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I Became an Evolving Space Monster Chapter 216

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Ep. 216

“Are you here?”

When we returned to the nest, PS-111 greeted us. Heavenly Mother and No. 26 were not visible.

[Zuzu zuzuzu zuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu (Did anything happen? Encountered an enemy or something like that)]

“The entity with the name ‘Gallagon’ was not encountered. The main controller is on the cult cruiser.”

[Zuzuzuzu Zuzuzuzu Zuzu Zuzuzu (Thank God. The Mother of Heaven hasn’t come yet?)]

“The ‘Middle Baby’ didn’t come back after leaving for scouting.”

From the looks of it, PS-111 appears to be protecting the Gallagons from the nest and No. 26 from the cruiser. The Heavenly Mother went to watch over the Od Grad group and has not yet returned.

I dropped some of the cocoons I was holding into the nest.

“What is that?”

[Zuzzuzu zuzuzu zuzu zuzu zuzu zuzu (a cocoon made by the Hellside Hornet. Want to try one?)]

“It appears to be an interesting-looking organic compound.”

[Zuz, zuzuzu, zuzuzuzu, zuzuzuzuzu (there is liquid inside, so you can inhale it)]


PS-111 moved its long legs and approached the cocoon.

It skillfully used its bladed legs to slightly tear the cocoon. Then, he stretched out his clawed hand and placed it on the liquid flowing out.

The guy who ate the energy absorption device ‘Blood River’ made by Star Union sometimes took in nutrients that way. I wondered if he could still taste it, but he didn’t seem to care much.

“It contains a large amount of nutrients essential for survival. “Is that organic compound available in large quantities?”

[Zuz zuzuzu zuzu zuzuzu (That’s all I brought)]

“I suggest securing additional organic compounds in the future.”

When I first drank the cocoon liquid, I felt like my wounds were healing, but it wasn’t my fault. According to his analysis, it was because it was rich in nutrients.

In some ways, it may be natural. This is because the whole living organism was melted and then fermented.

[Zuzuzuzu zuzzuzuzu (I guess I should bring it to the cruiser too)]

“Young kin” “Food?”

[Zu (yes)]

A day and a half have passed since they stayed in the cruiser. Since the Green Gallagon pursuit party could appear in this area, the Gallagons on the cruiser were not going out to hunt.

There is a large amount of combat rations left on the cruiser for the cult crew, but they are not suitable for Gallagon to eat. So, I will continue to starve until now.

‘If you starve to death, it will be a big loss.’

The reason the Blue Gallagons were brought in was to appease the remnants of Aadhai and Ham Ort. I haven’t even received compensation for saving my life yet, and I have no intention of letting him die like this.

However, Aadhai, who did not know my intentions, was happy to see that I was trying to take care of them.

「Children」「Hunger」「Relief」」Adult」「Work」「Me」「Adult」「Kitizens」「Food」「Delivery」 [zuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu (Okay, just listen to this and this)



Even after leaving PS-111 behind and leaving the nest, it continued to chatter. As was the case a few days ago, it seemed like he wanted to be a good adult to the young hatchlings. This is separate from his feelings toward his own people who abandoned him.

‘Maybe it’s because I want to get rid of painful memories.’

I joined Aadhai in his chatting and we walked through the forest together. Soon, an ivory cruiser was seen between the trees. I could feel the parasite-infested cult moving around inside the cruiser.

“Hello big baby!”

And No. 26 also sensed me and sent a wave inside the ship. Then, a moment later, the guy jumped out of the open hangar.


The guy who approached me was hugging five gallagons with blue scales. Blue gallagons exceeding 2m in length were buried in a 10m-sized pink jellyfish. They all looked comfortable, as if they were being held in their mother’s arms.

[Zuzu (that?)]

“The babies were hungry, so I fed them!”

[Zuzu (food?)]

Just as he said, the tentacles of the Blue Gallagons were stuck in the psychic power on No. 26’s body.

‘Are you giving me psychic power?’

As the thin tentacles periodically swelled like straws, it seemed clear that they were absorbing psychic power.

‘If you think about it, it’s not impossible.’

Number 26 also grew rapidly by absorbing the psychic power of the dead Sea Demon. It would also be possible to transfer power to Gallagon, a fellow psychic creature.

‘Now that I think about it, the color of the scales seems to have changed…’

When I looked again, the colors of the blue gallagons held by the guy were strange. It was overall blue in color, but there were some green stripes.

[Zuzuzzu Zuzuz (Has it been like that from the beginning?)]

「I don’t know」

Adhai also looked at the hatchlings and tilted his head as if it was strange.

At that time, a group of Ham Oort appeared behind No. 26. These were the three Green Gallagons brought by White Gallagon Nell Germa.

I held out the cocoons I had brought to them. Only then did No. 26, who checked the cocoon held by my arms and erosion tentacles, ask.

「What is that?」

[Zuzzuzu zuzu zuzuzuzu zuzuzuzu (Something to eat. Everyone brought it to eat)]

「It looks strange.」

「Appearance」「Funny」「But 」「Sweet taste」 I

guess Aadhai’s words piqued my curiosity. It took out its tentacles and wrapped around the cocoon. Then, it spread out parts other than the body that was wrapped around the Blue Gallagon like a wrapping cloth and swallowed the entire cocoon.

Inside the translucent pink body, the cocoon melted and the liquid inside flowed out. The body of the person who absorbed the liquid sparkled and shined like a mirror ball.


As he started eating, other gallagons also showed interest in the cocoon. The moment they all tasted the cocoon, their eyes were bent into the shape of a crescent moon.

“Gratitude,” “Grace,” and “Not Forgetting.”

After tasting some of the cocoon and handing it over to the hatchlings, Nell Germa greeted me. The Green Gallagons next to me also noticed this and sent me a wave of gratitude.

‘I haven’t really done anything to be thankful for.’

It was never given for free. I plan on getting back everything I gave later.

After bringing food to the gallagons, I returned to the nest to recover from my injuries. And when night fell, the Heavenly Mother returned to her nest.

She came with two pieces of very important information.

One is that the Od Grad group showed movement. It is said that 12 white gallagons left the nest at once.

My plan was to defeat each of the White Gallagons that were hunting before they built their nests. This is because Aadhai needs to eat White Gallagon to grow.

‘I also need White Gallagon’s genetic essence.’

Up to this point, everything went according to plan, but the second piece of information was a problem.

[Zuzuzzu zuzuzzu(Ham Ort is alive?)]

「Yes. “I saw other Gallagons moving him.”

She nodded as everyone gathered.

According to the Heavenly Mother, the mother who gave birth to Adhai was still alive. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that it is just breathing rather than being alive.

Upon hearing the news of Ham Ort’s survival, the three Green Gallagons, including Nel Germa, were felt shaken. Since he was the leader, it seemed like he wanted to rescue him somehow.


The situation has become complicated.

First of all, I am not the leader of the Gallagons hiding in the cruiser. This is because we did not fight and defeat their group. I protected them and brought them food, but that alone was not enough to make them turn away from their former leader.

‘As time goes by, they will follow me…’

This is a meaningless assumption as it is impossible right now.

However, leaving Ort to die is also problematic. He is the only Gallagon who knows about Aadhai’s secrets. There is still a lot of information we can get from him.

“How about rescuing them when they are nesting after defeating them?”

“well. The injury looks serious, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold out until then.”

Not only that, but we don’t have much time. Because the Pure White Queen was left with serious injuries. White Gallagon is a sturdy creature, so it will probably last a day or two, but I don’t know what will happen beyond that.

‘how will we do it.’

In fact, this is a question with a definite answer.

Many enemies remain in the nest. Breaking through them and rescuing Ham Ort actually means waging an all-out war. This is not a strategy to choose for those of us who are absolutely outgunned.

However, it is another matter to openly say that you will abandon Ham Ort.

Doing so may have a negative impact on Nell Germana or the Green Gallagons. They said they would follow my opinion, so they won’t outright resist me.

‘It’s difficult to have such an ambiguous attitude when it’s hard to fight even if you do your best.’

As I was wondering what was best to do, Aadhai approached me.

「Adult」「Ham Ort」「Worry」「Unnecessary」

[Zuzu (Huh?)]

「I」「Confirmation」「Ham Ort」「Strong」「Kingdom」「Comparison」「Impossible」「Pain」「Overcoming 」「Possible」「I」「Faith」「Survival」「Possible」

Aadhay says that Ort will be able to endure because he is strong.

「Daughter of Meteor」「Correct」


Other Gallagons also expressed their agreement with the words of Adhai, who was considered the daughter of Ham Ort and the savior of Gallagon.

[Zuzzuzu(Are you okay?)]

Adhai nodded, understanding my implicit question.

“It’s okay”


I know what his intention was for acting like that. He’s a smart guy, so he must have figured out right away that I was in trouble. So he took the initiative and persuaded the Gallagons on their behalf.

However, apart from his actions, there was anxiety in his eyes. It must be evidence of love and hate for his mother.

‘He must remain alive until his mind is freed.’

The person who decides Ham Ort’s treatment is not the black dragon Od Grad, but his abandoned child Adha.

Anyway, thanks to Aadhai, I decided how to move. First, take out the White Gallagons that are on the hunt and then rescue Ham Ort as quickly as possible.

「Nel Germa」「Hunting ground」「I know」

[Zuzu zuzu zuzuzuzu zuzu zuzuzu (Okay, let’s go there first then)] The

four of us decided to go hunting for the White Gallagon, Aadhai, No. 26, Nell Germa. . PS-111, the Mother of Heaven’s watchdog, was still in charge of protecting the cruiser.

“The cult’s fleet system is complex, but with the crew, there is no problem in operating it.”

[Zuz, zuzuzu, zuzuzu (just in case you don’t know, I’ll ask)]

“I understand.”

After completing all preparations, we were ready to move.

Before leaving, I called my Heavenly Mother separately. This is because it took a while to send him away again, even though he came back at first.

“I’m sorry. This is much better than fighting while flying.」

[Zuzuzuzu Zuzuzuzu (I’m glad if that’s the case)]

“I don’t know how many times I’ve already heard Moffak apologize.” [Zuzuzzuzuzuzu

Zuzu Zuzuzuzu Zuzu Zuzuzuzu Zuzuzu (If you say that, Looking at it, it seems really good)]

「Oh, if you can save Gallagon’s heart, leave it for me.」 [

Zuzuzu zuzuzu (I will. Be careful)]

Instead of answering, she blinked one eye, winked, and walked into the darkness. has disappeared.

After letting her go, I put No. 26 on my back and flew up into the sky. Adhai and Nel Germa, who were waiting for me, saw me and bowed their heads slightly.

「Hunting ground」「This way」

We moved quickly under the guidance of Nel Germa. Since time is of the essence in each defeat operation, we hurried as much as possible.

We moved on like that in silence for a while. While flying through a night sky filled with dark clouds, Nell Germa, who was in the lead, began to slow down.

「Nearby」「Hunting ground」


[Zuzuz zuzuzu (How close?)]


Adhai’s words We slowed down.

‘There is only one enemy. ‘You’re lucky.’

I heard that usually two or three of them move together, but I was surprised. Still, just in case, I asked the two Gallagons to keep watch.

As I moved around hidden in the clouds, I felt psychic power close to the ground. They seemed to have sensed our psychic power as well, and their movements suddenly became faster.

‘I noticed it.’

[Zuzu, zuz, zuz (let’s hit it right now)]


[Zuzuzu (hold on tight)]


After warning No. 26, I adjusted the wing angle and dived. Nel Germa and Adhai also followed me, not lagging behind at all.

A white dot can be seen moving at an incredible speed over a pitch-black forest.

It was White Gallagon trying to escape from us.

I predicted the direction he was running away from and fired a regular psychic breath in that direction. The purple power gathered in the tentacles on the back of the head and under the neck became a ray of heat.

With an explosion, the trees and ground in front of White Gallagon split apart. The guy who narrowly avoided my psychic breath immediately tried to use his super acceleration ability.

But I am not alone here. Nell Germa, who was next to me, let out psychic breath twice.

The enemy successfully avoided one of the purple thunderbolts that fell from the sky through aerobatics. The remaining one tried to tear off its wings, but unfortunately failed. This is because the guy who was running away turned his head and fired psychic breath as a counterattack.

Purple heat rays fired by two pure white dragons resembling snow collided in the air.

A tremendous roar echoed throughout the surrounding area, perhaps due to lightning striking in the distance or their powers colliding.

The guy must have realized that Nell Germa was stronger than him, so he only canceled out the psychic breath and tried to run away again. However, in the meantime, Aadhay approached the guy and fired a barrage of his unique energy bullet-type psychic breath.

Like a bullet fired from a machine gun, Adhai’s psychic breath flies towards him quickly. This time, I couldn’t dodge it properly. Three of the psychic breaths tore off one of its wings.

It could no longer fly and fell into the middle of the forest.

‘it’s okay.’

After confirming that he had fallen, I landed in the forest with Adhai Nel Germa. A white gallagon had fallen among the broken trees.

‘It’s small.’

It was larger than Green Gallagon or Aadhai, but was noticeably smaller than Nel Germa. They said it had been a while since he became White Gallagon, and it seemed like it was true.

‘But it won’t have anything to do with helping Aadhai grow, right?’

Feed it to him and everything will become clear.

I approached Gallagon of the Odd Grad group. The guy was just glaring at me.

Are they afraid of us? Only the wing was broken, but other parts were relatively intact. Considering Gallagon’s warlike nature, he was already ready to attack.

‘Is it a timid entity?’

At that time, the guy who was glaring at me let out a wave of thought.

「You」「Black fellow?」




The moment I recognized his thought wave, I felt my whole body shrink.

This feeling of the air becoming heavy and Aimov’s entire sense of transcendence ringing an emergency bell.

I’ve only felt this intense sensation once before, different from the future that my predator senses convey.

‘When the Imperial Carrier fired a cosmic bolt.’

It was similar to the sense of crisis I felt when faced with the absolute power that set the planet on fire.

What that means is that a being with absolute power is aiming for my life.

I was not the only one who recognized the sense of crisis I felt.

「Black kin?」「Big man!」「Danger!」

「Head」「Close」「There!」「Danger!」「Danger!」「Danger!」 I

turned around to see Aadhai and Nel Germa running in panic. Trembling.

Moreover, number 26 riding on its back unleashed its psychic power without saying a word. All fins and tentacles were generated from the body, and the ‘Fear of the Deep’ trait was also activated.

‘No. 26?’

Since it’s on my back, it’s only the same size, but it’s fully armed. I have never seen No. 26 be this alert before.

“Ohd Grad!” “Great Ohd Grad!” “It has arrived!”

The moment Nell Germa shot out a thought wave as if screaming.

Beyond the dark clouds that covered the sky, a huge shadow was seen. The shadow of a huge black dragon with two wings.

‘Ord Grad!’

King of Gallagon Nest and ruler of this planet.

Aadhai’s father, the black tyrant Od Grad, has come here.

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I Became an Evolving Space Monster

I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Released: 2021
Lost in the vast expanse of space, trapped in the icy confines of a metal spacecraft, I was forced to face a horrifying truth. That I had transformed into a ruthless alien predator in a space survival game.


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