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Golden Mage Chapter 15

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Volume 1, Chapter 15

“You should ask for more if you’re going to receive something anyway.”

Seeing El’s sparkling eyes, Bryon couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Heh-heh, sure, that’s fine. What do you want?”

“I want a book on making golems.”

Bryon’s expression stiffened at her words, and he replied with a slightly serious tone.

“Hmm, golems, that’s a problem to consider. If we’re not careful, all the magicians in this country could be after us.”

El chuckled, as if she had expected Bryon’s response.

“That won’t be the case. After all, isn’t the Magic Stone here? Even if there are blueprints, they cannot restore the Knight Golem, which even the magicians of Banjack couldn’t create. If I restore it, I’ll naturally share the method with Tower Grandfather.”

‘Of course, I’ll just share the method; I can’t guarantee that I can actually create it.’

El wanted the blueprint for the golem to complement the weakness of magic users in close combat. But there was another, more significant reason for her request.

Currently, there were golems on the continent. However, they were not combat golems but worker golems, slow-moving and clumsy, unsuitable as escorts for magicians.

But there was a golem that overcame these limitations.

The Knight Golem, known as the strongest among golems, was once a force to be reckoned with, powerful enough to open the era of knights.

However, as time passed, the decline of magic occurred, and now, although there were blueprints, creating it had become impossible.

However, El knew a way.

Based on her separate research, she believed that it would be possible with the Earth’s formulas that could organically connect magic circles.

“I see!”

Bryon’s face lit up with considerable interest. Indeed, El was more exceptional than any genius he had ever seen.

With her, there was a possibility that the Knight Golem could be revived.

After making his decision, Bryon nodded his head. Since it was just a book, a copy of the blueprint, it wouldn’t be of any help to him to save it.

“Fine, I’ll give it to you. Will that be enough?”

El smiled brightly.

“Thank you. It’s something I really needed.”

“I might be at a loss, but I can afford to lose something for the Magic Stone. Alright, the deal is done. We don’t need a written contract, right?”

El laughed.

“If a magician dealing with mana tells a lie, then that magician is no longer a magician, right?”

“Heh-heh, that’s right, your words are correct.”

Bryon nodded with an embarrassed expression. A true magician strictly abided by their words, and there was no need for further discussion.

Bryon spoke with a slightly shy expression, “I made a mistake. So, when can you tell us?”

El pondered for a moment before answering, “Come in three days.”

“Then, I’ll wait.”

With that, the conversation ended. After the negotiation, Bryon congratulated Sylphyr on becoming a 5th class Master. Then, he greeted Serena and Kaina.

Kaina’s cold response caused some commotion, but Bryon could still smile genuinely after a long time.

Thus, El and her party spent some time at the Tower before leaving.

And they headed back to the inn.

As they returned to the inn, Kaina grabbed El’s clothes and said with a puzzled expression, “T-Thank you.”

El grinned and patted Kaina’s red head. The silky touch felt pleasant on her hand.

“Then get stronger. And protect me and Mom, okay?”


“That’s settled then. Kaina is also part of our family.”

El held Kaina’s hand. Kaina felt a bit embarrassed but didn’t reject her touch. Thanks to that gesture, Serena’s eyes sparkled, and El reached out and held Serena’s hand too.

Then, a gentle smile spread across Serena’s face.

Finally, El approached Sylphyr and gave her a big hug, smiling brightly.

Sylphyr smiled in response to El’s peaceful appearance. This was exactly what El had hoped for, and also what Sylphyr had desired for her son.

Back when El was twelve years old, this was the most blissful time.

Chapter 6: Golden Knight

Time passed slowly yet quickly.

Two years had passed since their return from Banjack.

During this time, El spent peaceful days while leading a busy life.

The issue of the Magic Stone was easily resolved. Since she knew that understanding the Earth’s formulas would be difficult, she created a magic seal that connected the formulas organically.

With this approach, the production of Magic Stones began explosively. Devell’s upper management expanded significantly as they sold thousands of Magic Stones each month, reaping immense profits.

Devell’s revenue increased by an astonishing 50,000 gold per month.

As a result, Devell’s status grew rapidly, and it became one of the top ten upper-tier magicians on the continent.

They not only sold the Magic Stones but also purchased various metals incessantly. All the metals were sent to a small village near Banjack.

“Is this the place?”

Bill, the elite assassin of Blood Moon, had received a commission from Jaktap, the powerful force in the northern part of the continent, to come here.

The mission was to capture the person who developed the Magic Stone and bring them back to Jaktap.

Jaktap had always conducted a significant number of magic experiments, so they consumed a substantial amount of mana stones among all magical materials.

When they investigated the Magic Stone, they soon learned that the person who developed it lived in a small village near Banjack.

Jaktap tried to persuade the person to reveal the secret of the Magic Stone, but Devell’s movement was one step ahead.

They first announced the ownership of the Magic Stone.

With this declaration, Jaktap was forced to hold back their actions.

As the supply of Magic Stones increased dramatically, there were voices within Jaktap’s ranks suggesting they should simply purchase them.

Consequently, Jaktap decided to make a secret request to Blood Moon.

The request was to kidnap the developer of the Magic Stone and bring them back to reveal the secret of the Magic Stone. This way, Jaktap could produce the Magic Stones themselves.

Because of this request, Bill, the elite assassin, ended up in this remote rural area.

“No more, huh?”

El, who had come outside for her morning exercise, raised an eyebrow when she saw a dead body in the courtyard.

She couldn’t remember how many times this had happened. At first, she was startled, but after it occurred two, three, and even double-digit times, she had become completely immune to it.

By observing the situation, it was clear that an assassin was involved.

Undoubtedly, someone received an order to kidnap her and infiltrated the mansion, only to meet a tragic end before even entering.

El’s hand flicked, and three huge figures, about 5 meters tall, appeared without a sound.

Their dignified stature and slightly sluggish movements, but still agile like any knight, showed that they were golems.

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Golden Mage

Golden Mage

Score 8
Status: Ongoing
I lived a life repaying my parents’ debt and died unjustly. “It’s unfair that I died after living a lonely and poor life!” But after opening my eyes in place I’ve never seen before, I became Ell. In order to protect his family in this life, Ell needs power and money. “I’m going to become the best mage and obtain both.” Ell will obtain everything in this life by using his management skills as a pro-gamer from his past life and his genius-level mathematics !


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