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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 – Everyone Has a Plan (1)

As Luna found herself amidst a series of tumultuous events a thought occurred to her.

Was academy life always this tough? She knew the competition was fierce but this was just too much.

She had to clean up after Sivar’s messes finish her personal training and uncover the tricks that the demons were playing.

There was just too much to do. By the end of the day’s activities she would collapse into sleep at the dorms drained of all energy.

‘I want to go home.’

It was the thought that came to her mind just before drifting off to sleep each night. If she were home she wouldn’t have to go through all this.

She would have continued to live like a normal person become an adult in the ordinary course and proceeded with her life.

But after meeting her mentor her fate changed completely. She awakened her talents through her mentor and enrolled in the academy.

And now she is grinding through life. The hardships and adversity mentioned by her mentor seemed like an understatement.

“Good morning Miss Luna. Have a nice day.”

“Good morning……”

“You look really tired… Did you not sleep well last night?”

Grace a beauty with sharp features greeted Luna who responded with exhaustion in her voice.

Even Grace who usually had an authoritative aura went so far as to express concern.

Luna during her quick wash glanced sideways at Grace.

“Can you not tell anyone about this? If The Principal hears about it I’ll be in trouble too.”


“Come on then say ‘Ahh.’”



Kara was handing out candy to Sivar. She snapped her fingers and popped it directly into his mouth.

Sivar kept throwing tantrums for candy as if he was having withdrawal symptoms.

Having no other choice Kara secretly gave him one just to end it. Just a common orange-flavored candy by the way.

‘Please just don’t cause any trouble.’

Luna harbored this thought.

“By the way I heard Sivar caused an interesting incident two days ago… or am I wrong?”

As Grace took a seat beside Luna she asked with a hint of curiosity. It was such natural behavior.

Luna faced her directly Grace’s sharp eyes becoming even more prominent at close range.

“…What is it that you want? You Miss Grace should already know about yesterday’s incident don’t you?”

Luna wasn’t short on wits. After such an incident of course Grace would know.

But this was Luna’s first time in such a large society as the academy and she had a lot to learn. Hence her direct question.

“Of course I know. It would be hard to find someone who doesn’t.”

“Then why ask?”

“I’m curious. I want to know exactly what happened. Besides it seems that it was indeed Sivar wasn’t it?”


She fell for it again. Luna’s graceful brow furrowed slightly.

Of course the rumors had spread far and wide so it was easy to guess who was involved.

Therefore it’s highly probable that Grace was seeking confirmation trying to gauge Sivar’s strength.

“…You’re asking even though you know?”

“Yes. Didn’t I tell you before? I want to get close to Sivar too.”

“You’re going to have a hard time.”

Displeasure aside Luna meant that sincerely. She’d prefer it if there were fewer people struggling.

…No. She secretly hoped more people would struggle especially Grace.

She had always been interested in Sivar but had never had the chance to approach him.

Maybe if she just happened to set up the chance Grace would seize it thinking now’s the time.

“Adversity leads to prosperity they say. If someone as exceptional as Sivar becomes an ally how reassuring would that be?”

“Of course ‘other than that’ he’s perfect for tasks requiring strength.”

“Tasks requiring strength… there’s nothing more reassuring than that at the academy.”

“Yes. Right.”

Grace didn’t catch on but Luna emphasized ‘other than that.’ Sivar by nature is more like a powerful child.

Even Hector nearly fell victim to Sivar in a frenzy. That’s why when Sivar causes trouble it’s difficult to clean up.

Thankfully the Sword Saint Rod who is thought to be much stronger than Sivar watches over him closely.

‘It’s probably because he’s instinctively aware that Rod is stronger than him.’

Interestingly Sivar is especially obedient to Rod. Ellie as well though that’s a different kind of obedience.

It’s the feeling of bowing down to an overwhelming force. He must realize just how powerful Rod is to not even dare an attempt.


“What? You want more? No. I need to save some for myself.”

“Just one. Please…”

“Ah alright. Here. But don’t blame me if your teeth rot later.”

Kara who perceives him as a ‘friend’ is quite friendly with him. Sivar might even consider her his first ‘civilized’ friend.

Ellie seems more like a guardian than a friend and so does Rod.

‘So what am I?’

She became curious all of a sudden. How does Sivar perceive her?

She hadn’t realized until now busy cleaning up after him but now it’s become something she’s a bit curious about.

She’ll have to subtly ask the next time just the two of them talk. There’s plenty of opportunity left.

“Miss Grace.”


“You seem particularly interested in Sivar. Aren’t you satisfied with others?”

“Hmm~ Well that’s not entirely true but Sivar seems especially strong to me. That’s all.”

Of course Luna wanted to prevent Grace from using Sivar as much as possible. Essentially it’s a tug of war.

To make Grace work but ensure she can’t manipulate Sivar at will.

If that happens Grace will probably give up and let go. Instead of controlling she’d just be cleaning up after him.

‘I really hope so.’

She knows she shouldn’t harbor these feelings. But so much has happened in such a short amount of time.

The catalyst was the death beam incident two days ago. They nearly lost the precious opportunity they’d worked for.

It was only meant to be a simple inquiry about the mural but the aftermath was terrifying. It even cast doubts on his identity.

“Please refrain from exploiting Sivar as much as possible. It might be more than you can handle Miss Grace.”

“Oh you make it sound like you can manage it yourself?”

“If that’s how you interpreted it then I apologize. But I mean it sincerely.”

Luna smiled sincerely at Grace. Pure undiluted sincerity.

To which Grace wore a mysterious smile finding it rather amusing almost dismissively.

It’s known that those with strong pride show it easily when nudged even slightly.

‘Do you think I can’t do it?’

Grace felt the same way too. Luna’s unmistakable assertion made her pride twitch.

Born into a renowned family she had gained much but her lineage was far from indulgent.

Don’t even think about achieving anything without effort. That was the adage of her family and the ideology that had relentlessly driven her from childhood.

And now she was still striving for recognition from her family. After all the power struggles within the reputable families are notoriously convoluted.

‘I should make as many allies as possible.’

Instead of bringing down foes she planned to make more allies upon entering the academy.

Those were her targets like Luna and the lower-ranking nobles—easy to sway.

‘I’m not looking for competence though.’

United Academy is a place where talents of all varieties enroll. Unless it’s the top-tier distinguishing between skills is meaningless.

Moreover top-tier talents gain state-level attention. Nobility included they are affiliated with the nation.

Even so until recognition was earned the influential Berche duke family hadn’t provided much support.

‘Ones to whom I can devote allegiance.’

Therefore what she is seeking is simple individuals prepared to offer her loyalty.

Pledge loyalty and I’ll give you what you desire. A fundamental principle between monarch and vassal.

Grace was seeking that loyalty and Sivar seemed the best fit.

As he adapts to civilization he’ll feel the need for it. When that happens she’ll reach out.

More importantly he lacks any form of kinship. No parents or background of any kind. A sense of belonging matters a great deal to him.

‘I’ll gradually get closer until then.’

Sivar isn’t an animal so expecting animal-like loyalty is absurd.

While it wouldn’t be bad to have that she might as well get a dog if that’s what she’s after. She doesn’t want an animal.

‘…Even with all this it won’t be easy to gain what I really wish for.’

Grace smiled bitterly to herself remembering feelings she had compromised and forgotten for a while.

However the world isn’t as beautiful as a fairy tale. She once again steeled herself.

To be acknowledged by her family to shape her future she must start now standing firm in her resolve.

“By the way Miss Grace. You said you were assisting Professor Delphoi in his research?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“Has he done anything strange recently?”


Grace leaned slightly forward in response to Luna’s question while Sivar was horsing around with Kara.

Sivar had once said “Professor Delphoi is a beast. Stay away from him.”

She hadn’t understood what he meant then but upon meeting Delphoi she felt something was off.

His manner of speaking was kind but his words were laced with hidden daggers or reeked of inferiority.

Despite the façade one can’t hide their true nature Grace realized feeling an indefinable discomfort around him.

“I’m not sure… I’m still observing it might just be a preconceived notion.”

She couldn’t be definitive. The preconceived notion could be because of Sivar’s advice which isn’t really advice.

She planned to slowly distance herself while observing. There are plenty of capable professors besides Delphoi.

Take Godin for example. He might lack in practice but he’s unmatched in theory.

“I see. Don’t take it to heart too much. Sivar could be mistaken after all.”

“I understand.”

“Has everyone arrived? Quiet down I have an announcement to make.”

Conveniently Marlboro entered the classroom. There’s still time before the class starts.

Moreover it’s not Monday but the Friday before the weekend. It would be normal if another professor were here not Marlboro.

Luna looked forward with curiosity and Sivar who had been playing with Kara also turned his attention.

Once all the students were focused Marlboro cleared his throat to announce plans for a special activity.

“Next Monday there will be a special outdoor practice session not at the academy’s main building.”

The academy practices are usually conducted indoors. Therefore the mention of an outdoor session sounded quite special.

And everyone was curious about this practice when Marlboro began with his stern voice.

“The training will take place in a forest carefully managed by the academy and…”

He paused looking directly at a certain spot—right at Sivar who was sitting next to Luna.

Continuing he previewed the upcoming scenario while explaining the content of the practice.

“The theme is ‘survival.’”


“Surviving in the forest?”

“Hold on. If it’s that kind of thing…”

As Marlboro spoke about the theme the gazes in the room instantly converged on one place. As expected it was towards Sivar.

It was no different for Luna Grace and Kara. Unconsciously their heads turned towards Sivar.

Sivar just sat there with a blank expression on his face.

“The time will be from 7 AM to 7 PM precisely 12 hours. During that time you’ll need to survive on your own in groups. It’d be either teams of three or four. This much should be understandable to everyone.”


“However as suggested by the theme of survival there is a way to eliminate each other that is by removing or destroying the bracelet that will be attached to the wrist.”

Ultimately it’s about competition. Eliminate each other or survive until the end to earn points.

Some thought wasn’t it possible to just hide from the beginning to the end?

But Marlboro’s subsequent explanation shattered that thought entirely.

“At glance hiding till the end doesn’t seem like a bad strategy. However as time passes the range of where you can move will gradually shrink. Within that limited space your options will also decrease.”

“So we’re meant to fight in the end?”

A student raised their hand and asked. Marlboro shook his head in response.

“Once again the choice is entirely up to the team. Whether only your team will survive or multiple teams will nobody knows. Even if it’s a shared first place the points awarded won’t be much different.”

Marlboro then continued to explain various rules. The key point is survival and the moment your bracelet gets damaged you’re instantly out.

If you manage to knock out an opponent without damaging their bracelet they’re still considered in the game.

Professors will be on the lookout for any emergencies and there are hardly any dangerous animals in the forest.

“The worst you might encounter are wild boars and venomous snakes. I recommend bringing an antidote potion in case of snake bites.”

“What if we don’t have an antidote potion?”

“I recommend removing the bracelet. That way the professor will locate and assist you. Do not foolishly risk your life.”

He added that things like meals will be solely up to the participants; no support whatsoever will be given.

A practice session fitting the theme of survival to a tee. Moreover with the terrain being a forest various variables may arise.

“And lastly the most important part team formation…”

As soon as Marlboro’s voice trailed off all eyes focused on Sivar again.

Sivar who had not just survived but lived in the forest was also strong enough to beat Kara.

Ideally one would want to recruit him as a teammate immediately but the world isn’t so easy.

“The teams will be assigned randomly. The professors have already decided on the arrangement.”


Marlboro lightly flicked a piece of paper he brought with him drawing the students’ eyes towards it.

Luna tried to make out the paper’s content with her ‘eyes’ but it was too distant for a detailed look.

“…… Just a moment.”

Suddenly a thought flashed through Luna’s mind. Perhaps she might find some ease of mind for the time being.

Everything would depend on the upcoming team assignments. Luna focused intently on what Marlboro was saying keeping her ears wide open.

“First up Team 1: Luna Estelle.”

To Luna’s surprise her name was called first. She tensely awaited the names of her teammates.

“Antonio Bemos Talia Zerdi.”

She knew of Antonio but Talia was a new name. She would have to learn her face soon.

It seemed the teams were distributed with one from the top tier one from the middle and one from the lower ranks.

“Next Team 2: Kara Meyer Daughter of Hector Zenaya…”

Unexpectedly Luna learned Kara’s full name. Her last name was long and unique.

Luna glanced sideways at Kara who was grumbling as if unhappy with the revelation.

“Look at that announcing who’s daughter to the whole world…”

It appeared that the tradition in Tatars was to add something after names. She’d have to ask for details later.

“Elvin Martis Zerka Banat Rex…”

Sivar’s name didn’t come up right away which only increased the curiosity.

Who would be in Sivar’s team? Not just Luna but Grace was also all ears.

“Team 10: Grace Aria Del Berche Yeonhwa Yi and…”

As nearly everyone had been called Marlboro paused and glanced up briefly.

After giving Sivar a quick look he folded the paper and finished speaking.

“Sivar. That concludes it.”


“Any questions?”

There were many. Too many indeed.

But they knew asking would only return the same answers so no one spoke up.

“I reiterate it’s perfectly fine to focus on survival. You don’t necessarily need to fight.”

Marlboro reiterated clearly telling the students not to bother fighting Sivar.

Sivar himself had overcome Kara with his overwhelming skill. Not to mention the practice ground the forest was like Sivar’s home turf.

It’s impossible to win. It’s better to focus on surviving or target other teams.

“Prepare thoroughly and achieve great results” Marlboro said leaving the classroom. A subtle tension filled the room after his departure.

The practice itself was pretty standard. Survive in the forest and eliminate or persuade competitors.

The problem is Sivar not just a disturbance of the ecosystem but a variant that destroys it altogether.

Amidst a headache-inducing situation one person was clearly enjoying themself.

“What a coincidence. To be in the same team as Sivar.”

“…… Right.”

It almost seemed too coincidental. Had the assignments been forcibly twisted to create this situation?

Regardless for Luna it was a welcome turn of events especially with Grace in the team too.

Now the only thing left was for the thought that had brushed past her mind a moment ago to unfold without hindrance.

“So Miss Luna. If you don’t mind I have a favor to ask.”

“What’s the favor?”

“I’ll need to take Sivar for a moment to plan our strategy and tactics for this weekend only.”

As expected. Luna maintained the best poker face she could manage.

Strategy and tactics are meaningless with Sivar around. He’s a living weapon of strategy himself.

Although Grace was unaware of Sivar’s true capabilities it didn’t matter. The question now was whether to give Sivar to her or not.

“It’s okay to take him. But I’ll come along…”

“That wouldn’t be good. What if our plans are exposed?”

As if. Sivar himself is the plan.

Luna inwardly scoffed at Grace’s brazen response.

It was all within her expectations. Still Grace knew too little about Sivar.

‘But I’m worried…’

Normally she would have said “Take him go ahead!” But faced with the actual situation she hesitated.

Should she sell her conscience for peace of mind over the weekend or maintain her principles?

Normally she would choose the latter but recent events have been too taxing without proper rest.

Moreover maintaining good condition was crucial especially for the upcoming practice next week.

‘Can he get through this without causing a problem?’

Luna looked at Sivar with concern. Sivar oblivious to all this was happily playing with Kara.

Some are wrestling with decisions while others are joyfully playing. She almost exploded with frustration but managed to suppress it.

‘He hasn’t told us any secrets even though he’s been with us all this time.’

Sivar hadn’t said a word about the mural. He was just going with the flow.

It was still uncertain if he had become truly human yet but at least he had never mistreated anyone.

Except Hector that is. And actually Hector had provoked him first so there was room for leniency.

Through this process Luna nodded to herself and reached a decision.

“…… I’ll speak to The Principal. After class you can go with me.”

“Thank you so much Miss Luna.”

She had only sold half her conscience. Given Rod’s personality he’d reluctantly allow it after some rumination.

Above all Grace was absolutely right. They would gather to discuss the team’s plans.

How could she object within a highly competitive academy?

Luna unsure about her own future smiled at Grace who was all grins.

“You are welcome.”

On the outside she was smiling but on the inside she thought.

“F*ck you. Hope you have a bloody hard time.”

Take good care of Sivar.

It’s a stark contrast between the interior and the exterior. In several ways.

“Huh…? What did you… just… say?”


Grace was startled by the frank curse clearly confused by what she had heard.

Luna also realized late that she had misspoken her blood running cold.

She was exhausted which had caused the slip. Normally she wouldn’t have made such a mistake.

Once words are spilled you can’t take them back. With urgency she tried to correct herself.

Even if it’s impossible to recapture one must still make the effort even if it comes off as shameless.

“I said ‘Take good care of Sivar.’ Did I say something wrong?”

“Oh… Ahaha… Right? I must have misheard.”

“Yes. Of course…”

“F*ck you?”

Was it gas that fueled her spectacular bluntness? Or was it deliberate?

“F*ck you. Hard work?”



Sivar repeated what Luna had barely managed to catch.

The atmosphere quieted down once again. Grace’s violet eyes soured.

“Goodness gracious. You should watch your language in front of the child. And Sivar.”


“You shouldn’t say that. That’s a curse a curse.”

Regardless of whether Kara’s admonition went on one thing was certain.

“…… Miss Luna?”


“You use such vulgar language? That’s unexpected.”

She’d have to watch out for Grace’s attitude for a while.

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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