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All Football Talents Are Mine Chapter 207

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207. Graduation and the real start (1)

After the game was over, the absolute value of ‘advanced ball sense’ increased a small amount when he wanted a ‘sophisticated first touch (A+3)’ from Benzema.

Moreover, he was able to bring in Zinedine Zidane’s valuable talent called ‘phenomenal de-pressing (S+)’.

This is because the hidden condition was ‘an official retirement ceremony’.

Late at night.

After the official retirement ceremony, a press conference was held in the basement of the stadium.

Zidane’s eyes were already red before he even started.

No matter how calm his personality was, he couldn’t easily hold back his feelings of joy.

Meanwhile, a reporter asked.

“You have clearly become a real Madrid legend and a representative symbol of France, on par with Michel Platini. There were many fellow players along the way. “Who is the most memorable player?”

An embarrassing question that cannot be left out when talking about a retirement ceremony.

When asked this question, most players end up giving vague answers.

However, Zidane spoke spontaneously and without any additions or omissions.

“There are countless memorable people. France will have Vieira Makelele Desailly Henry and others, and Real Madrid will have Raul Carlos Guti Ronaldo Casillas Salgado and others. And as everyone knows, Woo Ho-young was in my twilight years. “I would like to express my endless gratitude to them.”

“Your last words are very touching. But here’s something interesting. “Did Woo Ho-young really make big or small changes in your soccer life, as is known to the public?”

“I started playing soccer because of Enzo Francescoli and Michel Platini. And the reason I started playing soccer again was Woo Ho-young.”

He started the interview with those words and continued for over 30 minutes.

He usually had a quiet personality, but today he had a lot he wanted to say.

And right after the interview.

After leaving the press conference, Zidane went into the smoking room and smoked a cigarette.

“Now I can write wherever I want.”

Now that I am retired, I can smoke proudly anywhere.

In fact, he had an inseparable relationship with cigarettes.

Long ago known as a famous heavy smoker, he would always smoke while avoiding the eyes of reporters.

I have tried to quit smoking countless times, but I have failed every time.

The longest I tried to quit smoking was after the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

From the day I looked at Woo Ho-young and pledged to make a comeback, I didn’t even touch a cigarette for about two years.

That was also the reason I postponed my retirement.

Zidane chuckled as he looked out the window at the Bernabeu Stadium.

As previously stated in an interview, it was all thanks to Woo Ho-young that he was able to play here longer.

‘He’s a mysterious guy.’

The time I spent with him was always mysterious and wonderful.

In the past, he surprised people with his amazing potential, but these days, he is giving joy with his jaw-dropping skills.

Seeing Woo Ho-young grow so much brought a smile to my face.

I felt immensely proud after teaching it myself for 1-2 years.

Without exaggerating, it was Hoyoung who taught him more passionately than his own son.



Now, all of that has become a thing of the past.

I was also saddened by the thought that my traces would be lost at Santiago Bernabeu, where I had worked for eight years.

Of course, it was not my intention to leave Madrid altogether.

I have long wanted to take a coaching position at Real Madrid and develop into a manager.

But the problem was Calderon.

There was no way he would hire Zidane, who had a very close relationship with Perez.

‘I guess I’ll have to leave Madrid for a while.’

It was obvious that if I stayed here, I would become Calderon’s political victim.

I had already received a phone call from Perez some time ago.

So, I decided to leave Madrid for a while for the future.


After smoking a cigarette, my mind cleared up.

The next place we headed to was the locker room.

It was to clear his space, which had not yet been cleared out of consideration by the club.

Of course, all the lights were off.

The players must have already gone back a while ago.

But that was right then.

Crack, tap.


Suddenly, the lights turned on and the players who were lying flat on the floor got up one by one.

“Oh my god…”

A small wrinkle appeared at the corner of Zidane’s mouth.

Aren’t all the players who should have already left on the team bus a while ago still left?

The atmosphere was extremely serious.

At least one person could have burst out laughing, but everyone had serious expressions on their faces.

The same goes for Marcelo, who is usually very playful.

This was the attitude of the players toward the end of the legend.


“Jiju, thank you for your hard work.”

Raul appeared as a representative and hugged Zidane.

“Those guys too…”

Zidane’s eyes got teary-eyed again.

Because I’ve always been shy, I was especially vulnerable to events like this.

But it didn’t end there.


The lights went out again, and a sturdy man suddenly popped out from behind.

Hoyoung, who was holding a cake with lit candles, was approaching Zidane.

The face was relaxed.

Hoyoung had hoped that this moment would never come more than anyone else, but he thought he should let him go in a cool way.

That way, you won’t have any regrets.

And I thought Zidane would definitely return to Madrid as a coach.

“You did a really good job.”


Zidane, who received an unforgettable gift until the last moment, could only say that.

That was their last.

August 30th.

The next day, all the players were given a nice rest.

However, Hoyoung was busy preparing to go out in the morning.

I waxed my hair, put it on one side, dressed neatly, and left the house in the car that Lucci had waiting for me.

The time I left home was 8 am, and it took about 30 minutes to arrive at SAK International School El Castillo.

“Wow, there are a lot of people.”

Even though there was a week left until the start of school, the front of the school was crowded.

What was different from usual times was that most of the students, parents, and other outsiders were dressed in dresses or suits.

“This is what Spanish graduation ceremonies are like. “I didn’t know that students would also wear dresses and suits.”

“Is Korea like that too?”

“Um… I don’t know. “I’ve never been to middle school in Korea.”

“haha. “That’s true.”

Today was the graduation ceremony of SAK International School El Castillo.

In other words, it was Monica’s graduation ceremony.

“Then, please be careful. Instead of being surrounded by fans and calling to ask for help. “You know that’s the hardest thing, right?”

“Tsk tsk. Don’t worry, just come and do your business. “Then I’ll go and come back.”

Today again, Hoyoung, wearing sunglasses, quietly entered the school.

There were definitely paparazzi around, but there was no time to worry about that.

‘I touched up my hair a little differently today, so you won’t recognize me much.’

And that was the moment I entered the entrance.

“uh?! WHY?”


A boy recognized Hoyoung just one second after entering the school.

“You’re Woo Ho-young, right?”

“hello. “Please pretend not to know.”


Hoyoung shook his hand and asked, and the boy started rummaging through his pockets with a puzzled look on his face.

“Holy shit.”

Then he immediately made a disappointed face.

“I don’t have a pen…”

“I’ll be sure to sign your autograph next time we meet.”

“Ah, wait a moment. Please stay a moment. I’m a fan. No, I mean it’s an idol.”

He, who seemed to be Hoyoung’s age, quickly ran somewhere and got a pen.

Immediately after, he lifted his shirt halfway up his back and said.

“Please sign there!”

“This is a permanent marker.”

“yes that’s right. “You can do that!”

“Oh yeah.”


I forgot about it for a moment.

The truth is that for Spaniards, soccer is life itself.

“It’s done.”

“Wow, thank you. thank you. “I’m really a fan.”

“haha. Thank you. “Let’s shake hands.”

“thank you!”

How grateful I am that someone else likes me so much.

Hoyoung moved on again, providing fan service with sincerity.

But by then it was already too late.

Numerous people were watching Hoyoung.

He knew how to read the flow on the soccer field, but he couldn’t use it properly here.

“omg. “Look over there.”

“Isn’t it Woo Ho-young?”

“Why did Woo Ho-young come here?”

“I guess I know someone!”

“Surely your girlfriend?”



“It’s the opposite.”

“Then let’s take a look.”

Numerous people, regardless of age or gender, were flocking to the center.

Hoyoung was already half resigned.

Because it didn’t happen once or twice.

‘Is your hair too bright today? Or sunglasses?’

Looking at the particularly uproarious reactions from women, it seemed like that wasn’t the only reason.

To be honest, I paid more attention to my appearance and clothes today than usual.

Maybe that’s why people’s reaction was even more explosive.

‘It’s huge.’

Soon Hoyoung was surrounded by a crowd of people, so he put everything down and took off his sunglasses.

Since I had decided to take a good rest today anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to think of this as a surprise fan signing event.

The students who were preparing for the graduation ceremony inside the school at that time were not in an uproar.

“Hey, did you hear that?”


“They said Woo Ho-young was outside.”

“what? where!”

“They say they’re coming into the school?”


“Hey, where are you going! “You need to prepare for the graduation ceremony, you crazy bitch!”

This was a natural phenomenon as Hoyoung’s main fan base was ‘teenage girls’ and ‘men between the ages of 5 and 100’.

Starting early this year, they made Hoyoung into a character and sold things like school supplies, but their main customers were teenage girls and men with children.

The image rights income received by the club and Hoyoung was also good.

To that extent, the Woo Ho-young craze was currently blowing all over the world.

But there was one girl who didn’t understand this.

“Oh my. Everyone is not upset. It’s a graduation ceremony that only happens once in the world. “Is this your first time seeing a soccer player?”

Maria Sarda.

Although she had a rich and handsome boyfriend, she had never felt attracted to Woo Ho-young as a man.

And above all, Asians were not her taste.

I’ve never actually seen Woo Ho-young, but even if I did, I don’t think I would be particularly impressed.

So I couldn’t understand the actions of other friends.

What on earth is he so good about that they are making such a fuss?

“Hey. Are you a Woo Ho-young fan too?”

Sarda asked a girl who was doing makeup next to her.

Then Monica said.

“huh. “I like it very much.”

The two were roommates.

However, their relationship was not all that good.

As always, Sarda was jealous of Monica, who had a pretty body, and always wanted to find fault with her.

Today was no different.

“You have a boyfriend too, right? I sneak out every night and talk on the phone. “I’ll be upset if your boyfriend finds out.”

“I’m not doing it anymore. “She bought me a cell phone.”

“Oh my, are you bragging about how rich your boyfriend is? He too. “There are so many people our age.”

Monica just laughed at those words.

I thought, “Yes. I wanted to say, “Woo Ho-young is my boyfriend~”, but he wasn’t my real boyfriend.

At least that’s what Monica thought…

‘Maybe it’s just me who thinks that way.’

That was the reason why sometimes I couldn’t say it even if I wanted to.

Finally, Sarda spoke.

“Come out quickly~ We’ll start soon.”


The graduation ceremony, which took place a short time later, began with a splendid congratulatory performance by the juniors, as expected from an art school.

Students graduating this year will either enter a professional sports center affiliated with the school or have a separate coaching staff to pursue their dream of competing in the Olympics.

This year, Monica was scheduled to enter a professional sports center that costs relatively less money.

Of course, the cost of studying abroad was enormous, so I had to get help from my family, but I was fortunate just to be able to come to Spain.

Eventually, as the graduation ceremony ended successfully, Monica looked around.

Most of the other friends were already taking pictures with their parents.

‘Has Hoyoung come yet?’ That was around the time I was thinking.


A voice urgently calling out to Monica.

“Take a picture!”

It was Maria Sarda.

And standing next to her was her boyfriend, who was always boasting about how rich and handsome he was.

There was no reason to refuse, so I accepted the request right away.

“Taking pictures?”


It was right after I took a picture like that.


“Oh, Hoyoung! “You’re here.”

“then. “I had to go to the bathroom for a moment at the last minute.”

It was Hoyoung who suddenly popped out from behind.

At that moment, Monica seemed to have stopped breathing.

The feeling was even more special as we met in nice clothes.

Anyone could see that he was a handsome man and woman.

Hoyoung’s properly styled appearance was cooler than expected, and the same was true for Monica, who was wearing makeup and a dress.

And then something really interesting happened.

“excuse me!”

Sarda’s boyfriend rushed over.

Amazingly, he was one of the boys who got an autograph this morning.

“Let’s take a picture together!”

He abandoned Sarda and quickly ran to Hoyoung and took a selfie.

Sarda asked Monica what was going on.

“You two…know each other?”

The person who answered this was Hoyoung, not Monica.

“He’s my boyfriend.”

At those words, the thumping sound rang so loudly that it seemed as if it would leak out.

It was Monica’s heartbeat.

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All Football Talents Are Mine

All Football Talents Are Mine

All Soccer Talent Is Mine, Soccer Talent Is All Mine
Score 9
Status: Ongoing
Ho-yeong dreamed of becoming a professional football player. But God didn’t give him the talent, and he died by a lightning strike without achieving his dream. Then, the demon Mammon appeared and gave him the ability to steal the talent of other players.


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