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I Became an Evolving Space Monster Chapter 180

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Ep. In 180

Space Survival, there are all kinds of monsters as there are various intelligent species living there.

From creatures that look like wild animals that exist on Earth, to terrible monsters that are like something out of a horror movie, to godly beings that inspire awe.

And some species of those creatures have special abilities.

It is to follow the intelligence.

A representative example is a predator called Redmist. It is a wild beast that looks like a jaguar with a red mane and is characterized by emitting hallucinogenic pheromones that make it impossible to defend against.

It releases hallucinogenic pheromones and imitates human vocalizations to deceive players. It is said to imitate players’ conversations and movements based on a specific algorithm, and it is quite realistic.

The hallucination itself is difficult to escape, but since he acts nearby as if he is a friend, players who don’t know much about Red Mist are bound to be completely fooled.

‘They’re not the jungle planet’s top predator for nothing.’

What’s worse is that his nickname in the early days of the game was Space Jangsan Beom.

As time passed and the number of people in the game increased, the number of players who fell for his trick gradually decreased. No matter how excellent AI is, it cannot help but feel awkward when viewed from a human perspective.

‘But what if the person deceiving is a human being?’

Pretend to be a colleague you were playing with yesterday and know everything about what he is equipped with and what tactics he prefers.

Is it really possible not to be fooled?

In other words, the beings who are best at deceiving humans are fellow humans.

To be slightly more specific, a person who knows the other person well.

And I’m probably the Aimorph who fooled the most people in the game.

‘Then let’s get started.’

After completing all preparations, I approached the group of enemies. As I got closer, they also stopped moving.

‘As expected, the Temple Guardians.’

The skills are quite good. After coming to this world, there were not many people who knew in advance of my coming and prepared for it.

The sound of swords made from Gallagon’s claws being drawn and the sound of gunners holding Demolishers loading their weapons were heard, but there was no sound of speech.

They are probably furiously discussing how to respond to each other through their telepathic link.


My job here is not to secretly surprise the enemy. What I want is to foster distrust between enemies.

Beyond the fork in the wide ice passage, I opened my mouth slightly. There is a special organ in my neck near where the thyroid gland is located in humans.

It is a vocal organ that was created when the ‘mimetic organ’ characteristic was applied to my body. An organ that is reset each time a new gene is absorbed and can imitate a new voice.

The ‘weapon’ used to deceive and devour countless prey has been activated again.

“Help me too!”

A woman’s voice came out of my mouth.

This is the voice of the cult member who was attacked by Adhai while running away from the cavity where Ice Horror’s body was located. After receiving the corpse from Aadhai, he took a bite and used it as a mimicry organ.

There is one reason why I chose this cult.

‘Because he seemed like a pretty important person.’

Other members bided their time so that she could escape safely. Looking at that, it is highly likely that he is someone who uses psychic technology related to information transmission.

As is the case everywhere, credibility and importance increase depending on who is speaking. If you are someone important enough that your comrades sacrifice their lives to send you, they will be worried about what to do on the other side as well.



As I expected, they started to get agitated as soon as they heard the voice.

“Everyone wait!”

At that time, a woman shouted in a deep and energetic voice. Just by looking at his voice, he seemed like the leader of that group.

The agitated cults all stopped moving. And the silence that follows. It must be a telepathic conversation.


When I imitate Cultani Selone’s voice, there are two main actions to take on the other side. One is running to help me. Another thing is to suspect something, prepare to attack, and come running.

To them, I am an object that must be subjugated immediately, so it is normal for them to not have the option of retreating.

However, the enemy did not choose either option. They were communicating telepathically, not verbally, while maintaining perimeter vigilance.

What does this mean?

‘You’ve already heard this, right?’

The highest ranking person in this position is the cult priest.

It was clear that he, who must have had deep experience in space survival, explained me to them.

‘If anyone knew me, they wouldn’t come here at all.’

Because I don’t know what kind of trap I may have set. Moreover, this is reality. If either I or the enemy player dies, that’s it. Even if the skills on the other side are amazing, can they really go on an adventure that easily?

I think not.

‘I’m just using that.’

Cult players won’t approach this way for fear of traps. Even though he knew I would be near him.

It is highly likely that he had already figured out how far the nest I had created would have spread after hearing the news of the first attack. The reason he stopped moving forward was probably because he judged that fighting on top of the nest would be disadvantageous.

The safe option he can choose is to call his subordinates back first. After that, they might change their strategy and move on.

As he intended, the members began to move again. It seemed like they were dissatisfied, as their steps became slightly more intense.

‘It has to be that way.’

Humans aren’t the only ones who don’t know what to do unless they get hit. The same goes for cults.

Moreover, they are the Temple Guardians, one of the best army units in the Empire. How dissatisfied it must be to abandon such honorable people, not knowing for sure whether they are enemies or allies.

‘Should I drive a wedge here?’

I placed the female cultist I was holding in a leaning position against the wall.

She is paralyzed because her heavenly mother broke her neck. Thanks to this, it was easy to ‘work’.

I flipped her head over so it was facing me. Her pupils dilated greatly as she made eye contact with me.

Eyes full of disbelief, as if they couldn’t believe the reality they were seeing.

The moment she saw me, the members who were moving further away from me stopped moving.


“Aliya! “Do you see it now?”

Soul Link is a very powerful skill. In a battlefield where information is vital, there is no element more important than a broad perspective.

Moreover, if you could immediately check the view of your allies whenever you want, it would be much easier to carry out operations.

Thanks to this technology, the cult was able to show strength in team play as well as superior individual strength.

So let’s think the opposite way.

What if that information is wrong? For example, what if what I see is different from reality?

“You’re still alive!”

“Selone saved her!”

I looked down at the cult member leaning against the wall and sweating coldly.

Her pupils were shaking like crazy, as if she realized what I was doing.

I asked her in my mind.

What do I look like to you?

Jason, the 10th ranked ranker, had a deep relationship with the Amorphs.

He was a concept player based on so-called ‘lookism’.

His play motto is to kill ugly aliens and enslave ugly aliens.

There is nothing particularly special about this type of play style. Space Survival is full of all kinds of weirdos, and there are many people who enjoy playing similar games in other games.

The reason why Jason, who was such an ‘ordinary’ concept player, became famous is because the level of bullying he caused to monster players went beyond the norm. There are quite a few players who couldn’t stand his bullying and quit the game.

In fact, this type of person is easy to make many enemies, but the reason he was able to survive was thanks to the fans who followed him.

Jason was an internet broadcaster whose main content was space survival, so he had a lot of fans following him. Jason had quite a bit of power in the game by using his followers.

Because of that, it was not easy to attack him even if he was a ranked monster player. You may say that it’s okay to aim for when you’re alone, but Jason is also ranked 10th. It was by no means an easy opponent.

The reason he, a ‘humanistic’ concept player, chose cults over humans in the first place is because cult races have better performance. If your performance is good, you won’t be easily defeated even if you are less skilled than other players.

One day, I was playing games and doing all kinds of evil things.

The end has come for him too.

A person who became a ranker of the worst race.

The one who made the rankers who were enemies form an alliance and place a bounty because of him.

Amov Ranker, ranked 5th, started targeting him.

The guy followed him every day for over half a year and toyed with him with unusual tactics.

In particular, the incident where a hidden bastard attacked the player the moment he entered the sleeping room with his character to end the game was so much talked about as an urban legend in the community.

Because of Moffak, two clans created by his followers were destroyed, and his relationship with the ranker who was close to him was ruined.

In the end, the incident ended with Jason, who could not stand it, publicly writing an apology to the community.

Not long after that, I entered the gaming world and it all became a thing of the past.

The time he spent in the world of space survival was considerable.

I thought it was worth forgetting about now.

Before I came here, or even before I faced him, I thought that, but I was mistaken. The telepathy that came to him awakened his sleeping nightmare.

‘Jason! Are you watching too? Look into Villone’s eyes! ‘Both of you are alive and not dead!’

He was really bothered by the telepathy sent by his lover, Alya.

He knows it too.

Soul Link is not released until the subject dies or the user cancels it. Villone, who had been kidnapped by the bastard, could see the female cult member alive and well.

Selone was one of the 12 people he sent to rule out factors that could hinder psychic power. A unit where she learned memory storage techniques. Normally, this would be something that would need to be protected at all costs.

However, Jason, who has experience of being fed up with Moffak, knows.

‘It’s a trap.’

A cult in Villone’s eyes. She was so badly injured that she could not move properly and was desperately calling out to her colleagues.

Because of the darkness, I couldn’t see his face properly, but when I heard his voice, it was so pitiful, as if he was going to collapse at any moment.

‘Bullshit! The abominable morph-bak bastard…!’

Watching his acting, I feel like the trauma I experienced in the past is creeping up.

He was sure. The owner of that voice is already dead, and Vilone, who is connected to the soul link, is infected with parasites.

If you go to rescue them like this, you will suffer enormous damage from the cult that is being controlled by this guy. Even in games, he has a history of manipulating NPCs to blow up battleships.

‘He can imitate the other person’s appearance. Not only that, but it also sucks your memories.’

‘…Then what about Bilone? Are you saying that Villone is also being manipulated?’

‘okay. His parasites must be controlling her.’

‘I’ve never heard of such a monster existing.’

Of course it has to be that way.

Even in the game, the nature of his transformation skills was not revealed until the end. At least, Outspacer players assumed that this characteristic was a fusion characteristic created through a very rare combination or a reward obtained from hunting Vortex One.

Whatever the identity of that transformation, there was no monster or player other than him that used the parasite transformation technique in that way. Although he pathologically disliked Moffak, he acknowledged that the guy’s skills were great.

Honestly, if you look at the ability to use the characteristics themselves, there is probably not much difference between 3rd and 4th place.

‘…I know this, but.’

This is not the Temple Guardians here. They had only heard about him through information, but this was the first time they had fought him face to face.

The skill of dealing with numerous monsters was working against him at this moment. Because in their eyes, it was a creature that couldn’t exist.

Who would think that the true power of the monster that destroyed the carrier group was a deceptive tactic using parasites and transformation?

‘I say it again. It’s Ally. Give up and come this way.’


Ally hesitates.

He must have been targeting this part too. To weaken Jason’s command and encourage strife between him and his subordinates.

He sent telepathy to his lover again.

Has his sincerity arrived? That was when she tried to move again after comforting her subordinates.

An abnormality occurred in the field of view of Soul Link.

Selone made a puzzled move as if he had discovered something. A monster emerged from the darkness behind her.

‘What about that?’

A lion-like head with an eagle-shaped head, amber eyes, and an impressive golden fur. The new monster that appeared was a phantom beast named Griffon.

‘That’s Wolf, who learned Deification, right? Why is that guy here…?’

The griffon gets closer and closer to the shared view. Its sharp beak was shining menacingly, and Selone suddenly stood in front of his eyes with his arms outstretched.

As if he can’t leave until he kills me.

That sight was the final blow.

‘shit! I can’t do this anymore! ‘Aliya!’

‘…I’m sorry Jason.’

‘for a moment! Everyone wait! That’s a trick! crazy! ‘You can’t go!’

Jason quickly fired a telepath, but there was no response. Alya and her men had severed the telepathic link.

Instead, connected to Soul Link, she could see the backs of members running quickly away.

They were running down the aisle and stopped at the same time.

In front of them were Selone, who was standing fine, and Vilone, who was leaning his upper body against the wall. Gryphon Wolff, who was there a moment ago, was nowhere to be seen.

However, the members, Alya, and Jason, whose vision was connected to her, could feel it.

That ‘that’ in front of them is something other than a cult.

The vision conveyed through Alya trembled slightly. Her embarrassed feelings were reflected in her eyes.

Alya’s vision reads ‘it”s mouth moving.

The guy was saying this.

What do I look like to you?

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I Became an Evolving Space Monster

I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Released: 2021
Lost in the vast expanse of space, trapped in the icy confines of a metal spacecraft, I was forced to face a horrifying truth. That I had transformed into a ruthless alien predator in a space survival game.


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