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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 – The Fight (3)

I stared directly at Kara as she started getting into her pre-battle stance.

The blue light of lightning that flickered in her hand had already spread up to her elbow.

The Tatars believe in Gulak the god of destruction and one of his iconic abilities is thunder.

Just as Porori daily offered tributes to harness strength Kara must have been doing so consistently as well.

‘She must be ready to go all out now.’

Originally Kara prefers to fight with weapons. Yet her true capability isn’t in the art of weaponry.

It’s the power of lightning combined with her own combat skills. She has her own specialized weapon but she isn’t reliant on it.

She fights well and with strength. That is Kara’s true power.

‘But winning is going to be tough.’

Regrettably my skirmishes with Porori have taught me how to resist lightning.

In the Soul World there’s hardly any way to counteract being struck by lightning. One can only endure or counter-attack.

I may not have the mystical techniques possessed by the Qi masters of the East but my body is sturdy.

Still it’s better if I can avoid the lightning. Even static electricity feels prickly let alone an actual bolt.

‘I have realized just how resilient my body is.’

Kara recently slashed at my hand with her magic-loaded scimitar yet my palm was unscathed.

Considering that she’s still growing but already a warrior tempered by real combat that’s quite something.

It meant I could take early parts of the story lightly no need to wrack my brain.

‘Except for the collapse of the academy that is.’

That episode wasn’t meant to break in the first place. It’s also a significant branching point of the story.


In the meantime Kara slowly approached me her arms wrapped in lightning like gauntlets.

I quietly assumed my stance as she drew near. I anticipated how she would make her move.

In the Soul World Kara fought remarkably. Even veterans found the first-round characters challenging to defeat.


At a certain proximity Kara pulled back her right arm.

Too far to reach out with an arm stretch. Instantly I glanced at her legs.


‘Just as I thought.’

Not only her arms but her legs were also entwined with lightning. Just moments ago there was nothing there.

Bolts of lightning boast immense speed along with destructive power. Doesn’t lightning strike first followed by the rumble of thunder?


And if well-utilized it can unleash an astonishing speed.


Kara who had been far away just a moment ago reached me in an instant. Her fist surged forward with impressive haste.

I barely sidestepped backward narrowly evading her punch. The speed enhanced by the entwined lightning was significantly faster than before.

Crackle! Crackling!

She threw rapid punches not missing a beat driving me into a corner with an occasional kick interspersed.

For now I could see and grab them with my hand. But the problem is that it’s lightning.

‘Even static is prickly.’

In the Soul World lightning is one type of ‘noxious’ ability.

An attack means immediate electrocution and even if somehow blocked damage ensues.

So I have no choice but to dodge each one and to neutralize lightning one must either learn techniques or strengthen their body.

‘That’s why I hate lightning.’


As I backed away a tree soon brushed against my back. In this forest terrain evasion options are limited.

While I was discreetly checking the landscape behind me Kara’s punch swift as lightning came flying.


I twisted my body just in time to dodge; nevertheless the tree was sliced by Kara’s fist.

Literally it was cloven. Wood chips and sawdust were flung all around.

Using lightning requires a preparatory step like the Hardening Technique. Without it one can’t withstand the power of lightning with their bare body.

‘But how did that guy Porori endure it?’

Well I can’t complain either since my body is unbelievably tough for a human.

I stopped my idle thoughts and focused on the fight. It was about time I took action.

“When are you going to stop running…!”


As Kara almost burst out angrily I caught her by the scruff of her neck.

She stepped up so I planned to respond in kind. An eye for an eye.


I pushed her towards the tree the moment I had her neck in my grasp. The same tree that had been split by Kara’s punch.


Kara gasped for air from the impact against her back. Seizing the moment I threw a punch at her.


She managed to stoop just enough to evade and my fist inevitably only further demolished the innocent tree.

Subsequently as she ducked she swung her fist at my shin.

It wasn’t so much painful as it was slightly tingling because of the lightning.


While I flinched Kara quickly took position behind me. Her speed thanks to the lightning was remarkable.

Suddenly she grabbed my waist. As I wondered about her technique my world was literally turned upside down.


A nefarious suplex boasting difficulty and power. The combination of gravity a solid floor and the user’s skill all coming together define its might and Kara pulled it off with gusto.

Of course it didn’t mean much to me. If it had been a regular person their neck would have snapped.


A follow-up attack came while I was down from the suplex. Kara aimed to strike my head with her foot.

Anticipating it I narrowly avoided the blow. Even I would have felt it if I had taken it head-on.

“Go on taunt me one more time.”

As I stood up Kara smirked clearly bolstered by her continuous attacks.

But while she had only been attacking I was utterly fine. There had been no effective hit until now.


So I just dusted off the dirt on my body. I’ll wash it later but it still felt grubby.

Back when I lived in the forest I preferred to keep myself clean.


It seems like my action was taken as a provocation by Kara. Her annoyance was evident.

I walked slowly towards Kara who scowled in response. It was my turn now if she had done all the attacking.

Above all it was time to push her into a crisis. I had to make her reveal all her cards.


As I approached Kara struck first. She launched her thunder-packed punch towards me.

Before I would have turned my head or twisted my body to avoid it. But there was no need for that anymore.


I properly read the trajectory of her fist and blocked it with my palm.

Kara wasn’t flustered that I stopped her punch. Instead she just sneered.


At the same time the lightning wrapped around her fist infiltrated me.

Normally I would have been electrocuted by now. That’s what would have happened in the Soul World.



But not me.

Regardless of the lightning I snatched Kara by the neck who was caught off guard. Her eyes widened in shock.

Though it was challenging to move it wasn’t that I couldn’t move at all. Thanks to Porori’s frequent shocks I had developed resistance.


Immediately after I flung Kara towards a tree. She collided with it since I threw her forcefully enough to disrupt her balance.

I charged at her unwaveringly like a tank before she could recover.



I used my shoulder to ram her—a body slam. It was the same move Porori often utilizes called the Iron Mountain Strike.

Kara’s pained scream pierced my ears. I could have smashed through the trees and charged on if I had set my mind to it.

But I went easy on her; she wouldn’t be able to withstand it otherwise. Had it been Porori I would have plowed through the trees like a tank.


Ignoring her pain Kara brought down her elbow on the nape of my neck. Nonetheless I proceeded to the next move unfazed.

She was trapped between me and the tree unable to move either way. This meant I had the upper hand.


First I firmly grabbed her neck to immobilize her.

Kara’s frantic expression as she struggled to pry off my grip was futile my fist came first.

Punch! Thud!

I landed two punches squarely on her face before tossing her to another tree.

Dazed by the two blows she leaned against the tree struggling to stand up.

Without a pause I stepped forward to stomp down on her. Or at least I tried to.



With all her might she grabbed my foot. Strong bolts of lightning surged from her hands.

Maintaining consciousness after taking a solid hit to the face her mental fortitude was impressive. No wonder she develops to such an extent in the future.

Of course that’s one thing and this is another. I swung the extended leg as if shaking off mud.


Then without any finesse Kara fell over. She soon struggled to her feet.

With the thought of ending this soon I took a step forward.



But as soon as I took one step I staggered and had to bend my knees.

With no prior warning I looked at my leg with a puzzled expression.


There was a blue spark on the leg I had tried to bring down on Kara. It seems that was the cause.

It had to be the moment my foot left the ground that the effect exploded. You know how sometimes your leg gives out and you stagger?

The reason I bent my knee is similar. It was a coincidence a stack-up of happenstance.

‘Real pest.’

A pest in the game and now a pest in reality too. I shook off all the lightning and straightened my leg.

By that time it seemed Kara had also regrouped as she stood up. Did she plot this aiming the lightning on my leg?

To put it coldly it’s unlikely. She was too desperate to block me; she wouldn’t have had the time to think that far ahead.

“Heave heave. Not even a bear…no wait. Even a bear wouldn’t go this far…”

Kara wiped the blood from her mouth and muttered in exasperation.

Though she was likely speaking to herself I heard every word. She must know too.

The tide of this battle has already turned in my favor. There’s only one thing she can do.


Having raised her lightning to its peak her stamina must be rapidly depleting.

Considering the solid hit she took earlier the damage had accumulated too.

Cornered she’s hoping for a last-ditch hit.


Kara took a deep breath and regained her composure. Then she assumed the same stance as before.


The intensity of the lightning which wrapped around like gauntlets had increased from before. She must have maximize her remaining magic and faith.

This must be her final attack. For a moment thinking so I powered forward with a fierce step.

Despite me closing the distance in an instant Kara showed no sign of panic.


The same punching sequence followed. But unlike before she ducked to avoid it.

Then she burrowed inside and struck up at my chin with her lightning-twisted fist.

Thwack! Punch!

Following the uppercut that lodged in my jaw Kara tripped my leg intending to disrupt my balance like she did to Luna.

Though I didn’t fall my balance was slightly shaken due to the maximized magic power. Kara didn’t miss the opportunity.


In her other hand not the one with the uppercut she grasped something.

It was shockingly the scimitar I had broken in half. A sorry excuse for a weapon.

It’s not so much magic as it is an ability—passed down among the Tatars.

‘Ah that’s right. The weapon re—’


Before I could even ponder the broken scimitar was wrapped in a distinct blue lightning. It looked more dangerous than when it was intact.

I regained my balance and stepped back. But she approached first.


Holding the scimitar with both hands Kara let out a fierce battle cry.


And she swung it at me with all her might.

I hurriedly reached to catch it but…


The broken scimitar was quicker slicing through my hand.


I admit it I have to.

While clashing with Sivar Kara inwardly conceded. Sivar was way stronger than she was.

Even using her lightning power even using all the magic power within her she couldn’t match Sivar’s physical capabilities.

All her adept techniques were in vain. Once Sivar grabbed her a critical strike always followed.

It’s too unfair. Yet Kara fought on resiliently.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve been so overwhelmingly defeated.’

In Tatars there are many who are much more powerful than she is. Hector is a prime example.

But living in Tatars for so long she was accustomed to defeat. However it wasn’t the same with the academy.

Among the freshmen none could be said stronger than she and even among some professors she could take the advantage if they went all out.

But not Sivar. Disregarding techniques or tactics his sheer overpowering strength constantly pressured her.

‘If you teach that guy techniques…’

How much more powerful could he become? How much more incredible?

How much more…

‘No. Wait.’

There’s no time for such pointless thoughts. Kara firmly decided.

He’s still a wild man who can’t even talk properly. Before that she had to turn him into a person.

But most importantly she had to finish this fight first—whether it ends in her defeat or not matters little.


The lightning-twined broken scimitar or rather the broken scimitar passed and cut Sivar’s hand.

Unlike before she felt the distinct sensation of slicing through. It was a feeling she could never forget.

Kara caught her breath and looked at Sivar. He looked at his hand with slightly surprised eyes.

Then he looked at Kara and slowly extended his hand.


Blood. Palms of Sivar’s large hands were bleeding.

It was barely a scratch but it was significant—it was a hit that counted.


While Kara felt an inexplicable excitement Sivar spoke in his characteristic blunt voice.

Soon after clutching his bleeding hand into a fist he grinned and spoke succinctly.



And with that his fist landed solidly in Kara’s sturdy abdomen. She couldn’t even properly react.

If it had been visible she might have at least reacted. But this attack—she didn’t see it coming.


Kara’s eyes widened as she gasped for air. Even in a constant state of Hardening Technique she couldn’t breathe.

The fight was virtually over with just that but Sivar didn’t stop.


He grabbed Kara’s neck as she slowly fell and threw her hard onto the ground. A pattern used too often but very effective.

Kara felt her consciousness fading with the relentless pain but before she could dwell on that Sivar’s fist struck again.



She managed to guard but it felt as if her bones would break. The lightning had disappeared.

She was trying to keep the Hardening Technique active with what little magic remained.

Thud! Punch! Punch!

But Sivar relentlessly kept landing blows. Kara tried in vain to defend herself but she was overpowered.

And when the indiscriminate barrage of punches came Kara’s remaining magic was exhausted.



Unable to keep the Hardening Technique active she was forced to block the punches with her body.

Eventually Kara’s arm bones broke and Sivar immediately forced her to stand up.

Then with one hand on her neck and the other under her hip he threw her as if hurling a discus.

Crash! Bang! Thump!

Kara’s body rolled uncontrollably before coming to a stop. Despite everything she had not passed out.

Instead she gasped for breath several times before attempting to get up igniting her fighting spirit even with a broken arm.

“Ugh… AH! AH!”

With a fierce battle cry Kara stood up. She glared at Sivar with furious eyes.

Before she knew it he was already close right before her nose.

“Just… *cough*… Wait.”


“Isn’t it… not over yet?”

With a broken arm Kara even assumed a fighting stance. Sivar watched her intently for a moment before extending his hand.

Kara flinched as he reached out but soon saw his open palm.


Sivar’s extended hand was completely fine except for a little bit of blood on it.

His hand which was supposed to have been attacked with full power had healed in less than a minute. Kara with a dazed expression looked up.

“Such… nuisance.”

As she met his gaze Sivar gave a crafty smile and spoke with ease.

“When… hurt?”


He was like a child awaiting praise for a trick with an expectant “Did I do well?”

While the battle was fierce Kara let out a hollow laugh in response to Sivar’s pure and genuinely pure question.

“Wow… seriously…”

His antics were annoying indeed.

“Freaking… too much…”

Weirdly she couldn’t hate him. He was just too naïve and every action of his was endearing.

“Are you really… human…”

With those previously held back words spoken


Kara simply fell backward and laid herself down on the ground.

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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