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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 140

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Chapter 140

Final Exam (2)


The idea of me acting as a siege weapon or mercenary was a bit absurd at first but it made sense upon reflection.

The theme of this exam is Conquest. There’s a high likelihood of a muddy battle involving taking and retaking positions.

In such a situation if I were to be part of a specific team that team would be overly advantaged.

Even if students swarmed at me like a pack of wolves they wouldn’t be able to defeat me. This is an undeniable fact.

“It’s better to acknowledge it now. It’s almost impossible to beat Sivar no matter what you do. But excluding him wouldn’t be fair either.”

Marlboro said rubbing his face with one hand looking troubled.

Even though they devised this method themselves it seems it wasn’t satisfactory. They did their best with the solution.

“Therefore Sivar won’t participate directly but will be scored differently. I’ll explain the details after the exam so just know this for now.”

“Professor wouldn’t Sivar be able to destroy the castle easily? Is that okay?”

Kara raised her hand and spoke. It seemed exaggerated but it wasn’t at all.

She was one of the few who had witnessed my strength firsthand. Such concerns were valid.

Indeed a few Death Beams could demolish most castles. Again it’s not just one shot but several.

‘The castle is incredibly sturdy.’

In my past life castles were fortresses. Some even stood firm for centuries.

But those castles were no match for cannons and gunpowder weapons unlike in this world.

Here castles are absurdly insanely sturdy. They often remain intact even after being bombarded with magic.

Whatever material they’re made from it surpasses mere sturdiness.

“That’s why we’re treating Sivar as a siege weapon. We adopted this method assuming Sivar could easily break down the castle walls. It’s even better if they don’t break.”

“Treating him like a real superweapon huh.”

Grace murmured in disbelief. I agreed.

The problem was that I couldn’t find a reason to refute. As mentioned the professors did their best planning this.

“Sivar’s position will be fixed unlike other siege weapons. But as a siege weapon and mercenary he needs a ‘contract’ to form alliances. If the contract is broken or Sivar is dissatisfied it can be nullified.”

“Will the contract details be explained at the exam site?”

“No. You’ll have to propose the conditions directly to Sivar.”

At Marlboro’s response the students started murmuring. It sounded like it could turn into a political struggle.

Marlboro anticipating this added an explanation.

“Bringing in outside matters is strictly forbidden. For example promising something after the exam. Contracts must be based solely on the exam contents.”

“What a pity. I was going to bring chocolates.”

“That makes it a bit harder.”

Kara expressed regret and Grace nodded seriously.

The method seemed absurd but the content was reasonable and more acceptable than last time.

If outside matters were allowed it could turn into chaos so they preemptively blocked that.

They likely decided this after seeing how Kara subtly coaxed me during the midterms.

“Sivar also needs to be careful about double contracts for personal gain. This could disadvantage or disqualify Sivar so make careful choices.”


It seemed they wanted to teach me social skills while others took the exam.

It wasn’t entirely bad for me; I just had to choose the best offer.

However the nature of the exam meant deciding on contracts would be tough. The most reasonable method would be food distribution.

“Professor may I ask a question?”

“Of course.”

“You mentioned resupplying at points near the base. How much supply are we talking about?”

“Good question Luna.”

Luna asked an appropriate question. Marlboro seemed pleased.

Random comments bring ruin but thoughtful ones are valuable.

“The supply amount will match the number of students. There are 31 students in this class including Sivar. So each team will have 15. Supplies will be distributed accordingly.”

“What about the castle?”

“The castle will not receive supplies. Keep that in mind.”

Marlboro revealed crucial information. Unlike points near bases the castle gets no supplies.

It means supply lines must be created from the points. Logistics units will be needed to transport supplies.

‘It’s truly high risk high reward.’

If a contract involving food is made they must be prepared to starve.

If the castle isn’t broken the contract will be void lowering the chance of victory.

On closer inspection the plan clearly showed collective intelligence. The professors weren’t fools.

“Sivar will be supplied until he leaves his position. Once he moves all supplies will be cut off. Consider this carefully.”

“It sounds like something out of Eastern legends…”

“Even in the East there’s no such eccentric.”

Grace’s murmur was cut short by Lee Yeonju.

Indeed there wouldn’t be a recluse helping for food. Maybe a sociopath.

Anyway the exam content was intriguing. It taught me social skills while others focused on the exam.

Marlboro emphasized disqualification for bringing in outside matters and concluded the announcement.

“Everyone do your best. Any questions?”

“Do we need to choose team leaders?”

“That’s for each team to decide later. While individual performance is important leadership will be crucial.”

Marlboro mentioned a grace period before the exam and left the classroom.

Once he left the students started conversing.

“It seems fair… but it’s still tough. Will we be able to wash?”

“If the supply line is cut… oh I don’t want to think about it.”

“How do we make a contract with him? That’s another curiosity.”

No one seemed dissatisfied with the exam. The professors’ effort was apparent and I wasn’t directly participating.

My mere existence disrupted balance but being one step removed reassured them.

Of course being treated as a superweapon didn’t change. They would surely find ways to use me.



“Besides food is there anything you like? Oh should I not ask this?”

Kara asked. Realizing her mistake she hesitated.

After all in the exam there’s little I can ask for besides food.

Nothing else can be offered. Only food.

“In the exam there’s nothing but food to offer. But maintaining supplies might be troublesome…”

“One way is forcing the other side into a contract and holding out.”

Antonio interjected. Even an impromptu strategy was solid.

But to contract they’d need to capture the castle or raid the base.

The final exam was indeed challenging. I was looking forward to it.

“…There might be one thing.”

As opinions were shared Luna spoke timidly. Her voice was so low it was almost inaudible.

But Kara with her keen hearing caught it immediately and grabbed Luna’s arm.

“What is it? You’re not telling your team only right?”


Luna rolled her eyes realizing she was caught.

That mouth always caused trouble. If she kept quiet nothing would’ve happened.

I was a bit curious too. What could be offered besides food?

“Kara don’t bully Luna. Let’s be fair.”

“Fair my foot. She knows something I don’t so it’s suspicious.”

“Well you know it too Sis.”

Alarmed by Kara’s suspicion Luna blurted out.

Kara’s gaze demanded an explanation. Luna’s eyes rolled again.

If you hear gears turning it’s not your imagination.

That mouth would spill something again. What would it be this time?

“I know it too? What is it?”

“Um… Can we talk somewhere private?”

“Fine. Let’s step outside.”

“Sorry to interrupt can I join too?”

Antonio chimed in. Making schemes was his forte so he wanted in.

But Luna shook her head firmly raising more suspicion with her next words.

“No. Especially not Antonio.”

“Why not?”

“You’re a guy.”


Antonio tilted his head puzzled.

Luna Kara and Grace stepped outside. I got up as they left.

“Where are you going?”

“To eavesdrop.”

“Oh no. Eavesdropping is bad.”

Lee Yeonju blocked me. Did Grace ask her to?

She was so earnest that I sat down quietly. There was no rush.

‘I’ll find out the contract details later.’

Just wait until then.

About five minutes passed.

[Faith is rising!]


What did she say this time?


Grace was curious. What did Sivar like besides food?

Despite observing him closely she barely knew his personal preferences.

Unlike Kara and Luna she had only recently gotten closer to Sivar and didn’t go out on weekends.

As mentioned she rarely left the dorm unless Sivar visited.

But now she had a chance to learn his likes. She could use this to get closer.

“…What did you say?”

“Hugs. Like this.”

Luna spread her arms wide demonstrating. It looked cute thanks to her appearance.

Sivar liked hugs Luna said. This answer surprised Grace.

“Is that all? I can do that.”

Kara was nonchalant. Still her cheeks reddened slightly.

Her tan skin hid it but she was embarrassed.

“Is that all you wanted to share?”

“There’s more… but don’t tell anyone. It’s embarrassing.”

“It’s okay. I can handle it.”

Grace swallowed her words. Couples hug. It’s a necessary act.

They would share body heat and eventually…

‘It’s necessary…!’

Grace’s face turned visibly red with her vivid imagination.

She folded her arms maintaining a dignified posture but looking awkward.

Meanwhile Luna scratched her head pondering if it would affect the exam.

‘It should be fine. Regulations won’t allow it.’

Probably. Luna thought and moved her hands close to her chest.

She fidgeted trying to explain. It wasn’t intentional but she had to supplement her explanation.

“He likes motherly qualities.”

“Are you talking about… breasts?”



Kara and Grace were stunned.

But Luna continued providing her rationale.

“Maybe it’s because Sivar lived in the wild but he likes being held. He often buried his face in Ellie’s chest.”

“…That’s true. Maybe he just liked the size?”

“But you’re big too. Ellie told him he could always rely on her.”

“…When did she say that?”

While Kara mumbled Grace was speechless.

She glanced down at her chest. As an aristocrat she was well-fed and well-rested so she was quite large.

‘It’s necessary. We’ll get used to it…!’

Grace thought forward embracing the idea. Ironically she didn’t deny anything.

Kara noticed and frowned. She wanted to offer such a condition.

“Let’s skip that. He might be labeled a pervert and punished.”


Luna and Kara thought it was impossible.

‘An aristocratic lady’s body is off-limits but for Sivar… if rumors spread…!’

Except for Grace.

End of Chapter

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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