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Golden Mage Chapter 91

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Volume 4, Episode 1

Chapter 1: A Shifting Power Balance

The conflict between the Golden Tower and the Holy Empire, which had captured the continent’s attention, gradually subsided. The unexpected outcome left everyone astonished.

News spread that a Saint had appeared, and the news of the Golden Tower Lord taking a woman to become the Saint was also widespread. Moreover, the fact that the Golden Tower Lord did not hand over the woman who was to become the Saint was a tremendous surprise.

The people of the continent knew well how devout the figures of the Holy Empire were. It had been hundreds of years since a divine revelation was granted.

The individuals of the Holy Empire pledged to follow the words of God even if they had to fight against the entire continent.

Half a year later.

After an extensive search, the people of the Holy Empire finally found the whereabouts of the Saint.

It was none other than the Troll Valley, also known as the Valley of Death.

However, someone already resided in the Troll Valley. It was the Golden Tower Lord himself. If the Golden Tower Lord had willingly handed over the woman to become the Saint, the matter would have been easily resolved.

But the Golden Tower Lord did not do so. He proclaimed that the woman who was to become the Saint was the woman he loved and captured the representative of the Holy Empire and the illustrious Order of Radiance.

And thus, the war broke out.

Though he fought against the Holy Empire to protect his beloved, everyone on the continent believed that the Golden Tower would crumble without a doubt.

Armed with faith, an army of ten thousand Holy Knights, hundreds of thousands of Holy Warriors, and high-ranking clerics filling the role of mages—such a force couldn’t be ignored even by an empire.

However, the result was entirely different. The Golden Tower’s power surpassed all expectations.

He captured Vollec, one of the twelve representatives of the Holy Empire, and the Order of Radiance without any casualties. He then thwarted the dispatched Grand Master Dyad Duke and the Order of Silver Cross. He even launched a surprise attack on the Papal See, chilling the hearts of the Holy Empire.

Though they wished to send three hundred thousand Holy Warriors to sweep away the Golden Tower in an instant, the presence of a Golem comparable to a Grand Master and a 7th-class mage made it impossible for the Holy Empire to move recklessly.

As a result, the Holy Empire entered into long-term strategic deliberations, and the continent entered a temporary state of peace.

However, it was not the end.

Amidst the conflict with the Holy Empire, the hidden dispute over the throne in the Tollian Kingdom, which had been silent, resurfaced.

And the situation had started to shift significantly, thanks to Lord Rubius, who was closely associated with the Golden Tower Lord.

“Your help has been truly fortunate,” said Lowellin, bowing his head.

“No, Your Majesty, I have merely done what I had to do,” replied Lord Rubius.

“Haha, that’s not true. In a time when all the nobles are blinded by their own interests, you remain unwavering in your loyalty to the royal family. We are truly grateful for your support,” said King Redolph, with a smile on his face.

It was understandable. With the support of the local nobles gathered around Lowellin, the Third Prince faction gained considerable strength, securing a favorable position in the political landscape.

The hidden power of the royal family had its limits. If those who ascended to the throne did so based on power rather than the support of the nobles who would lead the future nation, the kingdom would inevitably fall into extreme turmoil. The core of the kingdom was the king, and its foundation was the nobility.

As a result, the nobles led by Lowellin became the foundation and a driving force for the Third Prince faction.

But it didn’t stop there.

The power amassed by each local noble was significant, and, most importantly, behind Lowellin stood the Golden Tower Lord, Ellemis.

Ellemis, who single-handedly confronted the Holy Empire and caused an immense storm across the continent.

With a Golem capable of rivaling a Grand Master and a 7th-class mage at his command, Ellemis became a force even the Empire could not overlook.

With such a man supporting Lowellin, it was natural that the First and Second Prince factions couldn’t dare to confront them head-on.

While King Redolph and Lowellin were engaged in conversation, the voice of a herald resounded through the hall.

“Your Majesty, Prince Udmeon has arrived.”

“Finally, he’s here. Show him in.”

King Redolph nodded, and the door to the audience chamber opened, revealing a young man in his early twenties, exuding a gentle aura. The slightly drooping eyes gave him a comforting feel, and his soft facial features brought a sense of ease and comfort.

The only thing that differed was the intensity in his eyes, which contrasted with his otherwise gentle image, offsetting any impression of weakness.

This young man was none other than Prince Udmeon, the Third Prince of the Tollian Kingdom.

As an audience was rare for him in external affairs, there were many speculations about him. Many believed that there was an underlying reason for his absence from public events. However, contrary to various rumors, there seemed to be no problem with Prince Udmeon at all. On the contrary, as a prince of the kingdom, he lacked nothing.

Seeing the gentle smile on Prince Udmeon’s face, Lowellin couldn’t help but feel relieved.

“He seems like a good prince. I can put my mind at ease,” Lowellin whispered to himself.

In fact, there had been much talk about Prince Udmeon, who rarely showed himself in public events.

Many people speculated that his absence from public life might be due to some kind of impediment. However, there seemed to be no issues with Prince Udmeon, and if anything, his status as a prince was unquestionable.

Lowellin could not be unaware of his thoughts, and thus, with a hidden sigh of relief, he greeted Udmeon.

“Your Highness Prince Udmeon!”

“As you can see, my dear. Count Terrendel is here.”

Prince Udmeon’s head turned quickly, and his eyes fell on a man in his early thirties, who was wearing a friendly smile.

And in that moment, words unconsciously escaped from Count Terrendel’s lips.

“Your Highness, Prince Maxell!”

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Golden Mage

Golden Mage

Score 8
Status: Ongoing
I lived a life repaying my parents’ debt and died unjustly. “It’s unfair that I died after living a lonely and poor life!” But after opening my eyes in place I’ve never seen before, I became Ell. In order to protect his family in this life, Ell needs power and money. “I’m going to become the best mage and obtain both.” Ell will obtain everything in this life by using his management skills as a pro-gamer from his past life and his genius-level mathematics !


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