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STGB Chapter 136

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Episode 136 Orculis (2)

Emotions are contagious.

When I see someone close to me crying, I feel sad for no reason, and when I see someone smiling, I feel happy.

The same goes for feelings of fear.

Hey, could something like that happen? Even when I think about that, I can’t help but feel anxious when I see the constant anxiety next to me.

Because humans are born that way.

“You keep saying that, for some reason, it seems like something like that is really going to happen.”

“Still, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with being careful……”

My colleagues slowly began to wake up to a sense of reality as I erased my smile.

It’s a situation I can’t help but welcome.

Of course, Rotmiller’s words were decisive here.

“I still don’t understand it in my head. But for some reason, I feel like something very ominous will happen if I don’t follow your words from earlier.”

Rotmiller, who ate the Mimic’s essence, has a ‘sixth sense’ stat. And our team, Banpun, has received a lot of help from that stat.

But why does he suddenly say this?

The weight of the horse is different.

“Bjorn. It’s not like this. Let’s move. Huh?”

“Ha ha ha ha! Yes! That’s better! Just one more day of hard work!”

It was also a bit futile.

In my words, he said that it was just because of his mood, and he died very quickly at Rotmiller’s words.

‘Well, I also became more anxious when this man said this, but…….’

A sixth sense is literally just a sixth sense.

However, with the arrival of uninvited guests, isn’t it a situation where overall stats have risen tremendously?

“I really need to prepare my mind afterward.”

It feels like the ominousness that was shrouded in veil has been peeled off and revealed. Even assuming the worst, deep down I hoped that it would all end because of my feelings


My heart tightens a little bit more,

but nothing changes. I


do what I can for now. “I’m


again .” ”

When I think about it now


I wonder if you were similar to me,”

said Rottmiller.

“Is it similar? What are you talking about?”

“I got this ability through essence, but it could be that I have a good sense innately.” I’ve

never thought about that.

It certainly doesn’t make sense.

[Dungeons and Stones] A game in which the basic value was randomly set within the default value when a character was selected.

‘Perhaps the default setting of the sixth sense was 0 to 50?’

It was a stat with a very high default value, considering that the Mimic’s sixth sense value attached to the essence was only 50. It wasn’t a primary stat like muscle strength, so I didn’t have to

recreate the character to raise the

sixth sense. always had a sharp edge somewhere.”

“That’s right! At that time, the fourth Eli was also beaten up. Everyone was panicking because he was a priest.”

Well, is that so?

Seeing everyone

say this, I begin to think that

it could be so

. ” It’s okay,

just follow along.” I

decided to think about this later and focused on clearing the road.

Everything has a priority.

Therefore… ..


Wielding a mace.

Fish woo-!

Shooting ice spears.


Repeatedly advancing through the decapitated Baikundus.

[05 : 13]

Since the 21st car started, it’s already been this much. It’s passed. It’s


I ‘ve

been running almost non-stop for 12 hours after holding Baphomet


I checked the complexion.

Everyone looked exhausted and tired.

Well, even if Amman’s stats had increased, it would be natural since he hadn’t slept properly for two days.

But now he can see the end.

“If you turn this way, it’s the end!

” After running through, we arrived at our destination. Not a


maze-like passage, but a huge stone chamber .

The moment we entered there, iron bars came down at the three entrances connected to the stone chamber

. You’re trapped!”

“Everyone, wake up! You don’t know what’s going to come out!”

Everyone prepared for the battle while adjusting their formations while panicking at the unexpected situation.

And naturally, they focused their attention on one place.

That’s because there was only one place where something would pop out.

“……Lv. 4 Isn’t that something like a monster coming out?”

A daunting stone gate on one side.

“The owner of the labyrinth senses the challenger.”

Soon, the geometric patterns engraved there began to glow and open.

And… ..

Dr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r .. A

huge stature of about 4 m.

A bloated body suitable for that. Menacing

horns sprouting from the top of the head.

Brown hair short enough to reveal the veins and muscle texture intact, and legs supporting the bulky thighs. Until the hooves of

the coo-! Soon, through the completely open stone gates


a monster appears with a characteristic


. The Minotaur!”

It was a famous monster enough to be recognized by Misha at a glance.


A 5th grade monster, the Minotaur.

It’s not a 4th grade monster as Misha feared

This guy is different from the normal Minotaur.

A named named Larcas.

In other words, a high-ranked mutant with the skills of another individual.


As soon as he took the first step while watching us, everyone noticed more than that.

How can he not know that?

It’s clearly not a skill Minotaur can use.


The moment he raised his arms while spitting out a short burst of energy.

“Larkaz, the owner of the labyrinth, cast [Burning Leather]. .”

Huge flames cover the guy’s skin.


The hot heat that

can be felt even from a distance of 30m. Everyone

could n’t hide their amazement.

there will be There was no such thing in the book.”

“Then it seems to be a higher variant. Like Baphomet I met in the room where this map was hidden.”

Dwalki, looking enlightened, quickly shared the information.

“Ifrit! It must be Ifrit’s ability!”

It was the correct answer.

It seemed like he’d been reading tons of labyrinth-related books for months, so now he’s definitely showing a wizard-like side. I

did n’t

have time to praise him.

The guy who was searching for us with an expression like this rushed in.

With heavy footsteps



It wouldn’t be comparable to Riakis.

“Behel—Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Rather, I shouted out

a shout

and dashed forward. Ta dat.

The distance quickly narrowed.

As soon as I entered his attack range, a super-giant double-edged ax was slashed over my head. .Quaang-


Well, that’s about it.

I smiled at the weight transmitted through the shield. I

don’t think there’s a need to use [Giant]. As

expected, [Burning Leather] is also worth holding on to.

Blazing-! Red-

hot flames There’s no big hit even though it’s shimmering right in front of your nose.

It’s just a bit hot? It’s all thanks to the fire


attached to the 3rd level of the Immortal Imprint.

Of course, if it continues like this, it’ll be a different story

. The amount of damage increases with time.”

Fire damage becomes more powerful as it stacks.

It is similar to how meat can be cooked by soaking it in hot water for several days.

However, the solution to this is also simple

. has cast the 8th grade enchantment [Cold Blood].」

「The character’s fire resistance increases significantly.」

Dwalki’s mana permeates my body, and my body, which had been hot, is cooled down.

I was a little surprised.

I thought I’d use magic on my own before lowering it.’

After all, do people learn through experience?

It seems like just yesterday that I was struggling because I couldn’t get one ‘ice spear’ right right.

“I’ll help you too!” “Oh

, it’s not hot anymore!”

The dwarf and Misha, who received the , join the battle line,


「Hikurod Murad cast [Lightning].」

「Misha Karlstein cast [End Poison].」

Electric shock It is easy to play with the guy


is the final boss


I also used the skill of lavishly.

But nothing changed.

He was still too slow to catch Mischa, and lacked the strength to crush me and the dwarf.

But in the meantime, magic support continued

. Casted grade curse magic [Deterioration]」

「Lyol Warb Dwalki cast 9th grade curse magic [Slow]」

「Lyol Warb Dwalki cast 7th grade curse magic [Softening]…… 」

Originally, Dwalki’s magical support, which would have been knocked out just by casting ‘cold blood’ due to lack of magical power

Rottmiller stood by Dwalkie’s side to protect him just in case… but

that situation never came. I can’t even penetrate a single tank

, so how can I get there? It

didn’t take that long


“The Minotaur has been defeated

. EXP +5」

The body of the guy who turns into a cloud of light and flutters before he knows it.

I checked from time to time.


Less than 10 minutes have passed since the last check.

For some reason, a strange feeling of regret arises from that fact.

‘How nice it would be if everyone went out.’

If there was a final form of Tim Banpunyi, it would probably look like this.

2 tank configuration with high stability.

Based on its stability, it is a melee dealer who moves more boldly and draws out a steady amount of damage.

A mage with high level range deals and single deals, and in some cases support.

And even a seeker who is not a burden in battle.

‘……What am I thinking?’

Useless impressions are not like me.

Especially if the real problem is not solved.

He shook his head as if brushing away his thoughts.

And I thought.

What do you need to do right now to save even a little time?

‘To pack only what you need quickly and leave quickly.’

It was time to organize our goals once again.


The scattered light is completely scattered, and everyone vomits their own sighs.


“It didn’t come out this time either.”

Minotaur did not drop essence.

Well, even though it’s a high-ranking mutant, it’s not the boss you met in the rift, so this must be realistic.


If yellow essence came out, it would have been quite useful until the second half.

‘…But the real reward is different.’

I try to erase my regrets and check my surroundings.


As if to announce the end of the boss battle, the bars in the aisle went up again.

“What about the portal? Why isn’t the portal open?”

“Could it be different from cracks?”

“Oh, maybe there are other monsters besides the Minotaur.”

A trio of people who can’t hide their embarrassment and pour out various guesses. I was about to say something, but Rottmiller spoke first.

“I have a feeling there might be something in there. Why don’t you check it out?

After all, this man’s nature is a searcher.

” Did you stay there?”

“Let’s go. Perhaps the portal might be open.” Soon

after, we entered beyond the door where the Minotaur appeared. Of course, there is no way the portal that should have opened at the starting point is

here …

It’s something that can’t be obtained.

“Something… This place looks very suspicious.”

A dungeon located behind the door.

Like the middle boss room, a summoning magic circle is drawn on the floor.

“This item has great magic power. I can feel it.”

“Then you’d better take it with you.”

As Dwalki murmured, I put the jewel in the center of the magic circle into my backpack.

Then, without regret, I turned back and headed outside

. He dismissed the advice as ominous.

That’s the end of the reward here

. I never thought there would be a portal here either.”

“So that’s what I mean.”

“Rotmiller It looks like there was a blue dot in the center of the map earlier. Is there any possibility that a portal opened there?

” there was I feel that way.”

Is this really a sixth sense explorer?

It was the moment when the Minotaur came out of the dungeon where the Minotaur was confined.

“Look, I knew it would be like this.”


The final boss room is random in the maze. As soon as we got the map ,

we rushed here and defeated the final boss in less than 10 minutes.


‘It doesn’t matter how we got here already.’

It’s already happened.

There’s no way you’d find it by accident, and it must have been that kind of ability.

Even in a place where the ‘guide’ trait is useless, essences, items, and other abilities are still used.

But that’s I’ll leave the questioning aside for a moment and say,

“Look, old man. am i right? I could have missed it if I hadn’t given an extra arm.”

I focused in front of me. My heart


My heart pounded wildly.

When I first recognized the presence of an uninvited guest, I judged it. If it’s

five, it’s the sixth floor.

If it’s four, it’s the seventh floor.

Three. If so, it’s on the 8th floor.

If it’s impossible, but if it’s just the two of us…

‘The 9th floor.’

This was the conclusion I drew from the changes in my stats.

If so, what was the truth?

My doctor, it’s time to check anyway

. Should I say thank you? Thanks to me, he was able to catch it comfortably.”

A man whose

face and even his slightly exposed wrists were

covered in burns. One person. “I beg you

. Two old





. I scrapped all the plans

I had made in case I ran into them,

from plan A to plan D.

“Why isn’t anyone talking over there?

this is not

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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