he going to spout more nonsense again? But looking at his wistful face it doesn’t seem like complete nonsense.

We should probably move to a different spot for now. The story seems like it’ll be long.

Eventually after Ellie informed Grace we temporarily moved elsewhere. Telling them there were good herbs they understood.

“As you and the young lady know I’m a squirrel. But just because I’m a squirrel doesn’t mean I have to be attracted only to other squirrels.”

“Huh? Aren’t you supposed to reproduce with the same species?”

Ellie expressed a perfectly natural question upon hearing Porori’s words. Usually animals reproduce with the same species.

Although hybrids do occasionally appear they mostly reproduce within their own kind.

“That’s also true. But that’s only for convenience. It’s the same for you humans right? It’s easier to raise children if you reproduce with humans who have a similar lifestyle.”

“…Does it work like that?”

Ellie tilted her head. Actually Porori’s explanation makes some sense.

People belonging to the same cultural sphere have less resistance even if their race is different.

On the contrary if the cultural spheres are different conflicts are bound to arise and in the worst case irreversible incidents can occur.

“But I’m different. As long as they’re the same species even if not the same kind anyone is fine with me. Even if our lifestyles are different I can adapt to it. So I set out to find a mate suitable for me.”

“Same species?”

“Even among you humans although the species is the same the ethnicity varies. There are people with white skin and people with brown skin. Eyes nose mouth they’re all different.”

From Porori’s perspective it might seem that way. In fact humans are divided by the term ‘ethnicity.’

Notably there are Westerners and Easterners and the Tatars belong to an ethnicity equivalent to the Middle East on Earth.

There are even Northerners with skin so pale it’s almost white so they are indeed very diverse.

“So did you find one?”

“I barely found one. But… Sigh…”

Porori let out a deep sigh as if immersed in reminiscence. Judging by his expression alone it’s as if the world is about to crumble.

I thought maybe he was rejected by that female but the answer that came out of his mouth was enough to make one naturally solemn.

“When I got excited lightning struck… and the female died…”


“I had finally found a female… A female I had courted and won over somehow… But due to my mistake…”

It’s not a story to laugh at at all. For Porori he had even changed his long-held lifestyle to find a mate.

The problem is even after barely finding one an unexpected incident occurred and the female died. It must have left quite a big trauma.

“So I practiced on the ones driven to the outskirts. These guys will only cause chaos in the outskirts anyway. But it wasn’t easy.”

“Those… Nols and other animals aren’t even the same species or kind though?”

“I said it’s for practice. Keeping these guys alive will only harm my kin… no my species.”

Here we have a squirrel where sweetness and manliness coexist. If it’s fantasy-like it’s fantasy-like; if it’s confusing it’s confusing.

Then it means the monsters being pushed from the inside to the outskirts weren’t due to Porori’s mating season.

As I initially investigated it’s because fierce competition took place inside driving them out.

“I don’t know what’s happening inside the forest but it seems pretty noisy. Even if I want to go in once I do I can’t come back out.”

“Is it serious?”

“Not to a serious level. But the outskirts will also change depending on how strong the predators that emerge are. Right now only weak ones are coming out but next time who knows?”

It seems the more intense the competition the stronger the ones falling behind become.

The monsters currently being pushed to the outskirts were already living deep inside. It means they’re not weak at all.

But we can’t go deep inside and eliminate the predators either. That would just break the food chain again back to square one.

In the end we have no choice but to clean up the outside until the inside stabilizes. For now this is the best we can do.

“You know even when we were there all sorts of guys approached. Imagine those guys being pushed towards the outskirts. Well most of them will probably die before being pushed out.”

“Did you take care of them?”

“I don’t know that much either. Maybe they’re targeting a different area?”

“In the end we have no choice but to deal with the monsters pushed to the outskirts first. Gathering herbs alone will be difficult from now on.”

In the end the inside needs to stabilize first for the outskirts to be cleaned up as well.

But we can’t just leave it alone either. If the ones pushed out establish a base in the outskirts it’ll be a headache.

“Young lady. If there are any herbs you need let me know. I’ll bring them to you.”

“No. It’s okay. I can take Sivar with me on weekends. The herbs I need are different each time.”

“Is that so? Then it should be fine. I’ll get going now.”

Porori left saying everything he needed to say. Unlike when he was standing upright on two feet he was running on all fours.

Eventually Porori disappeared by climbing a tree with his characteristically swift movements. For being in mating season he looks surprisingly intact.

‘But seriously he shoots lightning every time he mates? It’s absurd.’

Are spiritual beings originally like that? At least the spiritual beings I know aren’t like that.

There’s a high possibility that he still can’t properly control his instincts because he became a spiritual being relatively recently.

It’s really unfortunate that he ended up killing the female he liked with his own hands. This is absolutely not a laughing matter.



I was staring blankly at the spot where Porori had disappeared when Ellie quietly called my name from behind.

Turning my head I saw Ellie with a determined expression for some reason. It seemed like she had something to say.

When our eyes met she flinched and her face gradually turned red. She couldn’t even make eye contact so there must be something.

“You know… what Ratatoskr said. About getting struck by lightning every time he mates…”

“Yeah. I heard.”

“Could it be… you don’t do that too right?”


I’m well aware of Ellie’s four-dimensional mindset. I admired it each time.

But now rather than admiration I only had questions. Does she think I’m the same as that damn squirrel?

Perhaps reading my dumbfounded expression Ellie hastily added an explanation. Her voice was slightly panicked.

“I mean there’s always a possibility! I don’t know if you have a mating… season too but it’s just a what-if!”


“S-So what I’m trying to say is…”

Ellie faltered again after rambling. Her face was full of embarrassment and awkwardness.

I was also so dumbfounded that I couldn’t say anything. Although her words make some sense isn’t she seeing me too much as a beast?

The problem is it’s ambiguous to argue against it. Given Ellie’s personality there’s absolutely no malice and she’s only genuinely worried.

“I-If you want to mate… later tell me first.”

“…Shibal. What?”

But this is something I absolutely can’t ignore. It’s been a long time since the word “Shibal” slipped out of my mouth.

Fortunately it’s not a curse from this world so Ellie didn’t understand it. Still thanks to my following words she must have read my emotions.

Despite her face turning even redder at my reaction Ellie still explained the reason with a determined expression.

“A-After hearing Ratatoskr’s story I can’t just laugh it off. What if the same thing happens to you as Ratatoskr?”


It’s even more absurd because her words make sense from Ellie’s perspective. I couldn’t really refute it either.

I don’t know who I’ll do this and that with later but at least a tragedy like Ratatoskr’s won’t happen.

“You get it? Before doing it with someone else you have to do it with me first. T-This is just for confirmation it’s absolutely not embarrassing!”

Ellie’s eyes were about to spin. Her face was flushed as if it would burst.

It seems she’s reached a state where she doesn’t even know what she’s saying anymore.

To be honest… it’s not bad. Objectively speaking Ellie is a beauty and her figure is excellent too.

But perhaps because my Confucian values are kicking in I’m a bit hesitant. I want to do it at least after confirming our feelings for each other.

“Eugh… Come to think of it I haven’t even given you sex education. What should I do? Maybe I should start with education under the pretext…”


In the end it seemed like her mind was filled with chaos. I quietly watched Ellie as she beat her own drum.

I was confused about whether she had a ‘sense of responsibility’ towards me or genuinely liked me. Or it could be both.

For now I should calm her down first. Just as I was about to reach out and place my hand on Ellie’s shoulder…


A loud roar pierced my ears echoing through the entire forest.

Even Ellie who had been in a state of confusion came to her senses at that roar.

“W-What was that sound just now… S-Sivar! Where are you going?!”

I immediately ran in the direction where the sound came from. Roars are mostly the sound monsters make when launching a preemptive attack.

In other words it means someone is being attacked by a monster. Of course there are guardians so it might be okay.

But my instincts are telling me. That roar belongs to an extremely powerful monster.

‘The forest has really gone haywire.’

We may need to enter the interior soon.

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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