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STGB Chapter 289

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Episode 289 Big Game (1)

There was no second knock.

As if the first knock was just a reminder, the door opened right away without even asking for permission.


It was an old man who entered.

He had thick gray hair and wrinkled skin.

However, I couldn’t get the feeling of weakness peculiar to the elderly. There was no shaking in the gait, and the waist was straight with no bends.

And above all…



Even without words, the disparate temperament that flows naturally from the body’s movements and eyes speaks.

This old man is dangerous.

“Judging by the outfit, he must be from Earth.”

Soon, the old man glanced at me and muttered briefly.

“How did you get in here?”

In an instant, his hair went white.

What should I answer?

Looking at the clothes over there, it seems that the demons of the other world are certain.


For now, he chose silence.

Rather than opening his mouth hastily, he decided to try to understand the situation at least a little by inducing the other side to speak first.

Well, maybe…

“Amazing. Three rank 3 essences already. It’s been a little over a year since you guys were called here.”

This old man was reading information about me even though I didn’t say a word.

Nimiral, where the hell do you get those abilities?

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been curious. How did you get in, so let me tell you this. Who the hell are you?”


“Are you going to keep looking like that?”

I would be wary of a visit from a stranger who had never been invited, but the old man rather encouraged me with a friendly voice.

‘What do you say after?’

Just tell me you’re from the future?

Suddenly, I thought about it, but I ended up just thinking about it.

I don’t know anything about the other person right now, so it’s not wise to reveal my information.


“I’ll ask questions first.”

“Oh, then, will you answer my questions?”

“To some extent.”

Taking advantage of the opponent’s curiosity, he seized the initiative.

As confused as I am, the author must also be curious about who I am.

Use this to get as much information as possible.

“Try it.”

Soon after the old man’s permission fell, I first asked this question.

“What’s your name?”

“Heh heh, it’s a name…”

The old man laughed as if it was a question that lost steam, but to me names are very important.

Because I have the advantage of coming from 20 years in the future.

Even if the name is unknown now, it may be in the future. If you do well, it is possible to find out what kind of life this person will lead from the name alone.

“Seeing that you are trying to start with Tongseongmyeong, you must be a friend who knows quite a bit about etiquette.”

Soon, the old man laughed.


“I—” I

was just about to open my mouth.


The old man frowned and kept his mouth shut.

However, it was only for a moment that his expression distorted.

“I’m sorry. I’m out of work, so I guess we’ll have to resume this conversation later.”

The old man, who spoke in a dignified tone, stopped the conversation, and made an unexpected proposal.

“But it would be rude to leave it here. Hmm, what should I do… Do you want to go with me?”

After thinking about it for a while, I replied that I would.

What am I going to do when I’m alone in this room?

If you follow the old man outside, there’s a chance you’ll get more information.

“Okay, your skinny friend is very strong? Anyway, if you go out like that, you’ll get the attention of the other members. Wear this here.”

As the old man waved his hand, a costume suitable for this era appeared in the air.

But was there something missing with this?

“Oh, you’d better cover your face too.”

The old man even made a white mask on the spot and handed it to me.

What is that convenient ability?

It can only be used here in this spiritual world, right?

With that thought in mind, I put on my clothes and put the mask on my face.

“Isn’t it uncomfortable?”

“No, it fits perfectly and is comfortable.”

“Hehe, if you go later, it’d be better to keep something like that. Some people might not want to show their face.”


“Then let’s go.”

After that, I left the room and followed the old man.

In the meantime, the old man gave me a few precautions.

“Don’t be surprised or pretend to know whoever you see inside. No, if possible, just keep your mouth shut and watch.”

“What if someone speaks first?”

“It won’t happen, and even if it does, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it myself.”

what if so

While walking closely behind the old man, he continued to explore his surroundings.

The more I did, the more I felt a strange sense of deja vu.

It was the same with the room I was in earlier, but it felt similar to the mansion where the ‘Round Table’ was located.

‘It’s the same that there are no windows.’

Of course, details such as the location of the decorations hanging on the wall and the width of the hallway are different.


‘It takes a while to see it as just a coincidence.’

I didn’t dismiss it as just a mood, I glanced around.

how long has it been like that

“It has arrived.”

An old man walking down the hallway stopped and slowly opened the large door.

‘What are you doing here?’

Surprisingly, beyond that was a round table.


The round table room where I went in and out countless times wearing a lion mask.

If you look around, there are quite a few differences.

First of all, there are no jewels on the round table to distinguish truth from lies, and the room is a bit small.


‘It’s similar.’

Other than that, it’s almost identical.

The patterns engraved like a band on the rim of the round table, or the meaningless framed picture hanging on the wall.

Most of them are consistent with the Round Table 20 years later.

If so, how did this happen?

‘Could this old man be the ‘Master’?’


An unidentified person who created the ‘Watcher of the Round Table’ whom I had only met once in the past.

Maybe this old man standing in front of me right now is him. Well, it’s not impossible that one of the people here may have modeled this place.

‘Anyway, let’s think about this later.’

It took a while for my body to stiffen at the sight of the familiar round table, but I quickly came to my senses.

What is the importance of this round table right now?

What matters is the people sitting here.

‘Four people.’

There were a total of four people in the room.

three men and one woman.

They stared at me as soon as the door opened.


“Who’s that guy in the back?”

He showed strong interest in me even wearing a mask.

In some ways, it was a bit similar to when I first participated in the round table.

‘With those eyes.’

It’s like having a thorn in your eye.

Every time their gaze is directed, the skin feels prickly and a tingling sensation blooms.

It was during such an uncomfortable time.

“You guys don’t care who Lee is.”

Unlike when he was dealing with me, the old man, who drew a line with an overbearing and strong tone, went straight to the main point in an organized atmosphere in an instant.

“I heard there was trouble while I was away.”


“Of course I believe that you are not foolish enough to forget the principles of this place.”


“I’ll have to listen to the story first. What happened?”

The old man spoke as if he were admonishing children, and an awkward silence hung over the hall at his question.

Avoiding eye contact every time our eyes met, it was as if we were paying attention to who would carry the gun barrel.

The first to step out was a middle-aged man with a voluptuous body.

“…I’ll tell you in advance, but I have no intention of having a party with each other. But Lee Ja keeps blowing strange winds.”

The man in black, who had been sitting silently at the man’s criticism, frowned.

“Why is it strange to want to kill the king?”

“Ha, do you think I don’t know the reason why you want to kill the king? Don’t even think of dragging us in for personal greed.”

“Kagureas. Are you still holding out the hope of returning after decades of not finding a way?”

“Of course. Like everyone else in this room. Oh, now you’ll have to subtract from everyone.”

“That’s funny. If you want to go back, don’t you have to help me all the more?

“…It’s too dangerous to touch him. There’s even no guarantee that the royal family is hiding clues to his return.”

Just looking at it, I could see why they were in conflict for some reason.

Hardliners want to kill the king to get clues, and moderates want to find another way because it’s too dangerous.

It was a time when I listened intently to the conversations of demons from the other world 20 years ago because they were quite interesting.

My head went blank at the words of the middle-aged man that followed.

“It doesn’t matter what I do alone. Whether or not I make a group that does Orculis or something. It won’t have a direct connection with me.”

what? Make an Orcules?

‘…Could this be the ‘leader’?’

The unexpected appearance of a giant.

Suddenly, I remembered what the old man had said earlier.

Don’t be surprised who you see inside?

The leader of Orculis deserves to say such a thing. Isn’t it a celebrity that everything is wrapped in a veil and unknown.

I never thought I’d meet such a person here—

“But Lord Ruingenes is different.”

At that time, the middle-aged man looked at the figure with the appearance of a child and continued.

In an instant, my head went blank again.

‘huh? If it’s Ruin Genes…’

Belbev Ruin Genes.

The real name of the ‘Destroyer Scholar’, who was the head of a huge school, but became a criminal after touching forbidden magic.

“If you try to persuade him with nonsensical words, I won’t stand by.”

“Do you really believe he can perfect dimensional magic?”

“Believe me. Much more than a foolish plan to kill the king.”

I clenched my fists as I watched the kid casually sipping tea, whether or not he was talking about himself.


Really, this kid is a ruinist…?


Leader of Orculis.

and a ruinist.

‘What’s the Whoo lineup…’

Now that I know the identities of the two giants, I naturally become interested in the remaining two.


‘It’s the first time I’ve heard of the name Kagureas.’

First of all, I heard the middle-aged man’s name for the first time today.

In the case of that woman, she didn’t talk the whole time, so there was no information.

What are these two people doing?

“I understand the situation, so stop it.”

Then the old man opened his mouth and quieted the hall.

I didn’t feel any particular charisma, but people like this were stumped by that one word.

“Everybody let go. There are more serious matters today, so let’s talk about this later.”

“A serious matter?”

The woman who had only listened to the old man’s words spoke for the first time.

“Could it be related to that person in the back?

” That’s right.”

As the old man obediently affirmed, his eyes

focused on me again

. That

he is more important than us

? I think it’s the first time you’ve brought someone. Why are you wearing a mask that has no meaning here?”

The woman asked again, and the old man replied.

It was the same answer as before.

“Never mind.

As the old man gave the order to celebrate


, the people in the hall, led by the woman, got up and left the room one by


. As if taking off her clothes, she smiled with a benevolent expression like before.

“Then let’s continue what we were talking about. How far did you go?”

“……I was just saying the name.”

“Oh, I did.”

He smiled like the grandfather next door, saying that when I get older, I’ll be like this.

Then, without hesitation, he introduced himself.

“Earth . It may be a name that is already familiar to you.”


“Nice to meet you. My name is Auril Gavis.”

Auril Gavis .

] was the name of the game creator who made it.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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