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STGB Chapter 434

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Episode 434 Return of the Lion (5)

The reunion with Einar was as expected.

A tearful reunion doesn’t suit barbarians very well.

Yeah, I don’t know if it’s like this.


“Yes Einar. It’s been a while—”

“Behel—raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveh Behel!”

As soon as I pass the yard and open the gate, Einar pushes me toward the yard.


“You must have tricked me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!”

The fist fight started right away.

It seems that he was very angry at the fact that he had faked his death for over two years and pretended to be Lichen Schuitz even after meeting him in the library.

If you think about the hardships of the past, there is nothing that cannot be met.

But that’s not what Einar wants.


Calling out the names of the ancestors, they fight back.


hit the face with a fist


Dog fights rolling across the lawn like wrestling.

How long did that dogfight last?

Einar picked up the greatsword that Einar had thrown on the floor, and I yelled at Erwen to bring the hammer.

“Both… stop it!!”

Erwen’s intervention put an end to the reunion struggle.

Perhaps it was because the well-kept garden was in disarray, Erwen was crying, but he tried to look away without knowing it.

But right now Einar comes first.


Soon after, Einar spat the blood from his mouth onto the grass and grinned.

“What’s wrong with Bjorn?”

Is this a natural barbarian?

To really just release something like this right away.

If it was Misha, she would have cursed at me for a long time and stuffed cold dill into her stomach.

“Einar, you haven’t changed.”

“Really? Looks like you’ve changed a lot.”

Einar shrugged and approached me, punching me in the chest with his fist.

“I probably won’t understand even if I explain what happened to you. It’s always been like that. But still…” ”


“I’m glad you’re alive. Bjorn.”


I was speechless for a moment without realizing it.

It was because the sincerity was buried in the calm voice.

But would the atmosphere be awkward over there?

“But… what the hell is that poor body?”

Einar looked down at me and said, and I felt shame for no reason.

I wonder if my pride as a barbarian has been hurt.

For some reason, my mouth was already opening more urgently than ever.

“It’s because of that essence! It’s like the essence of the Bonnite you ate. Don’t worry! Now that I’ve got my name back, I’ll erase it right away!”

“Hmm, is that so? Do it as quickly as possible. It’s hard to see why Bjorn is shorter than me.”

A feeling as if daggers were flying and stabbed in the chest.

“And… I’ll have to put up with taking you to the Holy Land today. If my people see it… I’m sure they’ll be disappointed.”

…my heart is pounding.

If you had told me that I couldn’t play games, I would have been able to endure it.

‘I should quickly erase the essences I’ve acquired later.’

“So… is the reunion over?”

Afterwards, Raven, who was watching, intervened in the conversation, and Einar also confirmed Raven’s existence.

“Oh! Aruru! Long time no see you too!”

“It’s the first time in half a year, is that all?”

“Ha ha ha! You really care about everything!

“Even if you don’t care, you won’t grow taller anyway!”

“Don’t lose hope. Look, I’m here too!”

“That’s what you did because of the essence!”

As Raven shouted, Einar chuckled and scratched his ears.

Raven grabbed the back of his neck once more.

It was a heartbreaking scene.

‘It’s been a while……’

This sense of nostalgia somewhere.

Raven, who nervously shouted to see if it was not only me who shared this feeling, followed Einar into the house, smiling.

“…What a relief.”


“You’re bright again.”

“…What are you talking about? Let’s go in quickly.”


After the reunion in the garden, we changed places inside the house and continued the conversation.

Following Raven, Einar also awkwardly exchanged greetings with Erwen, and Amelia was next.

“Long time no barbarian—”

You’re just pretending to know something nonchalantly.

He quickly covered Amelia’s mouth and hugged her.

“Is this a sphere?”


Einar tilted his head.

I was honestly dumbfounded.

At that time, I was very depressed, saying that the honor of a warrior was trampled on because of him.

Well, even when we met on Farune Island, I didn’t recognize him right away.

“Ah ah…! I remembered! The woman from Noark who stayed with Bjorn at the end!”

However, Einar nodded saying he was right, as if he had memories of Farune Island.

“So your name is…”

“Emily Raines.”

“Oh, that must have been the name!”

What is that name?

We never even spoke to each other back then.

At the time, everyone just called her a looter and that bitch, but she had no interest in her real name.

‘The fact that my honor was trampled on on the second floor in the past… After all, wouldn’t it be better to just pretend not to know?’

It was a time when I was thinking like that.

“Did you say Emily Rains?”


Einar, who spoke to Amelia in an unexpectedly friendly voice, said something really unexpected.

“First of all, I’d like to say thank you.”


“I don’t know much about you, but I’m sure Bjorn kept you by his side because you were someone you could rely on.”

Einar looked at Amelia in an unusually serious voice and said thanks.

“Thank you. For being by Bjorn’s side during the most difficult times.”

“……It’s not really something to be thankful for.”

“Haha! It’s something I have to do! It’s a bit sad that I wasn’t the one to rely on, but that’s because I’m like this, so I couldn’t help it!”


“I’m not as smart as Aruru, and I’m not blind enough to turn my back on the tribe like that fairy.”

“……Hey, you were swearing at me right now, right?”

After thinking for a long time, Erwen frowned and opened his mouth, and Einar escaped like a snake.

“Haha, did you hear that?”

Wow, do you see that he doesn’t deny it?

I don’t know what happened, but Einar’s speech skills improved a lot.

“Anyway, this is okay, so let’s talk about it. I heard about you at the tavern and came to see you right away, but what the hell happened?”

After that, I had time to explain what happened to me for a while.

Of course, it wasn’t a 100% pure truth story, it was a story made through some filtering…





Einar listened to my story while repeating only these four chuimsae.

Unlike Erwen and Raven, the story that started ended shortly after. It was the advantage of the barbarian that any conversation did not lengthen.


“…This is all that has happened so far.”


At the same time, this can be a problem when talking to barbarians. I’m not sure if I understand you well.

Unless you ask me directly.

“Did you understand?”

“To some extent!”

“……That’s it.”

This story ends here.

As if I had waited, I moved on to the next topic.

“But Einar, you must have been very surprised too.”


“Didn’t the royal family announce that I was an evil spirit? It must have been quite a shock. Not only you, but also your own people.”

“Oh, you mean that?

“…wasn’t there a big deal?”

“I don’t know if it’s a stupid human being. Do you think you’re a demon? None of my tribe believed it. I just thought something else was wrong on the royal side.”

Oh, that’s right…

It was a completely different answer than I expected, but I’ll have to do what I have to do.

“But that’s it. I’m just saying this out of curiosity with no other intentions, but what if…”

I carefully scooped up Einar.

“What if I’m a demon?”

This was a very important part in dealing with Einar in the future. Depending on this answer, I may withdraw all the stories I told you earlier and tell the truth.

What would Einar’s answer be?

Not just me, Erwen and Amelia Raven all swallowed their saliva, pretending to be calm.


“Ha ha ha! You, Bjorn, are you a demon? You sound funny!”

“Don’t dismiss it as a joke, think about it. I’m curious about your answer.”

Einar, unable to withstand my urging, opened his mouth in such a strange atmosphere.

“Hmm, Bjorn you’re an evil spirit……. Well then, in the end, isn’t there only one answer?”

“If it’s only one…?”

“Do you mean that you will accept even being a demon? A colleague with whom you share time and affection?”

Einar tilted his head as Erwen and Raven asked, as if putting in a chuimsae.

“What are you both talking about? Of course I have to kill you!”

“Hit… kill…?”

“That’s right, the tribal chief said!! Evil spirits are beings that must be killed!!”

Huh yeah…….

this won’t be easy…….


Raven and Einar’s visit continued until that night. We talked for a long time while drinking tea and had a simple accompaniment drink over dinner.

After finishing the meal like that, a drinking party naturally broke out.

“It’s already time… I have to go now.”

It wasn’t until late at night that Raven got up with his coat on, and Ainar, who had been telling him to pour and drink from the beginning, stretched out long ago and left the next morning after having a hangover.

“I heard you had something to do from today? Tell me when everything is sorted out. Stop by the Holy Land once. I said that yesterday, but everyone will be happy if you come.”


After sending Ainar, Erwen also prepared to go out. As such things happened in the Labyrinth, did you think you would have to show your face in the Holy Land today?

“Then ask for the house.”

After Erwen went out, I left the house with Amelia and went out alone. As I said to Ainar yesterday, I have a lot of work to do from today.

“I’m Baron Yandel…!”

As warned by Erwen, who had climbed over the fence and went out, a large number of people had formed camps in front of the house. After all, my story would have spread all over the city by now.

There were people who acted like reporters in this world, and there were people who came simply to see my face.

“Hey… Junior Baron!

Please say

only one word

! ” ”

Wow Ah

! ”

With a cry, he breaks through the wall of the crowd and steps forward

. Runs away!”

“Follow me!!”

Running away.

It’s just rushing forward.


After breaking through the crowd in an instant with overwhelming strength, I ran out through the empty morning streets. Relentlessly following me. There were a few that stuck, but I was able to shake off them all sooner or later.

“Then let’s go…”

In the dark alleyway, wearing a large robe, I moved toward my destination while looking at the map

. …….

‘Here it is.’

A small house with an impressive red gate.

Eventually, after checking the name on the doorplate, I took a deep breath and carefully knocked. Knock. After


for a while, a woman with a haggard face opened the door and appeared.

“You… ….!”

As soon as she saw my face, she couldn’t hide her embarrassment.

That’s why she had no choice but to.

“Can I go in, Mrs. Ashed?”

At my question, she chewed her lips hard, then turned and opened the way.

“I… I didn’t prepare anything, even tea…”

“It’s okay. I didn’t come here to be treated. I came because I

had something to give back.” “I’ll give it to you…….” Instead of answering,

I took out an item from the subspace


“Ah ah ah…”

“Sorry. So was the situation then. It would have been better if I could have brought it to you in its entirety.”

“Ah ah…”

“Here are the items Ashed had. I’ve organized it well in the subspace, so take a good look at it later. If you think there’s something missing, feel free to tell me.”


“No, it doesn’t have to be like that, so if you have something to ask for or something you need, I’ve written down my address here, so you can come visit me anytime. ”


“If you’re uncomfortable being around me, get up now.”

The answer didn’t come back.

However, I accepted the silence as an affirmation and slowly stood up.

It was then.

“Wait… …”


“Wait a minute… please wait…” After saying that, she got up and headed to the kitchen

, and finally came back with a teacup steeped in fragrance. Go… This is the tea I always

serve when guests come.”

Calmness suits him well.”

“Tell me. How was he…”

“I’m sure he’ll need more tea.”

After that, I sipped my tea and started talking.

Most of them were trivial things.

The truth can’t be revealed anyway.

During the expedition A small incident that happened.

A conversation with him that seemed to pass by.

Care and behavior so detailed that it would be hard for a dull person to even notice.

“That’s why everyone in the crew liked him. don’t you know He doesn’t really stand out, but when he’s by your side, you feel comfortable and reassured…” ”

Yes … Really.”

was a guy who didn’t. So how surprised everyone was when I first told him about his wife…”

“Did he… tell me…?”


“What… what did he say? ”

“She said she was a strong woman.”


“But she also said that she would definitely

cry when she lost her confidence . ”

The woman who had been patiently listening to the story lowered her head.

I looked away without saying anything and waited for her to calm down. I wonder

how long it would have passed.

“Thank you… for coming… like this…”

“Thank you. Thanks to that, I get to know a good car.”

“…Are you going to other people?”

I nodded slightly. ”

Because that’s all the survivors can do.”

I visited one by one.

The member who was able to return with the ashes delivered them. If there were no belongings, even a few of his belongings, he bowed his head and apologized. Their

reactions were all different.

“Huh, this is a great hero, Baron No ? But what happened to such a shabby place?”

There were some who were sarcastic.

Some who simply accepted things and kicked them out.

There were also those who doubted whether the expedition the Marquis said was true, and others who were thrilled that a famous hero had not forgotten and found it.

But one thing is clear:

“Come on, Meirin… I have to say hello to my mother…”

“This… is this my mother? Why?”

No matter how I reacted, I was a sinner in front of them.

Perhaps one day that day Until the day comes when we can tell the truth about what happened, we will have to keep moving forward with this burden on our chest.

A day, two, three days…

Time flies


Four days, five days, six days…

Time passed again and again…


“The character’s soul resonates and is drawn to a specific world.”

That day came.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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