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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert Chapter 69

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Episode 69

The scent of a mature woman entered my nostrils.

This was the first time a woman had shown her face this close.

Zeon asked, struggling to maintain his composure.

“Do you know old Clexi?”

“How can I just know? “I was itching to catch him and kill him.”

“Is it that much?”

“If only I could.”

Yoo Se-hee’s eyes shone coldly.

There was no trace of him playfully scolding the merchants just a moment ago.

If Zeon were an ordinary person, he wouldn’t have been able to breathe properly due to her overwhelming presence.

Fortunately, Zeon was not an ordinary person and he was not weak enough to be overwhelmed by this kind of gaze.

Yoo Se-hee also noticed that Jeon was not an ordinary person.

Above all, there was no way old Clexi would give away a precious card to someone who was nothing.

“How did you meet old Clexi?”

“Would you believe me if I told you it was a coincidence?”

“It looks like you don’t want to tell me.”

“You don’t believe me either.”

“I don’t trust old Clexi, not you. There is absolutely no way that person would give away his precious card to someone he met by chance.”

“It’s definitely insidious.”

“I don’t think you are any better than him?”


Zeon looked aggrieved.

Yoo Se-hee looked at Jeon’s face closely.

I had to admit at least one thing.

This means that you can’t figure out Zeon’s true feelings just by looking at his face.

To that extent, Zeon was completely hiding himself.

I might be able to figure it out if I use her unique skills, but I didn’t want to go that far.

Because it is such a great skill, the recoil when using it is not easy.

If you came here after being introduced by Old Man Clexi, at least he won’t be a person who will harm the goblin market.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Xeon.”

“Where do you live?”

“Are you conducting a census now?”

“huh! “You’re not going to answer?”

“They live in ant holes.”

“Sin Chon?”


“Then I’ll see you often. okay. “Stop it.”

Yoo Se-hee waved her hand as if she was shooing away flies.

Zeon said, bowing his head slightly to her.


Yoo Se-hee looked at the back of Jeon disappearing among the people with sharp eyes.

The black lion spoke quietly.

“Should we attach someone?”

“no! Old man Clexi must have already put it there. “There is no need to waste precious manpower because we can just share information.”

“All right.”

The Black Lion agreed.

He knew as much about old Clexi as Yoo Se-hee.

This is how meticulous and persistent Old Man Clexi is.

Yoo Se-hee took a step.

“The atmosphere inside and outside the colony is chaotic these days. “I heard a pack of flame wolves attacked an armored bus a few days ago?”

“yes! Increasingly, hordes of demonic beasts are appearing near Neo Seoul. “It appears that the rumor that Neo Seoul’s anti-aircraft power is weakening is true.”

What made Neo Seoul different from other colonies was the presence of anti-magic power.

I don’t know why, but there was a powerful energy in Neo Seoul. This energy made the demonic beasts afraid and prevented them from approaching.

Thanks to this, humans were able to escape the threat of demonic beasts and develop Neo Seoul.

Neo Seoul strengthened its power by amplifying its anti-magic power with a magic circle.

The range of anti-horsepower strengthened in this way was over several tens of kilometers.

Thanks to this, not only Neo Seoul but also the slums were safe from the threat of the demonic beast.

Thanks to anti-magic power, mankind was able to gain time and develop cities as they are now. But for some reason, Neo Seoul’s anti-aircraft power was gradually weakening.

As evidence, people heard that demonic beasts were increasingly appearing near Neo Seoul.

In the past, this would have been unimaginable.

To hunt a demonic beast, you had to team up and go far away from Neo Seoul. But now, demonic beasts could be seen not far from Neo Seoul.

It was becoming a thing of the past that demonic beasts were afraid of approaching Neo Seoul.

Yoo Se-hee looked at the skyscraper rising into the sky beyond the huge castle wall in the distance.

There were those in power who ruled Neo Seoul.

“What on earth is going on inside that is making Neo Seoul’s anti-fighting power weaker? Have you already forgotten the lesson of that day?”

There was deep concern in her voice.


Jeon left the Goblin Market and walked down Yeonnam-ro.

Meeting Yoo Se-hee, the owner of Goblin Market, was beyond his expectations.

Zeon thought Yoo Se-hee was very strong.

‘There wasn’t even a second of delay in performing the lightning spell.’

Usually, performing magic requires some preparation time.

Magic meant the realization of imagery.

Magic is making the picture in your mind a reality.

It takes time to turn an image into reality.

For those who are highly talented, the time is extremely short, but for those who are not, it inevitably takes a long time.

However, Yoo Se-hee did not feel such a gap in time.

He summoned lightning into reality as soon as he wanted it. It was unleashed with just enough force that Taeo or Brixton retreated without getting hurt.

The fact that no injuries were inflicted on either side even after using the most destructive lightning magic spell showed just how great her talent was.

I don’t know what Yoo Se-hee’s awakening level was, but it was clear that it was at least B level.

If that were the case, there would be very few people in this slum who would suffer.

What was more impressive was the black lion he had as a guard.

The Black Lion was emitting such strong energy that even Zeon flinched slightly.

The body is filled with aura, which overflows and is naturally released to the outside.

It was the first time Black Lion had seen such a powerful martial arts awakened person in the slums.

The black lion alerted Zeon, who was somewhat disdainful of the slums.

This alone was enough to achieve success.

Jeon thought it was a good idea to visit the goblin market.

I thought that by using the goblin market in the future, I would be able to fully understand the situation in the slums.


Zeon returned home and took off the robe he was wearing.

The house was still empty.

This is because nothing exists except the bed and the sofa.

The light bulb flickered uneasily.

This is because the supply of electricity is unstable. However, the situation changes when a small horsepower generator is introduced.

If we can supply our own power, we will be able to use not only lights but also various other devices.

In a way, we can begin to enjoy proper civilization from then on.

Zeon sat on the sofa and waited for the magic generator to be delivered.

They said they would send it today, so it will arrive in a little while.

It was then.


There was a huge explosion and the building shook as if it would collapse at any moment. Additionally, the glass in the window broke and flew inside the house.

Zeon frowned and stood up.

A devastated intersection was visible beyond the broken window.

A truck was on fire in the middle of the intersection.

It was clear that it had exploded due to someone’s attack.

Since this was a common occurrence on this street, Zeon didn’t want to pay any attention to it. But the moment I saw the pattern drawn on the broken truck, I couldn’t do that.

Engraved on the truck was a goblin symbol.

The goblin pattern was a symbol of the goblin market.

The transport vehicle of the Goblin Market was attacked.

‘What if the vehicle is coming here at this time?’

At that moment, Zeon felt an ominous premonition.

He literally threw himself out the window.

His house was eighteen stories high. Nevertheless, he jumped without any hesitation.

This was when Xeon’s body, which was falling at an alarming speed, had almost reached the ground.

The sand piled up on one side of the street rose up like a pillar and gently caught his body.

The impact was mitigated using sand. But no one saw it like that.

This is because everyone on the street is busy watching the car burn.

Zeon hurriedly pushed through the crowd and approached the vehicle.

Fierce flames were shooting out of the vehicle.

Because of that, people could not easily access it.

Their faces were full of greed.

“Fuck! “There must be something valuable in there, right?”

“It would be nice if the flames died down a little.”

They had no intention of putting out the vehicle’s flames.

I wondered how to get close and steal the items on board.

No one cursed them.

Because the slums themselves were such places.

Zeon passed through those people and approached the vehicle.

Fierce flames engulfed his body. But it had no effect on his body.

Zeon finally arrived in front of the vehicle.

The first place I looked at was the driver’s seat.

Two bodies were already melting in the driver’s seat and passenger seat.

One of them was a merchant from the goblin market where Zeon traded.

A long stab wound was clearly visible on the merchant’s neck.

It was clear that he had been killed before the vehicle exploded.

Zeon frowned and returned to the luggage compartment.

The luggage compartment door was wide open and fierce flames were spewing out. Although his vision was obscured by flames and smoke, Zeon clearly saw that the luggage compartment was empty.


Zeon sighed.

It was clear that the magical power generator that had been delivered to him had been stolen.

Since the merchant was dead, it was impossible to receive compensation from him.

“What bastards dare…”

His eyes turned sharp.

I wanted to live quietly if possible. So, I tried to ignore most things.

However, having his magical power generator stolen was not an incident that could be dismissed as trivial.

We had to find the attackers, punish them, and retrieve the magic generator.

First of all, the urgent task was to find out the identity of the attackers who stole the magic power generator.

Xeon looked around the burning vehicle.

I found a piece of metal a few steps away.

It was clearly not debris from a vehicle.

The letters ‘FB130—’ were written on the surface of the scorched metal piece. I couldn’t see the rest, but this was enough of a clue.

Someone attacked the vehicle, killed the merchant and his subordinates, and stole the horsepower generator. He then erased all evidence by exploding the vehicle.

Even if you investigate at the goblin market, you would not think that the horsepower generator was burned along with the vehicle, and that someone would have stolen it.

Fortunately, Zeon arrived before the flames completely engulfed the transport vehicle, but if he had been even a little late, the truth would have been completely consumed by the flames.

Zeon walked away, leaving the flames behind.

There was no use asking people who were blinded by greed.

What was going on at the bottom of this street had to be asked by the people at the bottom.

Fortunately, Zeon knew those people well.

Zeon headed to a shady part of the street.

At first glance, it seemed chaotic, but there is an address here too.

However, the method of determining the address is unique, so it is difficult to find unless you have lived here for a long time.

Zeon walked back to his memories.

After passing through several alleys, he arrived at a warehouse on the first floor of a large building.

Zeon opened the door to the warehouse and entered without hesitation.


“Some guy coming in without permission?”

A harsh reaction came out immediately.

Inside the warehouse, men in an unusual atmosphere were sitting here and there.

They showed their deadly force towards unauthorized intruders. But the moment I saw Zeon’s face, my life disappeared in an instant.


“Who is he?”

Their faces became thoughtful.

The warehouse was the Red Sculpa’s lair.

The people whose faces turned white when they saw Jeon were Cho Sang-hyuk and his subordinates.

Cho Sang-hyeok, the leader of the Red Sculpa, stuttered.

“Why are you here, Brother Tongue? “We didn’t do anything wrong to you…”

Jeon said to Cho Sang-hyuk.

“I have something to ask you. Can you give me a moment?”

“of course.”

Cho Sang-hyuk nodded with lightning speed.

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Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023
"My name is Zeon, and my weapon is the entire desert." The Earth underwent terraforming. As a result, the oceans evaporated, and the land transformed into sand. On the desertified Earth, Zeon became the sole Sand Mage. The world named him the Sand Ghost.


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