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STGB Chapter 477

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Episode 477 A Man and a Woman (4)

We moved to the living room on the first floor.

Auyen, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, was invisible as if he had already finished his work and went up.

Well maybe Amelia ordered it.

Whatever it is, it’s not something to worry about.



After that, the atmosphere became strange again.

Seeing Misha with her fists on her knees and unable to look at her makes me feel awkward.

Now how do you solve this atmosphere?

It was a time when I was thinking like that.


Misha suddenly opened her mouth.


My real name that few people in this world know.

I even turned on the voice control magic tool in advance, but I was still surprised, so I flinched involuntarily and looked around.

And did you realize your mistake?

“Ah… I’m sorry! I never thought of embarrassing you—”

“It’s okay. The sound doesn’t spread within a 2m radius.”

“…is that so?”

so what else

I corrected my pronunciation, but for some reason, only the tone became strange.

“Did Lee Baek-ho hear that name?”

First of all, we decided to quickly check what to check before we started talking in earnest.


“Then you know I’m an evil spirit now.”


“Aren’t you reluctant or afraid of me?”



“Because I’ve known it for a long time. Something like that…”

What? did you know?

“In the world… since when…?”


Misha seemed to be taken aback by my question, then muttered in a small tone with a blushing face.

“……August 16th, 154 years of Gaebyeok. Yes. It was that day that I became convinced…”

No, what if I told you this as the date?

It was absurd, but when I slowly estimated the time, I remembered.

I think I know why he responded this way.


August 16, 154 Gaebyeok.

That day, I made it clear to him that I wasn’t just considered a colleague.

And this and that… happened for a while…

‘It was a car.’

Huh, maybe this was the reason?

I’ve been thinking a lot about why I’ve been tea.

I feel like asking directly, but I can’t ask openly for some reason.

So I turned around a little bit.

“Why did Lee Baek-ho follow him after I was known to be dead?”

“…Because he said that if you help him, he will use the Rejuvenation Stone to save you.”

It was something I already knew.

However, there was only one reason why I brought up a question I knew.

It was intended to lead naturally to this question.

“Why? According to what you said, then you would have known that I was a demon.”

“But… so precious… because he’s a colleague…”

A precious colleague…….

It was a happy story, but the answer was a bit ambiguous.

If I don’t hate evil spirits, why am I kicked?

What does it mean that you can be friends with evil spirits, but it’s difficult between men and women?

I wanted to dig deeper, but unfortunately, at that time, Misha changed the topic first.

“By the way!”

Yeah, I don’t want to talk about this part.

“Can I ask you something…?”

“Tell me.”

“Lee Baek-ho… He calls you hyung. You two… Are you close… are you?”

“It’s ambiguous to say we’re close. It’s because I can see that they’re doing some tricks there.”

Misha repeated a small word in my answer, as if it had left an impression.


“So what I’m curious about is that the end?”

“Oh no! There’s one more! Then… Why did you disappear from Parune Island like that…?”

Oh, that’s what Lee Baek-ho didn’t say.

Why? Are you trying to put a difference between me and him?

Or maybe it was just an excuse.

It’s up to me to decide whether to say that or not.

“Perhaps… other than me… knew the reason—.”

Of course, the choice I would make was pre-determined.

“for a moment.”


“First of all, let’s clear up the misunderstanding. The story known outside and the truth are different.”

I briefly explained the story of a past trip that started on Farune Island.

I wasn’t particularly anxious or anxious.

Anyway, I decided that there was no reason to hide it even from Misha, who even knew my real name, while everyone around me knew it except for Einar.

‘More than anything else, Lee Baek-ho knows about it.’

Misha, who had heard the whole story, had a somewhat relieved expression on her face.

“As expected… it must have been an accident… the sudden disappearance…”

Afterwards, Misha was curious about my story after returning, and I also told the truth about everything.

Meeting Erwen.

Meeting Amelia.

Meeting Raven, meeting Einar, Mr. Bear, and the dwarf Rotmiller, meeting again and reuniting.

“I… was the last one…”

Misha, who was muttering in a faint voice somewhere, asked cautiously once more.

“Does anyone know about your secret…?”

“Erwen, Amelia Raven, and Lee Baek-ho are all. What do you know about my secret?”

“…I see.”

“Anyway, do you know how worried I was at first? I found out later that I became a colleague with a strange guy.”

On top of that, he even testified that I was an evil spirit.

Misha’s face stiffened as I continued to speak.

“I’m sorry. I thought you were dead—”

“There’s no need to apologize. I believe you were trying to save me.”

Well, I wonder what he was going to do after I came back, but…

I was grateful for the effort itself.

Wouldn’t this world be better even if you rolled in dog poop?

“Then I think I’ve said enough about you. Now tell me about yourself.”

“My story…?”

“Yes. How have you been? Why are you so skinny?”

“It’s not dry……”

Looking at it earlier, it was only bones.

“It’s okay, talk about it. What happened to you in the meantime?”

Misha, who had been thinking for a long time about where to start, started talking incoherently.


Everyone dies someday.

Just as the immortal king, who was the absolute ruler of a huge kingdom, could not escape death. It is a law of nature that does not change no matter what.

but nonetheless.

[Yes, Bjorn is dead.]

The parting was so sudden.

I fell asleep several times and woke up as if I was in a dream.

That’s why I couldn’t refuse.

[What would you do if there was a way to revive Bjorn Yandel?]

The only way to get back what was lost.

[The stone of resuscitation can save up to two people, but if you help me, I’ll leave one of them as your husband.]

In the end, I accepted the offer.

As Lee Baek-ho ordered, rumors spread that Bjorn Yandel was an evil spirit, and they went in and out of the labyrinth together to help him with various things.

Still, it was a pretty good day.

It was hard and sometimes I was sad and there were times when I wet the pillow with tears, but there was still hope.

[Oh, are you going to throw away the cat now?]

I corrected the way I was teased for being half-penny.

I missed Bjorn, who was surprised when we met later.

……Actually, that wasn’t the only reason.


[Meow, what are you reading alone again?]

I started studying while reading books.

When I was doing this, it seemed like Bjorn was next to me.

[Stop reading and come out. training ground or shop. I’ve raised a lot of newbies, but sparring is the best way to improve your skills.]

I practiced sparring every day, which was almost like beating.

It was the idea that I needed to become stronger.

Just like that, one month, two months, three months…

Time passed relentlessly, and she also changed a lot in front of the passing time.

There are still times when my old tone comes out when I’m excited, but if I pay attention, I can speak normally and I’m stronger than before.


[…When will you use the Resurrection Stone?]

I was getting more and more patient.

[Ah, do you write when the time comes? Why do you keep staring at me these days?]

As always, an answer with no promise.

I ended up asking.

[…Did he have any intention of using it?]

The stone of rebirth that Lee Baek-ho possesses is real.

But will Lee Baek-ho really intend to keep his promise?

In the meantime, I have been patiently ignoring the question.

If the truth in the box was different from what I expected, then I couldn’t stand it at all.


[Lee Baek-ho, speak straight. When to use the Resurrection Stone. I just want to say it here and now. Otherwise—.]

I finally overcame my fear and reached out to the truth.

One answer that came back was far from the truth.

[Otherwise, what are you going to do?]


[It really annoys me. Why can’t you trust people? In the first place, what have you helped me properly up to now?]


[It was useless, so I worked hard to level up. Now that I think I’m going to be able to use it, it’s just that my hair is thick. Hey, if you want to claim something to me, make it work. Then I will answer.]

From that day on, his relationship with Lee Baek-ho reached its worst.

Of course, I couldn’t leave Lee Baek-ho’s side.

At least the Resurrection Stone is real.

[haha! Contrary to what I heard, you’re a tough wife!] He

drew a line from all of his colleagues, including Lee Baek-ho, and behaved in a business-like manner, and he did not hesitate to take risks to accumulate credit.

Then one day.

Good news and bad news.

Those two came at once.

[Alive… are you…? Bjorn…?]

Bjorn was alive.


[Otherwise, Bjorn Yandel will die?]

New shackles were placed.

Of course, I couldn’t tell you all of this.

“Ha ha… That’s all I’m talking about… It’s not much bigger than I thought…?”

Because I’m used to being patient.


Misha’s story was quite interesting.

Because I was able to find out how Lee Baek-ho was doing for the past few years.

‘I really went through leveling once.’

Thanks to this, I got to know Baekho Lee’s skills roughly.

I haven’t seen all the combinations, but should I say that the character concept has become clear?

If I were to categorize the job group, it would be a ‘six-type supernatural magician’.

‘Depending on the situation, he didn’t even know how to use all his weapons.’

He’s a tougher guy than I thought.

Anyway, the perfection of the essence combination itself was difficult to give a high score.

‘But I don’t understand why there is no corner to become stronger. what……? Was it just a bluff?’

A few questions were raised, but these were the kinds of things that could not be resolved right away.

As I was just organizing the newly acquired information in my head, Misha cautiously opened her mouth.

“By the way… what did that mean?”

“huh? What

is it?” Mischa tilted


head and said in a smaller voice .

Did you mean…?”

I answered straight away so as not to be embarrassed.

Just like Misha told me earlier.

“……Aren’t we precious colleagues? Colleagues should be together.”

Those words came out before thinking in my head.

Misha also added a cheer with an affirmation.

“……Is that so?”

“Oh, that’s what it is.

” .”

I quickly changed the subject.

“But what was it then? on the island of Parune. Didn’t you say you had something to say to me?”

“Ah… that… did I say that? I don’t remember what it was…….”

Seeing the pronunciation muffled, it seems like a lie……. For some reason I

thought it would get awkward again if I asked further, so I decided to ask again later when I get a chance. .And

in that sense, the next question:

“Ah! Do you have a necklace too? Raven says you took it…”

No.7777 Garphas’s necklace.

When I mentioned this, Misha undid the button below her neck, revealing the necklace hidden under her clothes.

Fortunately, though, it didn’t sell well. It looks like he kept it…

“But… do you really have to return it?”

What did he


Give it to me.

” **

The conversation with Misha that started in the middle of the day continued until the end of the day and the night.

As long as we met after a long time, the conversation topic was full, and as time went on, the awkwardness of the reunion gradually disappeared.


” It’s already time. Aren’t you hungry? Let’s all have a meal together—”

Misha shook her head quietly at my suggestion.

They said that they would go back to their lodgings for a meal

? There are many empty rooms, so why not just live here?”

“Bjorn. I’m grateful for your heart, but you don’t have to care that much.”

A stubborn refusal that’s hard to persuade.

Is it that you’re going to draw a line with me?

“Is that so? I get it. Do what you feel comfortable with.”

“Yes. Thank you for understanding. And… the talk about rejoining the clan… can I think about it some more?”

“…Thinking? iced coffee! Of course. thought? Of course you should do it all By the way… that… how long do you think it will take?”

“A week… that’s probably enough. I’ll be back when it’s over, so don’t wait too long. Okay?”

That’s how our reunion came to an end, and I slowly went upstairs. Since he moved out of his seat, I thought I should explain the situation to some extent. Unexpectedly, the two of them were

in the same room.

They were in the middle of a conversation about something… ….

Tuk. As soon as


approached the door without having to knock, the two people who felt the presence of

people shut their mouths at the same time


“Come in!”

A slightly surprised voice.

This part was also unexpected. ”

What’s going on

in my room?” Upon


their eyes, Amelia shrugged and smiled. Apparently, Erwen seems to be fine because he calmed him down well in the beginning… ‘He’s

really trustworthy.’

After giving a grateful glance, he looked at Erwen again.

“Do you have something to say…?”

Then I felt something suspicious.

You seem to be hiding something, should I?

‘I thought I’d ask about Mischa as soon as I arrived, but…’

Looking around the room with a little more concentration, there was something that stood out to me for some reason.

A thick book lying on the desk.

‘That book… I think it was originally in Amelia’s room.’

It was a book titled ‘Men and Women’.

Is it like a romance novel?

I’ll have to look for it and read it later.

“So what happened to Karlstein? Did he leave?”


I gave a brief explanation and the fact that Misha had decided to consider whether or not to join the clan.

That’s how the day ends.


I lay down on the bed, but sleep did not come.

What if Misha doesn’t come back?

No, in the first place, why did I think that Misha would come back if only Lee Baek-ho was persuaded?

Does he… only think of him as a real colleague?

But if you only thought of him as a colleague, there’s no reason to try to save him that much.

What is Misha’s true intention?

“…Let’s go to sleep.”

I decided to clear my head because it was a problem that no answer came out even if I thought about cancer.

And like that, time passed…

“Congratulations! Young warriors! Starting today, you guys will leave the Holy Land and be reborn as true warriors!”

Barbarian’s coming-of-age day.

In other words, it was the day the labyrinth opened.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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