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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel Chapter 153

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“We’re behind schedule, so we’ll take the quick route.”

With the declaration of Uigakju, the surrounding scenery changed from a paved road to a dirt road in an instant.

“The carriage isn’t very comfortable to ride.”

What kind of carriage doesn’t have shock absorbers. I spoke to Hwarin while clearly feeling the condition of the dirt road with my butt.

“I know. Since there is an open road to Sacheon anyway, wouldn’t it be okay to just take the road? “Why go through all the trouble?”

“They said the schedule was delayed because of us. Since the official route passes through major cities, I guess I can’t bear the delay.”

“If you don’t go to Guando, won’t you run into bandits like last time? “The place I’m passing by right now is a perfect place for bandits to appear.”

Hwarin looked worried, as if it reminded him of the bandits he had met during his trip.

“That’s okay.”


“Because I’ve never tried to argue with the Four Heavenly Dang Family.”

Hwarin. I think you’re insecure because you grew up with purple hair and couldn’t drink the honey of the Four Thousand Dang Family, but the fact that you come from a prestigious political faction gives you a huge advantage in itself.

“I feel anxious.”

“don’t worry. “If you go a few more days, you will definitely feel it.”

There is no cat that won’t hold its breath as a pack of tigers passes by.

It is not a world where everyone has black hair, but a world where you can tell which family you belong to by hair color. There was no way anyone would start a fight when a procession with all purple hair was passing by.

Unless they are people who want to commit suicide or those who can handle the Four Thousand Danga.


“It’s true.”

Hwarin looked at me with admiration and said, no matter how many times he passed through the mountains, he could not see a single bandit. I smiled at Hwarin as if she wanted to see me fly, but actually, I found it fascinating too.

When I was traveling with Hwarin, I was constantly worried about bandits and we actually even met a few times. If they see purple hair, does everyone hide because they think today is the day a natural disaster is coming?

It’s a very comfortable trip because you don’t have to worry about bandits, you don’t have to worry about security, and you only have to worry about dying.

Of course, although it was a comfortable trip, there were some things that bothered me throughout the trip.

“Is that black hair really the head of the Tang family’s illegitimate son?”

“Didn’t you see me eating pineapple pizza?”

“It’s because I couldn’t believe it even after seeing that.”

“I never thought there would be such a secret story in our party family.”

“Dang Geoho really did something like that….”

“I can’t believe you were subjected to that vicious experiment. Tsk tsk.”

“What happens now when Lord Soga passes away?”

“Don’t say anything profane.”

A wary gaze and a curious gaze. Stories whispered to us. The Tang family warriors looked at us and talked for days.

I said I would treat you as a guest, but somehow I felt like an orangutan at the zoo.

Did you see it? Is this your first time seeing a black-haired bastard? Instead of talking behind people’s backs, talk to them directly. I wanted to say something, but an introverted person like me would probably yell at you, you bastards, so I decided to save my mouth for image management.

“If you have any questions, why don’t you just come and say it in person or make me feel bad?”

Hwarin showed an uncomfortable look so that everyone who was talking could hear. As expected, it’s Hwarin! What I can’t do, I can do it calmly!


When Dang Hwa-rin, a hater of backbiting, glared at them, all the warriors avoided their gaze except for one. Only one warrior continued to watch me without avoiding his gaze and soon approached me.

Are you finally speaking confidently?

“Did you say your name is Kang Yunho?”

The warrior’s attitude was quite polite. Normally, illegitimate children are not treated as members of the family, but their attitude is acceptable.

“yes. “Aren’t you the warrior who bought the fortune of the Tang family last time?”

Now I see that he is a Tang family warrior who was so moved by the Tang family fortune that he threw a large sum of money to go there. Now that I think about it, isn’t he the root of all evil?

“I should have said hello to you again, but due to the situation, it was delayed. “So, is it true that you wrote Tangga Pungun?”

“yes. “I am Hopil.”

“Then, I have a question for you. Is Tangjeong the head of the Tang family?”

When I asked why he came, he said it was because of the Tang family fortune.

“Strictly speaking, Tang Jeong and Tang Gaju are different people. “It is true that I just mixed up the stories I heard from my mother for various reasons.”

We did not intend to reveal the secret story in detail. I just mixed it up with a true story because I needed someone to notice and come to me in an emergency situation. Although Tang Jeong is based on a true story, he is a fictional character.

It was a story I would definitely tell when I went to the party.

“aha! “Creation based on a true story.”

“To be exact, it is correct to say that most of it is original work, with a little bit of true story mixed in. “I have never actually met the Lord of the House.”

Even though he is an illegitimate child, you have to be careful about your attitude. Because I am an illegitimate child, I cannot call the head of the party family my father due to my status.

“aha. “Then, I have a request for you. Can you listen to it?”


When I asked the warrior, he looked at me and hesitated.

If you agree, I will tell you. You’re not trying to say it this way, are you? That’s the worst way to ask.

They don’t know what I’m asking them to do, so when I say no, they show off in a bad mood. We need to change the law so that those people will unconditionally grant even if they ask for a guarantee.

As I waited for the warrior’s words without showing any signs, the warrior searched in his arms and pulled out something.

uh? This is a Tang family fortune.

When I looked at Musa in surprise, he opened his mouth with a slightly flushed face.

“Could you please give some advice to Tangga Pungun?”

huh? sign?


It seems that Tangga Pungun was quite popular among the members of the Uigak.

“me too!”

“Please me too!”

“no! “I bought it, so why are you punishing me?”

“Hey man, I’ll give you money next time!”

“No, you don’t have my book!”

As one person was sentenced, other Uigak members also surrounded me with books.

“This dangmo. I was moved when I saw Dangga Pung-un. This is who we truly are. “Other martial people are misunderstanding us.”

One of the crew members said to me as he hugged Dangga Pung-un, who had been ordained, with great care.

“haha. is that so.”

From a distance, I quietly looked at the cast iron pillar who was looking in my direction, pretending not to pay any attention to me. Then, realizing what I meant by looking at him, several people opened their mouths.

“I hope you don’t hate me too much. “There is a prejudice against black hair, but he is a good person.”

“you’re right. “He is a very honest and frugal person, but he is a good person who can be trusted infinitely.”

“The Lord of the House of Lords did not entrust your son’s life to you for no reason.”

My child is not good at this or that, but I feel like I heard that he is good.

“I understand, but I can’t help but feel emotional.”

Aside from what they did to me, they were quite befitting of a political faction. If only you hadn’t said that you would cut off the branches of my hands, there would be people in this world who are worthy of political sect! I was almost moved.

When I turned my head with a sad expression, one of the samurai opened his mouth, pointing towards my arms with an embarrassed look.

“By any chance, do you have three volumes of Dangga Pungun? “Can we take a look by ourselves?”

“I made a promise to Uichang’s readers. “I plan to publish it after everything is over.”

This is my life insurance. Where can I watch it for free?

“But will a third volume be published?”

One of the crew members asked me in a worried tone.

“You just need to revise the content or revise future developments. “I really want to publish three volumes.”

It’s not only my life insurance, but it’s also my first hit in this world. If I can’t complete this, I may have to change my pen name to Jiwoo instead of Hopil.

I have to somehow finish it successfully so that I can continue to produce famous works.

“That’s right. What kind of secret story is that? We all saw it, but the only one who noticed was Uigakju. Is this the only one who knows? Is that it? It’s just a sound. “If author Hopil edits it, no one will recognize it.”

That’s what I mean.

“Then we can see Volume 3 after everything is over?”

The warriors looked at me with regret. Everyone around me looked at the book in my arms.

‘I think I can use this as a negotiation card.’

If you don’t want one or two people to see it, there is a way to use it.

“Once I arrive safely at Dangga and the work is finished, I will show it to the readers of Uichang.”

“Is that true?”

The faces of the members of the Royal Guard turned bright colors. Of course I’ll show you. But it’s not free.

“Instead, I would like you to go to the Tang family and say good things about the Tang family fortune.”

You guys, please put me in a flower pot and use it to influence public opinion. Then I’ll show you.

“That’s not difficult!”

“Of course! “I will speak well not only about Dangga Pungun, but also about Hopil!”

“Dang Jia Pung-un is a book that is too precious to disappear like this! Of course, I have to say something nice.”

“that’s right! “I want to see a love fight between two female swordsmen who are like sisters!”

“ha ha ha.”

I have to live so you can see volume 3. So please be my shield.

As I talked about Dangga Pungun, my anticipation for their third volume was further fueled.


A situation in which there is no shortage of military power, and the relationship with the companions gradually improves. However, even on a smooth journey, difficulties arise.

“The road here is blocked.”

The original route was blocked due to a landslide.

“This road is blocked too!”

Even the other route I tried to detour was blocked by dirt and trees.

“It’s ominous. “This is a method that bandits often use.”

I watched the detour and spoke to Hwarin.


“They blocked the detour with a pile of dirt and are waiting in a place where they can fight. “It’s a method mainly used by bandits.”

There won’t be a big problem since the Sacheon Danga is escorting you, but it feels uncomfortable.

The two blocked roads are large enough for carriages to pass easily. If they intentionally blocked a road this big, it could be a large group of bandits.

“Everyone, stay alert!”

Uigakju must have thought that the situation could become dangerous, so he shouted and warned his companions.

The warriors of the Tang family passed through the mountain path, being very wary of their surroundings.

“It’s a village. “Was it an ordinary landslide?”

Following the remaining path, we arrived at a small, secluded village in the mountains. Is it a slash-and-burn village? Aside from that, it looks like there are some decent buildings.


The only two-story building in town. As we entered the guesthouse, a man with a bushy beard greeted us.

Are you the owner of the inn? Because the village is so remote, it seems there is no Jeomsoi.

“Everyone must be hungry. “Here, I’ll cover everything with carbonara.”

Uigakju confirmed that everyone in the group was seated and ordered the man to eat.

“Carbonara? “What is that?”

Maybe they don’t know about carbonara because it’s a remote village?

“Doesn’t the guest know carbonara? So is there aglio olio? “Give me that.”


The man laughed, showing disapproval.

“What kind of guesthouse doesn’t have aglio olio? So, are you selling soup and rice? “They bring me any kind of soup or rice.”

“We don’t sell soup.”

“This is a restaurant that doesn’t even sell soup! So what are you selling?”

This is a restaurant that doesn’t sell pasta or soup. I’m sure this isn’t a restaurant that only sells steamed potatoes.

“If you order it, I’ll lay it all out.”

The food the inn owner was talking about was somen, a classic martial arts dish.

“carding? Tsk, what kind of food… “Please at least install that.”

Uigakju looked at the man disapprovingly and sat down.

“We also have dumplings. How about dumplings?”

Dumplings are good. The trip is going to be long, so it doesn’t end with somen, right?

As if I wasn’t the only one who thought this, Dangga’s companions looked at the Uigakju when they heard the sound of dumplings.

“Bring me the dumplings too.”

Uigakju must have felt the unspoken pressure, so he nodded and ordered dumplings.

“Here, order somen and dumplings according to the number of people!”

“for a moment!”

Uigakju grabbed the man’s sleeve and stopped his actions.


“One dumpling for three people.”

“aha. “Oh, I understand.”

The group’s expressions frowned for a moment to a level that the Uigakju couldn’t notice, but soon our Uigakju looked like he was okay with it and waited for the food.

I arrived at a village guest house after a long time on a long trip to Sacheon.

Everyone looked happy after resting under the roof for the first time in a few days, but I couldn’t straighten my face.


They don’t sell pasta or soup at a restaurant, but they sell somen? what? It feels like the genre has suddenly changed.

“There is water here.”

The owner of the inn brought glasses of water to the waiting people.

“Thank you. “Do you have bamboo leaf greens?”

“Oh, that’s probably it. Shall we look for it?”

It’s suspicious.

It’s extremely suspicious.

How can a guesthouse serve aglio olio and soup, sell somen and dumplings, and have bamboo leaf greens for alcohol?

A feeling of discomfort surrounds my entire body.

“I’ll tell you later when I remember.”

I sent the owner to the other side and started looking around.

I feel like I’ve seen a two-eyed person in a one-eyed world. The problem is that I am the only one who can realize that having two eyes is strange.

Is this an overreaction? no. lets think. Yunho Kang. Something feels awkward. Find something strange. Look desperately around. There’s no way you can sell somen without a simple aglio olio.

Somen and dumplings. Even bamboo leaf greens are high-quality liquor. It’s not alcohol you can get in a town like this.

Talking like a person who has never run a guesthouse before…


“Hwarin. “Don’t drink that water.”

I raised my hand and stopped Hwarin from drinking water.

“huh? why?”

“We seem to have fallen into a trap.”

A word from the author (author review)

Recommendations and comments are always helpful.

thank you

See next episode

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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

I Became the Villainous Writer In Wuxia Romance, The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel, 무협 미연시의 오랑캐 글쟁이
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It wasn’t even malicious criticism. I just gave feedback in the tone I was asked to. So why the hell did I, the writer who just wanted to help a junior, possess this body of the prospective groom… a villain, who died in the hands of the heroine on their wedding night?


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