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STGB Chapter 602

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< strong >Note:< /strong >
I was forced to delete table of contents page, because I received a DMCA Notice from Wattpad, and Yonderstory.

For now, I’m just deleting the table of contents page, because only the table of contents page gets a DMCA warning.

If Wattpad finds out and wants to delete all the chapters, I can only agree.

For the time being I will continue to update secretly.

Stay tuned.

< hr / >

Episode 602 Third Record (5)

The moment I hugged Erwen tightly and prepared for a fall.


The ground I was standing on collapses and a feeling of floating spreads through my whole body. However, it was completely different from the sensation felt when falling.


A body floating above the collapsed ground as if defying gravity.

It was a floating spell.

“Is everyone okay?”

I quickly glanced around and saw Gahyun and the village chief floating in the air as well.

This time, I praised him with sincerity.

“Thanks to you, I survived. Good job.”

I was so distracted that I couldn’t even place the order properly, but I never thought they would respond like this on their own. “

…It’s not something to be praised for.”

That old man is embarrassed.

Are you embarrassed because you were just arguing with each other?

I don’t know, but I decided to check first.

“How long can magic last?”

“It will be enough until we land on the ground.”

Yes, that’s right…

“Thank goodness. “Then, from now on, descend slowly… or quickly, as long as you don’t get seriously hurt.”

A decision made based on the fact that proper resistance is impossible when a variable occurs while floating.

As soon as the instructions were given, Gahyun came to her senses and began to descend.

Kwaaaaang! Quack! Rurrrrrrrrr….

The surrounding area was literally no different from hell.

Everything in sight crumbles and collapses, causing huge falling rocks to pass us by menacingly.


“Now I feel like I’m doing some exploring.”

Even as the village chief descends, he looks around with curious eyes.

I think this is my first time seeing such lively eyes.

Even though he had a screw missing from his head, I felt like it had come off properly, but there was no time for the village chief to worry about it.

‘What was that before?’

The hierarchical monarch embraced the archbishop who was about to explode and dived underground.

The guy we thought was our enemy happened to act as if he was helping us…

“Erwen, did you control him by any chance? “You want me to grab the archbishop and leave him?”

I checked the first possibility that came to mind, but unfortunately, there was no answer.

“no. “I tried it, but it didn’t work.”

Huh, so does this mean that the hierarchical monarch acted like that on his own accord?

“Maybe that monster wasn’t our enemy.”

The village chief seemed to have heard our conversation and said something.

Well, it’s definitely not a wrong opinion.

As soon as I saw the Hierarch, I thought it must be a boss mob.


‘If I think about it now, it might have been my role as a helper.’

The Ham Sik I met in Chapter 2 felt exactly like that.

Above all, it also gave a clue that higher beings would take favorable action toward Erwen.

Kwaang-! Kuung-!

As I was descending, thinking about various things.

Kwaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaut –

A huge rock falls on Gahyun’s head.

It was a dizzying situation, but thanks to the protective shield deployed in preparation for falling rocks, there were no injuries.

But the problem is…


The ‘ah’ sound that sounds so ominous.

As expected, the ominous premonition did not go astray.

“What’s going on?”

“Well, just now… the calculation of the floating magic formula is broken.”

“Arithmetic is broken? Speak so that you can understand—.”

do it.

It was just as I was about to continue speaking.


The descent stopped and I was suspended for a moment.

“Kyaaaa ah ahhh!”

We just fell.


My head hurts.

My lungs feel tight as if something has been stabbed, and my spine doesn’t move properly.


‘You’re alive.’

So what happened to the other side?

My last memory was of falling without thinking, seeing the ground, hugging Erwen, and dealing with the impact on my back….

“…Ah…Mr.! madam! What do I mean… …Lise…?”

In the tinnitus, Erwen’s urgent voice is heard as if it were a broken radio.

I also heard the village chief’s voice.

“Shake… talk… wait… I took the potion… so soon…” “

… Jeez! mister!”

“You’re not hearing me at all…”

I slowly lifted my eyelids as I felt my voice slowly becoming clearer. ”


“I’m… okay… so stop.”

“iced coffee! Sorry!”

Only then did Erwen come down from my body and I could breathe a little easier.

“Hold on a little. “Looking at the recovery, we will be able to move soon.”

“How… fainted?”

“About 5 minutes.”


In response to my question trying to understand the situation first, the village chief pointed to a place with his finger.

I barely moved my stiff neck to look to the side and saw Gahyun lying down with her legs shattered.

“He’s not dead. It It seemed like they used magic at the end to reduce the speed as much as possible. “I gave him a potion, but… I don’t know when he will wake up.”

Yes, that’s right….

“And you?”

“I’m fine. “Because I came to my senses until the end and properly reduced the shock.”

i envy you.

If my defense level had been fine, I wouldn’t have been so weak.


“First of all, there is no one around, so please rest assured and focus on your recovery.”

“i get it. But the way you talk…”

“After all, aren’t you above me in age and rank? “We have overcome the danger of death together, so I can say it with ease.”

Well, that’s true.

Even if your tone of voice suddenly changes, people around you will not be particularly suspicious.

“Then I’ll rest for a little while longer… “

After that, I closed my eyes and just laid down, and soon my body recovered enough to be able to move around on my own.

“Would you like some water?”

“Ah, thank you.”

As soon as I wake up after drinking a glass of water, the village chief asks me a question as if he had been waiting for me.

“So what do we do now?”

From Team Banpuni to Clan Anavada.

This was a line that was always heard when something happened.

People always ask me for answers. There was a time when it was frustrating, but now I think of it as just my destiny.

On the other hand, I don’t like it when people only ask me to take instructions while deferring all responsibility to others.

“Would you like to wait until Sir Vesilus wakes up first?”

Well, I don’t know what’s best.

Isn’t that the first crack you came across?

From the unusual format to the priests of Karui, the hierarchical monarch…

To be honest, it’s giving me a headache.


“No, first, let’s take Gahyun and start searching the surrounding area.”

Let’s do what we can first.

If we wait longer, things might get weird for no reason.

“I will take care of Erwen and Gahyun, so Count, you take the lead.”

“I guess so.”

Although I was entrusted with the most dangerous mission, the village chief obediently followed my instructions.

It wasn’t just because he knew he was best suited for that mission.

“Be sure to keep your promise.”

In return for my help in this rift, I promised to bring the ‘Heart of Karui’ to the city.

“Don’t worry. “I have no intention of breaking my promise.”

“Then that’s a relief. Oh, and if something goes wrong later, look at your notebook.”


“I put it in with you when I gave you the backpack. “I wrote down everything you might be curious about, so it will be helpful for your future journey.”

I didn’t know there was a notebook in it.

Because when I first handed over the backpack, it was right before I entered the crack. The village chief even left it outside just in case.

‘I can check my notebook as soon as I get out of here…’

It was a time when we were moving over the collapsed rubble for a long time.



At some point, the sound disappears and silence comes.

Now no one knows the reason for this phenomenon.

「The character has entered the range of [Unspoken Spirit].」

「All essence skills are sealed.」

There is a hierarchical monarch nearby.

So is it right to avoid it?

I don’t know what the correct answer is, but I made a hand signal to the village chief who seemed to be waiting for instructions.

‘Go ahead.’

Since I don’t know anything about this chapter, not only do I need to encounter it directly to get information, but… ‘

I can’t ignore the possibility that he might be a helper.’

Even if it was an enemy, there was minimal basis for judging that it couldn’t have been normal since he fell while holding the archbishop who was about to explode.


After continuing to move in one direction without turning, we were able to find Siliot, the Lord of Silence.



In the suffocating silence, the guy was half-buried in a rock.

As expected, it was not in perfect condition.

Two of the three exposed arms are completely bare, and he is buried in the rubble, blinking his eyelids helplessly, as if he has no strength to move.


At the same time, I feel relieved that it is not a threat, and at the same time, it sends shivers down my spine.

I was well aware of its power, but still, to bring a hierarchical monarch to that level with one blow.

If we had been caught up in that explosion, what would have happened then?

‘The Archbishop… I can’t see him.’

After taking a quick look around, I dropped Erwen off and slowly approached him.

Siliot, Lord of Silence.

The guy didn’t even move as I approached him.

They just look at me with somewhat tired eyes.


I soon got within arm’s reach and carefully stretched out my arm and touched his face.

Despite the contact, the guy was still quiet.

As if there was absolutely no reason to be hostile towards us.

‘Why did you help us?’

I want to ask, but no voice comes out.

Well, I don’t think that guy will give a proper answer just because his voice comes out.

So I just came up with the answer myself.

‘…Yes, you probably have a story too.’

Now I know something about this labyrinth.

The Rift Guardian Hierarchs are real people and each have their own stories.

No, maybe it’s not just them, but all the monsters that exist in the labyrinth.

In some ways, he is a much more pitiful being than I, who has been dragged into an unfamiliar world and is shaking in this chaos.


I soon let go of the guy and stepped back, and the village chief winked at me and gave me a hand signal.

‘Let’s kill him.’

A simple hand gesture that only has that meaning.

I quietly shook my head and made a gesture to step back.


Although the village chief expressed his doubts, he followed my instructions for the time being, perhaps because of his promise to me.

And the moment I got out of that guy’s territory.

“Why didn’t you kill him?”

The village chief asks me.

“Looking at it, it didn’t seem particularly dangerous.”

Well, I don’t know.

Why did I make that choice?

“But first of all, he helped us. I thought something might go wrong if I killed him for no reason. Killing… “You can do it after getting more information.”

What I just said to the village chief wasn’t a lie at all.


“Hmm, that could definitely be the case.”

Unlike the village chief, who was easily convinced, I was confused.

Well, I knew very well that that wasn’t the only reason.

The essence of a hierarchical monarch.

Hierarchical Noble Phantasm.

A layered stone used to open cracks.

It’s not certain, but if you kill him, you might be able to easily get the rewards.

But I didn’t.

‘It’s definitely not something like sympathy…’

It’s hard to explain.

All I can say is that it was an impulsive decision.

[Come here…]

Then I finished my thoughts when I heard an unidentifiable sound again.

The source of the sound is in the completely opposite direction from where the hierarchical monarch was located.

Thanks to you, I learned one thing for sure.

‘It wasn’t the sound he made…’ The

person who called us and lured us in with perverted lines was not a class monarch.

Actually, I thought something was strange since he didn’t have any dialogue in the game.

“Then can we take the lead and go to the place where the sound is coming from?”

As I nodded, the chief took the first step, and Erwen followed me at a distance, so it wasn’t long before I was able to witness the owner of the voice in person.

[That’s right…]

[Okay, come here and hug me…]

It was a completely unexpected being.

“Soul Eater…?”

Grade 5 rare species.

When the labyrinth is opened, only one monster is created in the Great Demon Mirror, and when defeated, it is the monster that randomly gives experience points ranging from at least 100 to 200.

[I will make your wishes come true…]

What is this?

Wasn’t it definitely a situation where a boss mob or something would come out?

‘Soul data summoned [Soul Stadium]’

It was cut in half and disposed of as is.

“Soul Eater has been defeated.”

Up to this point, although it was confusing, there were no problems.

In terms of novels, it’s a MacGuffin.

An ordinary mob that pretends to have something, but in reality has no problem.

There was room to interpret it that way and move on.


‘What is this again?’

At the scene that followed, I couldn’t help but feel dizzy again.

「Guardian kill bonus.EXP +3」

Not only that, a rainbow-colored essence symbolizing the guardian appeared in the air where the guy was.


A portal signifying the clearing of the crack was created.

Red and blue.

For some reason, there are two of them.

If you have any questions, request of novel and/or found missing chapters, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


  1. mx says:

    Thanks boss. Alternatively you can take chapters down pre-emptively, temporarily, then put the chapters back in a bit without the TOC to avoid DMCA. They are probably going off a web crawling but may check to see you’ve if taken it down manually right after they sent DMCA.

  2. BobTheViking says:

    Thanks for your work, truly appreciated. Keep up the good work 🔥

  3. Cris Rody says:

    Thanks for the chapters

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