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Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son Chapter 6

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Episode 6. Han Ibi

from Magok Clinic (馬谷醫院) found out the identity of the old man and was afraid for a while.

You never knew when his mind would change and he would try to harm you.

But has it been said that humans are animals of adaptation?

As time passed, Han Ibi gradually adapted to living with the elderly.

Then one day it happened.

When I woke up in the morning, I suddenly saw a set of clothes lying by my bedside.

These are Song Myeong-cheon’s clothes.

It even looked much better than the clothes he was currently wearing.

Only then did Han Ibi realize that her clothes were so covered in blood that she couldn’t even tell whether they were originally red or blue.

Han Ibi felt like something was making her cry.

“Elder! thank you thank you.”

Song Myeong-cheon said bluntly.

“What are you doing without rushing?”

Han Ibi quickly changed her clothes as soon as he said anything. Quickly, like a private taking a bath at a training camp.

After seeing this, Song Myeong-cheon went outside the cabin.

Han Ibi followed behind.


“Elder… what is this?”

Isn’t Song Myeong-cheon blurting out something in front of Han Yi-bi?

I didn’t ask because I didn’t know.

This was the water bucket that Song Myeong-cheon was carrying on his shoulder when he first appeared.

Something that allows you to carry water on both sides by putting a long pole on your shoulder.

Song Myeong-cheon’s answer was short as always.



Han Yi-bi followed Song Myeong-cheon, carrying an empty water bucket on both shoulders.

However, the direction is a bit strange.

“Elder. “Isn’t that… the direction of descent?”

As expected, Song Myeong-cheon said nothing.

What can I do?

Han Ibi just followed after him, cursing under her breath.

* * *

Did Han Si-jin come down a little too long? And that at a tremendous speed.

Still, it was fortunate that it was mainly downhill.

Han Yi-bi and Song Myeong-cheon finally reached the foot of the mountain.

After a little while, flat land began to appear. I also saw people coming and going.

I was finally able to see the right people.

Even though most of them were shabby in appearance…

Still, I felt very glad to see ‘humane people’ after just hanging out with a gruff old man with a cold wind blowing.

By the way… where on earth are we going?

Han Ibi was going crazy with curiosity, but she held it in and didn’t ask anything.

Because I knew that even if I told him many things, I wouldn’t be able to get my money back.

Has it been about a while since that happened?

Now, proper buildings are starting to appear.

At first they were sparse, but later it got to the point where they were all close together.

I also saw nosebleed dogs running around in a group in front of the house.


Song Myeong-cheon led Han Ibi to a village at the foot of Magok Mountain.

Han Ibi thought as she tilted her head in surprise.

‘That’s so strange. I thought this old man absolutely hated meeting people…’

As we headed towards the center of the village, the number of passers-by doubled.

This place really seemed like a place where people lived.

Only then did Han Ibi understand why the old man had given away his clothes.

If you wear blood-soaked clothes like that in a town like this, you’ll get noticed right away.

It was then.

Song Myeong-cheon, who was walking at an incredible speed, started to slow down.

Then, he approaches a certain building.

Han Ibi raised her head and looked at the signboard.

Even though it was written in Chinese characters, I was able to read it without much effort, perhaps thanks to synchronization with Zongrimae.

– Magok Clinic

Uhm… So, in today’s terms, it’s a hospital.

No… since this place does not specialize in medicine, should it be called a hospital and pharmacy?…

Song Myeong-cheon walked in stride and opened the door without even knocking.

There was no one. Since it was still early in the morning, it seemed like the patients had not yet arrived.


A voice came from inside the side door located inside.

Song Myeong-cheon said.

“It’s me.”

As expected, the words are short.

I saw someone coming out of the side door.

Judging from his attire, he is probably a member of the local council.

I think he was around mid-40s.

His enormous physique… his bulging belly… his bright red face, as if he had drunk a lot of alcohol, is impressive.

He found Song Myeong-cheon and said.

“Oh oh! “Are you here?”

Song Myeong-cheon simply nodded and gave the message.

However, the congressman chuckled and said what was so fun.

“I thought to myself that maybe it’s time for you to come here?”

Song Myeong-cheon just smiled uncomfortablely.

Still, the talkative middle-aged lawmaker kept talking.

“How… did you get all the promised medicinal ingredients?”

Only then did Song Myeong-cheon finally open his mouth.

“I found the nine forces, but I couldn’t save them all.”

“Ugh. What’s going on with the veteran herbalist? Anyway, let’s take a look at the items.”

Song Myeong-cheon extended his hand towards Han Yi-bi.

Han Ibi immediately understood what he meant and untied the bag tied to her waist.

Then the congressman, who finally discovered Han Ibi’s existence, said with a grin.

“Now that I think about it, I have company today. Who are you? “A disciple?”

Just as Han Yi-bi was about to open her mouth, Song Myeong-cheon interrupted her and spoke.

“So to speak. This guy came here to learn how to become an herbalist. “My friend’s nephew.”

Then the congressman nodded and said as if he understood.

“Good job. good job. “The person you serve is the best in this field, so learning from him will be of great help.”

Han Ibi was a bit dumbfounded, but shook her head and agreed.

“That’s right. Elderly member of parliament. “I am always grateful.”

The congressman who heard his words chuckled and responded.

“You are unusually polite for a young person these days. Anyway, do your best. Well then, shall we take a look at some medicinal herbs? “I guess you also went digging together?”

Haha… this person talks a lot. It would have been nice to mix things up a bit with Grandpa Song.

Han Ibi answered.

“yes. That’s true, but it’s just a matter of walking around next to you and carrying luggage. what.”

“Ahahaha. That’s how it all starts in the beginning, right? “I did the same thing when I first learned to be a lawmaker.”

Han Yi-bi held out a bag containing medicinal herbs in a polite manner.

The congressman took it and carefully laid it on one side of the table.

“Let’s see… This is Bangi (防己), a requirement for good fortune… Well, this is Baekchul (White Tree)… Gilgyeong (桔梗), Maekmun-dong (麥門冬), Sanyak (山藥)… Okay. Although they are ordinary, they are all products. “As expected, it is a masterpiece.”

Song Myeong-cheon said.

“How much will you give me?”

Then, for the first time, the congressman’s expression hardened somewhat and he spoke.

“But you know… These days, a lot of medicinal herbs are being transported in from other regions. I would say that competition has become fiercer. Yesterday too, street thugs brought some medicinal herbs…”

“So how much will you give them?”

“So… I’m just letting you know that the market price has dropped a lot. “With this much… I can give you about 500 coins…”

At that time, Song Myeong-cheon took long strides to the table where the herbs were laid out and got ready to take them back.

“I think it went well. Then, I will also look for a new member.”

Then the congressman approached urgently and said.

“no way! Why are you doing this? “You have to listen to what people say until the end.”

Song Myeong-cheon retrieved his outstretched hand on the table and looked at the lawmaker.

“But… of course, I have to pay the right price considering the loyalty we have had in doing business for a long time. “I will give you 700 questions.”

Song Myeong-cheon stretched out his hand toward the medicinal herb.

“for a moment! “Wow, you’re quite impatient.”

The lawmaker said, blocking Song Myeong-cheon’s hand.

Song Myeong-cheon said.

“You have a long way to go, so make a decision quickly.”

The lawmaker seemed to think for a moment, but then spoke as if he had made up his mind.

“Okay. I will give you a silver lining. No more. “This is a generous reward.”

Then, Song Myeong-cheon seemed satisfied and said nothing more.

The lawmaker was worried that Song Myeong-cheon would change his mind, so he quickly took out a silver coin from his pocket and held it out to him.

Song Myeong-cheon took it and held it in his arms.

After seeing the transaction being completed, Han Ibi looked around the inside of the clinic for a moment.

Hospitals, both then and now, are really… not that good.

It’s a place I rarely want to go.

The congressman was writing something neatly on a piece of paper and saying something to Song Myeong-cheon.

It seemed like he was probably telling me about the medicinal ingredients needed for the next transaction.

And finally…

“Let’s go.”

Song Myeong-cheon said to Han Yi-bi.


Han Ibi followed him out and greeted the lawmaker.

“Then, Senator. see you next time.”

The congressman chuckled and waved.

“Good. “I hope you learn well, and next time, you can at least pick up a root of wild ginseng.”

As she walked behind Song Myeong-cheon, Han Yi-bi finally came to a realization.

The fact is that Song Myeong-cheon’s livelihood is achieved through this ‘selling of medicinal herbs.’

‘Wow. As expected, making a living is not easy regardless of the time or place…’

Song Myeong-cheon walked forward with strides.

He seemed to know the geography of this place well.

‘But… why on earth did you ask me to bring this water bucket? And I don’t think this is the way back to Magok Mountain….’

Did I take all my precautions?

Now the scenery was filled with the hustle and bustle of the street.

I could see people busy preparing for the day’s business.

Then, Song Myeong-cheon’s steps finally became dull.

Han Ibi instinctively looked up at the sign above her head.

– Cheongyugaekjan (淸流客盞)

is a place that sells alcohol and food and provides accommodations for guests.

As the two people entered, a man who appeared to be in his late teens came running towards them.

“Welcome to fifty… Ah! “It’s been a while since you’ve been here.”

Jeom So-i recognized Song Myeong-cheon and made a friendly gesture.

However, Song Myeong-cheon just nodded once and quickly walked to the table in the corner and sat down.

It wasn’t something I had seen done once or twice.

He spoke to Han Ibi, who was standing blankly.

“What are you doing? Are you going to keep standing there?”

Han Ibi reacted in surprise, put the water bucket on the floor and quickly sat down.


As the delicious smell wafted through my stomach, my stomach started churning, telling me to come up with something.

Jeomsoy said with a smile.

“It looks like your companions came with you today.”

Song Myeong-cheon had nothing to say about Katabuta. Han Ibi just smiled along with an awkward expression on her face.

Jeomsoy said.

“Would you like me to prepare something you always eat?”

Song Myeong-cheon nodded.

“What should I prepare for alcohol?”

Song Myeong-cheon fired a laser with his eyes as if he was asking something like that.

However, Jeomsoy smiled cheerfully and continued speaking.

“yes. “I will serve you alcohol as usual.”

Then, Han Ibi said as she took the bucket of water she was carrying.

“You will be satisfied because it is of the highest quality. “I’ll fill it up.”

Han Ibi felt a bit awkward. This is what happens when you sit facing each other at a table in the middle.

It felt like I had come to eat alone with an uncomfortable boss.

The good news was that Song Myeong-cheon seemed to be in a good mood.

So, if you think about it, today is payday and there is no difference.

After waiting for a while, Jeomsoi brought food.

“This is the colonel who ordered the wet lamb.”

As soon as she saw the steam rising, Hanibi’s stomach began to churn even more.

‘wow! what’s this.’

Like most Koreans, the Chinese food that Han Ibi knew was difficult to go beyond Jjajangmyeon, Jjambbong, and Sweet and Sour Pork.

But what is this visual?…

It’s a washtub. It’s a real washtub, incomparable to cold noodles. Inside the bowl, various vegetables and boiled lamb were floating in chunks.

Next to it was a large piece of bread, brown and crunchy in places, and it looked really delicious.

Normally, I wouldn’t have even looked at her, but…Han Ibi hadn’t eaten proper food in a long time.

A wave of emotion filled his eyes.

Han Yi-bi quickly got up and put meat and soup on Song Myeong-cheon’s plate.

The Jangyuyuseo skill was activated.

(Continued in the next part)

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Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Possessing a Murim Clan’s Youngest Son

Murim Possesses The Youngest Son
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Han Yibi, frustrated with his life and job, stumbles into a run down comic store only to find his father’s martial arts novel there. As he reaches the last page of the novel: “Will you… continue?” When I woke up, I thought I was a noble but… I became dirt poor again. I got the unlucky short end of the stick. The ruined Murim world too, also is a fool for pointing fingers at everyone for being insufficient. I have to take down the faceless demon to get home? Save the original story to yourself! Let’s just grow stronger and help the main character. That’s how I’ll get out of this world!


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