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STGB Chapter 351

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Episode 351 Dark Continent (2)

The beating sunlight and the heated sand grains.

This place carries the salty smell of salt in the cool yet humid wind.

Laemia, the island of beginnings.

However, the wide open sea along the horizon was not visible.

“I have entered the Great Sea on the 6th floor.” As

soon as I passed through the portal, the first thing I saw was over 100 large sailboats lined up along the coastline.

The hull is so large and so numerous that the vast sea feels narrow.

“Come on, if you come over, quickly fall to the side! The next one has to come too!”

Without even looking around, they left the portal under the control of an explorer with the explorer’s guild pattern.

His tone was so light that I asked Erwen, and he said he was not a regular guild employee.

The explorers who received the request from the guild?

I received a request for cooperation from the royal family to manage the explorer, but there was no manpower to send, so I outsourced it.

‘Well, it would be difficult for an ordinary employee to reach the 6th floor.’

Anyway, as the war had already been going on for over a year, the hard-separated procedures proceeded naturally like water.

“Come here! First of all, we will register to participate in the war and help you with the process of assigning a unit!”

After waiting in a long queue on the eastern coastline, I first issued my ID and registered to participate in the war, but by the way, there was a little fuss here.

Even though Erwen was famous, it was because he was too famous.

“Erwen Fornacci di Tercia… uh… uh, the Tongue Blood Queen…?”

“Are there any problems?”

“Oh no… no! Sorry for the fuss!”

Looking at Erwen, who came to register alone, one might have some questions, but the registrar felt uncomfortable even having a conversation and finished the registration in a hurry.

“Class 5 Explorer Emily Lanes. You have a record of participating in battles before. Registered.”

After Erwen, it was Amelia’s turn, but this time registration was over in just a second.

He is 22 years old with a name he made two years ago.

Did you start with a level 9 explorer and slowly raise your level and completely finish washing your identity, such as paying taxes?

As long as you don’t bump into someone who knows Amelia’s bare face like Erwen, it’s a free pass in terms of status.

Unlike me, who received a slightly meaningful look.

“Leechen Shuitz, a 5th-class explorer. You don’t have a record of participating in the war. Would you like to take off your helmet?”

My identity, ‘Leechen Shuitz’, which Amelia saved, belongs to an explorer who was active five years ago. Of course, there was no problem with the paperwork, thanks to the broker’s steady payment of taxes, but…


It is a strange reaction because of the face that looks younger than the age of 29 years old.

For some reason, I feel like a minor who came to buy cigarettes.

Still, it was safe to say that it was thanks to the fact that I dyed my hair light brown, as it was written on my ID. I chose the same eye color in the first place.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No, it seems like it’s been a long time since I’ve come back, but I wish you good luck.”

“Thank you.”

I pitched once, but fortunately the registration ended without a hitch.

It was as Amelia said that there were so many cases of retired people returning after the war these days, so she wouldn’t be too suspicious.

In the first place, there were two cases like this among Chilgang.

“Then, now we just need to designate a unit.”

After registering, I moved to the bulletin board next to it.

On the bulletin board, the currently waiting ships and the number of people on board were briefly written, but which ship to board was also quite important in the war. When you get to the 7th floor

, it’s

because the explorers on the same boat form a unit…

“Third line?”

“It is a ship that is mainly used by explorers who have not yet established a major major or who do not have a large power like a large clan. As a result, it is on the side of lacking combat power, so it is mainly located in the rear and takes on a support role.”

Hehe newbie, come up from the bottom, is this?

Well, I’m going to a dangerous battlefield, but if there’s a newbie holding my ankle, I’ll just be in trouble.

“Then let’s ride over there.”

After that, the three of us got on board together after choosing the least crowded ship among the third-class ships.

It is judged that it is advantageous to choose a room with a small number of people.

“Fortunately, I was able to get a room for three.”

“Why is it difficult to find a triple room?”

“It’s not that rare, but it’s the most popular.”

As for the reason, I was able to find the answer on my own without asking.

‘Ah, the binding magic was updated while I was gone.’

In this day and age, teams of six are common.

So if you divide them into two groups, the three-person room is bound to be the most popular.

“Then, the departure day is tomorrow, so from now on, let’s all relax.”

“Okay! Then what shall we talk about now?”

“…Let’s rest?”

“Yes, I mean. Are you taking a break?”


I looked at Amelia with a look of help, but before I knew it, it was after she had finished organizing her belongings and was lying on the bed.

to pretend to sleep.

“Then shall we talk about the war…?”

“Okay! Any questions?”

“Usually, the people on the third class line are supposed to take on support duties from the rear. What exactly are they?”

“Uh… I don’t know because I’m always in the front… I think I’ve heard that he’s supposed to be in charge of securing retreat routes or escorting missions.”

I wasn’t particularly tired, so after that I talked to Erwen and listened to various things.

and how long has it been


Suddenly a visitor came.

He was a person we all knew well.

“…Since we were on the same boat, I came to say hello. It’s been a while Tersia-san.”

I hope we can meet again so soon.



A blond-haired woman standing in front of the closed cabin tidied up the collar of her uniform.

Then he let out a deep sigh.

‘Why did this woman suddenly act like this?’

Erwen Fornacci di Tercia after the blood spirit.

It was the reason Raven was standing in front of this cabin.

Well, for some reason, that woman who was a member of the Chilgang got into the third class instead of the first.

‘……Really, I’m the only one who’s bothered by it.’

Originally, the 3rd Magic Corps, to which she belonged, was also scheduled to rise to the 3rd rank. This is because an escort force made up of magicians is essential.

But that ship was never this ship.

Somehow, it was just that I was reassigned by an order from my superiors.

‘I’m not really friendly anymore. We weren’t that close before.’

Because she was once a member of the same clan, her superiors assigned her to this ship, but she wasn’t sure.

How can you control that crazy woman?

Know what will happen in the future.

‘Still, since I was told to do so, we have no choice but to have a conversation and try to figure out what the intention is…’

Soon after, she sighed and knocked on the door.


The door opened about 10 seconds after knocking.


Rusty hinges creaked open in the sea breeze, and I could see the closed cabin.

According to the information, there were three people in total.

‘Level 5 explorer Lehen Shuitz. And Emily Raines.’

One wore a helmet even inside the cabin, and the other had his eyes and ears covered with a black cotton thread that came down to his nose.

This made Raven even more curious.

Who the hell are these two, why did they suddenly move with a woman like Blood Spirit Hu?

“Stop looking at the man and tell me your business.”

She stopped observing the cabin and looked at Erwen.

And he tried to put on an office smile.

“…Since we were on the same boat, I came to say hello. It’s been a while Tersia-san.”

“Yes. Then, can you leave when the greetings are over?”

Damn, when the heck is that shit going to be fixed?

Raven clicked his tongue inside, but opened his mouth without showing it.

That’s because I had a lot of questions to go out like this.

For example…

“Did you just say you were an old man by the way?”

Why did this woman refer to that man as ‘mister’?

Wasn’t that nickname used only for that man?


Unfortunately, Erwen didn’t answer.

It just stares at you with eyes as if it has nothing to do with you.

It was just that his eyes seemed nervous.

Should I say it’s because I feel like I’ve seen something I didn’t want to see?


She shifted her gaze from Erwen to the man.

It was very unfamiliar and I couldn’t even see his face because it was hidden by the helmet, but he was someone who gave off a familiar atmosphere.

I can’t say exactly what to cut.

Even if there is nothing in common at all.

Even so, it strangely resembles the same person.

“You can’t believe it! This man is…”

Raven opened his mouth wide.

Then, she stared at Erwen and the man alternately.



The longer the silence and the longer Raven’s eyes are fixed on me, the more I think about it.

‘what? You said this right away?’

So what’s next?

Can you convince me it’s not a demon?

If they say they don’t understand, the news will surely reach the royal



It’s like, ‘Mister, what should I do now?’ same eyes.

It was a bit odd.

No, you made a mistake, but why did you do that to me—.

“No way…….”

Then Raven’s mouth opened and the uncomfortable silence ended.

“I never thought it would be broken this far.”


What else are you talking about?

Erwen and I both panicked. Raven continued with a sad voice.

“Tersia, no Erwen… It’s not right to look for a replacement.”


“There’s no way something like that could happen. You just have to overcome it, though it will be difficult.”


Only then did I understand the situation.

Raven misunderstood.

Erwen misses me, so he finds a man similar to me and covers his face and plays a role.

“And you.”

Raven, dressed in a small uniform, swung around and glared at me.

“I know what you’re thinking.”


“So, throw away the thought of using Erwen. No matter how much I do, I can’t see anything like that. I’ll keep an eye on you from now on, but if you cross the line even a little bit…

” Unknowingly, I made excuses.

“Wait! I don’t know what kind of misunderstanding it is, but I don’t intend to use it—”



When I tilted my head at the words I didn’t understand, Raven stiffened and averted my eyes.

“The voice… looks like… yes.”

It was a reaction as if he understood why Erwen acted like that.

“That’s why…”

Raven muttered in a bitter voice and said looking at Erwen.

“But it can’t be done. Something like this… It’s clear that he won’t want it either, right?”

His sincerity was evident, and his tone of voice went beyond advice and seemed almost begging.

But there was no way he could get through to Erwen.

Everything he was doing was a misunderstanding in the first place.

“Everything about you is what you are . Is it interference? You don’t know anything!”

Soon after, Erwen came to his senses and started defending himself.

Ah, in simple terms, it means attacking.

“Leave immediately, don’t come back!”

Erwen kicked Raven out by force and slammed the door open ***

Time passed quickly after Raven’s visit. On the day of departure


the warships floating on the coastline opened their sails in unison, and the identity of this ship was also decided

. …”

As soon as they arrive on the 7th floor, the explorers on this ship will escort the 3rd Magic Corps and participate in battle. Oh, for reference, the

formation and tactics on the battlefield are conducted by gathering on the deck during the voyage and receiving training. ‘ That’s

why they’re tying up troops for each ship. Because there’s time for training on the way.’

Estimated voyage up to the 7th floor is about 15 days.

Excluding the training time, most of it was free time, but I spent almost all the time on deck.

It ‘s a simple reason.

I just feel that the barbarian is weak against the sea


Even though it was this big, I couldn’t stay in the cabin because of motion sickness.

Yes, you can just vomit anywhere here.

Anyway, after spending so much time on the deck, there were times when I ran into Raven.

And with a considerable frequency.

For some reason, it was always Er . Only when Wen is away.

“…He resembles getting sick. I feel bad.”


“Why are you covering your face like that? Because Mr. Erwen ordered it?”


“Well, the faces don’t look alike.”


“Why are you walking around with a normal face? Don’t you have any pride?”


“Just do something. I won’t let you go.”

Oh, it’s so hard I’m dying.

Why does he keep talking about himself?

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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