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I Became an Evolving Space Monster Chapter 332

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The airship carrying Isabelle and the cult ranker flies to the outskirts of the city.

Despite being protected by shields, the hull shook constantly. In fact, considering what was happening outside the ship, this level of vibration was nothing.

Not long after the airship surfaced, a tremendous shock struck the entire biodome surrounding the city.

Is this what it feels like to be in the middle of the crater of an exploding volcano?

Isabelle had never experienced such an intense burst of energy before. Also the results.

Beyond the airship’s glass window, a large hole can be seen in the biodome.

The wall that makes up that dome is not a single wall, but rather an overlapping structure of multiple layers. And the gap between walls ranges from tens to hundreds of meters. Even when bombarded with orbital weapons such as Thunder God, it is rare for the dome wall to be penetrated.

However, it was safe to say that the current dome was literally half destroyed.

Walls collapsed and buildings burned. The city became a complete hell as numerous ships crashed due to the energy explosion.

The image of the beautiful city that represents Berzan 02 could not be found anywhere else.

“Crazy guy. “You are determined to destroy the city.”

Cult muttered as he looked at the devastation reflected behind the glass. Contrary to the content of the words, no particular emotion was felt in the voice.

‘What on earth are you thinking?’

The other person lived longer than Isabelle in this world. Not only does the individual have a lot of power, but the power he possesses is also considerable.

But it means nothing in front of that infamous ranker, Eimov. In the game, he hunted down rankers even before they were ranked.

Moreover, seeing as he destroyed the bio dome, it was clear that he was much stronger than in the game. Maybe you’ve acquired a feature that didn’t exist in the game.

The other person won’t know that. I couldn’t understand how he could take such a relaxed attitude when running away right away wouldn’t be enough.

“I guess you’re wondering why I’m doing this.”
“Well, he’s not just any other guy, he’s ‘that Amorph’, so you’d think he’s taking it easy. “Especially the 14th place babbler.”
“…No matter what you prepare, it will be difficult to defeat him.”

From Isabel’s point of view, it was beneficial for her enemy to be defeated by Eimov, but she could not say it honestly.

She must protect those she hates most. This is because of the contract Cynthia made in the past when she saved her life. Therefore, I hid my true feelings and responded obediently.

“I guess so. “If you’re alone.”

While the two were talking, the airship reached its destination.


When I got down, I saw that it was a place I knew.

“Are you planning on staging a sit-in protest at home?”
“It’s similar, but a little different.”

The other person kept saying vague things that seemed incomprehensible or incomprehensible.

The two entered a relatively simple-looking mansion. Originally, the slaves who managed the mansion were supposed to come out to meet them, but no one was seen as they had all run away.

No, except for one person.

“You’re here.”

A cult with a familiar face greeted visitors to the mansion.

Two cultists standing facing each other.

Strangely, the two were identical, as if they were reflected in a mirror. Smooth, silver-shining hair, right down to the tips of the yak horns rising from his temples.

It’s not just the appearance that resembles each other. The voice was exactly the same as if it had been recorded.

Isabel also looks exactly like her twin sister Penelope, but she does not resemble her to that extent. The two cults she was looking at were identical, as if they had been printed in a factory.

“Isabelle, there is no need to explain this further.”
“Because you will see the privileges I have.”

Isabel nodded at their words.


The ability to create identical copies of oneself by consuming a large amount of energy.

This is the unique ability of Alshas, who once ranked 14th in the rankings and currently commands the imperial carrier ‘Defender of Berzan 02′.

Although there was no psychic technique to create an alter ego in the game, Alshas’ ability was truly outside the standard. This is because it is copied with the same identity, same abilities, and same equipment as the original. If someone says they are fighting Alshas, it must be seen that they are fighting multiple rankers.

Of course, there are some fatal shortcomings, but they are not big problems as the advantages outweigh them.

‘But that alone won’t be enough to defeat Aimov.’

It is true that Simulacrum is a powerful perk, but it is not enough to overpower Aimorph. There was no doubt that he would be able to figure out Alshas’s weaknesses just by competing with him a few times.

“Are you ready?”
“It’s all over.”
“good. Guide us.”
“Isabelle too?”
“Isabel will fight with us anyway. yes?”

Isabel nodded silently in response to the question of ‘Alshas who brought the airship.’

“Well, it’s ‘my’ decision, so there won’t be a problem. Follow me.”

‘Alshas, who was in the mansion’, guided the two to the elevator inside the mansion. Once the three boarded, the elevator began to descend quickly.

“What about over there? “They came up with this plan.”
“You would know even if I didn’t say it. How much that friend hates Moffak. “There’s so much unnecessary enthusiasm that it’s embarrassing.”
“It may be a memory from decades ago, but it’s still strong. “A very timid person.”
“That’s not what we’re talking about.”
“I guess so.”

The elevator that was going down endlessly stopped.

As the door opened, a strong smell enveloped Isabelle’s antennae. It was similar to the smell of melted asphalt. It was so bad it made my antennae tingle.

Alshas and the clone got off the elevator as if nothing had happened. The first thing she saw when she got off behind them was an enormous underground cavity.

“This is a space dug up under the pretext of building a hover bus center.”
“Well, the project collapsed in the middle.”
“It doesn’t matter because this was the intention from the beginning.”
“If we had gone according to the original plan, we should have dug more.”
“There is nothing we can do because the situation has changed. “If it’s this size, there won’t be any problem.”

A space large enough to accommodate several battleships.

There was a structure in the center.

Organic tissue was aggregated into a 200m-sized ring, and a translucent film covered the inside of the ring. The vertical ring touched the ceiling and floor, and the part it touched was tangled with sticky mucous membrane.

She knows what those bio-structures are.

Its name is ‘Bio Portal’. It is a means of transportation mainly used by outspacers.

Alshas was planning to bring in a large number of Outspacers to fight Aimorph.

Metal rain falls from the sky. Molten steel frames and lumps of various materials and metals pour down like heavy rain.

Who would believe me if I told you that those were the outer walls of the biodome or a cult battleship just a few minutes ago?

Here, where I am standing, there is an enormous hole in the bio-dome surrounding the water fortress. These are all the results of the psychic breath I fired.

Thanks to ‘Tyrantroid’ being activated, energy output has increased several times more than usual. Thanks to this, the result was different from what was intended.

‘I was only planning to organize the battleship and the Eye of Revelation priests.’

I had no idea that the biodome, which boasts powerful defense power, would be destroyed. I’ve destroyed it many times in the game, but this is the first time I’ve destroyed it entirely with my own strength. My favorite method was to destroy the dome by crashing the imperial carrier floating in orbit around the planet.

‘It was different from what I expected, but it turned out well.’

The effects of Tyrantroid become stronger as my injuries become more severe. So the power of Psychic Breath does not end there.

‘It’s perfect except that it’s difficult to use as I wish.’

The overwhelming power I felt just before I fired my breath at the monster’s tentacles was no longer felt. The vitality that permeated my entire body is rapidly decreasing.

Due to its regenerative properties, the Tyrantroid effect decreases as the body recovers.

“and! count!”

At that time, I felt a familiar yet strong wave from behind me. It was a wave sent by No. 26, who had enlarged his body.

「Big baby, it’s going to hurt, but it’s strong!」

It stroked my damaged body with its large tentacles.

Currently, I have become much larger due to the Tyrantroid’s strengthening effect. Although it may not be as extreme as the ‘Bone Beast’, it should be considered at least 1.5 times larger.

The size of No. 26’s tentacles caressing my wounds was no less than that of my changed body. It wasn’t because of the ‘fear of the deep’ effect, but the size of the guy was actually quite high.

By default, the Sea Demon’s size is between 20m and 30m, but when it enters battle, it can temporarily inflate its body to a larger size. Thanks to that, the current guy was so majestic that he could be called the Sea Devil.

‘Of course, the behavior is still the same.’
「Does your injury hurt?」
[zuzu zuzuzuzu zuzuzu (It’s okay because it will heal quickly)]
“Due to the rapidly improved metabolism, damaged cells and tissues are being repaired at a very fast rate.”

It’s just as PS-111 on my carapace said. The shells shattered by the Slayer and the main gun are slowly regenerating, although not very quickly.

I stretched out my wing arm and petted the guy who was in battle mode. Every time my gigantic body moved, the surrounding buildings shook violently.

As the enemy was incinerated in an instant, Adhai and the Heavenly Mother also flew near me.

「Big adult」「So much」「So much」「Big adult!」

Adhai seemed very pleased with my changed appearance and the acts of destruction I had shown. Watching him jump on my back gave me a good idea of how he was feeling.

“Is it because you shot it while enhanced with Tyrantroid? His breath is almost at the level of Red Gallagon.”
[Zuzuz Zuzuz (Not that bad)]
“No, no. “Make a water fortress like this.”

The Mother of Heaven looked at the messed up dome and stuck out her tongue. She also takes that attitude because she knows very well how difficult it is to destroy the biodome.

‘For now, it looks like the enemies inside the fortress have been roughly eliminated.’

There was still time until the fleet stationed outside the planet came down.

Before that, you need to check the enemies who are presumed to be rankers.

[Zuzuzu zuzuzuzu (Is Alshas next?)]

The Vice-Captain of the Eye of Revelation Priests was also a strong candidate for rank, but he disappeared without a trace due to my breath.

“Before you go, I would like to ask you to check the Coldblood that ‘little brother’ brought with you.”
‘ah. That’s right.’

I forgot.

The area where the slaves were housed was far from the center and was not affected by flooding. But now that the dome has largely collapsed, I don’t know if the crypt they’re hiding in will be okay.

‘If those guys die, it’s a mess.’
[Zuzuzu zuzuzu zu (get on because it’s moving)]

Number 26 shrank its body to approximately 20 meters and climbed on top of me. It felt quite strange as it felt like a very large water balloon was wrapping around my back.

「Not good because a bad person might come out.」
“If you don’t wrap it around with tentacles, it may fall. Please stick closer.”
“…It’s not something to say at a time like this, but it looks a bit like that.”

After picking up the kids, I spread my wings wide. Although the movement has been slowed down by the Tyrantroid effect, it does not mean that it cannot fly. Even in this state, it is much faster than a personal airship.

I flapped my wings a few times and my body floated upward. I flapped my wings vigorously and headed toward the warehouse where the slaves were hiding.

Within a few minutes, I arrived at the area where the slaves’ quarters were gathered and landed carefully on the ground.

“It’s a monster!”

The residents of the city who saw me ran around screaming. Among them were warriors and priests.

Heads left and right rushed over those fleeing between the buildings with their mouths wide open. And he attracted dozens of cult members.

While replenishing the energy wasted, the wing arms were brought closer to the ground to help MPS-05 get off easily.

[Zuz zuzu zuzu (Go and help them)]
“OK. check.”
“If a crisis occurs, we will notify you immediately.”

The woman’s head with metal legs quickly disappeared from my sight. PS-111, synchronized with the mini screamer, will relay the status of MPS-05.

‘This is enough.’

I decided to leave the slave part to MPS-05, and headed back to Alshas’ mansion.

As we crossed the chaotic streets and approached the outskirts of the city, an old mansion came into view. Also, the appearance of those standing in front of the mansion.

I slowed down and landed on the garden in front of the mansion. The ground shook greatly due to the impact of the landing, but the opponent was not shaken at all.

That could be because one of them is someone I know. Because it was Isabel, a short cold blood ranker.

The problem is the other person.

A female cultist with smooth silver hair and yak horns on her temples. I immediately recognized who she was because I saw it in a photo.

Imperial Carrier Captain Alshas.

Berzan 02’s cult ranker was waiting for me.

“Watch next episode”

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I Became an Evolving Space Monster

I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Released: 2021
Lost in the vast expanse of space, trapped in the icy confines of a metal spacecraft, I was forced to face a horrifying truth. That I had transformed into a ruthless alien predator in a space survival game.


  1. Shazzio says:

    So, Alshas is bringing in Outspacers. Perfect. MC needs to regenerate his fighting arms and parasitic colony genes. She’s actually helping him!

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