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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert Chapter 216

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Episode 216


“Sand…the sand is moving.”

As the Sand Soldiers came running, the Orc looked puzzled.

It is strange that sand moves like a person.

It was so absurd that I even forgot that I had to respond. The price was the death of the orcs.



The Sand Soldier’s fists and knees struck the orcs.

The orcs stumbled and fell due to the incredible destructive power that was hard to believe that they were humans made of sand.

Sand Soldiers riding on fallen orcs used merciless violence.



The orcs died screaming desperately.

“Humans use strange magic.”

“Kill the wizard.”

A few sharp-witted orcs among them realized that Xeon was the subject of magic.

Most magic disappears when you kill the awakened person who uses the magic skill.

Even the dumbest orc knew that.

The Orcs targeted Xeon.

“kill. human!”


The orcs came running screaming. However, the axes and swords wielded by the orcs did not cause any scars on Zeon’s body.

Shoo shoo shoo!

About a dozen sand snakes came out and attacked the orcs’ bodies.

Viper could not pierce the armor-like bodies of the Orcs.

All it did was make me hesitate for a moment.

But that was enough.

This is because while the Orcs stopped, the Sand Soldiers came running and attacked.


Ruthless violence continues.

The Sand Soldier was like a doll moved by Xeon’s will.

Unlike human awakeners, they could not use any skills.

All that can be done is a hand-to-hand attack using the body covered in sand.

I wonder how much it would hurt to be hit with sand with weak cohesion, but the hardness of the Sand Soldier was on a whole different level.

It is densely aggregated and has a hardness comparable to that of stone.



The orc’s head was smashed, and brain marrow and blood splattered everywhere.

The orc’s movements, which had been shaking for a moment, stopped.

He died instantly.

The Sand Soldiers moved in search of their next victim.

No emotions or fear.

The killing machines that blindly followed orders were the Sand Soldiers.

The awakened people who saw this looked fed up.

“You’re using sand soldiers.”

“Then is the author the sand wizard of rumors?”

They did not know Jeon’s identity because they could not hear the conversation between Jang Yongbeom and Jeon.

However, judging from the arrogant Jang Yong-beom’s cautious attitude, I thought he was not an ordinary awakened person. But I never imagined that his true identity would be the sand wizard of whom there were many rumors.

The majesty of the sand wizard I saw in person was beyond imagination.

The sand becomes a soldier and defeats the sand wizard’s enemies.

I felt fortunate that there were only a few dozen Sand Soldiers moving in front of Xeon.

‘If the author could command more than a hundred sand soldiers, it would be no different from a one-man army.’

But fortunately, it seemed like there were only a few dozen that could be used.

Even so, while the Sand Soldier was moving, Xeon did not move a single step.

‘of course! ‘It’s a fraud to move while summoning so many entities.’

They thought they had figured out Xeon’s weakness.

The ability to control sand is a trick, but when you use Sand Soldier like that, you cannot move. If so, just aim for that moment and attack from a distance.

After finding out how to attack Zeon, the expressions on the faces of the awakened people became a little more comfortable.

Now that the Sand Soldiers’ addition had given us some breathing room, it was time to kill the Orcs in earnest.



Screaming, the Awakened attacked the Orcs.

Kang Kara’s face, who had been fighting fiercely with Jang Yong-beom for a while, was distorted.

They realized that the Steel Orcs were being pushed out by humans.

“Purrrrrrrrr! How dare humans…”

“This is the power of humans. “You ugly pig!”

Jang Yong-beom smiled with a relaxed expression.

Now time was on his side.

There was no need to rush, just take your time and attack it step by step.

Kankara is definitely strong.

But it wasn’t unbearable.

I felt like I could somehow win with the ability of Jang Yong-beom, who was in class A.


His claymore cut into the distracted Kankara’s side.

Although a huge amount of blood poured out, Kankara did not look in pain at all.

The pain amplified Kankara’s anger.

Kankara shouted, brandishing a large knife.

“Wow! Everyone spread your black wings.”

Jang Yong-beom and the awakened people looked puzzled at Kangkara’s unexpected words.

This is because there is no way for an orc or something like that to have wings.

In fact, there was not even a trace of wings on the bodies of Kankara and the orcs.

But the orcs’ reaction was different.



The orcs raised their heads and burst into flames.

In an instant, a black pattern appeared on their backs.

It looks exactly like black wings.

The wing-shaped tattoo was evident.

“That tattoo is called wings?”

“The pigs are really crazy.”

The Awakened laughed at the Orcs. But their expressions soon became as hard as stone.

This is because the orcs’ speculation suddenly increased several times.

Combat power also increased accordingly.



The awakened people who were fighting equally were turned into a mess by the orcs’ attack and were blown away.

Only then did they realize that the tattoos that appeared on the orcs’ backs were not ordinary.


“It’s a buff tattoo.”

“The tattoos amplified their power. “Everyone be careful!”

As they guessed, the black wing tattoo had a buff effect.

The name of this deceptive tattoo, which instantly explodes potential power and increases combat power several times, was ‘Berserker Tattoo’.

Only an orc priest could wear this deceptive tattoo.

However, once I opened it, I couldn’t move for about two or three days due to the severe aftereffects. That’s why it hasn’t been opened until now. But now that I was cornered, I was in no position to calculate this or that.

Now was the time to kill humans at any cost.



Jang Yong-beom’s face was distorted mercilessly by Kangkara’s attack.

My grip on the claymore was torn and my shoulders were bent back.

Jang Yong-beom’s shoulder ligaments were torn apart by a force that exceeded expectations.

It was fortunate that no bones were broken.

If I had been a little stronger, my shoulder might have been torn off entirely.


Jang Yong-beom gritted his teeth and stepped back. But Kankara did not let him go.

The huge figure caught up with Jang Yong-beom at a frightening speed.


The large knife cut through the air and aimed at Jang Yong-beom’s weakened shoulder.

It was the Orcs’ habit to persistently target a weak spot.

“Fuck! “This pig is really pissing people off…”

Jang Yong-beom’s face turned into a murderous murderer.

It was Jang Yong-beom who always kept about 30% of his strength hidden.

The only thing you can trust in this hellish world is yourself and your party members.

His power was completely hidden from others.

However, the orc in front of me was not an easy opponent that I could defeat while hiding my full power.

A being who can barely compete on equal footing if he exerts his all.

It was a strong enemy.

Fu Chemical!

Intense flames rose from the claymore.

The red flame was soon overlaid and fixed on the claymore.

It was a vivid Auror blade.

“Blade of punishment.”

When Jang Yong-beom swung the claymore with all his might, the Auror blade on the blade flew away at an incredible speed.

Gangkara, who was rushing at Jang Yong-beom at full speed, could not avoid the punishing sword.

“I’ll destroy it!”

Kankara pulled out all his strength and swung the large sword.

The large sword filled with fighting spirit clashed with the sword of punishment.


A tremendous amount of light and shock waves erupted.



The Awakened and Orcs swept away by the shock wave lost their balance and rolled around on the floor.

When they finally came to their senses and raised their heads, it was after the match between Jang Yong-beom and Kang Kara.


Blood was flowing from Jang Yong-beom’s shoulder.

The left arm was completely gone from the shoulder.

Due to Kangkara’s fighting spirit, his arm exploded like a firecracker.

He was barely able to stand using a claymore as a walking stick.

Giselle, seeing this, became thoughtful and shouted.


She quickly tried to run to Jang Yongbeom, but she couldn’t because of the orcs.

“These fucking things. Frozen obe.”

An ice sphere was fired from her staff.

The ice sphere spun fiercely among the orcs blocking her path, launching numerous ice fragments.




Orcs pierced by pieces of ice fell.

Giselle quickly trampled the orcs and approached Jang Yong-beom.

“are you okay? Leader!”

“You’re not going to die, so don’t make a fuss.”

Jang Yong-beom straightened his lower back and spoke coldly.

His face was completely covered in blood. It was a serious injury that would not be surprising if he collapsed immediately. Yet his eyes were shining colder than ever.

Where his gaze was directed, there was Kankara.

Kangkara stood tall and glared at Jang Yong-beom as if he were going to eat him.

He opened his mouth.

“Human… you are strong.”


At that moment, Kangkara’s upper body slipped away from his lower body.


The upper body fell to the floor, and a fountain of blood rose from the cut lower body.

That was the end of Kankara, the great warrior of the Steel Orcs.


Only after confirming Kangkara’s death did Jang Yong-beom kneel down on one knee, vomiting blood.

His life was so precarious that it would not be surprising if it ended at any time.


When Giselle didn’t know what to do, Brielle came to her.

“Take this.”

What Brielle held out was a healing potion she had made herself.

Without even having time to determine the authenticity of the potion, Giselle had Jang Yong-beom take it right away. After a while, Jang Yong-beom’s face began to turn red.

“It’s not completely cured, so you need to take good care of it.”

“thanks. “Kid.”

“My name is Brielle.”

“okay! Brielle.”

Giselle corrected herself immediately.

That’s how much help I received from Brielle.

Giselle came to her senses after realizing that Jang Yong-beom had passed the crisis.

“What about all the other orcs?”

“You don’t have to worry.”


“Xeon will organize everything.”

Giselle looked at Xeon as if he were possessed.

Zeon was still standing there.

He said.

“Everyone step back. “As far away as possible.”

The awakened people who had been fighting fiercely with the Orcs for a while felt an ominous feeling that could not be explained in words.

I felt like I would get into something big if I didn’t listen to him.


“Everyone step back.”

They retreated tens of meters.

Suddenly, a puzzled expression appeared on the faces of the Orcs who had lost their opponent.


The sand in the area wriggled as if to answer the orcs’ questions.

Zeon commanded the sand.

“Sand mixer!”


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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023
"My name is Zeon, and my weapon is the entire desert." The Earth underwent terraforming. As a result, the oceans evaporated, and the land transformed into sand. On the desertified Earth, Zeon became the sole Sand Mage. The world named him the Sand Ghost.


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