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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 – Martial Saintess (4)

Having settled on a plan to control the fury the discourse was filled with various small talk. Most of the discussions were about Lize as she was willing to entertain questions in the spirit of fostering friendship. Initially hesitant the group became more comfortable asking her questions as she appeared relaxed and approachable.

“How do you raise sacred power if you have been chosen by Chaos? In the case of deities like Gaia or Gulak you can increase sacred power through prayer or offerings.”

Kara’s question due to the prejudice against barbarians was not unexpected—she’s one of the faithful chosen by Gulak despite her youth controlling lightning freely and offering tributes diligently. Tatars being recognized as a state was in part due to Hector and Kara enjoying the trust of Gulak.

“You might have heard this already but Chaos is known for being very capricious. That’s why nobody can predict when or where or how Chaos wishes to be worshipped.”

Lize answered quietly as she sipped her tea. Even she acknowledges that Chaos is notably unpredictable.

However Chaos’s whims are on the playful side and when the situation calls for seriousness her duty is done reliably.

“Well there are times in desperate situations she’d do strange things. Like empowering the enemy’s body at a crucial moment or on the contrary doing nothing when one needs healing. Thinking about those times sure sends shivers down your spine.”

“…is that something a deity can do?”

Kara showed that she was taken aback. Deities like Gulak provide rewards equivalent to the offerings given and Gaia behaves similarly.

But Chaos not so much. She hands out faith on her whims and the benefits are rather sporadic.

The only trustworthy being is oneself. In the Soul World being chosen by Chaos steeply raises the difficulty level of clearing a game.

“The funny thing is that as much as the difficulty increases so does the player’s growth.”

Just so you know it’s the player who grows not the character.

Somehow through all the crazy trials the player’s own skills improve not just the in-game character’s.

“Chaos may play tricks but her affection for us is no less strong than any other deity. Even if she teases it doesn’t hinder passing the trials. That’s why when Chaos plays tricks I consider it as another trial she presents.”

Lize replied with a refreshing smile. To put it simply she’s attained an almost enlightened state.

Her triumph over these trials is what made her today’s Martial Saintess. The low points might hit rock bottom but the high points pierce the heavens.

“Then as a saintess what can you do with faith? Gaia has healing powers and Gulak ability enhancement.”

“Both are possible. But they’re both… ambiguous. I have healing abilities but they pull on the person’s regenerative capabilities and ability enhancement just pushes the limit of potential.”

“…could you explain that more simply?”

“When Gaia followers use their healing powers I have to accompany it with medical treatment. When Gulak followers bolster their physical abilities I have to do weight training.”

It’s one of Chaos’ biggest features. Didn’t I mention how the player’s personal stats improve?

Accordingly the controlled character also sees a rise in stats. Chaos strictly focuses on ‘individuals.’

Being at a high point is all well and good but the efficiency and convenience are atrocious; that’s one reason Chaos is viewed as a trap.

“With plenty of sacred power usual injuries don’t require any life force from me. Disinfectant potions are enough. I’ve been consistently enhancing my physical abilities.”

“You can’t boost someone else’s power?”

“It is possible. But it’s problematic since it can also enhance an enemy’s abilities.”

Soul World clerics differ from those in other games where they can heal others but not improve their stats.

Even Gulak followers can only do so with other Gulak followers. Attempt to enhance a non-follower and you’re likely to end up barbecued by lightning.

At least with Chaos as Lize explained it’s possible but a big uncertainty is the boosting of an enemy’s stats.

“Demons are an exception though. Although Chaos can be capricious when it comes to demons there’s an absolute animosity. So I can use my abilities with ease if there are only demons around.”

“And if you use it on demons?”

“Their flesh essentially combusts. Demons lacking any color vanish as if paper consumed by fire.”

It’s one of the reasons Lize is the ultimate counter to demons. Demons are extremely vulnerable to the essence of life inherent in sacred power.

If exposed to sacred power their flesh scalds as if struck by white phosphorus and amputating the part becomes the only way to stop it.

You might think it makes banishing them too easy but demons have wildly strong regenerative powers.

Lacking life they aren’t bound by its rules capable of regenerating even a severed head.

No wonder the ‘undead’ are minions of demons. At least the vast consumption of magical energy offers some comfort.

Their weakness is clear and exploiting it makes it easy to overcome them.

“Most ordinary demons will vanish just from the release of sacred power.”

Lize merely radiating sacred power would turn lesser demons to dust.

Only demons of blue or higher could withstand it and yet they’d still suffer considerable injury.

“Just a heads-up there’s no necessity for Brother Sivar to become a cleric. As I mentioned earlier those chosen by Chaos are at a crossroads. It’s my duty to ensure they’re able to walk a righteous path. Because I chose the calling of a cleric I can utilize sacred power with ease.”

“So… does it mean Sivar could end up like you just now with larger muscles?”

Ellie asked tentatively. It seems the muscular figure of Lize’s Martial Saintess mode made an impression.

I should clarify that I have no intention of bulking up at least not like that. Not wanting to and not able to maintain it long if I tried.

Lize echoed my sentiments smiling gently as she responded.

“It’s possible but it’s going to take a long time. I acquired this physique through decades of pilgrimage and accumulating sacred power. What Sivar really needs is not ‘body’ but ‘heart.’ So it’s not an immediate concern.”


Ellie sighed in relief after hearing Lize’s explanation the mere action of sweeping her ample chest drawing attention.

“Why are you relieved? I think he would look cute as a musclehead. You don’t like that type?”

Kara tossed out a teasing remark as soon as she caught Ellie’s reaction. Surely the semblance for such misunderstanding was there.

Catching on to her own words Ellie flushed a little her golden eyes nervously darting around.

“No it’s not that! He’s already big and if he got any bigger it would just make hugging difficult!”



At least to me it was a heartwarming reply. Not so for the others though.

Kara’s amused mouth twitched crafting a faint line while Luna looked on with a bittersweet gaze.

Realizing her own blunder Ellie’s face reddened even further stealthily glancing my way.

“…something feels off.”

I ignored Kara’s mutterings as my interest was more in Ellie’s amusing response.

It’s a natural human reaction to be embarrassed upon exposing one’s true feelings. Ellie was no exception.

In the meanwhile Lize laughed softly making a quip that wasn’t quite a joke.

“It’s heartwarming. I was curious how Brother Sivar suppresses his nature… Ellie you’ve been nurturing him with love.”

“Wh-what? L-l-love?”

Ellie jumped her face ripening to nearly the shade of a persimmon.

She almost looked squeezable making me curious whether pressing her cheeks would cause red juice to drip.

“It’s not that silly. She means something like a family bond.”

Kara who had been observing the situation crisply responded. Her tone suggested some discontent.

Lize for her part didn’t add anything further and merely continued to wear her fresh smile. Rod simply sipped his tea.

Luna seemed… weighted with thoughts. Perhaps she was mulling over Lize’s words.

“Well it couldn’t hurt to check. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. You should elevate your physique since it wouldn’t be detrimental right Brother Sivar?”


“Could you stand up for a moment?”

For what? Briefly puzzled by her request I obediently rose from my spot.

Oh how I wished to lean against Ellie’s bosom forever but that can’t last indefinitely.

Once I stood Lize pointed to a space next to the table. An area right beside the table.

“I’ll excuse myself for a moment. I only mean to check something so I hope none of you misinterpret.”

Following Lize’s guidance I moved to the spot she indicated. There she started stroking various parts of my body—not so much a caress as a thorough check. It was a strangely titillating sensation.

She examined my arms legs abs chest buttocks neck shoulders—everywhere there were muscles to be felt.

“This is… quite…”

Lize’s composed expression shifted to one of excitement her face growing flush as she was occasionally catching her breath.

She looked like an artist who had stumbled upon a masterpiece now rechecking even the areas she had already inspected.

After thoroughly examining my physique Lize with rosy cheeks looked up and exclaimed

“Truly… truly a perfect body!”


I had no idea what she was referring to. I knew my body was sturdy but it was nowhere near her Martial Saintess mode.

It seems I wasn’t the only one puzzled—Rod skeptically questioned Lize.

“Is it really up to thee to say such? Thou art certainly in better shape.”

“I’m not ‘natural’ am I? But look at Sivar. His body naturally honed to the extreme! Truly beautiful. Makes you wonder who could’ve birthed such perfection.”

Lize growing increasingly excited like some kind of fanatic—it’s a good thing she was in her saintess mode.

If she’d shown such a face in her Martial Saintess state… oh no. The thought is too dreadful to consider.

“If it isn’t too much… could you remove your clothes? I just need to verify.”


There are limits even to madness and I refused Lize’s proposal immediately returning to the safety of the sofa.

Upon my return I dove into Ellie’s embrace. Indeed that woman is fearsome in more ways than one.

“Just kidding. Could you come back here? There’s something more I need to check.”

Lize possibly joking before asked kindly as she gestured back to the place. Some part of me wished it wasn’t a joke.

Putting my reluctance aside I left Ellie’s embrace and went back to where I had been. Then to my surprise Lize sat down on the floor with a thud.

“Let’s see if you’re fully utilizing that body. Do you know what arm wrestling is?”

Of course I do. I’ve seen Kara and Luna occasionally take part in it.

I complied with Lize’s request and lay down on the floor too. Lying there allowed me to see Lize’s face head-on.

But in my view now was her chest compressed like a steamed bun looking like it could barely draw breath though Lize seemed unaffected.


“Hm. Your grip is most definitely strong.”

Locking hands Lize immediately praises with a content smile. I stared back at her.

Perhaps I could win over saintess mode Lize? After all saintess mode Lize may have focused too much on faith.

Grip tight!


Those thoughts dissipated after merely 30 seconds. Luna declares ‘start!’ and my efforts are in vain.

I struggled to overcome her but she was like a tree rooted deeply—it didn’t budge.

Instead she was the picture of serenity. So I was the one left bewildered.



I let go for a moment to regroup and charge up but my arm instantly got floored hitting the ground hard enough to crack it.

I looked at my slightly numb hand briefly then turned back. Lize stood up grinning with ease.

“No matter how splendid the body it’s meaningless if you don’t know how to use it. What did you say about the ‘bright side of a worthless coin?’”


“Arm wrestling isn’t just about the forearms biceps and triceps Brother Sivar. You need to know how to use your back muscles too.”

Feeling enlightened by her words.

“I’ll teach you soon. How to properly utilize the body.”

As if she’s a towering ‘wall’ in and of herself.

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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not work with dark mode