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STGB Chapter 191

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Episode 191 Bifron (1)

7:00 am on the 11th day of entering the labyrinth.

After sending the three of us out of the rift, we returned to the forest.


“Hey, how about something to eat?”

“It would be better.”

Only then did we feel hungry and gather together to cook and eat. But it’s human nature to feel drowsy when you’re full.

“…For now, let’s sleep for today and do it tomorrow.”

Feeling very tired, we packed up camp and went to sleep without anyone saying anything first.

That’s because it’s not just a one-night stand.

In the third chapter, I wasted my energy playing the mafia game and performed many PKs.

And the ensuing doppelganger boss fight.


As soon as I close my eyes, the water rushes in.

When I opened my eyes again, the whole day had passed.


I slept past 8 am, but when I checked the clock, the hour hand moved back an hour.

That means you slept for 24 hours.

“Are you awake?”

“…why didn’t you wake me up?”

“We just woke up too.”

It wasn’t like you cared about me or anything.

After taking out the water bottle and washing my face, a delicious smell came from nearby.

“If you wake up, come and take out the bowl and sit down. Oh, wake up Einar before that and bring him over. But if you wake him up, he won’t wake up.”

After that, I woke up Einar and ate together, and then I wandered around the forest and took care of things to take care of.

“Don’t just follow along and check underneath. This is 10,000 stones per root.”

A herb that grows wild in the Doppelganger Forest.

“Mr. Yandel.”


‘Sealed pieces of evil’ that drop with a certain probability when breaking a now useless sealing stone.

“How much does this cost?”

“I’d say about 1 million stones each.”

“I see. I’ll buy up to five as soon as they come out.”

I ate five of the seven pieces I finally got.

Because after that you can’t see the effect.

「The character took the ‘sealed piece of evil’.」

「The exorcism is permanently increased by +1.」

By the way, Misha bought the remaining two pieces and had them eat them.

“Eh? Me?”

“You made a lot of money anyway. Don’t spare it.”

“No, it’s not a waste……”

Misha looked at Einar with a slightly apologetic look.

If he’s really an explorer, he could be a bit more selfish.

Anyway, Einar’s essence to be eaten later has a lot of exorcism attached to it, so it makes sense for Misha to eat it.

It’s not like you don’t pay in the first place.

“Huh, no matter how much I look for it, I can’t find it.”

“It’s okay for a day or so, so let’s look for more.”

There were no monsters, but since the forest was so large, it took a day to find it.

However, we invested the next day to search the forest once more and found what we were looking for.

“Everybody cover your ears… No. Everyone just stay away. I’ll pull this one out.”

Mandragora, one of the ingredients of Elixir.

With Raven protecting herself with magic and pulling it out of the ground, everything she could do in the ‘Doppelganger Forest’ was over.


“I’m really sorry, but could you give me a little more time? I’d like to see more of this place.”


“It’s a very personal curiosity.”

At Raven’s request, we decided to stay here longer.

Surprisingly, no one objected.

“Honestly crack gun? I don’t think everyone who wrote that book knows!”

“Hopefully we might find something more.”

Unexpected expectations in the eyes of team members.

Well, it’s me, there are more hidden pieces that I don’t know about, and I think there’s little chance of finding them now

When we first met in ‘Blood Citadel’, there was no word of sorry. He just hired the dwarf and me to help with his research.

“Then where are you going to look around?”

“First of all, from the cave that was in the beginning.”

From the first chapter, the shadow cave, to the boss room, the extortioner’s hideout, we meticulously

searched without missing anything.

As expected, there were no hidden rooms or items.

However, we encountered numerous questions along the way.

“Why did you have to be behind bars?”

“Isn’t that because we have to wait for the other teams to enter?”

“Then it makes sense to just time it, like when we enter and exit the Labyrinth.”

Why does ‘The Doppelganger’s Forest’ begin in a state of being imprisoned?

What was the [Memoir of sacrifice] obtained from the altar, and why did it use the name ‘sacrificial offering’?

After the third chapter, why did the clones turn into imperial soldiers?

No, what is an ’empire’ in the first place.

“Now that I think about it, that’s a pity too. You knew how to talk even if you were dumb, right? Maybe you could have figured out something by catching him…” The

whole team discussed the topic raised by Raven, but they couldn’t come up with a proper answer. There was nothing that could be done.

Thus, crack exploration ends at this point.

“I’m sorry everyone. I lost two days meaninglessly because of me.”

“Don’t apologize. You’re our team’s wizard. It was a legitimate request. We were the ones who agreed to the search.”

“Yes, that’s right. And I feel like I’m really exploring, so it’s fun, right? Einar?”

“Huh? Was I bored?”

“Please pay attention. Huh?”

When Misha, whom she had been following like an older sister, scolded, Einar put on a sullen expression.

Raven, who was watching, smiled.

“Thank you everyone. But now that I think about it, I don’t think there’s anything to be sorry for. Even if I sell just one root, it’s enough to pay for hunting for several days, right?”

“Finally, our mage is back to normal.”

“As usual? Mr. Urijkfried. What does that mean?

Mr. Bear shrugged his shoulders and avoided answering, and Raven also gave a suspicious expression, but did not inquire deeply


After returning to the labyrinth through the portal in the boss room on the afternoon of the 14th, we continued our exploration. It took about 6 days to reach the 5th floor. Then, as originally planned, we took the ‘Hellfire Gorge’ route and pretended to be devoted to hunting

. I was engrossed in finding ‘Milla Roden’.

Oh, by the way, as long as I found the black moss, it was a breeze. I didn’t even have to tell you to use the detection magic first. Raven, who had

fun in the previous exploration, would search every 5 minutes throughout the exploration. “…They didn’t come out again.”


a result, I was able to hunt a total of three Mila Roden, but all of them were bad.

In fact, this is a common thing, but

the distortion magic succeeded, and the corpse of Mila Roden was successful. The probability of remaining is 20%


With 5 days left until the lockdown, I didn’t bother looking for Mila Roaden.

If I go in anyway, I won’t be able to do anything.

I thought I’d get the ‘Fire Orb’ as well

. +4”

“Killed the dead of fire EXP +2”

“Killed Red Mud EXP +3”

“Killed Hell Flame EXP +5”

Still, the hunting itself wasn’t bad

. With more than 90% of the clan occupying the field gone, the entire 5th floor was infested with monsters. Of course


this situation won’t last long.

In a few months, the clan that repaired the damage will come out, and they entered because the situation was unstable in the first place. There will be quite a few clans that haven’t done it.

Sooner or later, more time passed like that.

“The character moves to Lapdonia.”



of the return has dawned

. When I looked around, I saw explorers taking similar actions to me everywhere


Soon, as we headed to the checkpoint that matched our level, we saw our colleagues who had arrived first,

except for one. ”

Abman seems to be still there.”

With someone else.”

It’s a strange sight every time I see it.

No matter how wide the plaza is, how can I not find my way here?

“Haha, the line isn’t long this time?

” I think it was because it was written down.”

“Kuhmm, who said what?”

Anyway, we all waited in line, and our turn came soon.


income from the magic stone exchange was much less than before

. “Income almost four times higher than last time.

However, it was unavoidable.


couldn’t enter the Underworld and it was difficult to get magic stones because of the nature of the doppelganger forest I invested time in. ”

Then , is it the end?”

Thank you very much.”

It wasn’t an unreasonable amount of income, so the employee didn’t look suspicious.

However, the car was about to leave after exchanging money.

“Oh, please wait!”


“…is there something wrong?”

An employee urgently stopped us,

and then spat out words like rapid fire:

“Team Apple Narak and team leader Bjorn Yandel. Is that correct?”

“By the way?”

“…you’ll have to wait here for a while. This also applies to the team members who are with me.”

It wasn’t like the guards came up to me with a terrifying face like that time and arrested me, but it was enough to make me feel that something was wrong. I wonder if

this was the same for our team’s wizard?

“Hey, I have to explain what’s going on. Aren’t you doing it?”

Raven said aggressively on behalf of me when PTSD was about to come.

And then.

“Are they the inspectors?”

“Ah yeah! That’s right!”

A knight entered the checkpoint.

Raven’s face hardened coldly.

“…Why is Mozlan



” Bjorn.”

Misha, who had seen Dwalki arrested in front of her eyes before, also trembled.

But surprisingly, the knight was kind.

At least more than the high-handed bastards I saw then.

“Nice to meet you. It’s Elmeras from Mozlan’s executive branch.”

Although he speaks comfortably like his master, it’s natural because it’s a characteristic of aristocrats.

This is on the soft side. Most of all,

he even shakes hands comfortably.

“…This is Yandel’s son, Bjorn.”

He sighed in relief and responded to the handshake.

However, all of his anxiety did not disappear.


did the inspector hold us and what did Mozlan find us for? “Hello.”

Hmm, how’s the lady?”

“My name is Arua Raven of the Artemion school. I’d like to hear why Lord Elmeras found us.”

The knight smiled and answered Raven’s question.

“There is only one reason why the Inspector will capture the explorer. A wanted order has been issued for you.”

The news is literally like thunder from the blue sky.

“Yes? What is that…”

“Don’t be too surprised. Looking at the details of the disciplinary action, it doesn’t seem that severe.”

“More than that, what is the reason?”

The knight replied

with a grin. And the crime of violating the administrators’ instructions and entering the labyrinth without permission.”

Oh that……

All of us, including Raven, kept our mouths shut. So many things happened in the labyrinth that I completely forgot about it

. I thought it would end with a fine.

“I don’t understand at all. If that’s enough, it’s normal to be fined?”

I asked without even realizing it. No matter how much I think about it, there

‘s no reason to fall under a wanted order, and there’s

even less reason for Mozlan to intervene.

isn’t it It should not be treated as a simple misdemeanor, but it can also be interpreted as violating the royal family’s order.”

Yes, that’s how it was.

I roughly understood the situation.

Apparently, Raven was the same.

“…He said he would take the reins of the explorers. That’s it.”

“What are you hiding from the wizard? That’s right. It’s only been a day, but already word of you is spreading among the explorers.”

“Are you talking about us ?”

Above, it was judged that a similar thing would happen again if it ended with a simple fine.”

In simple words, one hundred punishments.

A punishment to one person to instill awareness in the minds of a hundred people

. You might lose, so please understand.”

I think I know why he chose me.

He must have judged that the story would spread easily since he gained some fame and became a hot topic for unauthorized entry. ” So

, what will happen to us?”

Upon entering, the driver corrected one thing before answering:

“To be precise, it is you, not you.”

The only one who will be punished is me.

The rest will end up with fines.

Hearing the circumstances, it looks like he was caught up in it, but it’s a punishment for showing off anyway. But we don’t have to suffer together?

“Oh reasonable! Yes, it’s reasonable!!”

It hurt my heart to see Einar happy.

Raven didn’t step forward, saying it was unfair.

Mr. Bear was relieved to say that his wife wouldn’t suit him.

Am I the only one who can speak for myself? Am I the only person who

distrusts such people ? It was a time when the enemy thought lingered in my head.

“Hey, driver? If it’s just for showing off anyway, can I take that punishment instead?”

Misha, the only one who stepped up and did it for me.

“What are you saying?”

I chuckled and pushed Misha away.

I’m grateful, but I can’t

believe that’s the case . I was the main culprit of this incident.

Besides, listening to what he said, the punishment doesn’t seem too severe…

“It’s okay. I will take responsibility. So, tell me now. What will happen to me now?”


article spat out as if it was nothing


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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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