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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert Chapter 200

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Episode 200:

The conflict between the Red Storm and the Steel Fortress ended with the two forces merging, contrary to everyone’s expectations.

Not only the Red Storm but also the people of the Steel Fortress reacted to the unexpected result in a dazed way.

It was thanks to Deborah that this agreement was reached.

Deborah’s activities did not stop there.

“Hurry and remove the bodies and debris. “We give priority to treating the wounded and distribute the remaining food.”

Seeing her leading the awakened people made Zeon click his tongue.

The most important thing was to calm the public sentiment of the people who had previously lived in the steel fortress.

However, this problem was surprisingly easily solved.

Although the damage to the general public was great, everyone was aware that something could happen during a battle.

The person the survivor’s anger was directed at was Gewen.

Gerwen adhered to a harsh lockdown policy and gave preference only to the awakened.

As a result, although the residents did not say anything, they were all dissatisfied with Gewen.

For that reason, he did not have much aversion to joining the Red Storm.

Moreover, the sight of Deborah trying to clean up the messed up interior of the fort with her three children deeply impressed them.

Zeon was also quite impressed by Deborah’s appearance.


“She is too much for me. “Meeting her is the greatest luck of my life.”

“Aren’t you working?”

Zeon looked at Urtian next to him with a puzzled expression.

Urtian was sitting next to Zeon, leaving everything to Deborah.

“I fight and she takes care. “That is our role.”

“Sounds like a lazy person’s excuse?”

“No matter what you think, we have been leading the Red Storm this way for a long time.”

Urtian remained calm despite Zeon’s scolding.

“Then the looting will continue.”

“It can’t be helped, right? The number of people who need to be fed has increased, and food and water are in short supply. “No matter how we supplement food by hunting demonic beasts, drinking water is a problem.”

“What if drinking water is solved?”

“drinking water? “I checked and it’s barely enough for people to survive without dying of thirst.”

The first thing I checked while cleaning up the messed up interior of the steel fortress was Suwon.

Inside the fortress, there was a spring rising from underground.

Although there was an endless supply of clear water, it was not enough for this many people to drink to their satisfaction.

“Anyway, as long as drinking water is taken care of, there’s no reason to plunder, right?”

“Well, for now, that’s it. As long as you have enough drinking water, you can fit the rest in somehow. Like the Magic Stone Mine, you can open it as a base for caravans or raiders and receive food in return. But if that were possible, would the steel fortress look like this?”

“Please don’t forget those words.”

“why? “To find drinking water?”


“Is that really possible?”

Urtian was so surprised that he jumped up from his seat.

Zeon answered as he walked.

“I don’t know if there is no water at all, but it is possible if a water source exists.”

“You’re crazy! “How is that possible?”

“I guess you forgot that I am a sand wizard. “If there is a water source within the range of my sand mastery, I can detect it.”

“It’s truly a deceptive ability.”

Urtian shook his head and walked after Zeon.

Children who saw the two people walking together came running.



“Can’t I go too?”

The eldest, Leor, the second, Diane, and the third, Samuel, followed along, chattering along.

Urtian showed a ruthless side when plundering, but he was disarmed in front of his beloved children.

“okay! Come with me. “That guy is showing me something amazing.”


“okay! “I know it when I see it.”


The children shouted with excitement.

Zeon thought their voices were quite nice to hear.

After all, a place with a lot of children is lively.

“Where are you going? brother!”

“Let’s go together.”

“cadet! Noisy.”

Levin and Brielle Ellroy followed.

“She’s a pretty sister.”


The children of Urtian clung to Brielle and Eloi.

Whether in Neo Seoul or Steel Fortress, beautiful women were popular.

Elroy snorted.

“Heh! “You know what’s pretty.”

“Can I hold your hand?”


When Elroy held out his hand, Rayor took it as if he had been waiting.

“He’s still a young guy and he’s a bit picky.”


Despite Eloi’s scolding, Rayor only smiled brightly and did not take his hand away.

Elroy held Rayor’s hand tightly.

‘Harps like me. I hope you all live in a better environment than me…’

Urtian didn’t like it, but he felt affection for his children.

Because he was a half-elf like her.

Brielle asked Zeon.

“But what are you going to do?”

“I thought I would try to cause a miracle.”


“okay! miracle.”

Zeon stopped in front of Sam and answered.

He closed his eyes and took control.


Zeon’s senses spread deep underground along the sandstone.

Sandstone is ultimately a rock made by combining sand.

Zeon’s dominance works.

Zeon’s senses, which had stretched out for a long time, finally reached their destination.


I could hear the sound of water drops falling there.

It was the same feeling I felt when I first came here yesterday.


After taking a moment to breathe, Zeon began to use his dominance to move the sand.

Quad Deuk!

The sandstone beneath Zeon’s feet began to move away.

The sandstone that was pushed out was piled up on the left and right, creating a passage leading underground.

The children who saw that opened their eyes wide.


“The sand opens the way on its own.”


People who had been watching from afar approached the children as they ran wild in their places. The children’s reactions stimulated their curiosity.

Even at that moment, a passage leading underground was being created.

Quad Deuk!

The passageway was spitting out sandstone endlessly.

Urtian, who was watching this, quickly stepped forward and began to use his strength.


The idea is to secure space by moving huge sandstones.

Cormac, the second-in-command of the Red Storm, approached Urtian’s antics and asked.

“What are you doing? Leader!”

“First, move the rocks outside.”

“All right.”

Cormac moved the sandstone like Urtian without asking twice. Then other awakened people also joined in and removed the sandstone that had been pushed out of the passage.

As the awakened people moved, people who had been watching from afar also approached to see what was going on.

Most of the people in the steel fortress gathered near the spring.

Even at that moment, the underground passage was still being dug.

Thick beads of sweat formed on Zeon’s forehead.

Moving sandstone took several times more effort than moving sand. Still, Zeon continued to exercise dominance without rest.

A passage leading tens of meters underground was created.

Zeon walked down the passage he had created.

Urtian followed behind him.

Zeon stretched out his hand and touched the wall.

It was a huge rock.

Unlike sandstone where the sand was compressed, it was a proper stone.

Zeon said to Urtian.

“Can you break this rock?”

“rock? “Let’s give it a try.”

Urtian took out Shamshir.


Auror Blade was young in Shamshir.

When Urtian swung his Auror Blade, the huge rock was cut smoothly.

Suddenly! Suddenly!

The center of the bedrock was cut into a square like a door.

Urtian kicked the cut rock and it fell backwards.


A cavity appeared after the rock fell. But it was so dark that I couldn’t see the inside.


Urtian’s eyes widened as he entered the cavity.

The air felt unusually cool and damp.

“no way?”

At that moment, the communal scene clearly appeared to his eyes, which had adjusted to the darkness.

“oh my god!”

His eyes wavered.


“What’s going on?”

The children behind Urtian jumped up and shouted.

Urtian, who doesn’t even blink at most things, reacted like this, which made me curious about what was inside.

The children squeezed through Urtian blocking the entrance and entered the cavity.

At that moment, the children shouted.

“It’s Lake Lake.”

“There’s a lot of water.”

“it’s crazy!”

What the children saw was a huge underground lake.

A huge amount of water was flowing in the underground lake, which was created as a result of underground water flowing in over a long period of time.



At the children’s words, the people in the back pushed in.

When Urtian moved out of the way, they too could see the underground lake.

“oh my god!”


“There’s a real lake.”

People who saw the huge underground lake with their own eyes sat down on the spot. Some even sobbed.

Their reaction was not strange at all.

In a world where everything is precious, water is even more precious.

Even in the steel fortress, water was scarce and we always drank sparingly.

Gewen even gaslighted people by saying that they should save water because they don’t know when it will dry up.

Because of this, even the people of the Iron Fortress had never been able to drink water freely.

Deborah, who came into the underground lake late to take care of outside business, opened her eyes wide.

“I can’t believe there was a lake like this under the fortress. “With this much water, tens of thousands of people could live here.”

Deborah dipped both hands into the water.

The cold feeling in my hand told me that it was not an illusion or an illusion.

A truly enormous amount of water exists underground in the fortress.

The most important thing for human survival was water.

As long as there was plenty of drinking water, we could somehow provide food.

The biggest problem was solved in an instant.

Deborah put her head down on the floor and sobbed.

It wasn’t just her.

All the women of the Iron Fortress and the Red Storm approached and knelt down as if possessed.


“It’s water. “It’s water!”

They sobbed in front of a huge underground lake.

I have always lived while conserving water.

Even when my child whined that he was thirsty, I was always heartbroken because I could only give him a little.

In particular, among the women of the Red Storm, there were some whose children died because they could not drink enough water.

The more the women cried, the more bitterly they cried.

I didn’t have a child because I was afraid of losing another child, but now that I have plenty of water, I can have a child and raise it with peace of mind.

As the women cried, the mood of the awakened people and the men also became solemn.

‘This is our home now.’

‘We must protect this place.’

Now you don’t have to wander the desert to find water.

They pledged to put down deep roots and live here.

Brielle said to Zeon.

“You really woke me up.”


“A miracle. “It really worked a miracle.”

It was a miracle caused by the only sand wizard in the world.

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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023
"My name is Zeon, and my weapon is the entire desert." The Earth underwent terraforming. As a result, the oceans evaporated, and the land transformed into sand. On the desertified Earth, Zeon became the sole Sand Mage. The world named him the Sand Ghost.


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