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STGB Chapter 332

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Episode 332 To the Future (2)


A super large monster that appears on the 7th floor.

If you have the specs to live in a group in a designated field, the difficulty of Essence Nogada itself is easy, so I chose Bayon’s Essence, which is a bit more difficult to obtain later, during the royal family reward.


‘In fact, in terms of combat performance, this one was better.’

If Bayon’s [Transcendence] enables skill combinations that are out of the frame of utility and variable creation, ‘Bol-Herchan’ focuses on just one thing.

physical resistance.

That stat that any tank should prioritize over strength.

In addition, among Bol-Herchan’s active skills, there is one that blocks auras, so this guy’s essence was essential in order to grow into a reliable shield Baba.

‘The question is… Is it the color of the integer?’

Depending on the color of the essence, the active skill changes.

This is also the biggest reason why growth becomes more difficult as you go higher up. There are some things that are difficult for high-ranking monsters to hunt, but from 3rd grade or higher, there are basically five or six colors of essence that can be dropped.

It is not yet time to drink kimchi soup.

Yes, at least not yet…

“Amelia, by any chance… do you know what color essence it is?”

“Well, maybe it was green.”

what? Green?!


Amelia frowned as I involuntarily exclaimed. Well, since it’s the first time I’ve heard the word, I must have wanted something.

“Are these words spoken in your hometown?”

When I explained that it was just a word for good luck, without any religious meaning, Amelia nodded, saying, “I see.”

And somewhere, he glanced at me with sad eyes.

“When I mentioned that word earlier, you paid attention to it…”

Ah… that’s right.

I was serious when he said he was a demon.

It would have looked like Nambul.

‘If it was normal, I would have shouted Hallelujah in my heart.’

Is it because I’m the only companion (SSR) in this world who knows I’m an evil spirit?

I sincerely apologized.

“I wasn’t just being strict with you. It’s just that I seem to be getting too comfortable in front of you. I’ll pay attention to this part too.”

“……That’s it.”

Amelia coolly accepted my apology and this problem is over here.

I then raised the most important question.

“But Amelia…”

“Don’t look at me strangely, just say it.”

what if so

“That… do you know how much it was sold for?”

When I asked, trying to calm down my trembling emotions, Amelia smiled and rose from her chair.


again and again.

He dared to come next to me, bent down, and whispered into my ear.


As soon as I heard it, goose bumps ran through my body.

no what is so expensive?


At first, I almost fainted when I heard the price, but it wasn’t a ridiculous price when I looked at it one by one.

Isn’t the name color a level 3 essence?

Since it was released on the exchange rather than the hole-in-the-wall auction house, the number of bidders aiming for the item must have been much higher. There are many nerds who have a lot of money but don’t deserve to enter the sky auction house.

Anyway, that’s not what’s important.

“Hey… Amelia.”

“Tell me.”


As she muttered, Amelia, who had returned to her seat before she knew it, crossed her legs and crossed her arms.

With that being said, it’s hard to say anything more…

“Uh… that’s…”

After hesitating for a long time, Amelia sighed and scratched the itchy part.

“You must be curious about how much it will be if you sell all the equipment you have collected?”


“Probably… only about 70% will come out. Assuming that it was slowly paid for and disposed of.”

After that, too.

“…I guess I have no choice but to give up on this.”

It is not a problem that only 30% is not enough.

It’s now that I’ve collected the equipment I’ve looted for over half a year and gathered all the properties of ten of those guys.

It is close to impossible to raise enough money to fill 30% in a short period of time.

Looking at her expression, Amelia seemed to think so too.

“…was it the desired essence?”


“Don’t be too discouraged. Jeongsoo, we can get it with our own hands later.”

That’s the case, but…


Amelia’s consolation keeps sighing.

If I had known this was going to happen, I would have been better off just not knowing. It feels like someone gave me a birthday present by mistake and then someone took it away.

Even the color of the essence was perfect, right?

In that brief moment, I even felt a fateful pull—

“Well then, it’s not like there’s no way…”

I raised my head at the sound of Amelia’s voice at that time.


Amelia averted her eyes.

At first, I wondered if it was because my eyes were burdensome, but when I looked closely, it didn’t seem like I was just looking into space. Should I say it’s a feeling close to fixing your eyes on something? ‘What

on earth is

he so pierced with?’

It had to be.

There, Craul’s Demon Grinder stood leaning against the wall, not hiding its mighty majesty.

“Oh no this!”

“Why? It’s not something you can bring back to the original time anyway.”

“I’ll bury it well and hide it!”

“There is still a risk, though. It might be the most reasonable way to dispose of it and turn it into an essence.”

Amelia was not wrong.

No matter how well you hide it, there is no guarantee that you will be there 20 years later.

On the other hand, integers can be taken back unconditionally.


“Are you really crazy! Selling weapons to warriors!!”

“Your tone has suddenly become barbarian.”

“Ah, it’s a habit…”

“Somehow it seemed like that.”

But why did it suddenly become like this?

I went back to what I was talking about and continued speaking sternly.

“Anyway, I’m never going to sell this, so don’t say you’re selling this again! I’d rather give up the essence!”

It wasn’t just stubbornness.

That’s right, even if it’s a grade 3 essence, its rarity is nothing compared to a double number item. Double Numbers are so precious that they do not come up well even at the Cheunggung Auction House.

Well, depending on the demand, the price may not be much different or the essence may be sold at a higher price… But if you

look at the difficulty of obtaining it, ‘Crowl’s Demon Grinder’ is dozens of times higher. Simply put, if I sell this now, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get it again.

“Hmm, then that’s it.”

When he explained the reason in detail, Amelia also agreed without a word.

And the conversation ended there.

Amelia went out again, saying she was coming to see her sister, and I drank and soothed my sore throat at the inn.

“Kick liquor… I drink it today…”

How long will it take to eat this essence?

I don’t know, but it will take at least a year.

First of all, go back to the original timeline, reorganize the clan, upgrade the ship step by step, and go through the 6th floor to the 7th floor to meet Vol-Herchan.

The next thing is to work hard until you get the color you want.

“Keheuu Bol-Herchaeung…….”

It was a time when I was drinking alone and trembling in the spirit.

There was a creak and the door opened.

“Have you been drinking all this time?”

It was Amelia who, with all her sincerity, stayed by her sister’s side all day and returned only after the sun had set.

“Hehe, are you here? Amelia…”

“I told you to lock the door…”

“…I’m sorry.”


“I’ll do my best to lock down the door from now on. Isn’t that the essence? If an assassin who can even use an aura comes along, I have no choice but to die with a squeal…” Is

it because it’s been a long time since I’ve been drunk?

I was suddenly overcome with emotion and could not speak.

Seeing me like that, Amelia let out a big sigh.

“The smell of alcohol is very vibrating.”

As a roommate, I didn’t have anything to say because I did something wrong. So, as I kept my head down, Amelia cautiously opened her mouth.

“By the way, Yandel.”


“That essence… do you want it that much?”


In an instant, my mind was blown away.

It was worth it.

Isn’t this the tone of a mother who is tired of seeing her son lying down in the toy corner?

“Could there be a way…?”

Amelia let out a smirk at my question, filled with hope.


“Don’t expect too much.”

“That means…!”

I was so moved that I couldn’t speak.

“No, I told you not to expect too much. Just because there is a way to try it…”

It was the reliability of an older person that I had never experienced before.


From that day on, Amelia went out every morning and returned to her inn at dawn with a tired face.

However, he did not answer my question about what he was doing.

You don’t know how things will turn out, so when things go well, you’ll tell me then?

[As long as it works out, I will be able to solve the financial problem somehow. So you do what you can until the auction day. Don’t stay at home all day.]


Since I couldn’t dare to disobey Amelia’s instructions, I worked hard outside.

It had only one purpose.

A safe place for 20 years even after hiding Crawl’s Demon Grinder.

‘I think the forest in Haseongji is perfect, but I think there will be something to touch during the funeral again…’

Finding my own garlic field was much more difficult than I thought. It seems like a good place, but should I say that if you look at each item one by one, it will not be 100% in the end?

‘It’s hard to feel safe again because the sewer is full of vagabonds… I can’t freely enter the holy grounds of other races, so I have to pass…’

If Amelia failed to get the money, she had to hide a large amount of money, so she had to choose a more thorough place.

Well, that wasn’t all there was to worry about.

‘But what if I really want money?’

My current level is 6.

I can eat up to six essences, and currently all six slots are full.

This means that in order to get the Essence of Vol-Herchan, you must either level up or erase one of the Essences you have.

However, it was necessary to clear more than half of the 6th floor in order to become 7th level, so there was no need to worry too much about this part.

‘What would be the best thing to erase?’

Orc Hero Ogre Bayon.

Since these three are core essences, there is no intention of subtracting them, and Stormgash is a rank 3 essence, so it is a waste to erase it.

Because the basic stats alone are worth it.

So, there were two options.


My only mobile device, the 5th grade essence that I had in mind to erase someday from the beginning.


‘corpse golem.’

A rank 7 essence corpse golem that I was forced to eat to survive.

The grade is the lowest among the essences I have, but the choice was not easy.

‘I feel like I’d be empty without this……’

The usefulness of this essence doesn’t even need to be explained in words.

How much help did you get from the ‘pain resistance’ stat?

Even [Flesh Explosion] and [Acid Bodily Fluids], which were regarded as trash skills, played a filial role during the battle.


‘Still, it’s about time to graduate. I had no intention of using it for this long in the first place.’

If you choose between the two, it is also right to bring a manticore.

The reason is simple.

Even if you receive 20% of your stats as a payback with the effect of [Genetic], your exorcism, which used to be 200, would be reduced to 40 right away.

If you delete this now, you will have to balance it by eating one more intermediate essence that will be responsible for exorcism until you get the essence of ‘Bellarios’.

‘Well, this would be meaningless if Amelia couldn’t find the money.’

Thinking that a place to hide things in case of failure becomes more important, I went out to explore all over the city more diligently, and time passed quickly.


‘There are only three days left.’

Only 3 days left until auction day.

I laid down on the bed with the watch on the table.

‘What will happen this time?’

It was midnight on the 15th.


“Oh, I did come.”

When I woke up in a room similar to my usual one, I first put on the mask hanging on the wall.

And hurried out of the room.


The empty hallway was filled with silence.

However, if my guess is correct, there must be a 2nd Master GM who took over this space somewhere here.

‘Let’s look around for a moment.’

I roamed the hallways, carefully examining the mansion.

Existing members, such as the leader and ruin scholars, were nowhere to be seen.

‘Come to think of it, what happened to these guys…’

It was a time when such questions slowly began to float around.

I saw a white man standing blankly in the main hall on the first floor.

Even pretending, it wasn’t an evil spirit from the other world.

That’s because he was wearing a sweatshirt with a familiar logo.

‘Could he be the GM?’

I took a step to take a closer look.

But did you feel the popularity of this side because of that?

“The four people…?!”

The man who looked around met my eyes and flinched.


In the silence that followed for a while, I looked at him, and the same goes for the other person.

‘It’s surprising.’

Somewhat stupid-looking features.

A gaze full of confusion.

Looking at it, it seems that

he is afraid of me… “Hey… who is that? You said that all the original members were expelled…”

‘All the existing members have been expelled. ……’

I was on the lookout, but seeing the information I didn’t ask, I took care of it.

The strong scent of a newbie that cannot be hidden even if one tries to hide it.

‘Yeah, even if you’re a GM, you’ve been here less than a year. It’s just green and green.’

How can I cook this?

My mouth was already watering.

Is that why?

“Ho, by any chance… the elder! Are you the elder?”

To that question with a very naive expression.


I unknowingly stuck out my tongue.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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