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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 – Quick Wits (3)

Recently instances of Sivar causing trouble had been nearly nonexistent. This was due to the close surveillance by his guardians and acquaintances and the fact that he was hardly ever left alone.

The moment someone took their eyes off him he might wander around and get into mischief thus constantly drawing attention – like a cat knocking over a cup left on the table. The moment you look away something concerning happens.

Nevertheless it’s hard to stay upset with Sivar. Due to his usual lack of strength control accidents tend to happen inadvertently.

“Ah… So that’s the student from the forest…”

Even the cleric though belatedly recognizing Sivar’s identity showed leniency. There was a hint of understanding in his demeanor.

But a mistake is a mistake. Luna who had broken into a sweat defending Sivar turned her head towards him.

“You shouldn’t touch things carelessly. Unless you can pay for them which you can’t can you? You don’t have a lot of money right?”


“You’re reflecting on this right? I’ll take responsibility this time so don’t do it again.”

Kara was sternly reprimanding Sivar though it seemed closer to a gentle scolding than an actual admonishment.

Kara initially adopted a strict expression which gradually softened into a tender smile.

Sivar also appeared to be showing genuine remorse and his keen awareness of his mistake only softened her heart further.

‘I guess there’s more to him than just an expressionless face.’

It was the first time seeing Sivar be so conscious of his surroundings. It’s a rare and precious moment.

Having lived in the wild Sivar seldom needed such awareness; hence this must be a form of ‘socialization’.

Although he did cause a big incident today the fact that he is reflecting on it was already a significant progress.

‘The Principal…’

She had already had her stash of candies confiscated. If this news reached The Principal’s ears she might lose a month’s worth.

While Kara and Ellie had been sneakily offering her candy it’s still inconvenient not to be able to eat it openly.

Perhaps his newfound perceptiveness originated there fretting about being seen by The Principal.

“Fortunately we have insurance for situations like this.”


“Yes. Since there are sometimes accidents like the one caused by Mr. Sivar places like museums typically carry insurance. Moreover this is practically a historical archive so there’s no need to worry.”

The cleric mentioned that they’d need to take care to prevent such events in the future.

Luna nodded in agreement likely also intending to be more cautious then paced over towards Sivar.

By then Kara was already chatting with Sivar about various things. Despite scolding him sharply it seemed to have dissipated quickly.

“It’s fine Sister. The cleric said it’s okay. Insurance or something… Anyway there’s no need for compensation.”

“That’s a relief. But what about this?”

Luna indicated a point with her long finger reflecting upon Kara’s words. Luna followed Kara’s hand with her gaze.

The commemorative tower model that Sivar had destroyed was collapsed in pieces.

It was supposedly sculpted from stone but it was unclear whether it had crumbled because it was ancient or because Sivar’s strength was too great.

‘They said they’d take care of it…’

Luna picked up a piece of the model giving a quick glance and holding it with care since it was slated for disposal anyway.

The model looked ordinary at first glance but Sivar’s interest suggested there might be more to it.

‘Is it because it resembles the tower he climbed?’

Inspecting it further it looked identical to the commemorative tower including geometric patterns drawn on it and even the clock was accurate.

“Sivar why did you touch this? Did you want it?”

Luna questioned why Sivar had taken interest in the model. It was important to know his reasons even if it appeared to be just a toy to him.

“Just because.”

“Just because?”

At his response Luna found herself at a loss for words.

Kara asked if she should buy Sivar something similar but he just shook his head in refusal.

It appeared to be a simple mishap an overlap of coincidences. Sivar possibly didn’t fully understand the principle of not carelessly handling items.

Before setting down the model piece Luna paid close attention to the patterns engraved upon it. They seemed strangely familiar.

‘Could it be…?’

While the two nearby chatted Luna focused intensively. Soon a glow alighted in her blue eyes.

[A Broken Colorless Magic Circle]

[A magic circle crafted without any use of color]

[A special-purpose magic circle. Only one kind of being does not use colors.]

[Special Effect: ???]


She almost dropped the model at the message that filled her vision. It was a chilling realization.

At last she’d found another demon’s magic circle and evidence to submit to Rod.

Although the model had broken damaging the magic circle this alone was enough.

‘Could this be more than coincidence?’

Luna managed to quell the trembling in her heart as she looked at Sivar. He had an uncanny knack for finding these things; he had done it before and now again.

It felt like random chance especially since their first magic circle find had been an accidental utterance.

But with someone like Sivar involved attributing it to mere coincidence seems insufficient. A mysterious man full of enigmas.

‘It’s not just coincidence is it? It can’t be.’

Anyone else might have dismissed such a coincidence but not when it involves Sivar.

And that mural predicted to be ‘of the future’ – just that alone could provide substantial grounding.

Luna pocketed the broken model piece after alternately looking at it and at Sivar.

The cleric had indicated that it didn’t matter whether she took it or not so it seemed reasonable to keep it.



“If you’re ever interested in something tell me first okay?”

If predictions held true Sivar was detecting the colorless magic circles. Instinctively at that.

Just as a trained dog sniffs out drugs at a checkpoint so too might Sivar be utilized in a similar manner.

If it’s not just chance then it’s highly probable that most items of Sivar’s interest are closely linked to the colorless magic circles.

‘When can I get a moment alone with him?’

She also sought an opportunity for a private conversation with him. It would be challenging with Kara around.

Luna brainstormed for the best way to get some private time with Sivar.

‘Maybe after lunch would be a good time?’

That seemed to be the best timing. Today’s schedule was roughly as follows:

In the morning they would study mythology and history at the historical archive and in the afternoon they would split up amongst the various church orders.

Those who favor Gaia head to the church and those who follow Gulak go to the shrine. If one is not interested they need not attend at all. She planned to skip both having no interest in religion.

In truth it was less about interest and more about needing to acquire basic training on her own.

‘Kara will probably go to Gulak’s shrine then.’

Given that Kara is a devoted follower of Gulak it’s likely. But it might still be wise to ask just in case.

As the cleric recommenced the guidance Luna quietly inquired of Kara.

“Sister you’re going to visit Gulak’s shrine in the afternoon right?”

“Huh? Of course why wouldn’t I? Lord Gulak would be disappointed otherwise.”

Just as expected. Luna smiled with satisfaction to herself.

That’ll be the time to meet with Sivar alone. She already had the location pinpointed.

The variable might be accidentally encountering Ellie who was currently engrossed in studying for midterms.

In other words after lunch everything would be perfect. Any other time and the opportunity would be absent.

But perhaps she had dawdled too much…

“Sivar do you want to come along? Though you’re a follower of Chaos you could still visit right?”


“Wait what?”

Kara beat her to it and even Sivar responded affirmatively.

For Luna who was secretly (maliciously?) hatching plans this was a disconcerting development.

If Sivar accompanied Kara everything would be thrown off. Thus Luna spoke out in a slightly panicked and confused tone.

“Sivar? How about just relaxing during lunch? Report back to The Principal and organize your basic skills—let’s spend it together. That might be better.”


Luna blurted out something that could be misinterpreted. Naturally Kara could sense an ulterior motive in her statement.

However Sivar caught in the middle simply stood there with a puzzled expression as if to say “Why all this all of a sudden?”

“What’s that Luna you’re taking it easy? I didn’t realize you had no interest in religion.”

“Well I… The muscle soreness is worse than I thought. I figured it’d be better to report to The Principal and relax instead…”

“Then rest by yourself. Why do you need to drag Sivar along for that?”


Luna had nothing to say. Kara’s point was valid.

If you need rest do it on your own. Don’t involve others unnecessarily. That’s what Kara was saying.

Thinking about it everything she said was true so Luna couldn’t really argue. But today was essential.

“Shouldn’t Sivar have a rest day too? And visiting the shrine could be done tomorrow as well.”

“Mm. That’s true. A rest day for everyone doesn’t sound bad. We can visit the shrine together tomorrow.”


Get a grip woman!

Luna barely managed to suppress the frustration rising in her throat.

Kara is usually not oblivious. In fact she’s quite astute in understanding what others want.

But today for some reason she seemed clueless. Luna couldn’t fathom why.

“Oh dear do you mind if I join in? It’s time I bought Sivar a cake anyway.”

“Can you buy one for me too?”

“Why don’t you buy it yourself Princess? You’ve got plenty of money.”

“You’re cold.”

Even Grace who had overheard the conversation chimed in further inflating Luna’s vexation.

Yeonhwa appeared to be slipping away discretely but alas Grace swiftly caught hold of her.

Luna couldn’t understand how things had gotten to this point. She bit her lip in frustration.

‘Ah seriously…!’

Why does nothing ever go according to plan? Luna couldn’t hide her irritation evident on her face.

Perhaps finding her vexation adorable Kara broke into a refreshing smile and drew her face close to Luna’s.

Then whispering into Luna’s ear Kara murmured softly.

“Did you think I was that clueless?”


Luna looked at Kara in bewilderment only to see Kara giving her an ‘as if’ look.

“You sly little thing trying to be cunning? I’ll need to keep an eye on you.”


I want to go home.

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A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Usually when you possess a novel, you start in the city, but I fell into the forest.


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