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I Became an Evolving Space Monster Chapter 139

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Ep. 139

‘It took some time, but I fulfilled all the conditions with this.’

I caught two more Swamp Kings, but they did not have the desired characteristics. I had no choice but to wander around the swamp and hunt wherever I could to collect materials for nest-related fusion properties.

‘Thanks to you, it took 14 hours.’

Still, I should take comfort in the fact that I gained good traits like claws.

“Big baby, is it really okay for us to eat alone?”

[Zuzuzu zuzuzuzu zuzuzu (I ate a lot, so it’s okay)]

I nodded to No. 26, who asked cautiously.

After completing all preparations to enter the second stage of transcendence, I returned to the nest. He was holding three Swamp King corpses.

‘It would be a waste to eat this delicious food alone.’

Even when I was away from them, I wanted to make sure they could taste at least this Swamp King meat.

“Swamp King. It’s been a while since I’ve had it.”

“I” “I’m curious” “This” “Is it delicious?”

“It suits my taste.”

Surprisingly, it seems that the Mother of Heaven has gorged on Swamp King. As far as I know, there is no way to defend against the swamp miasma at her stage.

Unless there is help from someone.

‘There seems to be some story.’

A griffon looking at a corpse with bitter eyes.

Looking at her appearance, you can get an idea of what happened. My guess is that she ate the food her husband, Father Earth, hunted together.

‘I’m afraid…’

She has to eat this. Because the Swamp King’s body is needed to increase Wolff’s level of deification.

Currently, Heavenly Mother is cooperating with me, but fundamentally our relationship is contractual. She promised to give everything to me in exchange for revenge.

And I need Wolff, who has reached the highest level of apotheosis. This is because, although not right now, you may need to use it as insurance after the Eucharist.

I pulled out a handful of flesh from the hard shell and handed it to her.

Heavenly Mother took one look at me and took a bite of the meat I gave her.

‘I’m glad.’

Previously, when I treated her, I planted a parasite in her head. After killing Muriel, I decided that the possibility of Heavenly Mother’s betrayal was very low. So, we lowered the parasite’s interference level to the lowest so that she could move autonomously.

Even so, it is true that she has parasites in her head. Whenever I give an order, she has no choice but to obey me.

However, if I do this, my relationship with her will take a complete turn for the worse. She is a fairly capable combatant, so it would be a waste not to utilize her.

I need her cooperation until I become an adult, or at least until Adhai grows into a White Gallagon.


「Well, okay. Don’t ask, just try it.”


She quietly chewed the meat and swallowed it, as if she understood what I meant.

Are you thinking of your bereaved family members? Amber eyes were filled with unknown emotions.

Still, I didn’t see any resentment towards me in it.

Starting with the Heavenly Mother, Adhai and No. 26 each grabbed a corpse one by one and began to eat it.



No. 26 uses the tentacles in its mouth like a straw to suck blood, tearing off flesh with its fins and inserting it into the body. Seeing that they both eat it with a fierce look, it seems they like the Swamp King’s meat.

‘I’m glad it suits your taste.’

I told them something important as they were just starting to eat.

From now on, we are planning to enter the second stage of transcendence. So, please protect me.

‘I don’t know if the second stage of transcendence will fit inside the cocoon or not.’

When applying ‘Perfect Organic’ and ‘Nightmare Horizon’, which are the only characteristics obtained through the Transcendence system, it took almost as long as it took to grow. There is a high possibility that the second stage of transcendence will take a similarly long time.

「Is the big baby growing again?」


[Zeuuu zuzu zuzuzu zuzu zuzuzu (If you eat a lot of adhai, it will grow quickly)]

「Affirmation」「Me」「 “A lot” “Eat” “Eat”

No. 26 and Aadhai, who already knew what happens when I use the transcendental system, did not ask any questions.

“Evolving already? “I probably haven’t met all the conditions for the Eucharist yet.”

On the other hand, Heavenly Mother has never seen me use the transcendental system.

‘Now that I think about it, didn’t you tell her?’

The transcendence system did not exist in the game. Even if she is ranked, it’s not strange that she doesn’t know.

I briefly explained to her the transcendental system.

It is a new ability that combines several characteristics to create one characteristic.

After hearing my explanation, she nodded.

“indeed. Actually, I often heard that Amorph and Outspacer have too many characteristics, which is a pain later on.」

[Zuzu (Yes)]

「Maybe that’s your perk.’

[Zuzuzuzu (Maybe)]

Players who came to this world Everyone received something called a special privilege. I have robbed Muriel of her privileges. Our Heavenly Mother also has special privileges, and I have heard and know what privileges she has.

‘It would be quite a useful perk for Wolff.’

Unfortunately, her perks do not match well with mine. If you think about it, I would say it is a downgraded version of Amorph.

Of course, like Muriel’s case, there is a possibility that if I eat it, it will change to suit me. Honestly, I wonder what will happen if I eat it, but as I said before, it is more profitable to keep her alive right now.

In any case, she seems to have understood the transcendence system as an Aimorph unique perk. I’m half sure about that too.

‘In the first place, I didn’t receive anything from the system other than that.’

At least, can we say that ‘Predator Sense’ and ‘Monster’s Tentacles’ have performance comparable to the special privileges?

‘Of course, it’s highly likely not.’

Aside from its exceptional performance, it is a trait obtained through the predation effect, so it is ambiguous to consider it as a perk. Muriel or Mother of Heaven said that information related to special privileges came in the form of a message.

[zu zuzuzu zuzu zuzuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzuzu (When using this system, you enter a cocoon)]

「Like in evolution, right? If that’s the case, then their weaknesses must be similar.”


“…I was wondering why you took Sea Demon and Gallagon with you.”

Gryphon smiled slightly bitterly. Because she was also a ranker, she knew well when Aimorph was in greatest danger.

To be honest, I can’t say that there was no intention at all.

It was out of kindness that I first saved No. 26, but as the possibility that he was a Sea Demon increased, my thoughts changed slightly. It is true that I thought I should raise him and use him for my survival.

In the case of Aadhai, I took it because I thought it would be clearly beneficial.

‘Not anymore.’

As I crossed the line of fire with these guys, a deep bond developed. If you ask me if I would give up their lives to save my own, it would be difficult to decide right away.

But I didn’t tell her that.

I’m embarrassed to say it out loud, and I think she knows what I’m thinking.

After that, I patted their heads once and went into the tunnel dug in the center of the nest.

The first thing I did after returning from the island to the continent was to create a safe home.

They found suitable ground for a nest and dug the ground beneath it to create a huge cavity. They dug out enough for me to fit in, so much so that a new dirt hill was created nearby.

After digging it up, I laid down the nest to prevent it from collapsing. Thanks to the hardened mucus, it can easily withstand any shock as long as it is not too severe.

A nest created to prepare for the second stage of transcendence.

I lay down on it and activated the semi-transparent textbox.

「’Transcendence (Stage 2)’: Combine 5 fusion characteristics to unlock new type-related characteristics. Any properties used as materials must be properties related to other types. Information on new types is unlocked.

List of available talents: Vampiric Tentacles (Fusion) Ghost Claws (Fusion) Putrid Fungal Organs (Fusion) Protective Colors (Fusion) Mutant Acceleration Virus (Fusion)

Additional Rewards: Bans incurred at Level 1 of Transcendence are lifted.

*PS: The material properties used for breakthrough can be replaced with other properties. Please take note.


As shown in the explanation, transcendence level 2 materials require fusion characteristics related to different types. You can select the characteristics that will be consumed as materials and use them among the things you have.

‘For physical attributes, use vampire tentacles.’

After obtaining Nightmare Horizon, the frequency of using vampire tentacles has decreased significantly. This is because the tentacles are much longer and stronger as a mid-range deterrent weapon. Therefore, it is perfect to use as a material.

‘It’s a waste of Ghost Claws, but the competition is so strong that I can’t help it.’

The Ghost Claws’ rivals are the Predator Sensory Monster’s tentacled Fear Watcher super-reflective gloves. These are all useful traits that contribute greatly to battle, so unfortunately, I think I’ll have to use ghost claws as a material.

Likewise, all of the infection-related traits were useful traits, but I chose Rot Fungal Organ as it was the least versatile trait.

‘Because rot fungus is only effective against biological type enemies.’

We decided to use ‘protective color’, a special defense-related attribute, as a material because the situations in which it can be used are limited.

And the last ingredient, ‘transformation promoting virus’.

As the name suggests, mutation-promoting viruses have the effect of forcibly promoting mutation in specific organisms.

If you stay in a nest where this fusion trait is activated for a long time, one of the traits you have will be permanently changed.

‘To be honest, it’s a random box for characteristics.’

It may not sound bad at first glance, but in reality, this trait has as negative an effect as dwarfing.

This is because the changing characteristics are completely random and also affect me as a characteristic user. If you are unlucky, your predator senses or monster tentacles will disappear and you can change to something like strong vitality or dwarfism.

‘It would be great if I could just specify the mutation target.’

Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the characteristics I want. In the past, there were times when I had to create a new character because I didn’t know that fact.

Because of this, in the game, I only used the variant acceleration virus when fighting players stronger than me, especially outspacer rankers. This is because you can completely seal one of the opponent’s main or useful characteristics.

Instead, you must be prepared to become a complete enemy of the player who is hit with this trait.

‘I need to quickly use it as an ingredient and get rid of it.’

After checking the properties, I took one last look at the materials.

「Do you want to unlock Transcendence (Stage 2)?」

‘Confirm unlock.’

The moment I answered the question in the text box asking about unlocking the ban, I lost my mind.

Two hours have passed since Morph Park went into evolution. Unlike Aimorph, who needed to get nourishment as quickly as possible, there were no creatures in that much of a hurry here.

So the three of them enjoyed a leisurely meal for a long time.

「Middle baby, don’t you eat more?」

「I got everything I could, so it’s okay.」


「It means I’m full.」

「Ugly friend」「Eating less」「Growth」「Slowdown」「Problem」「Can’t Appearance 」 「 Deepening 」 [ Regret 」

「…. 」

The Heavenly Mother barely suppressed the desire to hit the head of the lizard that had been twitching from a while ago. It was because of number 26 in front.

I don’t know what happened on the bottom of the sea, but that little sea demon in front of me came back incredibly powerful. So much so that she would have to endure significant blood loss if she fought him one-on-one.

So, while he was quiet, No. 26 pulled out a tentacle and hit Aadhai on the head.

「Don’t make fun of the middle child.」

「Me」「Fact」「Talking」「Ugly」「Truth」 When

Aadhai, who had been hit on the head, protested, No. 26 swung his tentacles again.

The target this time was not Adhaj but the nearby redwoods. When a tree with a diameter of more than several meters was hit by a tentacle, it was easily split like a tofu.

Heaven’s Mother and Adhai were astonished to see a giant tree that had lived for hundreds of years fall down after being hit by its small tentacles, and No. 26 said something.




Adhai immediately calmed down due to the terrifying power of No. 26.

The Mother of Heaven mentally adjusted the risk level of No. 26 upward again. This is an opponent who will have to endure fatal injuries, not significant blood loss.

‘I thought you were quiet for a Mr. Demon.’

Although the Sea Demon has high intelligence, the reason it is treated as a semi-boss level creature is because of its violence. They will never stop until they kill every living thing that enters their territory. If you get caught by it, you will have to worry about being attacked by the Sea Demon every time you enter the sea.

Compared to regular Sea Demons, No. 26 had a good personality that made him almost angelic, but he was not completely gentle. At least it seemed to be quite strict on the issue of seniority.

While the Heavenly Mother was lost in thought, number 26 suddenly called her.

“You’re the middle child. I have a question to ask.’


‘Has the middle child ever become a mother?’

To Mr. Demon’s question, the gryphon with the head of a bird of prey tilted its head.

Her name was chosen to match that of her now departed husband.

The Wolfs of this continent called the Earth Father and the Sky Mother together, the parents of all things.

‘But how should I answer this?’

The two got married and started a family, but she has yet to experience childbirth. I don’t know what happened, but it was because no children were born.

So, Heavenly Mother raised the native Wolffs as if they were her own children. It was in that context that they called her mother and that she called them children.

“…It’s a shame. okay. “I have played the role of a mother.”

“Wow! “Middle baby is amazing!”

No. 26’s body sparkled at her words. She looked away awkwardly at the innocent guy’s reaction.

And the following question in issue 26 made her even more awkward than she was now.

「I have a question!」


「How do you make a baby?」


At that moment, Sky’s mother thought that the pink slime in front of her was joking. In fact, it seemed like it was a joke, but No. 26’s reaction seemed very serious.

The situation was so embarrassing that I kept my mouth shut, but Adhai also intervened.

「I」「Curious」「I」「Grand Adult」「Right」「Want」

Since Aadhai spoke with a thoughtful person, there were many cases where even what he was thinking was communicated directly.

She felt that Aadhai’s remarks were 100% sincere.

Number 26, who was next to him, glowed darkly when Aadhai intervened.

“The little baby needs an egg. That’s why I’m asking.”

It seemed like she was in a bad mood for saying that, but the Heavenly Mother wasn’t knowledgeable enough to know in detail how the Sea Demon expressed her emotions.

Even more than that, she was so embarrassed by these two little monsters’ questions that she didn’t even have time to think about No. 26’s feelings.

‘Are you telling me to teach sex education to Mr. Demon and Gallagon now?’

As far as she knows, Sea Demon Gallagons are creatures whose reproductive methods are completely unknown in the game. Moreover, I learned for the first time after watching No. 26 that the Sea Demon had a physical body.

‘Aadhai looks like a female…but not. Aside from that, can Sea Demons also give birth?’




Seeing the two guys who were serious about reproductive activities, Heavenly Mother felt like she was losing her mind. Just as she was thinking about how to explain it, something caught her senses.

She peered deep into the dense forest with her amazingly good eyes. The ears and nose, which boasted as great a detection ability as the eyes, also moved furiously according to their owner’s will.



「Oh no! Enemy!”

No. 26 and Adhai, who felt her emotions, reacted immediately. The two quickly dispersed and hid behind nearby trees and rocks.

“enemy? Are the bad guys here?」

「I」 「I can’t see」 「Enemy」 「Where?」

「…It’s a long way from here, but they might come this way.」

Except for the Amorph in the basement, this is the biggest monster in this place. I was able to tell because she had excellent detection skills.

A few kilometers away from here were fully armed cult warriors. They were moving through the forest as if they were looking for something.

“You guys will know. “Try to concentrate.”

“Okay.” I’ll try.”


Due to the nature of the race, intense psychic power flows through the bodies of cult members. Sea Demons and Gallagons are the creatures most sensitive to psychic power. No matter how far away it is, it can still be detected.

As she expected, No. 26 and Adhai quickly detected the mysterious cult.

「Mofbak…keuhmm big baby can’t move yet. Because it’s in the process of evolving.”

“That’s right. The big baby said that no one should touch him when he grows up.”

“Affirmation” “Us” “Enemy” “Invasion” “Defense”

Heaven’s mother looked at No. 26 and Adhai with serious eyes.

“That’s right. We have to stop them.”

Her words were short, but the two little monsters immediately understood their meaning.

That the being they love the most is in danger.

Purple flames blazed from No. 26’s body and Aadhai’s eyes.

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I Became an Evolving Space Monster

I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Released: 2021
Lost in the vast expanse of space, trapped in the icy confines of a metal spacecraft, I was forced to face a horrifying truth. That I had transformed into a ruthless alien predator in a space survival game.


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