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I Want to Be a VTuber Chapter 73

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Chapter 73


Seoyeon looked at me with a face like a puppy that had made a mistake.

Ji-yeon sighed at the sight of her face escaping from reality moving only her eyes to look up her side.

“You mean…”

She had expected it.

She probably didn’t like her ghost performance that she did when she was practicing.

So she must have practiced separately while watching a movie.


From the looks of it that was the movie referenced.

Jiyeon honestly felt like her hair stood on end when she saw her coming down the stairs backwards.

But if she’s a ghost shouldn’t she come down slowly?

It came down so quickly that it looked more like a giant insect than an exorcist.

Of course it was scary as is.

“You know what?”


“What you did just now is truly known as a ghost.”

“I didn’t know that.”

Seoyeon answered hesitantly.

After meeting Ji-yeon she acted a little lukewarmly but her haunted house itself was a huge hit.

This is because Seoyeon’s hot acting became a hot topic.

“I didn’t expect you to move around like that so I thought you were some kind of hallucination or a real ghost.”

How does a person climb down upside down?

Or it can’t be that fast in that condition.

The male students who were chased by ghosts because of such common sense words ended up becoming people who witnessed real ghosts.

Perhaps the old school building will become a place for students to explore their courage for the time being.

Seo-yeon reflected on Ji-yeon’s words.

To be honest she was aware that she had gone a little too far.

She ‘reacted too harshly.’

Seoyeon secretly apologized to the male students.

That’s because not only were there not many students who made it to the second floor in the first place but there were also none who reacted with such surprise.

I was so excited that I chased after him never knowing that it would turn out to be a handshake.

‘it’s a shame.’

She honestly wanted to do more.

She was a little reluctant to wait alone but she had fun surprising the students.

This is why the creatures in the game chase people so much.

Seoyeon is now able to sympathize with Creature’s feelings a little.

“Joo Seo-yeon you really get hurt like that. “What are you going to do if the boy gets startled and attacks you when you rush at him like that?”

“I have to win.”


Jiyeon was at a loss for words.

No you have to win.

However she was a little worried about whether that was what an actor would say.

His head was pointing downwards and he was steadily defending himself against the low kick while looking at Seo-yeon talking nonsense like that.


I changed the conversation because I thought it would lead to a manly discussion about how we can win if we fight like this.

“Have you made any friends?”


Seoyeon who was just talking about the grip technique that leads to grappling closed her mouth.

Seoyeon’s gaze turned forward.

Currently the two were sitting on a bench in the playground.

Closing ceremony of the school festival.

Yeonhwa High School’s festival lasted for a total of two days during which time Seoyeon worked hard at acting as a ghost.


Seoyeon was worried.

Have you made a friend? That being said I don’t really know.

“About half.”

“Well since we are classmates we can only be half friends.”

In response to Ji-yeon’s words Seo-yeon spoke harshly.

“I went into Bantok.”

“It’s so grand.”

“The rest will be soon.”

Seoyeon said triumphantly.

However the female students who saw Seoyeon crawling on all fours seemed to avoid her.

Although it spread as a rumor there are still witnesses.

“Joo Seo-yeon.”

Jiyeon said.

“Your birthday was two months later right?”

“huh? that’s right.”

“I see.”

In response to Seoyeon’s answer Jiyeon looked towards her playground without saying a word.

Seeing Jiyeon like that Seoyeon tilted her head.

I don’t know what you’re thinking.

Seoyeon thought so and cast her gaze towards the playground.

Then fireworks were seen rising toward the sky.


I feel like I was properly prepared for this at school.

A peaceful school life.

‘If you think about it.’

Seoyeon suddenly realized.

School festival watching with her friends.

It was something she could never have dreamed of in her past life.

In the first place what emotions do you feel at times like this?

It just seems like it feels good.

She felt something tickling in her chest.

Me in my past life.

And feelings that Cha Seo-ah was not allowed to have.


While playing a ghost she learned the face of fear.

And the emotions that flowed from inside Cha Seo-ah.

She is jealous of those who have what she does not have.

‘Simple madness.’

This is the setting for her character Cha Seo Ara.

she is a villain

She didn’t know emotions. She was abused.

Such an excuse does not justify numerous murders.

So she wanted to express her fear of becoming a child through this acting.

‘It would be nice to add one more thing.’

Seoyeon thought as she watched the fireworks exploding in the sky.

About this feeling that an ordinary girl cannot enjoy.

She probably wouldn’t have done such a thing out of sheer jealousy.

Seoyeon had such a vague thought.

“Lee Ji-yeon.”


“Are you free this weekend?”

It probably means to meet.

It may have been an ordinary thing to say.


Seoyeon’s face looking at the fireworks spreading in the sky was something even Jiyeon had seen for the first time.

But it wasn’t an expression that this normally fierce girl would make.


She nodded.

She didn’t bother to ask why.


All highlights of <The Chaser> have been filmed.

The remaining scenes about Cha Seo-ah are from her daily life.

And then she kicks Ah to kill the other victims.

She shows her fearful side.

Scenes that show why she committed this crime.

They are jealous of others and abandon humans.

There was a need to show that to the audience.

Originally Seo-yeon tried to show herself by replicating her past self.

If she herself has been abused she.

And if she couldn’t properly act out other people’s facial expressions.

All she had to do was show that assumption she thought.


‘Because I’m the one acting.’

I still remember my past self clearly.

What she thought and how she acted then.

However Joo Seo-yeon had real emotions.

I don’t know how I felt about the world at that time.

Because she didn’t even realize it in the first place.

She felt that knowing those feelings would help her understand her motivations.

The feelings I felt toward others at the time.

‘This place…’


I heard that the filming would probably be tomorrow but Seoyeon and Jiyeon had to go down to the countryside.


I’m sure he didn’t come to buy bread from Seongsimdang.

‘Also the facial expression is very strange.’

I only vaguely listened to it.

There is one last thing I want to prepare for tomorrow’s filming.

I wondered if that had anything to do with coming to Daejeon.

‘How should I know what he’s thinking?’

Seoyeon has had a strange side since she was young.

Now that I’ve gotten used to most things I don’t think much about it.

Because even if she did strange things she had her own reasons.

She said ‘She probably doesn’t have much experience in the countryside.’

Jiyeon followed Seoyeon’s path.


This city is about an hour and a half away from Seoul by train.

Not far but not close either.

Of course she lived in Seoul all her life and Seoyeon is a place she rarely came to.

But Seoyeon’s steps were familiar to her.

She already feels like she has been alive for a long time.

She walked her feet without hesitation.

“Joo Seo-yeon who is she here to meet?”

In the end when I asked that question Seoyeon said.


She simply replied that she was.

As we walked again Seoyeon naturally stopped by here and there.

A little old shopping mall.

An alley lined with old signs.

And an elementary school that seems a bit old.

In comparison it was a neat middle school.

“What about high school?”

“It’s far away.”


It was a strange thing to say.

The last place we headed to was an apartment complex in a slightly secluded location.

Still the place feels quite neatly maintained.

As I kept walking around the sky was getting dark.

Cars leaving work were lined up.


A harmonious-looking family caught my eye.

A girl with a big smile as if she was playing somewhere and a good-looking woman were walking hand in hand.

As Jiyeon looks at it a loose smile appears on her lips.


But Seoyeon quietly looked at the scene.


Seoyeon’s eyes contained very complex emotions.


Is she just not a stranger?

If she knows someone why doesn’t she say anything?

The moment when such a question arises.

“I see.”

Seoyeon muttered like that.

She didn’t say anything special.

She just said that and she slowly turned her back.

“She had things she wanted to reference in her acting.”


“Cha Seo-ah’s motivation.”

Jiyeon became puzzled by Seoyeon’s words.

Isn’t she already doing great? Because she had this idea.

“I think I know a little bit.”

Seo-yeon immediately laughed at Ji-yeon’s words.

“It doesn’t matter now.”

She smiled neatly the shadow that had been there for a moment disappeared.

Seeing Seoyeon like that Jiyeon was finally able to feel at ease.

So the two returned to Seoul.

From the next day.

The postponed filming of <The Chaser> has begun.


“Thank you for your effort!”

“Seoyeon also worked hard. Is Cha Seo-ah’s part now over?”

One month like that.

The filming of <The Chaser> has reached its end.

At least all of the remaining scenes involving Cha Seo-ah have been filmed.

“Yes that’s the end.”

Director Bae Jin-hwan was lost in thought as he saw Seo-yeon wiping the sweat from her forehead with a relieved face.

‘The acting has gotten better.’

I felt like I was seeing her in person as if I knew her from before.

Such great acting that I don’t regret putting Seo-yeon in this role.

It especially shined in the highlight scenes.

She believed that the process of connecting the middle was sufficient as long as it was at an acceptable level.

“to be honest.”

Director Bae Jin-hwan grinned.

“This isn’t easy to edit because the scenes are all great. “I heard the staff are very sad.”

“…is it so?”

“Oh of course. Seoyeon where did you come from acting? Cha Seo-ah this is a really great product.”

In thriller movies the villain is important.

You have to be able to instill fear in the audience in order for them to be immersed in it.

If the audience cannot understand the motive for the crime it will hinder their immersion.

In that respect the crime motive of the character Cha Seo-ah was very difficult.

Simple jealousy.

If it feels that way honestly it’s a bit subtle.

‘Just that?’

If you feel that way you will fail.

However Seo-yeon expressed very well through her acting why her daughter did what she did.

“It’s a very deep emotional performance… but considering Seo-yeon’s age it’s at a level that makes me speechless.”

“…Is that so?”

She flinched for a moment at her words.

Anyway I’m a high school girl now. A high school girl.

When she was repeating that to Seo-yeon.

“Shooting is almost over now. “She needs to get promoted soon.”


“Yes your broadcast should go on too. Mr. Seoyeon. Does she have anything in mind? “I think you should listen to the doctor first.”

Movie promotion.

Going out to various entertainment shows or events and showing her face.

She was already familiar with Seo-yeon as she had already done similar work when she was pregnant.

Of course she was a child so she didn’t do much.

‘This time since he’s a villain the frequency will be much higher than before right?’

But even though she was promoting it Seoyeon couldn’t think of anything in particular.

Because I didn’t know all of these things.

“If I don’t have anything in mind I’ll tell the PR team separately.”

“Yes please take care of me.”

“Because other actors will probably join us. “It’s okay don’t worry too much.”

Seo-yeon nodded her head at director Bae Jin-hwan’s words.

At most she thought it was like an interview broadcast or a promotional event from the past.

A word from the author (author review)

At the end she wanted to appear on a variety show but couldn’t write it down because she couldn’t think of what to do.

She needs to think about what would be good for her.

And upload and correct typos…!

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I Want to Be a VTuber

I Want to Be a VTuber

Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I definitely just wanted to be a VTuber… But when I came to my senses, I had become an actor.


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