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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel Chapter 124

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Hwang Seosaeng headed to Daseogak again today.

The boycott of Daseohoe was having a greater effect than expected.

People from all walks of life in Uichang buy books, but who buys the most books?

It’s a student.

Members of the Daseohoe, including Seosaeng Hwang, persuaded their fellow students and teachers not to use bookstores other than Daseogak.

A writer who had been buried in the wilderness but whose talent has now begun to blossom is in trouble due to the fraud of robbers. And you can help that situation with just one action: a boycott.

How could you not help?

Bookstores all sell books at similar prices anyway. In a business like this, reputation is really important. Students chose to use Daseogak rather than other bookstores, even if it was a short walk.

“Writer Hopil needs to cheer up.”

I heard that he stopped eating grains and was sick. Seosaeng Hwang opened the door to Daseogak, hoping that writer Ho Pil would regain his strength.

When Seosaeng Hwang opened the door, he saw dozens of members of the Daseohoe standing in front of the door instead of going up to the second floor.

“What are you doing instead of going up?”

Hwang Seosaeng asked a member of the Daseohoe, with whom he was a close friend.

“The store manager said he was releasing a new letter from author Ho Pil.”

“You mean the new letter from author Ho Pil? “Could this be a post saying that volume 2 will be released?”

“It could be the release of volume 2, or it could be the end of writing. “I guess everyone is standing still because they don’t know that.”

“I hope there is news about the release of volume 2.”

“Hey, the store manager is coming.”

The black-haired store manager bowed to the members of the Daseohoe and then began posting letters written in large letters on the sign.

“Let’s look at the contents of the letter together.”

“Get your head out of your ass!”

Is this what the announcement of successful applicants was like in the past? The members of Daseohoe could not wait for the store manager to post all the letters and read them as soon as they were posted on the sign.

[This is my pen….]

[I will write a desperate letter. How can I live with dignity when I was unable to provide any help to the people who helped me with the devastating news? I stopped eating and drinking altogether and lost the will to live.]

“Hehehe. What the store manager said was true. “It seems like writer Ho Pil was really shocked.”

“I couldn’t help but be shocked when my writing was stolen.”

“Is this really the end of the story?”

Daseohoe’s despair was resolved in the very next line.

[That was before I heard the news from readers.]

[I was going to write it down, but I was so happy to hear that news. That’s why I couldn’t keep my promise to myself today and instead took a cowardly spoonful of porridge. A spoonful of porridge brought my vitality back. I felt the support of the readers.]

“Writer Hopil has gained strength!”

“okay. They say they feel refreshed thanks to us. “I’m finally writing!”

[At the same time, a sense of despair came over me.]

[What happens after I eat all this porridge? I thought that if I succeeded, I would be able to eat somen without burden, but now I’m scared to even eat a spoonful of porridge. Daseogak offers to help, but this is Hopil. [What kind of reputation do you have to accept money from Daseogak?]

[I can’t express my frustration at the thought that my efforts only enrich the robbers. This Hopil will just take care of himself while waiting for news from the readers, with his eyes temporarily turned away from the bleak future ahead.]

That was the end of Hopil’s writing.

“Somen! Writer Hopil can’t even eat somen!”

“Huh! Simple and tasteless food like somen! “You should at least let me eat Neapolitan spaghetti!”

“What is Neapolitan spaghetti! Do you have any thoughts on recommending such Japanese food to a writer with a passion for writing? “For a writer who loves it, it’s a delicious carbonara with cream sauce!”

“Carbonara with cream sauce! It’s the evil devil’s way! “That’s not authentic pasta!”

“Sama’s affair. What can someone who eats Neapolitan spaghetti say? “Taste the cream and tell me!”

“Are we fighting over food?”

Hwang Seo-saeng managed to stop two Daseohoe members who were trying to fight over what authentic pasta is.

“I am gaining strength from the support. “Are you saying there has been no improvement in profits?”

A member of Daseohoe calmly read Hopil’s letter and sighed.

“I will buy 10 volumes of Dangga Pungunman from Daseogak today for the writer Hopil.”

“What are the ten volumes? “I will buy more than 20 copies!”

“Are you saying that author Hopil is going to write this? “Are you saying you won’t?”

“You can’t tell just by looking at it! “If those bookstore guys keep selling Tangga Pungun, they’re saying they won’t write!”

“This is all because of those bookstore guys! “You have to show an example.”

“Writer Ho Pil finally ate! “Let’s be stronger!”

“Let’s show off our skills to the bookstore bastards before the good writer runs out!”

The Daseohoe dispersed after discussing the letter from author Ho Pil that was posted today.

There was hope. Author Ho Pil regained his energy. All you have to do is get revenge on the bookstore.

All that was left for Daseohoe was a bigger event.


The exercise of power began with the strengthening of the boycott movement.

A student looked around, took notice, and entered a bookstore.

“What are you doing here now!”

As he was choosing a book at a bookstore, a scholar from Daseohoe spoke to him with a subtle anger on his face.

“So how come you here?”

The student was startled and answered with a trembling voice.

“That’s what I want to ask.”

“I heard that this bookstore is selling books at a 20% discount these days. “I was choosing a book.”

“I know that your circumstances are usually difficult. But what you are doing now is selling your conscience at a discount!”

“no. “What nonsense is that!”

“How much food and alcohol did I buy you because of your difficult circumstances? “But are you breaking faith by giving me a discount now?”

At Daseohoe’s student’s words, the student felt embarrassed and lowered his head. Students are boycotting, but they are blinded by discounts.

“I understand. “I guess I thought wrong.”

“customer. “Our store sells them at a 20% discount.”

The clerk, who was happy to see a customer after a long time, became thoughtful when the student put down his book.

“Let’s go. “I’m going to buy a book at Daseogak today.”

“customer! customer!”

The student just left the bookstore without even looking at the clerk’s facial expression.

“I have work to do today, so I can’t come with you. Instead, I’ll give this as a gift to a close friend who has kept my faith.”

Daseohoe’s scholar handed over a book in his arms to his friend.


“It’s a good fortune.”

“Is this the famous Tang family wind rhyme? It’s a shame, but I couldn’t even think of buying it due to my poor circumstances. “Are you really giving this to me?”

“I have already bought dozens of books for missionary purposes. “Don’t worry, just take it.”

“Thank you. “I’ll just go to Daseogak.”

The student of Daseohoe briefly saw off his friend in the direction of Daseogak, and then settled down again in an obscure alley within sight of a bookstore that violated the rules of commerce.

“I’ll have to keep watch until my shift comes.”


Monitoring boycott.


“They did this shit again!”

The people who run the bookstore in Uichang have been screaming the same thing every morning these days.

“Who on earth is throwing away this much trash all night?”

A lot of trash was being thrown away every night in front of the bookstore these days. From small trash to large trash and even food waste.

The stench and hideousness emanating from the garbage made people walking on the street in the early morning avoid the area around the bookstore.

“The morning business was ruined. “I messed up again.”

It may be dirty and smelly, but no customer will come into the bookstore through the trash. The bookstore owner began clearing out the trash, which had become a part of his daily routine these days.

If there is a culprit who throws away a large amount of trash every day, you can catch him and kick him, but the vicious thing about this trash throwing is that there are more than one culprit.

Someone throws trash in front of a bookstore. Someone else comes and throws away the trash. The same actions are repeated, and in an instant, the front of the bookstore becomes a garbage dump.

The bookstore owner was so angry that he caught the person throwing away the trash, and he said this in an angry manner:

I thought it was a trash dump because there was trash thrown there. You should have put that away and bought it.

I got angry and dragged him to the government office, and now the students are protesting in front of the government office, asking if it makes sense to imprison their friend just because he threw away some trash.

When the students took collective action for only a minor crime, the official gave them an acquittal by patting them on the shoulder and telling them not to do so again.

As a bookstore owner, it seemed like I was going to turn around. They say to be careful of school ties and blood ties. Even if it’s unfair, there’s no place to talk about it.

In the end, the bookstore owner had no choice but to clean the bookstore of trash every morning.

“If a bastard did that, let’s catch him. evil! What’s this!”

As the bookstore owner was cleaning up the trash, a rotten egg flew in from somewhere.

“Save the writer Hopil! “Bookstores must follow the rules!”

“That bastard!”

The bookstore owner chased after the man who ran away, but he couldn’t beat young legs. The bookstore owner could not help but sigh as he wiped away the rotten smell that ran down his forehead.

“It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal. “I need to meet other bookstore owners and find a way.”

If this continues, your business could go bankrupt.

The bookstore owner tried to hide his anxious premonition and hurriedly walked to meet the bookstore owners.

A word from the author (author review)

This is a series of articles.

Recommendations and comments are always helpful.

thank you

See next episode

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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

I Became the Villainous Writer In Wuxia Romance, The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel, 무협 미연시의 오랑캐 글쟁이
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It wasn’t even malicious criticism. I just gave feedback in the tone I was asked to. So why the hell did I, the writer who just wanted to help a junior, possess this body of the prospective groom… a villain, who died in the hands of the heroine on their wedding night?


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