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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert Chapter 164

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Episode 164:

Brielle was sitting on the side of the stone mountain surrounding the magic stone mine.

From here, the interior of the city was clearly visible.

The voices of people walking unsteadily under the colorful lights could be heard all the way here.

People enjoyed today like crazy as if there was no tomorrow.

The strong smell of desire wafting all the way here made Brielle’s mind go blank.

Now that I’m used to it, it’s no problem, but when I was first kidnapped to the human world, I thought I was going crazy.


It was time for her to sigh.

“The ground will disappear. “Kid!”

I heard Levin’s voice from behind me.

As Brielle looked at Levin, he caught his breath and straightened his back.

This is because I ran around the magicite mine looking for Brielle.

“How did you find this place?”

“Why did you come?”

“Then the little boy ran out, so you just left him alone?”

“I can protect my body enough.”


“But why?”

“It’s family. “Families must protect each other.”


Brielle’s eyes shook at the unexpected words.

In our life together, we have never once thought of it like that. This is because she thought that her only family was the high elves.

“We live in the same house, see each other every day, take care of each other… If that’s not family, what is it?”


It was a word with great resonance.

Brielle closed her eyes and repeated the word family several times.

Levin watched Brielle in silence.

The wind blew.

I don’t know what kind of realization she came to, but Brielle stood up with a relieved expression.

“it’s okay. “Let’s go now.”


“Let’s go.”


Brielle walked with a grin on her face.

‘There’s no reason to choose now. Now this is my home and these are my family. ‘You just have to stick to reality.’

Brielle liked Zeon.

At first, we were bound by a covenant, but as time went by, we got better at Zeon.

It wasn’t a feeling between the sexes.

I fell in love with the human charm of a person named Zeon.

We might break up someday, but at least not now.

She didn’t want to waste time in the present on things that didn’t come in the future.

The stone mountain was very steep and rugged.

I didn’t realize it when I came up, but when I went down, I realized how steep the slope was.

Levin muttered as he walked carefully.

“You mean to dig up magic stones inside this stone mountain?”

“How can a rocky mountain like this stand alone in the middle of the desert?”

“Wasn’t there a mountain like this where you originally lived?”

“at all! Everywhere you could see there was sand. “Only a small portion of the land was suitable for elves to live in.”

“It must have been difficult.”

“I didn’t even think it was difficult when I was there. Because they all adapted to living in the sand. But if I had to go back to that time, I don’t think I would be able to.”


“Because I got used to the city. “I can’t even imagine life without electricity.”


Brielle’s answer was unexpected, so Levin burst into laughter.


“No, I agree with you.”

“right? I don’t know how I lived without electricity. “If possible, I would like to teach my hometown how to extract electricity from magic stones.”

“It will happen someday.”

“Do you really think so?”

“okay! Won’t we go back and forth someday when our hatred for each other has faded a little? Then I can tell you how to generate electricity from magic stones.”

“and! “Levin seems like an adult now.”

“Ugh! Of course I’m more mature than you. “Kid!”

Levin pretended to hit Brielle’s head. Then Brielle lowered her head and stuck out her tongue.

‘Still, I’m glad you feel better.’

Levin smiled and looked around.

At that time, a man caught Levin’s eye.

He was a man in his mid to late twenties wearing shabby clothes.

On the outside, he looked like an ordinary miner.

In fact, he wore the clothes worn by miners and knee-high boots.

It wasn’t strange.

This was a magicite mine, and it was natural for miners to reside here.

It was natural to see a miner.

Nevertheless, Levin felt a strange sense of discomfort with the miner.


Levin stared at the miner.

The goal is to find out why you feel this discomfort.

Brielle blinked, perhaps because it was strange to look at the wrong man while talking.

“what’s the matter?”

“Oh, that’s it…”

At that time, the miner disappeared among the people.

Levin tried to find the miner among the crowd, but it was no use.

“Did you miss it?”

“Why are you doing that?”

“Because that’s strange.”


“He dressed like a miner, but his behavior did not look like a miner.”

Only then did Levin realize the identity of the discomfort he felt.

Usually, people with certain occupations give off an atmosphere appropriate to that occupation.

It was natural for a beggar to give off a gloomy and pessimistic mood, and a person doing hard labor naturally gave off an air of exhaustion.

However, the miner he saw a moment ago did not have the vibe of a miner at all.

There were no signs of hard work and the clothes were very clean.

Also, for an ordinary miner, his face was full of curiosity. As if he was coming here for the first time.

‘Who is it?’

It may not have been a big deal, but it strangely bothered me.

Levin remembered the man’s face.


“Wow! What is that guy? Did you notice something?”

A man dressed as a miner was sweeping his chest in a back alley.

“I’m done too. “I almost got caught by a kid.”

“What do you mean? “You almost got caught?”

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came from behind the man.

“Gagging! It’s a surprise.”

The man looked back while playing. Then, a woman covered in a robe was standing right in front of me.

It had approached him without him noticing.

If a woman was his enemy, he would already be dead.

The man shouted, pointing at the woman.

“Fuck! “How many times have I told you to please show up?”

“If an assassin makes a sound, he is disqualified.”

“Am I a target for assassination? I’m a colleague. colleague!”

“So you got caught?”

“no! I wasn’t caught. “It’s just that some kid kept staring at me and it bothered me.”

“Is it true?”

“You don’t trust me? I’m Aslan. “My name is Aslan, the master of infiltration.”

“A master of infiltration is on the kid’s radar?”

“Because I didn’t get caught.”

In the end, the man Aslan screamed. Nevertheless, the woman wearing a robe paid no attention and just said what she had to say.

“So what information?”

“uh! “I collected everything.”

“Then let’s go out.”

“Can’t I stay longer? “There are so many things to enjoy, so why are you leaving already?”

“The longer you stay, the more likely you are to get caught. “Didn’t you say that you already caught the eye of some kid?”

“I heard you didn’t get caught.”

“let’s go!”

“Fuck! Listen to people. “Let’s go have some fun.”

“If you want to stay, I’ll go out alone.”

“no way! “Then how do I get out?”

“It’s none of my business.”

“Ah, a bitch without blood or tears. Okay, let’s go. go!”

In the end, Aslan surrendered. Then the woman gently picked up Aslan and said,

“Goes. “Hold on tight.”

“lol! “Hold on tight.”

Aslan smiled brightly and hugged the woman tightly. The soft touch on my face and arms calmed my rising anger.

The woman’s body hidden under the robe was very voluptuous.

This was the reason Aslan did not get angry even when he hugged the princess, which would have been humiliating for a man.

The body of the woman holding Aslan became transparent.

That was one of the woman’s awakening abilities.


Although it was only for a moment, it was the ability to make objects that came in contact with it transparent and out of sight.

The woman used her invisibility ability to quickly escape the crowded street.

A woman who arrived in front of the castle wall released a rope.

The rope stretched out like a whip and wrapped around the pillars on the castle wall.

The woman pulled the rope and threw herself over the castle wall.

There were awakened people standing guard on the castle wall, but no one noticed the woman’s appearance.

This was also a woman’s ability to awaken.

The woman fooled the awakened people’s eyes and went down to the desert.

Just like that, the woman disappeared into the darkness of the desert.


Levin and Brielle returned to their lodgings.

Mandy had already gone to her room and was sleeping, and Xeon was alone in the living room.

Zeon looked at Brielle’s face and said.

“I have to go a long way tomorrow, so go in and sleep quickly.”

“huh! I will. Come on in, Jeon too.”



Brielle entered the room with a bright face.

Zeon also spoke to Levin.

“great job. “You go in and rest.”



“I saw a strange person earlier.”



Levin said about the miner he saw earlier.

“It’s definitely strange.”

“Right? “There’s something wrong with my eyes, right?”

“Miners in the Magicite Mine never go out when so many people come.”

In the magicite mine, the miners are treated harshly.

Day or night, if you have the stamina, you will be put into the mine shaft.

Miners who are tired from hard labor are busy taking a rest when they come out.

Especially when so many awakened people come in, they don’t come out. This is because they are the ones who lose out if they have a fight with the awakened people.

“Then what is it? “He was clearly dressed as a miner.”


“no way! I don’t know. “I’ll go in and sleep.”


Even Levin entered the room, leaving Xeon alone.

Zeon recalled what Levin had said.

“He’s a miner who doesn’t fit into the magicite mine…”

If other people had said this, I wouldn’t have paid much attention to it. But I was more concerned because it was what Levin said.

Levin was no ordinary boy.

The experience he gained while tracking down the killer who killed his family and his perceptive memory were extraordinary.

If Levin felt strange, there must be a good reason.

“It won’t be easy to conquer this dungeon.”

There are nearly four hundred mobilized awakeners and over thirty vehicles.

It was truly an expedition of enormous scale.

If you think about it with common sense, you might wonder who would dare attack with so many people moving around, but Zeon was well aware that things that defy common sense often happen in the world.

The distance from the magicite mine to the dungeon to be excavated is over three hundred kilometers.

It may seem like you could cover that distance in a few days, but the harsh environment of the desert does not allow you to travel that easily.

The sun and sand demons are not the only ones in the environment that harass people.

Humans were also one of them.

“Actually, humans are the scariest.”

Although he lived in the desert for a whopping eight years, what bothered Zeon the most were not demonic beasts but humans.

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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023
"My name is Zeon, and my weapon is the entire desert." The Earth underwent terraforming. As a result, the oceans evaporated, and the land transformed into sand. On the desertified Earth, Zeon became the sole Sand Mage. The world named him the Sand Ghost.


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