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STGB Chapter 724

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Episode 724: Time limit (3)

What on earth did King Gaebyeok have in mind for setting the condition of killing the Prime Minister?

‘Is it because it is impossible to kill the prime minister with the power of the royal family alone?’

No, that can’t be true.

Having played the rebellion route thousands of times in-game, I know more than anyone else how powerful the royal family is.

‘Then they just subcontracted it to me and wanted to save energy themselves?’

Well, it’s better than the previous one, but it’s still not realistic.

I am not a trustworthy problem solver who has worked with the royal family several times, and the royal family would have no reason to take such a troublesome move.

‘They even planned this by tying me up for a week…’

I couldn’t understand why it was done simply for fun. In the first place, King Gaebyeok is a person whose ‘time’ is more precious than anyone else, right?

So, it is better to organize it like this for now.

There are two reasons why King Gaebyeok gave this instruction.

‘There are circumstances in which it is impossible to harm the Prime Minister directly.’

Either that or else.

‘I guess there is a ‘benefit’ that accrues only if I kill the Prime Minister.’

Of course, this is just my guess, and I haven’t figured out anything about the ‘circumstances’ or ‘benefits’ yet.

“You suddenly look like you’re thinking a lot?”

At that time, King Gaebyeok spoke as if urging me to answer, and only then did I come to my senses and open my mouth.

Because there was only one answer that could be given.

“Let’s do it. “I didn’t like that guy anyway.”

“Oh, because of that incident…?”

Well, if that’s the case…

“I want to tell you in advance, I had no involvement in that matter. “It was something the Prime Minister did arbitrarily.”

I think he’s talking about the Ice Rock expedition, but I guess the royal family knew roughly what we were thinking.

“So, let your vengeance go in the right place and in a healthy way.”

Afterwards, King Gaebyeok said such things, but there was no sign of his feelings for the royal family loosening.

Even if the prime minister did it on his own, wasn’t it the king who ultimately gave him that much power?

I am a person who believes that toleration and neglect are also contributions.

‘…Still, it’s true that if those words are true, I feel a little more at ease.’

Even if they did contribute, should it still be said that there is room for consideration since the level of contribution is different?

It’s not a hatred that would risk one’s life.

Well, maybe I came up with this thought because hatred towards the ‘royal family’ is not helpful at all when living in this world.


“Well then, the story ends here—.”

“wait for a sec!”

At this point, I ended the conversation and urgently called out King Gaebyeok, who was about to turn his back and head towards the ‘life support device’.

There was one last thing I wanted to ask.

Of course, I don’t know if this guy will answer.

“Down there.”


“What was trapped down there?”

In response to my question, King Gaebyeok looked at me in silence for a moment.

“…Now that the business is over, my speech has become shorter again.”


I didn’t really intend to do it, but for now, I remained shamelessly silent and shot a look in my eyes hoping for an answer.

The answer came after a moment of silence.

…Strictly speaking, it wasn’t even an answer.

“How did you know something was trapped there?”

The answer comes back to question after question.

I thought for a moment and then spoke honestly.

“I was told to please get me out of there. “She was a young girl, probably about ten years old, who was pleading.”

So I reasoned reasonably.

That ten-year-old girl might be an ‘earth witch.’

“…I see.”

“So what is the answer?”

This time, King Gaebyeok took a moment to look deeply in thought.

Was it such a difficult question to answer?

I guess it’s like that.

Even though I said this, I see that you are not giving an exact answer.

“…Bjorn Yandel. you don’t know anything How does this world survive? And what great sacrifices we are making for such a world.”


“The story ends here. “We will have the rest of our conversation after this incident is over.”

Ha, this is it?

Out of a sense of futility, I wanted to say something again, but in the end I couldn’t put it into action.

That’s because it’s a car that only wants to take one step forward.

“…He said that was the end of the story.”

The knight pulled out his sword and blocked my path.


Seeing as King Gaebyeok doesn’t say anything about the knight’s actions, it seems like the conversation really ends here.

So I just looked ahead like a dog chasing a chicken.


King Gaebyeok took off his clothes without hesitation in front of me and soon entered the device completely naked.


Soon, with the sound of the machine running, the mysterious solution begins to create bubbles, and the whole situation comes to an end when King Gaebyeok, who is inside, slowly closes his eyes.

‘It really looks like I’m sleeping….’

The audience, which seemed short but was very long, has ended.


“Follow me.”

After watching King Gaebyeok enter the device and fall asleep, he followed the high-handed knight up again. And he heard something unexpected in the throne room, which felt somewhat empty.

“King Gaebyeok told me in advance. “No matter what you ask for in the future, do your best to listen and cooperate.”

Oh that’s right….

Now that I see it, it seems like they didn’t ask me to catch the prime minister by myself from scratch.

“What do you want?”

What I had to say was determined by the knight’s request.

“I’m going to finish watching what I was watching earlier.”

“…Let’s get ready.”

Afterwards, I watched the video again that I had stopped watching earlier.

Oh, of course I have to save time…

“Is it possible to see it while flipping through it?”

“Let me adjust the magnification.”

The video started playing at a whopping 8x speed.

One video ended much earlier than I expected.

The video itself was short to begin with…

“Part 2…?”

“does not exist.”

“So this is the end…?”

The mad movie of the Anavada Clan leading the explorers left on the front lines to clear the path did not continue after the scene where my comrades broke through the front lines and reached the barbarian’s shrine.

The reason was simple.

“Because our enemies know the royal family better than anyone else.”

“No, what does it matter?”

“They must have prepared a way to avoid our ‘eyes’ in advance, so they did something unusual like this.”

After listening to the explanation, it seems that the reason this video was filmed was because the royal family used some strategic weapon, and at that point, the Prime Minister used some kind of tactic to nullify it…

“King Gaebyeok said just by looking at this point, you would be on his knees.”

Oh, by the way, that prediction was completely wrong.

I knelt down without even looking there.

‘Well then, what should I do now….’

After thinking for a moment, I asked the driver’s name first, and the driver trembled.

“…I don’t think there’s any reason for you and I to make a statement.”

Oh what?

I asked because it was a bit too much to just call him ‘the knight’ from now on.


If it comes out like this, as a barbarian warrior, I can’t just let it go.

“Uh-huh! “Are you planning to break the commandments?”

When he gave an angry command like a martial arts expert shouting ‘Go!’, the knight’s eyes changed as if he were dealing with a crazy person.

A familiar gaze that doesn’t really bother me anymore.

However, this time it was a little unfair.

“You said it right? “His Majesty, who is merciful and wise, told me to do my best to listen and cooperate with whatever I ask.”

As soon as I explained it kindly, the driver, who at first burst out laughing as if he was not praying, slowly changed into a confused look in his eyes.

‘uh? But now that I think about it, is it true that I said that? So, if I don’t comply with this request, will I be breaking the commandment?’

A malfunction caused by excessive loyalty to the king.

Finally, the knight sighed and revealed his own name.

“…I am Astarotta Berun.”

Well, contrary to expectations, it’s an ordinary name, isn’t it?

It seemed like he didn’t want to reveal his full name, so I wondered if there was a reason for it, such as because his name was famous enough for me to know.

‘Then what was that reaction a moment ago?’

Was it just because you didn’t want to talk to a barbarian like me?

“Astarottara… It’s a pretty name with a nice connotation.”

A bait I threw out as a compliment just in case.

However, there was an immediate response as if it was a jackpot.

“My name is anything but sissy.”

“Didn’t I say you look like a sissy?”


Astarotta became quiet, perhaps belatedly realizing that it was no different from confessing with her own mouth.

“Anyway, it was fate that this happened, so please take care of me in the future. “Elizabeth.”

“…It’s not Elizabeth, it’s Astarotta.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. “You were mistaken.”

He must have realized that I was teasing him, so he stopped reacting and became silent.

Of course, it didn’t mean much.

The Barbarian’s strength is that he can take the lead even with these minor weaknesses.

“…That’s it, so what do we do next?”

He changed the topic of conversation in an attitude that was noticeable to everyone, and I didn’t bother him any further.

Isn’t he like that too?

It’s not like I’m a psychopath.

This guy only bullies when there is a reason.

Okay, so…

“I don’t know, but there is something you need to do.”

“Say it.”

“Bring Raven first.”

Because of his personality, his liver should have reached this point by now.


Ricardo Lüchenprague.

The leader of a group called Orculis and a man commonly known as a ‘traitor’.

The Marquis had a very strange feeling as he had only recently met the man with his own eyes, whom he had only heard about through reports and stories posted by the Ministry of Intelligence.

‘…a traitor.’

Most likely, the terrifying tinnitus attached to that man will disappear after this time.

Whether it ends in success or failure.

Because he is not the owner of that nickname.


If it ends in success, won’t you ever be called by that nickname?

No one would dare challenge the power of the state—.

‘…I guess I’ve been thinking a lot.’

Soon the Marquis focused on the man standing in front of him.

Did he suddenly find himself at the point where the first step of a grand plan was taking place?

“I heard you asked for a private meeting. If you have something to say, please say it openly.”

When the Marquis opened the door first, the man standing in front of him also slowly opened his mouth.

Very short and concise, like his usually quiet personality.

“Bjorn Yandel was seen on the front lines.”

“…I see. Thanks for letting me know. “I will look into the rest separately.”

The Marquis was silent for a while as the information was conveyed so intuitively, then nodded his head, and his man turned and left the room as if he had no business.

Tap tap.

The Marquis’s expression was no different from usual, but his constantly moving fingers represented his nervous mood.

“Bjorn Jandel….”

He was hoping that the prison would collapse and he would die.

After all, that can’t be possible.

“Is it him again after all?…”

It wasn’t particularly surprising.

At first he was just a nuisance, but in fact, maybe he had been feeling it deep down since then.

A day like this might come someday.

He said that this guy might be the biggest obstacle to achieving his great cause.


Soon the Marquis’ heart began to beat violently.

But he didn’t change anything.

The time he hoped would never come has finally come.

“Everything goes as it should.”

Now I just leave it to fate.

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Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing


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