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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel Chapter 113

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You don’t think it’s easy to make someone else’s money.

This is something you sometimes hear while making money, from part-time jobs to full-time jobs.

It is difficult to make money through legitimate labor both in modern times and here, but what about the debt of businesses?

Is it okay to just trust your humble tongue and stand on the podium without any preparation? Some people might, but at least it wasn’t me.

“What should we achieve today?”

I smiled slightly and asked Dang Hwa-rin a question.

“What you will get is green forest. What have you got to lose: chains?”

“No… that’s Hwalbindang.”

If anyone hears this woman, she will be in big trouble.

“Cook cluck. no? So, is it acceptable to creditors to receive only half of the bookstore inheritance and debt?”

When I was taken aback by the joke, Dang Hwa-rin laughed as if he had succeeded and said his thoughts. You seem to be in a good mood, perhaps because today’s work was completed successfully.


I shook my head and lightly denied her words.


“Our goal today was to get the debt documents stamped.”

“Isn’t that what it is?”

“different. You can say and change things like acknowledging them as much as you want. “We needed a document that contained responsibilities and promises that would never change.”

Oral contracts can be changed at any time. That wasn’t the intention. You heard it wrong. That’s not what I said.

no. Chief. When did I say that? Chief, why do you misunderstand and get angry at me? Manager, please change it. If you just say something, your face will suddenly be confiscated and you will deny what you said.

No refund.

Regardless of the era, putting a stamp on a document means preventing such a situation and taking unlimited responsibility for the contents of this document.

Today we needed to get all the creditors’ stamps to ensure Tang Hwa-rin’s inheritance of the bookstore and payment of half of the debt.

But there was a problem.

Look at the document and stamp it right on the spot.

Even in modern times when there are many relief methods available, the act of carelessly putting a seal on a relative’s blank memorandum is so bad that it gets criticized on the Internet. What a terrible time these days are.

So, some preliminary work was needed today.

“Hwarin. “How many years will it take you to repay your debt with the money you earned at this bookstore?”

I asked her about a rather heavy topic.


Dang Hwa-rin answered in a somewhat weak tone.

“150 years to be exact. When I calculated it as net profit, it came out to be about that. So, Hwarin, I need to practice martial arts a little harder. “Don’t you think you will have to live a long time to repay it?”

“Si. “Are you making fun of someone else’s business?”

Dang Hwa-rin seemed to be pouting, her lips sticking out at my playful tone.

“As long as the ledgers are accurate.”

“uh? Did you really falsify the ledgers? “Did you put in some fake records?”

Dang Hwa-rin immediately pursed his lips and looked at me with his mouth slightly open with a surprised face.

“no. “What was written there were records moved from the original ledger.”

The brief ledger made into a booklet did not contain any newly created false records.

“Then how?”

“It touched the bottom line.”

“net profit?”

“Net profit is ultimately the amount of money earned minus the money spent. “No matter how big a store is, if it spends a lot of money, it’s worse than a small store that makes a lot of money.”

“I didn’t write fake records, so how can I mess with my net profit?”

“Your maternal grandfather. You have many businesses. On the other hand, you managed only one ledger. The general manager said that because of the sale, he had to write down separate ledgers for each business. “Suddenly a good idea occurred to me.”

“What do you think?”

“A way to dramatically increase the bookstore’s money spent without compromising the money earned and spent by other businesses.”

They must make it seem small that they are giving up by shaking up the prey of debt repayment to creditors. By touching on the bookstore’s net profit on the books and appealing to the insignificant amount of money it makes each year.

The problem is that businesses other than bookstores are sold and their books are taken over.

If it is discovered that the bookstore handled the expenses of another business or used fake records, it could lead to a big problem later.

“what is that?”

Dang Hwa-rin stared at my answer with a curious look on his face.

Hwarin. It suddenly occurred to me. There is a way to dramatically reduce a bookstore’s net profit just by keeping records.

“Your grandfather’s good deeds.”

I revealed to her the identity of my idea.

“preceding…? ah!”

Dang Hwa-rin exclaimed as if she realized something from my words. It’s nice that you understand quickly.

“okay. Donations and sponsorships. A lot of money spent on doing good deeds. That money did not belong to any business, but it was money that existed as an expense in the ledger. “I asked the general manager to transfer the cost to the bookstore ledger.”

一 Good idea! If you divide the spending on good deeds appropriately so that people don’t notice, the bookstore’s net profit will decrease significantly. Of course, to put it in the ledger without being noticed, it would take a huge level of expertise and a lot of time and effort.

The general manager was impressed by my idea and nodded.

一 Then, thank you.

一 Ah….

As expected, the general manager with decades of experience was competent, but too competent. Creditors did not notice the ledgers that had proper accounting massage.

As it was further simplified and reduced to the level of a booklet, it became increasingly difficult for experts to notice.

“There was a way.”

Dang Hwa-rin looked at me with wide eyes, surprised by my trick.

It’s still too early to be surprised. There is one more thing.

“The problem is that I had to stamp the booklet before anyone could see something suspicious.”

If you feel suspicious and ask to see the ledger, you may notice. Before doing that, have them stamp it quickly. That was so important.

“That’s it, Yunho. “You spoke well so I got you stamped.”

“How do you get people who are crazy about money to put their stamp on it just by speaking well?”

I looked at her with an expression that clearly indicated that there had been a plan in place in advance.

“I don’t think this is something someone who started a revolution would say… What did you do?”

Dang Hwa-rin looked at me with a puzzled look at my words and asked.

I was stung by her glare and avoided her gaze for a moment, then brought up the second trick I had made today.

“I hired a wind catcher.”

“Wind catcher? “The people at the scene were either creditors or bodyguards.”

“We made those creditors into windbreakers.”


“Not all creditors have the same resentment or anger. “I was introduced to companies with which I had maintained good relationships for over several decades, promised repayment first, and asked them to catch the wind.”

Second manipulation.

Get some of the creditors on our side. They sit in their seats by right and act as windbreakers so that no one suspects anything.

Even if you kneel down and pray, it won’t be enough! Where is the debtor standing shamelessly! Someone bring that bitch by her hair!

Creditors who enjoy using violence against debtors are encouraged to applaud and fight each other when the auction is mentioned.

I shake food at them and create a sense of crisis as if I can’t bear the debt. The windbreaker maintains an atmosphere of confusion so that other creditors cannot think deeply.

Creditors have no time to seriously doubt the ledgers and eventually reach the end.

一 I’m going to stamp it!

If you get them to stamp it, their role as a wind catcher is over.

My heart sank when Mangeum Battlefield Jang No-ya noticed even in such a situation, but fortunately, Jang No-ya was a close friend of my maternal grandfather.

Rather, he served as a decisive windbreaker and was able to get all documents stamped.

“Approximately 20 years. If you live frugally, you will be able to pay it all off. As I said last time, if you work as a broker, it may decrease even further. “It’s much better than sitting out on the street, right?”

A huckster.

The Baek family’s business disappears, but the Baek family’s personal network remains.

This is not a world where things like contracts are inherited just because you bought a new dry goods store.

If you use your status as the sole successor to the Baek family head to connect people and collect brokerage fees, your debt will be reduced even further.

We live in a world where even a single apartment requires credit and a 30-year long-term loan. If you think that a building like this on the main street was purchased with a loan, it can be said to be a truly profitable business.

This situation would be ideal if Dang Hwa-rin were to put all the blame on her missing mother, and the bookstore would be taken over and left on the street, leaving behind only a building and a debt to repay.

“You really…”

Dang Hwa-rin’s eyes trembled as she looked at me after hearing the details of the whole incident.

How touching? Isn’t this a perfect solution? Then hire me.

I walked up to her, held her hand with one hand and covered her hand with the other.

“You did well to reach out and not give up in frustration, right?”

“Uh huh.”

Why is he avoiding my gaze? But I feel like I’m going to cry. Tang Hualin lowered his head and avoided my gaze.

“I will continue to help you in the future. Let’s do well together.”

Using a friendly voice, I forced her to sign the imaginary employment contract.

“How much help are you going to give me?”

“Continue for a while?”

“…for 20 years?”

no. Shouldn’t you be famous before that? Are you not confident in repaying your debt?

“Why do you think it will be difficult to repay the debt?”

“Oh no, that’s not it.”

“I will continue to help you without a set period of time. If things get harder than expected, let’s just throw everything away and run away together at night.”

As time goes by and debt repayment becomes more difficult than expected, all you have to do is run away together. If you work hard and use a printer to copy your fame, you’ll probably get one.

In that situation, it would be okay to tour the world with Dang Hwa-rin as a bodyguard.

“…Do you know what you’re saying right now?”

“Did I say something wrong?”

I will do my best to help you, so please help me with my famous work. Was it difficult to say?

“ha. no. You can’t do that. “It’s my delusions of grandeur again.”

Dang Hwa-rin’s eyes, which raised her head, were no longer shaking. Rather, she looked at me with a complex and complex expression.

Why are you like that?

“Cook cluck. Yunho.”

Dang Hwa-rin smiled slightly at my bewildered face and called me.


“thank you. really. “I will continue to repay this favor.”

Dang Hwa-rin placed her free hand on the back of my hand and held each other’s hands tightly.

Her face showed hope for moving forward, not the despair or frustration that had been visible a few days ago.


“sit down?”

The bookstore attic has been cleaned. Dang Hwa-rin called me while I was lying on the bed and sitting at the desk.

“Sleep first.”

I responded to her words by grinding the ink.

“What are you doing?”

“To write a novel.”

“book? Could it be Hong Gil-dong?!”

Dang Hwa-rin hurriedly took off the blanket she was covering and asked me.

“no. “I’m trying to write a story book that can sell.”

“Hmm… I have to work starting tomorrow. “Just take it easy and sleep.”

Dang Hwa-rin seemed to have lost interest when he heard that it was not a Hong Gil-dong story, so he covered himself with the blanket again and lay down.

I put the ink to one side and started applying ink to the brush.

It was long.

Until I got here.

The case has now been concluded. From now on, all you have to do is run the bookstore and write books.

‘What should I use?’

If reputation is important, it would be right to start writing in popular genres. So what should I use? There are genres that are more commercially popular in this world.

dirty talk.

So, would it be better to write a dirty story? Would it be better to write that provocative modern day story first?


I, Kang Yun-ho, still haven’t forgotten the day I wrote The Tale of the Pungunhyeobgaek. I have not forgotten the day I screamed at the world. I don’t want to completely give up on writing martial arts magazines in this world, even if there is no printing press.

So should I use martial arts magazine?

Is it the attitude of a true writer to try again a genre that is certain to fail?

No. If you are a writer, you must write something that satisfies you and that can satisfy the readers of this world.

I’m going to write the genre I’ve already been thinking about for several months.

It’s a dirty story, but it’s not a dirty story. It’s a martial arts magazine, but it’s not a martial arts magazine.

That’s right.

‘Let’s use rice cake hyeopji.’

A word from the author (author review)

Recommendations and comments are always helpful.

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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

I Became the Villainous Writer In Wuxia Romance, The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel, 무협 미연시의 오랑캐 글쟁이
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It wasn’t even malicious criticism. I just gave feedback in the tone I was asked to. So why the hell did I, the writer who just wanted to help a junior, possess this body of the prospective groom… a villain, who died in the hands of the heroine on their wedding night?


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