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STGB Chapter 637

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Episode 637 Political Strategy (1)

After the wedding, see the heir.

As soon as I heard the conditions, my composure was broken without me knowing, but when I think about it, it was a condition that Grandpa Hoeju could easily bring up.

“What Baron Yandel has achieved over the years is so great that no other hero can match it. Neither I nor anyone can deny that. but.”

Grandpa Hoeju paused for a moment and snapped his fingers.

“It wouldn’t be strange if it disappeared at any time.”

Baron Yandel still has no successor.

To put it simply, the moment I die, our baron will be reduced to a fallen noble family.

What I heard wasn’t wrong.

That’s because I don’t even have any relatives, let alone children.

“If something goes wrong with the Baron now, Baron Yandel will disappear from that day. “Most of the things the Baron owns will be returned to the treasury.”

As Hoeju’s grandfather, who was planning a full-fledged push for me, this was the part that I could not help but be most concerned about.

Should we call it minimal risk management?

There is no doubt that the moment I make a mistake, all the plans will go awry, but if I can keep the baron, it will at least reduce the loss for Melves, whose family number is important… “…I have no intention of

getting married right away. “What if I say there isn’t one?”

“Unfortunately, this proposal will have to be put on hold. “If even these conditions cannot be met, it would be impossible for me to persuade other families.”

I tried to nudge him, but I immediately received a harsher response than expected.

It didn’t feel like a push or pull at all.

“However, we, Viscount Welbait, will support the Baron. However… as I said before, it will be a long time before we receive the full support of all of Melves.”


I needed some time to think, so I nodded roughly and Grandpa Hoeju added something as if to comfort me.

“Also, it doesn’t matter if the successor is not a barbarian. Due to Melveth’s characteristics, it was best not to be human, but… I have no intention of forcing that. “It is urgent to avoid the entire baronage being transferred to the royal family.”

If I were to interpret it, it means that the person I choose to marry does not have to be a barbarian.

“Ah, of course, taking a woman of your own race as your spouse is the best choice. “The first child must inherit the blood properly so that there will be less succession disputes when there are multiple heirs.”

Is it because they knew that my grandfather lived in the aristocratic world until he lost his hair?

Even after hearing these words, rather than thinking that he is being foolish, the first thought that comes to mind is that he is a truly rational person.


“…I will take care of that problem.”

“Can I take this to mean that I will accept the offer?”

“I meant to think about it.”

An evasive style of speaking uncharacteristic of a barbarian, with plenty of corners to run away from at any time.

“I guess so.”

However, Grandfather Hoeju continued with a smile, as if that was enough.

“If you don’t have a partner, our family’s granddaughter—.”

Where is this old man again?


“If you don’t like the beastman tribe, you can look for a girl from another family…”

“So, don’t you say it’s done?”

As I sighed and spoke as if I was tired, Grandpa Hoeju’s eyes became meaningful.

It was different from the look in his eyes of disappointment at the answer that was different from his expectations.

“You have a partner? “I already had it in mind when I heard the proposal.”

Soon, Grandpa Hoeju smiled kindly and nodded.

“That’s enough for today.”

…After all, age cannot be ignored.


After the marriage story was concluded.

As if waiting for one topic to be concluded, the door opened and the attendant served tea, and we drank tea and talked about other topics.

“Baron, have you checked the status of Baron Yandel, who was under construction in District 7?”

“…I saw.”

Even thinking back on it, it was a very terrible scene.

At a glance, it looked like it was about to be completed, as it had climbed up to the roof beautifully.

If only it hadn’t been horribly destroyed.

‘How come the move-in date has been pushed back again?…’

When will Baron Yandel be completed?

For some reason, I felt like I was forgetting something again, but I decided to think positively. If it had been completed according to the first design anyway, it would have been extremely cramped in its current state.

“Now that things have come to this, I think it would be better to buy more land nearby. “The number of family members has increased unintentionally.”

“I guess that’s the way it is. But didn’t you promise to buy me the land from the beginning because you knew I needed it?”

“Hehe, it’s not easy to read Baron Yandel’s thoughts. “I wanted to hear it clearly.”

“From next time, just ask honestly. “Then we’ll be comfortable with each other.”

“Oh, then. How large do you want the site to be? “In this situation, I think we can purchase the land at a very reasonable price.”

From then on, we spent time discussing and coordinating minor details as if we were just chatting.


“Once you have organized your thoughts, please tell me as soon as possible. “There are a lot of things to prepare for a grand wedding.”

After finishing my private meeting with Grandfather Hoeju, I took a carriage and returned to the shrine, looking out the window blankly.


It was a topic I had never thought about before.

No, to be exact, I thought about it a few times, but I ended up thinking about it because I was wondering if it was relevant to my topic.

Of course, there was one time when I truly thought about it…

but in the end, it didn’t end well.


My head is spinning.

It’s not that my chest is tight, but for some reason I keep sighing.

It felt like there was a big mountain in front of me that I would have to climb someday.

Marriage Marriage Marriage.

The two-letter words that Hoeju left me at an unexpected time keep lingering in my mind.

It rattled.

Even on a shaking carriage.

“It’s the tribal chief! “The tribal leader is back!”

Even at the sacred place where the warriors returned, receiving a warm welcome.

“…So the residents of Bifron have settled in well and there have been no major problems yet. However, I think it would be a waste to leave that much labor idle, so I am thinking about mobilizing them for various work within the sacred site starting tomorrow. Is that okay?

Even while listening to the Executive Secretary’s work report in the office.


“Hehe uncle. “Try some more of this too.”


“…how is it? “I tried adding a little more lemon juice than usual today, but does it suit your taste?”

“it’s good.”

“You don’t look good. Did something bad happen there?

“There was none.”

Even while I was having a meal with my colleagues.

Those two letters kept getting stuck in my throat like a thorn, and I couldn’t concentrate on the conversation.

“It’s marriage…”

How on earth should I do this?

Is it right to do it or should I not do it?

I have no intention of having an arranged marriage or anything like that, but I keep thinking about it.




Unless you plan to return to Earth anyway.

So, if you plan to continue living in this world.

After all, wouldn’t I have to marry someone someday?

‘That’s why I see my children and grandchildren. If you live like that for the rest of your life—.’

Well, something like that too.

“…I guess it’s not that bad.”

That was when I said those words out of my mouth without realizing it.

When I suddenly came to my senses, for some reason, there was a deep, strange silence in the room.



Not everyone was looking at me.

Some people were holding their spoons in a daze, while others dropped their spoons.


Also, someone hiccuped as if they were in trouble.


Meanwhile, someone who had been munching on his food swallowed it deep in his throat and let out an inexplicable exclamation.

And with this as a starting point.

“Bjorn Jandel.”


“…What did you say a little while ago?”

As if I had pressed the play button, time that had stopped for a moment goes by again.

“Get married! “Did you say marriage?!”

Before I knew it, the eyes focused on me were full of questions.

“I also said I’m not bad!”

When I realized belatedly that I had been talking to myself, I was at a loss for words to reply, and Auyen, who was next to me, spoke carefully.

“It’s definitely time to find a mate. Or rather, it makes you wonder why everyone in the city isn’t doing it. But…”


“The reason you suddenly brought up such a thing… is it because you have found someone who will become your wife?”

Everyone sitting at the same table swallowed their saliva at the direct question that seemed to be pointing a gun.

It’s not that I don’t understand.

I don’t know what will happen in the world, but right now, we have a relationship that is no different from a community of destiny.

Yeah, so…

‘It would be better to be honest about what happened like this.’

I put the spoon I was holding down on the table.

Then, after quietly catching his breath, he talked about the proposal he had heard at Melves.

Actually, there wasn’t much to talk about.

Go through the marriage ceremony and see the heir quickly.

Then, I will mobilize all of Melves to help Baron Yandel.

The marriage partner does not have to be a barbarian.

This is a proposal that can be summarized in just a few lines.

However, dozens of lines were not enough to summarize the reactions of colleagues who heard this.

“Ah… that’s why you did that?”

“…It’s just a story about an old man acting out a trick.”

“So? What are you going to do, uncle? If you have no choice but to need a partner…”

“Oh! Bjorn’s son! He must have great qualities! “I will raise you to be a great warrior!”

“Ainar what does that mean?”

“yes. I can’t just listen to it. “Ainar, you’re going to raise your son?”

“huh? What’s the problem? “If he is Bjorn’s son, he is no different from my own child.”

“No, I mean…!”

“Stop doing that! “I don’t think he meant it that way!”


Even saying it was confusing is not enough.

However, the situation calmed down in a completely unexpected place.

Hmm… Strictly speaking, it’s not a calming down, but should I say it’s a momentary lull?

“So… you accepted that offer…?”

The moment Amelia asks directly, the room becomes quiet.




The concentration is so intense that even recreational instructors who are accustomed to speaking in front of people find it difficult to open their mouths.

I smiled bitterly and answered honestly this time.

“I decided to think about it for now.”

“…just new new thoughts?”

“Oh okay, just a thought.”

“…But why? “Why are you even thinking about it?”

Even thinking about it again, it was a really strange question.

It’s not like Barbarians are hermaphrodites.

“That’s right…”

“…That’s right?”

“Don’t you need the other person’s consent?”

A strange silence falls over the table once more at the words, which seem to have been just uttered out of anger.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds.

How much longer did that silence last?

“So… does this mean you will ask for consent in the future…?”


“Well… I may have misunderstood! What you said a little while ago… “It sounded as if there was a chosen partner….”

As soon as I heard Auyen’s question, I got up from my seat.

That’s what life as a warrior taught me.

A clever warrior must choose where to fight.


“I can sleep because my stomach is full!”


“I’m going to go to sleep now!!”

I rushed to the safety of my room, barbarian style.

Afterwards, I immediately locked the door, lay down on the bed, and wrapped myself in a blanket, which made me feel a little more at ease.

Although it was a little embarrassing to see my colleagues running away in a huff, I couldn’t help it.

A warrior is someone who overcomes any adversity.

Even if you say you are a barbarian whose honesty is a virtue.

As a K-Barbarian who has the spirit of Confucianism engraved in his soul, what can I say?

[Is there a partner? I already thought about it in my mind when I heard the offer.] I

can never tell anyone about this.

‘Come to your senses, Hansoo…’

It turns out there wasn’t just one person who came to mind.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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