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STGB Chapter 462

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Episode 462 Proof (2)

Skin heated up by the heat of battle still left.

The chilly air and hostile gaze that covered them.

‘I didn’t expect it to come out so blatantly.’

It seemed like it would not be strange if a fight broke out right away, but I did not get swept away by the atmosphere and grasped the current situation as calmly as possible.

Still, it wasn’t the worst.

Because threatening means you want something.

‘If I really meant to see the end, I would have laughed and pretended to leave before launching an ambush.’

So, why do these guys bluff?

I needed to check it out first.

It’s not that I don’t have a guess in my heart, but I’m not sure yet.

“It’s looting…”

As soon as he finished organizing his thoughts, he smiled and continued.

“Let me ask you this first. On what grounds did you decide that I had plundered? When I met you, Riakis was definitely wandering around alone? Isn’t that right? Erwen?”

“Yes? Oh yes! That’s right. No explorer’s presence was detected within a radius of at least one kilometer. And there are far more precedents that say you can’t claim ownership in this case.”

Soon, Erwen kindly testified about the situation at the time and fired support shots.

However, he was not a dagger-jabber who would back down with this.

“That’s a precedent for common monsters. You can’t put them on the same level as the hierarchical lord.”

“So what do you want to say?”

“This clan’s separation from Riakis was an unavoidable process that occurred during the capture, and it does not mean that we have relinquished possession.”

What is the inevitable process?

Just looking at the equipment you’re wearing, you can picture the situation.

That’s also the case, I finished phase 3, but my equipment is fine?

‘He must have been trying to buy time to take out new equipment from the subspace and put it on.’

It must have been the manned group I saw before that bought the time. It must have been their original goal to break away from the main unit, buy time to reorganize, and then turn around and come back.

But they would have failed.

As evidence of that, among the dozens of clan members surrounding us, we couldn’t find any decoys.

‘It was too late to find out that the manned group was gone, so I searched around, and finally found it and ran to it now.’

Gradually, an outline emerges.

Well, I don’t know how it actually is.

I mean, it doesn’t sound like there’s a huge difference.

“Baron Yandel intercepted the layer lord that our clan was attacking on the way. That’s what we were attacking while taking enormous damage.”

“We didn’t even know if you had a situation like that or not.”

“But in the end, you ignored our complaints and took the essence.”

“Why is that a problem? They say I’ll take the spoils of the monsters I caught.”

“But if we hadn’t almost finished the capture, we would never have caught it.”

Well, that’s something I have to admit.

From the circumstances, isn’t it clear that you summoned them without permission?

No matter what, you guys failed to hold, and I just went out to prevent damage to the explorers on the lower floors.

There was no need to say those words.

“So what are you going to do?”

I just got to the point.

No matter how much logic each other presents, no one will admit it.

In the end, what matters is not logic.

“Please make a promise here in the name of the proud Lapdonia royal family.”

In the labyrinth and in the city.

No, in any world, regardless of age—.

“I admit my mistake today, and when I return to the city in the future, I will definitely pay the price equivalent to the number of ranks.”

Proving logic has always been power.

“Yes. If you promise me like that, today’s work will not be like ‘looting’.”

To put it simply, it means that if you don’t make a promise, you will be defined as a ‘looter’ and start a PK.

As expected, things got simpler when we got to the point.

Now I have three options to choose from.

1. Obediently promise and pay compensation.

It’s not enough to lose all your assets, so you’ll have to struggle to pay off your debts for at least a few years, but since you’ve eaten the essence, it won’t be a big loss.

2. Promises obediently and later breaks them.

At this moment, the crystal ball is spinning, and in this case, my title of nobility will be lost for insulting the name of the royal family.

Well then, was there really only one option?

3. Prove my logic right.

There was no reason to hesitate as long as the decision was made.

“Now what will you do?”

what to do

“No matter how much I think about it…”

I continued, putting the hammer on my shoulder.

“Because I don’t remember making any mistakes.”

“…You’re choosing the poisoned drink anyway.”

“Anything could be alcohol. It won’t be sweet anyway.”

“The baron… seems to think we really can’t do it.”

Well I don’t really think so.

After all, clan wars are one of the contents of this game, right?

“Einar Emily Erwen!”

I quickly called my colleagues by name.

I realized later that the name of the navigator Auyen was missing, but I did not correct it.

What will he do

It’s not going to help in this situation anyway.

“All ready for battle!!!”

As soon as the order was placed, all the team members took out their weapons and took their seats in perfect order.

A formation in which each other has their backs to each other.

Even Auyen, who received Amelia’s glance, was ready to follow me in an instant.


“Shoot and kill those who approach immediately.”

I said with my eyes fixed on the dagger jab.

“I’ll take all the blame.”

Now, it all depends on the guy’s choice.


A trembling silence ensues with each other pointing their weapons at each other.

for quite a long time too.



I want you to make a decision soon after.

How long are you going to stay like this?

A frustrated mind blooms, but I didn’t provoke them with reckless recklessness.

That’s right, it’s best if I don’t fight.

Even if this side has the upper hand in individual skills, the difference in the number of pages is overwhelming, so the possibility of damage on our side is too high.

But even so, I chose to break through head-on.

It was for a simple reason.

‘Because the risk is too high for that guy.’

If the hierarchical Noble Phantasm was dropped, the reward would be certain, but what about now?

There’s nothing he can gain by fighting.

Essence doesn’t come out just by cutting the boat.

At best, all the equipment we wore. Even if he loses us in the middle of it, he has to go back to the city

and be punished for

trying to kill a noble…

It was the root cause of the composition of looking at each other like cowards like this.

Is it supposed to be some kind of game of chicken?

In a situation where they are running towards a precipice, whoever stops first loses, but if everyone doesn’t stop, everyone faces catastrophe—.


Then the dagger jab opened his closed mouth.

“I will ask for half the value of the essence.”

A compromise that was dramatically handed to each other on the way to the cliff.

“Hmm, it’s half…….”

“Actually, aren’t we the ones who suffered the most from driving the hierarchical lord to that point?”

Not only that, but in this case, only the dead were fourteen.

It would take years of time, astronomical amounts of money and effort just to fill the vacancy with each and every member of the best team.

Even if I received half of it, it would be barely worth the cost of the damaged equipment and consumables.

The daggersman, who was speechless, continued to add words of persuasion.

“Of course, the value of the essence will be based on the appraisal value set by the guild committee in a fair way—.”

I didn’t need to hear more.

“Thank you for the offer, but I refuse.”

When I cut it off, he muttered blankly.

“Rejection… you mean…?”

What are you looking surprised at?

It’s a rule in this industry that a guy with a lowered tail can’t bring anything with him. Explorers don’t risk their lives for nothing.

Because the moment you take a step back, it’s proven.

Anyway, this bastard doesn’t have the guts to go all the way.

‘But why do I have to make concessions?’

If you don’t bet even though it’s confirmed that it’s all bluffing, that’s just an idiot.

“I’ll tell you in advance, but even if you cut it by half there, it won’t change my answer.”

I went out strong as if I had been waiting for this moment.

“Then don’t talk nonsense and attack.”

A strong provocation that had not been done hastily until now.

However, he didn’t take out his weapon this time either.

Just like before, I just keep my mouth open.

“… Calm down your excitement and think rationally.”

“I’m more rational than ever.”

“…You are truly reckless. Baron Yandel.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s what a guy who dares to call a royal baron a ‘plunderer’ would say?”

“You can really handle it… can you?”

No, what are you talking about?

“Do you think I would be standing here if I were afraid of that?”

I don’t bluff like you.

“Give me three.”


“If it doesn’t go out in front of me, I’ll act like an assassin who came to kill me.”

“That kind of nonsense…”


As soon as the numbers came out of my mouth, the dagger jab shut his mouth.

His anguish was evident in his expression.

What should I do now? Do you just step away for now?

no. Are you really going to jump in? How many of these numbers are there?

……Perhaps that savage really does.

Because I’m a person who doesn’t have common sense at all.


The guy who must have worried countless times in a short moment still hadn’t come up with an answer.

Well, there was nothing I couldn’t understand.

Because you said you became vice-captain a while ago. It wouldn’t have been easy to make such an important decision.


“Three passed.”

I decided to shove my back.

If you wield a real hammer, it will make your judgment easier—.


At that time, the archer to the right of the dagger-jabber suddenly stepped forward and muttered something in the dagger-jabber’s ear.

I couldn’t even eavesdrop on ‘Voice Control’.

So, I wondered what kind of modification this was, so I hurriedly tried to intervene.

“Mister explorers are approaching.”


“The number is about hundreds…”


Where in the world did that number suddenly—.

“It’s like the people we were with earlier.”

Ah… they were there.

I was surprised to see if they were friends.

‘For now… is it a good thing?’

The dagger-jabber, who turned his head again to confirm, was clenching his teeth with a resentful expression. It seems that he also received a similar report…

Since even the way to deal with it quietly was blocked, there was only one choice he could make.

“……Everyone, lower your weapons.”

yes that’s right

“Hurry up and get out of here!”

As soon as the number of people fell, the members released the encirclement formation and began preparing to leave.

But was it a bit regretful to leave like this?

Before the dagger-jabber left, he turned around and left a last word.

“…Then I’ll see you in the city, Baron Yandel.”

Huh… Something went back and I had more things to do.


After the Sawtooth Clan left, hundreds of low-level explorers arrived.

“Oh, chieftain! I sincerely congratulate you on a great feat!!”

“Hahahaha! I knew! A tribal chief could do it!”

As soon as they saw us from afar, the warriors rushed and shouted.

At this rate, it could be crushed, so after using [Giant] to push it out, I found one person who was mingling with the crowd and listened to the whole story.

“Louis Seeyur! How the hell did this happen?”

“That’s why… as soon as they found out that the hierarchical lord had been eliminated, everyone said they wanted to say thank you…”

So, they said they ran in the direction we disappeared earlier?

I’m grateful, but…

‘Well, am I supposed to be thankful even if it’s not?’

As a result, these guys must have had a bit of a share in the case ending without bloodshed.

‘When we return to the city, something might happen that will require their testimony.’

After finishing the calculation, I approached other explorers besides Louis Siyuru and asked their names while talking.

But why?

“It was Bent Mahalo? I remembered.”

“…It’s an honor!”

Tong Seong-myeong As time goes on, the low-level explorers’ gaze at me becomes strange.

“To have such an attitude

even for people like us…”

“Yes, I’m sure you would call such a person a hero.”

Uh… I was just getting a new statue.

I felt cheated, but I didn’t really correct it.

“The character’s reputation has increased by +1.”

“The character’s reputation has increased by +1.” “

The character’s fame has increased by +1.”

“The character’s reputation has increased by +1… ..」


You should do cancer fame whenever you can.

“Okay then, let’s go!”

After finding out everyone’s names and where they lived, I left without regret.

“Are you leaving…? Are you heading upstairs?”

“It’s not like that, but I have something else to do.”

Even going up to the 4th floor in the first place is meaningless.

Even if you enter the 15th day, the labyrinth will be closed before reaching the 5th floor.

To be honest, I’ve done a lot of work, so I want to take a break.

“Mister, where are you going now?”

When we got away from the crowd and were left alone, Erwen asked for my destination and I answered meekly.

“Go to the witch’s hut.”

“Yes? If it’s a cabin…”

“You’re talking about that shelter in the forest. But why is it there?”

why go

It’s like this, so I don’t know.

At best, even the lord of chaos was captured.


Condition: Defeat Liakis, Lord of Chaos.

compensation: ???

Gotta get the question mark achievement reward.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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