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STGB Chapter 329

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Episode 329 Ouroboros (4)

The traitor Ricardo Rühenpraha.

The battle with this guy shocked me in many ways.

It was the first time I knew that ‘weapon proficiency’, not ‘specs’ such as precious essence skills or high stat aura, could have such a big impact in battle.


Even the swords, which seem to be swung loosely, have hidden intentions, and naturally act as an arrangement for the next move.

A level beyond the realm of simply being good at fighting.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s a hopeless situation.

‘Because I don’t have to win anyway.’

My victory if I can drag the time.

Therefore, I was determined, took my time, and focused on observing his swordsmanship.

‘I think I can see it a bit now.’

At first, I relied on my senses and reflexes to hurriedly avoid and block his sword, but as time passed, I could see it more and more. How will he use this number to continue the next move?


The purpose of aiming for the wrist is to keep in check.

It’s best to avoid backwards…

‘That’s probably what he was aiming for. Then your throat will be empty.’

In a way, it could be seen as a checkmate.

That is, assuming that the [Unspoken Spirit] works normally.


When [Giant] was released, my body shrunk and its sword grazed my wrist. But was it a sword drawn in anticipation of this?


His sword twists its trajectory like a snake and aims at my thigh.


backed away swiftly.

However, the guy swung his sword and saw this scene, and without a moment’s hesitation, he turned the sword’s trajectory again.

towards Amelia, who has lost her mind.

‘Oh shit…….’

I quickly linked [Transcendence] and [Eye of the Storm] and pulled him in front of me.

This made Amelia safe.



As if this case was also in his head, he swung his sword exquisitely as he was being pulled by the wind.

Well, I managed to get away with it somehow…

‘What kind of supercomputer is this bastard’s head?’

The more you experience it, the more you feel like playing.

Should I say that I feel like I’m almost completely reading how I move? I can understand the feelings of modern Go players who were made fun of because they were civilized.

‘I think it would be of great help if I could learn how to do it even a little bit.’

It’s not a martial art that can be learned with eye candy, but it’s not common to perform such a high-level swordsman and life-or-death, so I took the time to learn as much as possible.

and how long has it been

‘I think the old man’s side will be finished soon…’

The car started to think like that.


A moan escaped Amelia’s mouth.

Although he had not yet returned to consciousness, it was a sign that his injuries had recovered to a certain level.

‘Okay, if Amelia wakes up, we’ll be able to make it 2:1……’

This was probably the reason why he aimed at Amelia whenever he had a chance during the battle with me.

As you can tell just by looking at the light knight, unlike the amazing swordsmanship, he was a guy who didn’t have the pride of a warrior.

If the situation is unfavorable, this guy jumps out.

He didn’t look back as if he had no hesitation.

yes like right now

“……I will not forget today.”

If it was going to bounce anyway, would he have judged that now, before Amelia woke up, was the right time?


He gave the typical lines of planning for the future and stepped back, widening the distance, and I did not follow.

I didn’t show it, but my MP was almost exhausted.

It was an unavoidable result as he used [Swing] and used [Transcendence], [Leap] and [Eye of the Storm] throughout the battle to keep from losing power whenever he blocked his sword.

‘Well then this side is over…’

Soon I walked over to Amelia.

His breathing was quite steady, and the severed arm probably needed a little longer—

“Heh heh.”

At that moment, there was a noise from behind.

I hurriedly turned my back on this.

“Did you really defeat him by yourself?”

There was Auril Gavis looking at me admirably.


“It would have been much easier if the elders had helped.”

“Because I don’t want to meet that friend yet.”

“Is that so…”

I averted my gaze because it was obvious he wouldn’t tell me the reason anyway.

To the left of Auril Gavis, there was an object floating in the air as if telekinetic powers had been used.

Shouldn’t it be a person, not an object?

It was Nmelia who had lost consciousness.

Seeing that he’s here, it seems like the other side worked well without any variables, but…

‘I’ll have to check.’

I asked again, fixing my gaze on Auril Gavis.

“So… how did it go on that side?”

“That’s great. You told me my name at the end as you asked.”

“What about Laura?”

“Hmm, I think the words suddenly got a bit shorter…”

“Haha, I can’t believe that. Oh, it’s a misunderstanding.”

At my words, the old man looked at me as if he was suspicious, and smiled, as if he thought it was not particularly important.

“Anyway, the same goes for this girl’s older sister. As you asked, I gave her the medicine and treated her body before sending her back to the surface.”

I thought that one of the things was a sure old man.

After hearing about it, I heard that it was faked as an accident by throwing it at the first wagon I saw when I went up to the ground.

It will serve as the basis for losing all memories.

Besides, he said that he had no connections and even had an identity card of the same age in his pocket…

“I think I know roughly what you want. Didn’t you do something useless? Hehe. ”

“Is there a question?’ If this is enough, the


sister’s side seems to have no problem,

so I also checked the next item afterward

. didn’t you say Secret magic is Nobu’s specialty. Perhaps this child will never realize that he has been hallucinating. Except for the fact that she stopped breathing, everything really happened.”

Laura being crushed by a rock and sticking a dagger to her own throat was real. It was only a hallucination when her heart stopped and the potion stopped working

. . Did you really have to reveal the old lady’s name?”

“He said it was in his memory, but what should I do?”

It was a necessary script to eliminate the contradiction.

“Hmm, that’s right, too. By the way, you are also very smart. To come up with such an ingenious idea.”

The old man looked at me with admiration, but I had a bitter taste. Actually, if

you think about it, there is no such thing as a skit.

Should I say that I became a theater actor following the script


Even after the work is over, I don’t understand.

If it were me, I wouldn’t have moved like this.

There’s no need to act like Laura is dead, and

there’s no reason to take Amelia to Noark. Just send her to the ground with her sister. Because it’s a story.

Everyone could have had a happy ending.

Nevertheless, I wrote this method that is inefficient and requires a girl to go through a tragedy for 20 years.

Because I came back to the past and met Auril Gavis.

So there is no way to undo what has already happened. Because I realized.

I decided on the result and put the rest together.

In a way, it was an act that was no different from Sammosa.


Perhaps, worrying about whether the chicken or the egg came first was meaningless from the beginning. He didn’t know

what to do with that.

Whatever comes first, the egg laid by the chicken will eventually lead to the process of becoming a chicken and eventually becoming a chicken.

“You don’t look so happy, do you?

” I spoke candidly of my thoughts. It was quite a long story, but he listened attentively and tapped me on the forearm,

“I don’t understand how you feel, but don’t think too deeply. You must have gained many things through this work.”

It was a consolation that was not particularly helpful.

Information that can only be obtained from the past. Buff given by Aurl Gavis. Double number items, Crawl’s Demon Grinder and Amelia (SSR). Even the right to recruit.

I certainly gained a lot of things…

“The world, the country, and the society are maintained because everyone plays their part. Think that this was your role.”

Saying that makes me even more uncomfortable.

What the hell is a record fragment stone for?

I wanted to ask in more detail, but I couldn’t afford it right now

. I wonder if I’ll get the price I promised—”

Seeing Auril Gavis change the subject subtly, I cut off her words firmly.

“It’s not over yet.”


“Give him here.”

One last thing I






The voice suddenly woke me up.

For some reason, my back was so wide that my arms felt sore.

“Iron Mask…”

It’s an iron mask.

He was generous and kind to my sisters, both in the labyrinth and outside, unlike other clan members.

And …….

‘Emily-sama’s colleague.’

For some unknown reason, Emily took care of them all day today, and she was not ignorant enough to not know. ‘Why did

these people help us…’


However, one thing was certain.

Perhaps if it had not been for their dedication, she and her sister would have been…


As soon as the accident reached that place, memories rushed in.

“Oh sister!”


“What happened to you sister? You should have been by my side…! Didn’t you see it?”

“…You’re the only one I found in the wreckage.”


Amelia unknowingly tightened her hands.

“Ah ah… …”

My head was confused.

The iron mask’s words explaining the current situation came crashing down.

“I’m on my way back to Noark now. The road to the city has collapsed… What are you sleeping for?” In the midst of my receding


, a low, thick man’s voice resounded.

” …I’m sorry I couldn’t save you properly


It was the last thing she remembered.

“This is…”

When time passed and she opened her eyes again, she was in a cemetery with a bleak atmosphere.

In the distance, she could see Noark’s Fortress and smelled the acrid scent through her nose. Lost.



There was no one around.

Neither the iron mask nor Emily.

Not even my one and only older sister.


Amelia pulled out her dagger like a possessed person.

Thick blood. ” Oh


Looking at the blood on the dagger made me realize it.

The events that happened today are not like a dream.

“Ah ah…….”

For a long time As Amelia sat down, she heard a tumultuous noise in her ears:

“Here! Who’s here?”

“What is this guy?”

“Looks like Felik Barker’s herder?” ”

Let’s take him away,

maybe he knows something?

” …”

That I was completely alone.

Because I don’t have an older sister to protect me.

That I have to survive alone in this city from now on.


As I watched Amelia being dragged away by the guards, I heard a voice behind me

. I feel like my heart is heavy for no reason. I feel like I’ve done something bad.”

Are you saying you’re going to do something like a benevolent grandpa cosplay?

Really, I don’t think so.

“By the way, where did you

leave my comrades and came here alone?

” A woman who doesn’t have one…”

“Don’t worry, the old lady will wake up as soon as she leaves.”

Well, that’s right.

That said, I also lessened my worries.

She’s a woman who can protect herself no matter what.

Just curious There is only one thing.

“But why aren’t you coming with me?”

To my question, Aurill Gavis replied as if asking something obvious. ”

Do n’t you have something to share with the old lady?”

Oh, that…

I can’t use it…….’

It’s natural that people’s attitudes when they go into the bathroom and when they leave are different. Even though I’ve

made up my mind to give up what I’m going to give, when the time comes, I can’t get my mouth shut.

” Aren’t you going to keep it?”

Auril Gavis’s voice was gentle, but strangely, there was pressure from the words.


As I secretly averted my gaze, the old man took a step closer with his eyes bright.

“Say your name. . Or maybe it’s better to take off that mask first. Hmm, yes… I’d better look at the face first.”

The sight of his snort coming out every time he took a breath was truly terrifying.

Therefore… ”

Wait a minute!”

I stopped Auril Gavis

and put my hand in the subspace.

Seeing me like that, he asked,

“…why are you going through your bag?”

Yes , I have something to try.

“A record fragment?”

After checking the item he took out of the space bag, he tilted his head.

” Why

is that


If you finish all your tasks, you will be able to be summoned again…]

The way to return to the original time is to complete all the ‘things to do’

. That role is over now.

Simply put, if you do well, you can use it to jump into the future without paying your wages.

Well, it should have been…

‘Why not.’

The fragments of the record didn’t even budge.

However, I wonder if disappointment showed on

my face without even realizing

it .

“It wasn’t a lie when I said I wanted to be friendly. That’s why I listened to all of these annoying requests… I never thought I would have thought of hitting the old woman in the back of the head until the very end.” ”

Misunderstanding… Misunderstanding. If we talk calmly—”

“Enough. Now that I know exactly how to deal with you.”


As I took a step back without even realizing it, Auril Gavis gestured to the air.


My body was being dragged by invisible physical force as if I had [Eye of the Storm] on. ” Now

then, let’s start by looking at the face.”

Soon after,

Aurel Gavis reached out her hand to my helmet .

I regretted it belatedly, but it was already too late to turn it around.

It was

the moment when Gavis’s fingertips touched my helmet.

Even in the dark night, there is light.


It began to emit pure white light in all directions.

‘Yes, this is the exploitation of the elderly.’

In a world where everything is turning white, I smiled and said,

“I’m sorry. I was going to keep my promise.”

“… You bastard!!”

“Don’t scream. Then what? I’ve heard that my role here is over.”

“Name! Then at least tell me your name—”


Gavis’ voice was crushed as the light exploded like a flash.



As the light faded, the slightly floating feet touched the ground.

The timing was close, but it meant that the unpaid senior exploitation plan had succeeded—


But what the hell is this about again?

” Huh…?”

I froze as I checked my surroundings.

That’s because everything was the same.

The destroyed graveyard.

The cemetery manager’s corpse.

And even the smell of burnt air from the burnt city.

Arrived at the original time. If it was ramen, there must have been something different, but everything around them was the same,


“Where did this old man go?”

Only Gavis was gone.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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