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Novel Return of Mount Hua Sect Chapter 964

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“Knock them all to death!”

Black Dragon King roared with his internal strength fully unleashed. His face was cruelly distorted as he saw the sword warriors of Namgung Family fighting, seemingly rejuvenated in their fighting spirit.

‘Damn it.’

They were as exhausted as before. In fact, it should be worse than before.

However, their eyes had changed completely. Unlike before, when they were consumed by the fear of death, their eyes were now filled with deadly determination.

Of course, it wouldn’t be difficult to exterminate them, but the casualties would inevitably increase. Those who are prepared for death are bound to be that tenacious.


Black Dragon King gritted his teeth.

Why was he wasting so much time when it was going to end up like this anyway? Flaunting around and making a fuss, only to end up at a loss?

Black Dragon King looked over the Yangtze River with his eyes shimmering with fury.

In his eyes, he saw a small boat slowly cutting through the waves of the Yangtze River. The boat looks so relaxed as if it has nothing to do with the gruesome slaughter taking place before them.

“…Damn it!”

What made him the most angry wasn’t Jang Ilso, who twisted things around. It was his own inability to question Jang Ilso for exacerbating the damage to water fortress.


When he had arrived at the Yangtze, their relationship hadn’t been like this. Where did things start to go so wrong?

There was a fierce anger in the eyes of Black Dragon King.

The surging rage needed to be vented somehow.

“Rip them apart! All of them! Don’t let them die easily! Make them feel the consequences of opposing water fortress in their agonizing death!”

His anger poured out wildly towards the unfortunate Namgung Family.


The harpoon, sharpened to perfection and infused with internal strength, pierced the trained human flesh all too easily.


A low sense of pleasure filled the pirate’s eyes as he saw that the clothes, which had already been soaked in blood and had turned dark red, were being soaked with new blood.

The pirate completely twisted the harpoon he had pierced. No matter how formidable the opponent is, the moment a harpoon stuck in their stomach rips through their intestines, they all writhe in pain and collapse on the spot.



The sword warrior of Namgung Family, pierced by a harpoon, suddenly smirked. As his blood-soaked teeth were exposed, his hand clutching an iron sword cleaved through the air like a ray of light.



The dull sound of the sword cutting through bone resounded, and the head of the pirate, torn from his neck, rose into the air.

The sword warrior, who had stumbled forward as if he would collapse, propped himself up with his bloodied sword and forced his trembling head to lift.


The one who had thrust the harpoon was now a headless corpse, but the harpoon remained embedded in his body. Namgung’s sword warrior swung his sword without hesitation and cut off the harpoon’s shaft.


Cutting the shaft short was a double-edged sword.

It would be easier to move for the moment, but the remaining harpoon tip would dig deeper into him with every movement.

But what did it matter?

Death was all that awaited him anyway, so what difference would a few more harpoon tips in a corpse make?

Two harpoons were already lodged in his abdomen. The fingers on his left hand were completely severed, and he felt no more pain from the deep cut in his shoulder. The deepest wound is the thigh. Blood is flowing like a stream from the cut blood vessel.

But that, too, was irrelevant.

‘This won’t be enough.’

A fierce determination swirled in his eyes.

‘Gaju-nim died much more gruesomely!’

At least until ten harpoons pierced his body, he would not fall. If death was the only thing left for him, he must take as many blows as possible meant for his comrades beside and behind him.


Through his blurred vision, Namgung Pyeong caught a glimpse of harpoons flying towards him. Not one, but two… no, five?

t will be of no use to know. No matter how many harpoons there are, it is impossible to block them anyway.

This sword warrior of Namgung Family, named Namgung Pyeong (남궁표(南宮彪)), simply stepped forward and swung his sword. An attack that disregarded defense. It is an attack with the determination to drag as many of the pirates to hell with him as possible, no matter how many harpoons pierced his body.

Kwadeuk! Kwadeuk! Sogok!

The sounds of harpoons piercing flesh and swords cleaving through bodies resonated simultaneously.


Namgung Pyeong’s body slowly collapsed as he felt the cold metal digging into his throat.

The world darkened, and death approached.

For a moment, he felt relieved that his throat was pierced. It meant he wouldn’t be able to let out a pitiful scream.


The sensation of the ground touching his body was dull and faint. As the world was gradually engulfed in darkness, he let his body slacken.

It is comfortable.

So comfortable that he just wanted to rest like this. Just like this…

But at that moment, Namgung Pyeong’s eyes snapped open. He gripped his half-dropped sword once again. The pirate, thinking he was already dead, had trampled over him and moved on.

Lying on his stomach, Namgung Pyeong swung his sword, baring his blood-soaked teeth.


“You son of a beast!”

Caught off guard by the unexpected attack from the ground, the pirate clutched their legs and fell. Looking at that, Namgung Pyeong chuckled. No, he was tried to.

Kwadeuk! Kwadeuk! Kwadeuk!

But he couldn’t. Having been turned into a porcupine by dozens of harpoons, there was no way left for him to laugh.

‘Sogaju…. Take care of your body….’


Another life seeped into the Yangtze River.


The sword warriors of Namgung Family were like ghosts.

Martial art isn’t something that improves merely with willpower. What advances martial arts is not willpower but effort.

But now, the sword warriors of Namgung Family were overturning the common sense of Kangho.

Even when a harpoon pierced their eyes, they swung their swords. Even when a harpoon pierced their abdomen and protruded from their back, they didn’t let out a scream even once.

All that came out of their mouths were ferocious roars.

“Die! You dogs of Evil Sects!”

“Let’s show how the sword warriors of Namgung die!”

The pirates, too, prided themselves on their ferocity. Didn’t they undoubtedly push Namgung around like scared dogs in the previous battles?

But at this moment, they were clearly being overwhelmed by the relatively few sword warriors of Namgung.

Could there be a more fitting scene for the saying, ‘Rushing towards death without regard’?

One holding his entrails spilling from his belly with one hand while swinging his sword with the other, another clutching a broken sword with their bare hands and swinging like crazy, and yet another, even when fallen, slicing at the ankles of the enemy.

The term ‘hell on earth’ seemed to have been coined for this very moment.

And in the middle of that hell, Namgung Myung was swinging his sword like a madman.


A harpoon lodged into his shoulder with a terrible sound. But Namgung Myeong didn’t even blink as he cut through the heart of the pirate standing before him with his iron sword.


Contrary to his spirited cry, his heart was full of sorrow.

Sacrificing his life was nothing to him. He was a man meant to die anyway. When Namgung Hwang gave up his life in this Yangtze River, he was the one who should have opened the way in front of him and died first.

It was only because of Namgung Hwang’s orders that he continued to live this harsh life.



Each suppressed groan he heard penetrated his ears, it felt like a piece of his heart was being ripped out. The groans of those dying without showing weakness to the enemy, biting their own tongues, were more painful than screams, sadder than weeping.


A furious roar burst from Namgung Myung’s mouth. His sword was now drawing erratic trajectories, breaking free from the swordsmanship of Namgung Family.

A martial artist will one day die with a sword in hand. Among those standing here, is there anyone who doesn’t have that determination?


‘It’s so sorrowful.’

Tears were streaming down Namgung Myung’s face before he knew it.

In this lonely place where no one reaches out, where they die without even a scream, the loneliness and sorrow are too overwhelming, making the tears flow despite his efforts to hold them back.

Would the world acknowledge their sorrow?

Would the world remember their deaths?


A sound that seemed like a groan or a cry escaped Namgung Myung’s mouth.

“Keu… ugh….”

The groan of a Namgung swordsmaster with a large dao embedded in his chest brushed past his ears. Another, when his arm was pierced and could no longer hold sword, he threw away the sword he had been holding his whole life and lunged forward, grabbing onto the pirates in front of him.

To protect those behind him, even if it’s just one person, even if it’s just for a moment longer.

Namgung Myung laughed like a madman.


It’s a desperate situation.

The situation is already under siege on all sides. Even if they swing their sword again and again, the number of pirates does not decrease. More of them keep flooding in ominously than they can kill.

No matter how hard they try and how determined they are, they alone can’t do it.

‘Are you watching?’

Namgung Myung dazedly turned his head towards the riverbank. Towards Shaolin and Ten Great Sects, who will be clearly watching their final moments from beyond.

“Still… Are you still watching? You bastaaaaaaards!”

Kwadeuk! Kwadeuk!

The moment his sword swung frenzily and sliced ​​through the pirate’s body, several harpoons flew toward him.


The harpoons flew towards his face at incredible speed.


“Protect Daeju-nim!”

The members of Azure Sky Sword Squad flew into the air, protecting Namgung Myung. They desperately swing their sword and deflect the harpoon, and with their hastily stretched arms, they take the blows meant for Namgung Myung.

Namgung Myung screamed.

“What are you doing! You stupid bastards!”

They shouldn’t die like this. These are people who should not die like this. They were not meant to die so miserably in a place like this.

Some were meant to become heroes of Namgung, others great hero of Kangho. At the very least, they were to be fathers to someone, friends to others.

But why must they die so meaninglessly?

“Eu, Uwaa….”

He tried to rush forward in fury, but his legs, pierced by a harpoon, wouldn’t move anymore. He was one of the most exhausted people here, having poured all cpunovel dot com his internal strength into helping the injured over the past few days.

He could see it clearly in his eyes as he collapsed on the spot. The backs of those standing in front were blocked by dozens of harpoons piercing through.


The blood spurted from the harpoon covered his face.

The moment the warm blood spilled on his face, he thought he might suffer burns. But perhaps what was truly burning was…


Namgung Myung laughed as if in self-deprecation, sobbed as if in despair, and then grabbed his head. At some point, Namgung Myung’s head drooped forward. As if a convict awaiting beheading.

He tried to be dignified. He tried to remain dignified until the very last moment.

But… that was no longer possible for Namgung Myung.

‘Gaju. I….’

There were no more tears flowing from his eyes.

‘…I failed to protect Namgung.’

People are all the same.

When there is something too desperately needed, beyond one’s ability to achieve alone, one can only hope.

Eyes closed, head bowed, hands not holding a sword but clasped together, simply hoping earnestly.

‘Please, someone….’

A deep sob escaped from Namgoong Myung’s mouth.

“Someone… please, someone help…”

In a cracked voice, as if grating metal.


It was more heartbreaking than any other cry of despair.

But there was no way that feeling could be conveyed to the pirate. One of the pirates approached Namgung Myung, who had collapsed as if begging for forgiveness and scoffed.

“What a stupid man.”


The harpoon in his hand let out a short cry.

“Begging for help? The name Namgung itself would be ashamed. Since even Shaolin has abandoned you, do you think there will be anyone here on this Yangtze River to help you?”

As he began to walk slowly, perhaps because the man had a certain position among the pirates, the other pirates also kept pace with him.

“No matter how much you talk about Chivalrousness and Righteousness, this is your true nature.”

The moment he heard those words, Namgung Myung’s shoulders trembled.

“No need to worry. “Everyone here will die, so your road to the afterlife won’t be lonely.”

With a deep mockery, the pirate pulled back the harpoon in his hand. It is as if he was going to pierce Namgung Myung’s head with one blow.

“Just die already!”

It was the exact moment when the tautly pulled harpoon was fired at Namgung Myung’s head.


There was a tremendous sound that felt like one’s eardrums were going to burst. The pirate who had launched the harpoon gasped and turned his head sideways.


What he saw was a massive disc.


It spins violently like a disc and flies towards him…..



Thoughts came to a halt.

He could clearly see the sword stuck in the sandbank of Plum Blossom Island, creating a huge crater.


He was just about to distort his face at the absurd sight. A line appeared, connecting the top of his head to his groin.

Everyone stared at the scene with blank faces.


The pirate, sensing the change in his body, trembled as he touched his face with his shaking hand.


His palm felt wet with spots of red blood. The pirate’s eyes began to tremble. More and more blood wetted his hands. And soon blood started flowing down his chin.

“No… way….”

Shock and disbelief.

But that was all.

His wide-open eyes misaligned, and soon, the pirate’s body split in two and collapsed to the ground.


Suddenly, a chilling silence descended upon Plum Blossom Island.

It was such a shocking sight that the atmosphere, heated by the madness of battle, cooled down in an instant. Those who stared blankly at the scene turned to one place in unison as if they had made a promise.

Towards the place where the sword that flew across this wide Yangtze River and saved Namgung Myung.

And there, they saw.

The figure of a man standing on the riverbank, where the blue waves of the Yangtze rolled in like a tide.

A groan of unbearable pain escaped Namgung Myung’s mouth.

“Aah… Ah….”

How could he not recognize?

That black martial attire.

Like a streak of blood flowing from the heart, the red emblem etched on the left chest.

Even from this distance and with his blurry vision, that figure was bizarrely vivid.

“Mount Hua….”

Finally, the name fully escaped Namgung Myung’s mouth.

“Mount Hua Chivalrous Sword….”

Chung Myung stared at the warships floating on the Yangtze River and Plum Blossom Island with dark eyes.

With everyone remaining silent on the situation.

A man on a large ship a little away from Plum Blossom Island, with lips as red as blood and curved like the crescent moon.

“As expected….”

Jang Ilso let out a pleased smile.

“You never disappoint me.”

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Return of Mount Hua Sect

Return of Mount Hua Sect

Return of the Blossoming Blade, Return of the Huashan Sect, Return of the Mount Hua Sect, RMHS
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The 13th generation disciple of the Great Mount Hua Sect. One of the Three Great Swordsmen. The Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung. After slicing the head of the peerless Heavenly Demon, who threw the world into chaos, he slept an eternal sleep on the peak of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. Jumping over a hundred years, he comes back in the body of a child. But… what? Mount Hua declined? What the hell are you talking about!? It’s only natural to want to live if you’re going broke. “Decline? Even though I’m here? Who would dare!” Plum blossoms eventually fall. But when the cold winter passes and spring comes, plum blossoms shall bloom again. “But I’m gonna die first before Mount Hua gets revived! If you’re gonna go bust, might as well do it right, you bastards!” The beginning of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung’s solitary struggle to save the thoroughly declining Mount Hua Sect.


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