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STGB Chapter 435

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Episode 435 Opponent (1)

Lee Han-soo’s room feels especially strange these days.

‘Something… narrow.’

In this room, which was always full of coziness, I felt stuffy for no reason.

Now I’m not even the body of a big barbarian.

‘Okay, let’s turn on the computer first.’

Feeling a strange sense of difference, I quickly turned on the main unit and connected to the community.

[Long live Korea’s independence] – 0 people are online.

I checked the Korean chat room first, but I could only see that it was empty for now.

‘Is Hyunbyeol still alive?’

There was no reason to enter a room with no one there, so I first checked the bulletin board by manipulating the mouse.

As expected, posts were already being quickly regenerated there.

From comments to trouble counseling, etc.

Among various topics, I clicked on the most prominent article.

[Breaking news] Bjorn Yandel, who everyone thought was dead, is back.]


It was an article that the author’s will was buried at a glance.

No matter how much I wanted to leave a post in first place, the content is filled with two letters of ‘content’.

However, since it was the first post written, the comments ran in real time every time I refreshed.

[Harbinn: Wow! It’s news that would have surprised the marquis and shocked the royal family!]

[└Sogeking33: Certainly, the author’s audacity to say breaking news that is almost 15 days old would be surprising.] [

└these99: Even the content ends with ‘content’.

[└Author: But it was fast.]

Comment responses were generally similar.

Hey, since you’ve already heard the news of my return, I won’t make a fuss about it.

Well, there were some kids who reacted as if they were hearing it for the first time.

[showmustgone: Huh? is this story real? How is Bjorn Yandel alive? Isn’t he dead?]

[└Sogeking33: Is he locked up in the basement or something? When was the last time Yandel announced his return from the Palace of Glory?] [

└IsABot: I was there when he announced his return, and to be honest, I got goose bumps.]

[└arolf5205. Honestly, it wasn’t a joke to go to the bereaved family first and apologize before greeting the empty throne. I thought I was a real man until now, but I wondered if that kind of person really meant that?] [

└WingPizza: At that time, the nobles were dumbfounded and their expressions were really funny.]

[└showmustgone: The original owner announced his return from the Palace of Glory? What are you talking about? Even if it’s possible that he was alive, Bjorn Yandel is an evil spirit?]

[└ReDCod: He said it wasn’t actually an evil spirit. I pretended to be dead and was on a secret mission under the royal family or something.]

The reaction was interesting, so I read through it and finally pressed the refresh button one more time.

[vaman: But here, am I the only one commenting suspicious? I don’t even know the rumors spread all over the city.]

[└vaman: Isn’t this bastard from Noark?]

Oh, come to think of it, it’s really suspicious?

Even the upper echelons of Noark would have been aware of my existence, but if the information was controlled, it wouldn’t be unconvincing that there were kids who didn’t know.

[└WingPizza: I was suspicious, so I put in an inquiry to the management team.]

The other kids seemed to be doing well, so I only read this far and checked the chat room.


the pounding-

He froze while holding the mouse.

Rather than panic, it was closer to the sense that something had really come.

[Long live Korea’s independence] – 2 people are online.

A chat room with two people even though I am outside.

The number of cases is three.

Either the wrong person came in.

The GM approached Hyunbyeol.

If that’s not the case…


Lee Baek-ho is back.


If the GM listened to my request to release Lee Baek-ho’s Ben within three months, there is a good chance that Lee Baek-ho is in there.


“Let’s go in.”

You’ll know when you go in.

Is there a tiger in there or what?

clack clack.

As soon as you double-click the mouse, the field of view turns white and the surrounding space changes.

A splendid mansion with the taste of Baek-ho Lee, the original head of the house.

Two figures sat on the couch in front of a crackling

crackling- white-noise fireplace.

“Oh brother!”

One was Hyeonbyeol, as expected.

“Why are you so late!”

Hyeonbyeol’s voice was both happy and relieved, probably because he had only to say something urgently while fighting with the Marquis last time.

Just before saying hello.


I move my gaze, which stayed on Hyeonbyeol for a moment, to the side.

Just then, he was looking at me too.

“Oh right. Greetings to both of you. This is a Korean like us—”

Hyeonbyeol, who was watching us, naturally tried to lead the conversation, but unfortunately, such consideration was unnecessary.

“Introduction done.”

“I was introduced. Noona. We know each other.”

Soon after, the guy who got up from the sofa with a grin came in front of me.

“It’s really been a while, hyung. I missed you.”

Totally different treatment than when we met outside.

The change in attitude felt particularly unfamiliar, but I was greeted naturally.

“Yes, it’s been a while Baekho.”

I wanted to see this as well.

Because I have piled up a mountain of things to ask.


Crackle Clap –

A fireplace that sparks peacefully.

The three of us sat on the sofa in front of it and had a good conversation.

As far as looks go, it’s pretty fun.

“So, you mean that you and your brother actually knew each other and then met again here?”

“It did.”

“Wow, that’s really great. I’m also confident that someone I know will be really nice to me.”

Why are you not coming? Lee Baek-ho naturally tilted his head.

Soon after, he looked at the two of us alternately and opened his eyes slyly.

“But then… How were the two of you related?”

To that question, Hyeonbyeol glanced at me and answered first.

“It wasn’t anything.”

Well, he didn’t like talking about his personal life to others.

That worked really well for me.

“Ah… I don’t think we were in a relationship?”

A guy who persistently tries again with a smirk. At this, the commercial smile disappeared from Hyunbyeol’s face.

“Hey, Lee Baek-ho.”

“Uh… yes?”

“Why are you talking half-heartedly all of a sudden?”

“Uh… This isn’t half talk… That’s it… You know that. That anti-respect…… Used when you’re close…” ”

Ah, that’s right… But we Are you friendly?”

hey long time no see

That’s how you color it.


Lee Baek-ho seemed quite embarrassed by that appearance, but the time to parent him like an idiot was extremely short.

“Are you very sensitive about trifles?”

His voice changed to a slightly more aggressive tone, as if he had gradually developed an outside habit.

Of course, Hyunbyeol didn’t care.

“Maybe I’m the one who judges whether it’s trivial or not?”

“Well, yes. But, strictly speaking, I’m actually older than you, right?”

In Korea, a Confucian country, it was an unimaginable ambassador.

It’s a story that only Lee Baek-ho, who has lived in this world for over ten years, can do.


said Hyeonbyeol, who sighed in irritation.

“First of all, Lee Baek-ho is the one who said that real age is more important and that she is older than me.”


“Secondly, I never asked for that kind of treatment.”


“Third, I don’t think of Lee Baek-ho as my younger brother. I just think of him as the first person I saw today.”


“So I’m still doing it right now, right? Honorific.”

Hyeonbyeol, who had spoken up to that point, let go of his straight face and smiled again.

As a result, the atmosphere that had cooled down quickly became soft again.

“So, I want you to keep the line from now on. It’s not a very difficult request, is it?”

In the end, it was Lee Baek-ho who lost momentum.

“Uh… uh…”

“Can you?”


Lee Baek-ho, who lost even the timing to counterattack, nodded softly.

Still, his mouth was full of laughter. For some reason

, I don’t think I was dumbfounded by

this situation myself…

That’s pretty helpful information.

I was able to find out in advance that I shouldn’t be fooled by Hyunbyeol even now, when I think I’ve grown a lot mentally.

“Ahaha… but Hyunbyeol… do you and Hansu know each other?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Do you know each other?”

Lee Baek-ho seemed to want to change the topic of conversation, so he responded quickly.

“Ah, that’s not real, in real life… Oh, what do you say about this?”

“Do you want to ask if I’ve met you in the city?”

“Yes! That’s right. That, that.”

If so, it is still there.

There was no reason to hide this much, so the moment I tried to answer honestly.

“Why are you curious about that?”

Hyeonbyeol interjected and I just kept my mouth shut.

It was the same with Baekho Lee.

“Lee Baek-ho has a lot of questions. Since before, he’s been asking questions one-sidedly.”

“……Ahahaha. Did I? Me?”



Oh, it’s really uncomfortable, I’m dying.

“Hyeonbyeol-ah, stop torturing me.”

“But you keep asking for personal information?”

“……I don’t think it was a bad intention.”

“That’s something you don’t know. He’s the first person I saw today.”

“I’m a stranger… but I’m the same Korean! Noona!”

Lee Baek-ho shouted as if he was unfair, but this time, too, he couldn’t reach Hyeon-byeol’s heart.

“Are there no criminals in Korea? Wasn’t that the case in Korea where I lived?”


“Jeong then, Mr. Lee Baek-ho would like to tell you first, who he is, what kind of person he is, where he is and what he is doing now.”

“…Yes? Me? Why?”

“If I knew that, wouldn’t I be a little relieved?”

“Uh… But, that’s a bit… that’s right, isn’t it? A man must have a mysterious side… Ahahaha…”

” Lee Baek-ho is an interesting person.”

Hyeonbyeol’s eyes weren’t smiling at all when he said that, and there was an awkward silence for a while.

After that, he will run away.

I haven’t even gotten into the main topic yet.



“I’m sorry, but could you step aside for a moment? I have something to say to Baekho.”

Lee Baek-ho flinched at my request.

And ‘Are you crazy?’ look at me with the same eyes

That’s because he doesn’t know Hyunbyeol well.

“…Okay. Can I come later?”

Hyeonbyeol hates crossing the line without permission.

That’s why there is no law to cross the line that the opponent has drawn first. Well, when I think of that day, it seems that there are no exceptions at all.

“Don’t disappear without talking to me. I’ll wait outside and come right in when it turns into one.”

“okay. And thank you.”


It must have been so awkward for me to say thank you.

Hyunbyeol stared at me strangely before leaving the chat room.

That’s how the mansion is now left alone.

“Hyung… ….!! No, brother!” Lee

Baek-ho stands up as if in admiration.

okay! I knew I would do that too!”

What about grabbing hold of it……

I didn’t have anything to say, so as I was laughing, he changed the topic first.

“Ah! But what is it? Do you have something to say to me?”

“Oh, it’s nothing special, I just have a few things I want to ask. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

“Really? So how about asking one by one? I also have a little question for you.”

It’s a game of truth that runs one turn at a time…….

Why do I always end up like this?

I don’t know, but I agreed to the offer.

“Then, can I start with you?

” yes. Okay,

I got a player with this…

I started with light questions.

No, strictly speaking, they were not light questions, but camouflage questions to hide my main purpose

. That Lee Baek-ho… is that you?”


as expected, you know him now.”

Lee Baek-

ho didn’t deny it. Actually, it’s not that famous.”

“Okay, it’s your turn this time.” After passing the turn, Lee Baek


cautiously asked, “…What was your relationship with Hyun-byeol

noona ?

” Why are you so curious?”

“No, then I’m not curious? What else should I be curious about?”

Lee Baek-ho raised his voice frivolously.

However, I knew too much about him to be vigilant when I saw him. ”

He was

my ex-girlfriend .

” also! i knew i would! Didn’t it seem unusual from the first time I saw it?”

After that, the question and answer session continued.

The Noark kids went outside the castle. Do you know anything about it?

There was a rumor that Auril Gavis was alive, do you know if it was true?

He asked heavy questions, but when it was his turn, Lee Baek-ho only asked trivial questions

like this:

“How did you get along with someone like Hyun-byeol noona? Did you ask me

one by one out of curiosity? This bastard asked me to ask one by one out of curiosity. I even thought of that, but I didn’t show it and raised the level of questions step by step.

“Why are there so many questions about me? ? How about you then?”

“Uh suddenly me?”

“Yeah. don’t you have a lover? You’ve lived here for over ten years. Come to think of it, what is love? If you want to get married, you could have done it, right?”

“Uh huh, hyung, is that a statement that crosses the line?”

“Uh… I’m sorry if that’s the case… but I was curious. Is there really no one?”

“That… didn’t work.”

“Really? Because it’s an NPC?”

“So… I can see it.” ”

Hey, the sudden serious expression makes the atmosphere weird.”


“Tsk, you’re also stubborn in strange places. Think carefully. Marriage was a joke, but dating can be possible, right?”

“Hmm… I’ll think about it.”

“Yes, if possible, look around. I heard there are women among your co-workers.”

“Ah, Mischa Karlstein?”


I think it was that name


” How does he know?”

It was a question within the predictable range.

“That? I heard it from the Watcher of the Round Table you introduced me to. They say you used him to spread rumors that Bjorn Yandel is an evil spirit…”


“Suddenly I’m a little curious.”

I asked with a somewhat cautious air.

… Why did you do that?”

One of the many questions I wanted to ask him at the end. Why

did Lee Baek-ho do that


After naturally adding the reason, I calmly waited for the answer.



Before long, Lee Baek-ho’s mouth opened.

“It’s my turn now.”

“… Huh?

” Isn’t that the hyung’s question?”


is that going to be like that?

“So now it’s my turn.”

“…Okay, so

try it then.” He looked at me intently and sighed with a suffocating expression

. I really don’t like something. I only have to do this with my enemies.” A

change in the atmosphere felt so sudden.

Without even having time to comment on the change, Lee Baek-ho continued,

“Hyung, stop arguing with each other.”

“. ..You’re floating?”

There’s something wrong with the words.

I don’t know if I said I was floating


Then you mean you were looking at me too?

My pounding heart is shaking uncontrollably.

The accident accelerates to the point where I think that time has slowed down, perhaps because of the excessive blood flow in my head.

Lee Baek-ho scooped me up.

What? It’s

obvious .

“Where did this come from? I

have a clue.

What did I miss?

It’s not important.

The important thing is my future choices.

What should I do from now on?

” Okay, it’s just that the order has changed anyway.”

As soon as I concentrated all the nerves in my brain and finished organizing the situation.

“Oh, that sound of my head rolling.”

I forcibly returned to reality.

“Hyung .

In a calm voice,

he asked , “Is


brother really Bjorn Yandel?

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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