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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 – Saint (2)

Kara had warned me. If a stranger tells you to follow them shout that you won’t!

Back then I snorted at the thought of being dragged away by anyone but not anymore. I’m truly thankful for the advice.

From where I stand Saint Lize is no mere stranger but a formidable force like Rod using the power of indigo magic.

Rod may be endlessly kind and gentle yet Lize is not. Her generosity is tinged with an undaunted spirit an obstinacy that borders on the reckless.

She feels a special bond with those chosen by Chaos due to their scarce numbers hence the mark of impression has been powerfully struck upon me.

“Did you just refuse? Did I hear you say no?”

“Why would she offer something like that to him?”

“Was he a devotee of Chaos?”

When I mustered the courage to voice my refusal the classroom was thrown into disarray once more.

To others unfamiliar with the circumstances this choice of mine to reject the saint’s proposal might seem incomprehensible.

As for me I know all too well the trials and tribulations that would follow if Lize were to take me with her.

“Hmm. A refusal… that’s an unexpected response” Lize murmured with a tone of surprise. It seemed my refusal was not anticipated by her either.

Nonetheless I would have made it clear regardless given her proposal blatantly ignored any context.

“Uh… Lady Saint?”


“Do you happen to know who Sivar is?”

It was Luna’s question posed with a face that could have shown panic but remained composed.

“No. But I can tell his reason and instincts clash with each other.”

“Hmm… Well yes but…”

It seemed she truly had no idea about me. If she did she surely would have said something.

Kara was similar in her reaction yet a tad different; she was a bit guarded at the mention of being taken away.

“But it’s curious isn’t it? To think one would feel fearful of my current appearance ignoring the prior refusal.”


While Luna hesitated on what to say next Lize spoke first noting the fear I felt towards her.

At Lize’s words not only Luna but most of the watching students showed expressions of bewilderment.

Aside from me. Knowing the kind of eccentric Lize is I couldn’t afford to let down my guard.

And true to her eccentricity she possesses a willful disposition. She may not cross the line but she does test it.

“Do you by any chance find my current appearance frightening? Not for the aura but purely based on looks.”

“Not at all…”

Luna responded glimpsing at Lize’s ample chest before turning back to face her.

Lize had the looks befitting the utmost saintliness even if her eyes were as sharp as a cat’s they still softened compared to Grace.

More than just beauty there was a mix of amiability in her looks enough to ease anyone’s wariness.

“And what about you?”

Lize then turned her attention to Kara who with her chin propped bluntly responded.

“…You don’t seem like the type to get into fights do you?”

Kara’s reply was firm yet her caution was unchanged. Her first impression of Lize was not particularly favorable it seemed.

“Indeed. With this appearance it’s hard to invoke fear. Unless it’s quite the opposite.”

Lize hands over chest rivaling Ellie’s answered with assurance drawing even more eyes her way.

Yet appearances can be deceiving. Her chest was not ‘natural’ like Ellie’s; it was ‘cultivated’ by her initiative.

Medical technology in this world isn’t advanced enough for that; rather it’s a unique ability endowed by Chaos.

Thus her chest should be seen as the ‘result’ of Lize’s persistent endeavors.

“But this student is different. You appear afraid as if you know who I am and fear was entwined in your earlier response.”

“Exactly what part of the Lady Saint is Sivar afraid of?”

“That I am not certain. Perhaps he sees people’s true nature?”

“The true nature…”

Luna murmured softly looking at me. To be honest there’s no such thing about appearance and essence.

I fear Lize for knowing just how much of an oddball and how strong she is.

No matter how much I struggle the likelihood of being subdued with a single punch is quite high.

Those who have mastered indigo magic can manipulate space at will.

When space is bent to one’s will defensive capabilities become pointless making them difficult to deal with.

“Indeed what have you observed in me? Your interest piques me more.”

Lize leaned in slowly her face nearing mine. Until her blue eyes brimming with curiosity and excitement were almost touching my nose.

I grew stiff like prey before a predator.

“Lady Saint if you would excuse me it’s about time to begin class.”

It was Marlboro who spoke up subtly as Lize’s gaze grew intense.

On his notice Lize straightened detaching her face from mine.

As headstrong as she may be she respects certain boundaries. That was a relief.

“I’m sorry. Excitement got the better of me upon meeting a brother chosen by Chaos. My apologies if I’ve troubled you.”

“No it’s alright.”

“Until next time brother.”

Lize called me ‘brother’ with an upbeat smile a gesture that would’ve felt inviting to anyone else.

But to me it felt equivalent to a decree of doom. I was marked indelibly it seemed.

“Ladies and gentlemen always remember that the deities are rooting for you. Be strong!”

Lize shared these parting words before stepping out leaving behind an atmosphere reminiscent of a storm passing through.

Upon her departure I felt the tension within me release sharply. A sense of fatigue washed over me as I lost my vigor.

I genuinely thought I was about to be taken away. What if I had even slightly answered incorrectly back there?

In the Soul World one is taken away for the most ungrounded reasons without choice.

If I were to outline what suffering might await it could be described like this:

It would be as if the game suddenly turns into Fist of the North Star or Baki or even JoJo.

‘If it was Knight-Lord mode to begin with at least the style would remain consistent.’

Thankfully this time it wasn’t the Knight-Lord but rather the Saintly appearance that was before us which is a bit less intimidating.

‘But why now of all times? Is it because I’m a follower of Chaos?’

As I previously mentioned for Lize to come like this is an extremely rare event; usually she wouldn’t visit freshmen.

Yet she defied that slim chance and instead sought me out bypassing Luna.

The prospect of what lies ahead is uncertain. Being a devout of Chaos and also a saint it’s difficult to forecast.

“What’s with that guy to receive such attention from the Lady Saint?”

“Indeed. Being chosen by Chaos as well.”

“I wish I were in his shoes.”

To wish for such a thing? Try being entangled with her; you’ll see how draining it is.

Unbeknownst to me the students envied or coveted my position.

“Sivar you really do have quite the popularity especially among the ladies.”

Grace commented whether teasingly or enviously was unclear.

I don’t need this kind of popularity. Interest up to a point is fine but direct relations can be tricky for me too.

“He does seem rather cute doesn’t he? Perhaps that’s why.”

“…Kara your tastes are unique I must say. While Sivar is handsome he’s not ‘cute.’”

“Really? I find his actions cute.”

“That’s even harder for me to understand.”

I could hear Grace and Kara chatting a couple of seats away.

Caught between them Luna remained silent. I just turned my head resting it on the desk.

Was it something Lize said that bothered her? As I turned I caught Luna’s obscure gaze upon me.


From time to time Luna casts unfathomable glances my way. This time was no exception.

Given the existence of the mural and Luna’s perspective it’s a puzzle indeed.

‘I don’t know.’

That’s a thought for another time. For now I need to figure out what to do about Lize.

‘I just hope the genre doesn’t change.’

That was my modest hope.


When Saint Lize arrived unannounced the academy was thrown into an uproar.

More than famous Lize is a worldly figure of authority. Even emperors or monarchs of nations must be watchful in her presence.

Furthermore another title Lize holds is ‘Saint.’ Just being in the presence of a saint is enough to behold but having the power of a saint is even more daunting.

Amid a volatile international climate Rod’s presence fortifies the academy.

Lize is speculated to wield even greater power which can only mean treading carefully is the prudent course.

“I’m not really fond of her.”

“What is it?”

“That woman Lize.”

Kara started as we headed back to the dorm after class. Clearly she hadn’t taken a liking to Lize.

Luna wore a perplexed look when she heard this and Kara glanced back at her.

Her usual expressionless face belied an undercurrent of concern.

To Kara’s eyes it was clear though Luna had yet to realize.

“It’s one thing to be a saint but barging in unannounced causes trouble for people. Surely she knows her own position. At least she’s better than my father Hector in that regard.”

Kara took a subtle jab at Hector. Luna could only respond with a wry smile.

Lize’s actions today indeed had both major and minor effects. The cleric classes had to be spontaneously altered.

The program was the same—a presentation by delegates from each religious order—but an unplanned visit from a saint skewed the day.

Furthermore that saint has taken an interest in Sivar. This has become an unexpected variable for Luna who must have a one-on-one.

“But she is still a saint right? There must be a reason she came to visit. Kara you’re also loved by Gulak can’t you understand?”

“I’m at a loss for words. Even I can’t easily go against Gulak’s words. I just hope she doesn’t trouble Sivar too much.”


At the mention of Sivar Luna turned back to look. Sivar was following quietly.

‘What aspect of the Lady Saint scared him so much?’

Sivar’s emotional changes are often slow to surface. At most he’d slightly furrow his brow.

That’s when he’s making an effort. Expressing emotion is rare for him.

But today was different. Sivar confronted by Lize distinctly showed ‘fear.’

‘Being able to see the true nature of people…’

The phrase Lize used lingered in my mind—the notion that Sivar can see people’s true nature.

It wasn’t entirely implausible. He had sensed Delphoi’s malevolence and broke his wrist in response.

Additionally he had warned Grace kindly. His ‘intuition’ might be exceptionally strong because he grew up in the wild.

‘Those who became close to Sivar tend to have good natures.’

Take Kara as an example. Contrary to rumors of her being violent she’s actually quite kind-hearted.

Her refreshing personality aside from her meticulousness with money is also a charm.

Would they have grown this close without Sivar?

I absolutely do not believe so. Sivar has the ability to peer into people’s true nature.

‘Then why the saint? Why is she so frightening?’

Sivar’s reaction… I’ve often seen it back in my hometown.

Even in the countryside where there’s a bit of everything sometimes during festivals pigs and cows are slaughtered.

The curious thing when approaching livestock for butchering? The animals desperately try to escape.

Some of them even perform frantic aggressive actions. It’s as if they foresee their own death.

‘Sivar was similar wasn’t he?’

It may not be suitable to compare people to livestock but the situation was strikingly similar.

An animal struggling not to be dragged away. The fear on Sivar’s face consumed by dread was quite remarkable.


A familiar voice reaching Luna tore her away from her thoughts. The group including Luna turned their heads.

As they turned a lady with golden eyes Ellie was waving her hand as she approached us.

It seems their classes had ended around the same time and they met by chance.

“Did your class with Kara sis (nuna) end too?”

“Yes. You too finished earlier than expected.”

“It’s almost midterms isn’t it? The professor ended class early so we could study.”

“Ah midterms.”

Indeed midterms were approaching. It feels like time flows slowly yet swiftly at the same time.

“Sivar… Sivar?”


“Why do you look like that? You seem to be having a hard time.”

As soon as Ellie saw Sivar her eyes widened in surprise.

Despite his usual expressionlessness Kara read his emotions instantly.

“I’ve never seen Sivar make that kind of face before… Did something happen today?”

Ellie asked the group touching Sivar’s face this way and that her voice laden with concern.

At this action Kara momentarily felt an odd sensation but then explained what had happened today.

“Sivar was almost kidnapped.”

“What what what?!”


Kara’s summarization was too concise to say the least. Ellie was shocked and Luna merely called out her name quietly.

Kara giggled at their surprised reactions her stark white teeth standing out against her skin.

“Just kidding. Did you hear that the saint visited the academy today?”

“Yeah I heard something about that. That a saint had come.”

“That saint tried to take Sivar away saying something about them both being followers of Chaos.”

“Chaos? The deity that chose Sivar right? The one The Principal explained about last time.”

As Ellie and Kara were discussing Luna looked ahead. They had arrived at their residence.

If it was this time then Rod would likely be inside. And so she lightly knocked on the door.

Knock knock knock – creak-

She pulled the handle after knocking opening the door. It seemed unlocked suggesting someone was indeed inside.

Luna peeked inside where the sofa was visible…

“Ah you’ve come at just the right time.”


The sofa was indeed visible and Rod was sitting there as well.

However what caught her eye more was the mass of muscles sitting opposite Rod.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to call it a mass of muscles. Its shoulders took up more than half of the sofa making one question the perspective.

What in the world was that? Luna blinked and quietly took action.


She inadvertently closed the door she’d opened. For a moment it felt like reality had twisted.


Luna has seen countless monsters in her lifetime. Even a talking lightning squirrel exists in this world.

She had even seen a person as big as a mountain before. Wasn’t Hector seen not too long ago?

Hector whose physique provided a clear origin to Kara’s superior legs.

‘There could be others more massive than that. But that face it was definitely…’

Luna recalled the face of the person she just saw. Angular yet unmistakably that person’s features.

A striking silver hair and eyes as blue as sapphires that shone brightly.

Even the clothing was the same as what she saw in the morning only stretched out now due to muscles.

“What are you doing? Why’d you stop opening the door?”

Behind her Kara asked with a hint of confusion. Luna’s behavior appeared strange.

She opened the door but immediately shut it again. To this Luna rubbed her eyes and replied.

“No it’s just… My eyes were playing tricks on me. Did I see it wrong?”

“What did you see?”

As Luna rubbed her eyes Kara took the initiative and swung the door wide open.



She couldn’t help but feel bemused upon greeting the person at the door.

It was none other than Lize a follower of Chaos who had visited in the morning now smiling brightly in welcome.

It became clear why Luna had been rubbing her eyes. It was because of Lize that she had been so startled inside.


“Sivar? Why what’s happening?”

Meanwhile Sivar gasped in shock and clung tightly to Ellie from behind after sighting Lize.

Ellie surprised by the sudden hug but flustered asked for a reason. It was unusual for Sivar to react like this.

During all this Lize glanced at Sivar flashed a grin and stepped aside to give them space to enter. It was an invitation.

“I’ve spoken with Rod. There seems to be a lot we need to discuss.”

“You won’t do anything strange will you?”

“Of course not. He’s a dear brother after all.”

With that said Kara took a quick glance at Lize before stepping inside.

Luna hesitated but followed watching Lize closely.

‘A delusion… right?’

It was clear the ‘muscles’ she’d seen earlier definitely had to be her imagination.

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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