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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel Chapter 162

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No matter how difficult the night is, the morning comes brightly.

The appearance of Tang Geoho, a trap made by thieves, and the intrusion of demonic cultists into battle. It was a difficult night, but we were fortunate enough to finally see the morning sun.

Of course, there was no need to mention that Hwarin was the four-leaf clover that brought him good luck.

“antidote! “An antidote is needed.”

“Come out.”

Is it a German ability? Hwarin touched the poisoned people a few times and pulled out the poison inside their bodies, like a mutant who could move at will like any iron object.

“Oh my god….”

“This is German.”

“You mean it wasn’t a legendary being?”

Even though I am unfamiliar with poisoning, I find it fascinating, but how amazing would it be for people who handle poison themselves?

The people at Uigak looked at Hwarin with shocked and disbelieving expressions, as if they were seeing that their friend, who they thought would be single from birth until the end, had brought his extremely beautiful girlfriend to the gathering.

“here! “I need a bandage.”

“yes. going!”

I watched Hwarin’s miracles in fascination for a moment and then busily walked among the injured.


“We will do the rest. Please rest.”

As I busily walked around and checked on the Uigak members, the Uigak members who had already recovered themselves began to take care of other members in serious condition.

“If you have anything, I will help you more.”

I said with an apologetic face as I touched the area the man had treated.

“The mild patients have been treated. From here on, it is better to work together with people who know the art of medicine. “You were exhausted all night, so please rest for a while.”

Are they the same people who become Jahil? Actually, offering to help with medical procedures in front of people would be at the level of an ordinary person entering an operating room.

“yes. Then, please call me again whenever you need to.”

In order not to disturb the people in the hospital, I sat down to find a place a little far away where I could jump out to help at any time.

“Are you resting?”

As I was staring blankly at the people at Uigak, Hwarin suddenly appeared in front of me. Is the work done?


“I want to rest now too.”

Hwarin sat next to me as soon as she spoke.

There are a lot of seats, so why are they sitting close together? I was thinking of telling her to sit further away, but I didn’t want to upset Hwarin, who was probably mentally and physically exhausted, so I didn’t say anything.

We looked at the people in the royal palace who were moving busily in silence. It’s awkward to be so quiet. I need to say something.

“Have you become a German?”

Although it is a fact that everyone has already noticed, I said that the weather was sunny in the morning as a starting conversation topic.


Hwarin looked at me and nodded slightly.

“Is your skin okay? “When my friend became poisonous, his skin crumbled or melted.”

I said, looking at her with a worried expression, thinking of Dang Hualin from the original.

“There was something wrong from the beginning.”

Hwarin responded to me with her lips slightly protruding as if she was dissatisfied with something.

“No, that’s not it…”

Wasn’t the skin topic a good topic given today’s weather? But what should I do if I’m worried?

“If you want to check, check it out.”

Hwarin said, looking at her chest, which she could see even if she lowered her head just a little. what. I’m sure you’re not saying to open the front buckle and check it.

If you think about it with common sense, this would just mean checking your skin. Anyway, that lump of obscenity is the problem. It is impossible to judge a normal accident just by looking at it.

“It seems like there’s nothing wrong.”

I rolled up Hwarin’s sleeves and looked at the exposed skin.


Hwarin looked at me and the skin exposed on my hand with a complex expression and sighed.

“Now that I look at it, my face seems to have improved.”

Looking closer, it definitely looks different. Of course, the stains on my face did not disappear. But it was definitely better than before I left.


Hwarin’s face visibly brightened at my words.

“Now, if I put on some makeup, I think there will be a line of flirts.”

I might have to put some effort into it on the dressing table, though. I guarantee it. When I was a college student, I happened to see the raw face of a female junior, and underneath her pretty face was a plethora of acne scars.

Suddenly a sad memory comes to mind. He said he doesn’t mind showing his true face in front of me, so I can see his true face in front of me. Is this a green light? I liked it for no reason.

In reality, when a rather handsome friend showed up, I was immediately so startled that I lowered my face and ran away. I was not a green light, but rather someone who had not been captured on the female junior’s radar.

“you also?”

As I was recalling a sad memory, Hwarin looked up at me and asked.


“you also?”

“uh? “Uh-huh.”

I was embarrassed and gave a vague answer.

“what. “What about that ambiguous response?”

It’s a reaction of embarrassment. Why is he like this all of a sudden?

For the first time in a long time, my discriminator, which distinguished the green light between me and a woman, responded. Of course, if the green light came on, the error rate was 100%, so it was useless.

Are you mentally and physically exhausted from experiencing so many accidents in one night?

“You never know when the enemy might strike again! “Move quickly!”

While I was thinking about what to answer, I heard Uigakju shouting. It’s amazing that he’s still alive despite his injuries, but he’s still leading the way.

“Hwarin Soger. “I don’t think I can take my mother with me due to the circumstances.”

As Hwarin and I were looking at the scaffolding, a member of the crew approached us and, with an apologetic look, informed us about the disposal of Hwarin’s mother’s body.

“yes. “Please do it with other people.”

“yes. Then, we will cremate you like the other members of the Utility Guard.”

The agent nodded and returned to his seat.

“Are you going to be okay?”

I asked Hwarin, who was silently following Daewon as he walked away.

“… Because I can’t be a burden.”

Hwarin muttered depressedly.

I have nothing to say. No matter how bad your relationship was, it would have been a shock to see your mother die right in front of you. Giving words of comfort too hastily can be hurtful.

As I was thinking about what to do, I felt a weight off my shoulders. Instinctively, I slightly shook the head of the drunk man sitting next to me on the subway, as if to reject him.

Hwarin then felt a twinge and glared at me. sorry. It’s because I’ve never had this experience. I leaned over slightly and made room for Hwarin on my shoulder.

Hwarin leaned her head back on her now defenseless shoulder.

“cheer up.”

“I’m not sad, but I feel strange. “Life became like a dog because of doggy things.”

“Only good things will come from now on.”

Should I give him a pat? I carefully stretched out my hand and wrapped my arms around Hwarin’s other shoulder. Hwarin felt her shoulders shaking slightly, perhaps because it was awkward, but fortunately she did not refuse.



“I’m writing this because I’m sad.”

The members of the medical council coughed awkwardly and glanced in this direction.

It’s embarrassing to think I just heard the entire conversation. Hwarin must have heard the noise, too, and was startled, so she distanced herself a little.


To lighten the embarrassing and heavy atmosphere, I decided to ask Hwarin something I really wanted to ask.


“You’re talking about the poisoned space earlier.”


As soon as Hwarin heard me, she screamed like a pterodactyl and jumped up.


I can’t stop laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw Hwarin’s bright red face.

“Ooh, don’t laugh!”


Dear all of you, I mean Hwarin. Well, I used a poisoned space.

“Yaaaaaa. “Don’t laugh!”

Hwarin grabbed my shoulder and shook it violently. I kept laughing with my head shaking like a dancing balloon doll at a store that had just opened.

“really. “I should just die.”

When I didn’t stop laughing, Hwarin muttered with a soulless face. How can life be life, but not death?

I tried to suppress my laughter and opened my mouth to Hwarin.

“Hwarin was really cool. “Hwarin’s martial arts performance was much cooler than the martial arts performance I had imagined.”

“Is that so? Was it cool?”

The corners of Hwarin’s mouth turn up. okay. It was a cool scene no matter who saw it. To be honest, Hwarin probably has martial arts skills that he wants to boast about.

“I didn’t know you could even repeat the lines.”


Hwarin’s face becomes increasingly bright red. It’s cute to see him get embarrassed at the mention of dark history. So much so that I want to tease him a little more.

“I was so far away that I couldn’t hear you properly. Can you say that line again in front of me?”

“Yunho. “You really want to die!”

“To a poisonous space?”


“Ha ha ha ha ha!”


When Hwarin kept shaking my shoulder and it felt like my hair was about to be launched into satellite orbit, the Uigak members approached us.

“What’s going on?”

“Hwarin Soger. By any chance, is the martial art you just used a martial art from our Tang family?”

One of the crew members asked Hwarin as a representative.

“It’s a martial art created by Yunho and I.”

“Then did you really use Tang Jia Feng Yun’s poison space?”

“Uh… yes.”

Hwarin nodded as if she was a little embarrassed. Then the surroundings became agitated.

“I’m right! “I heard you clearly!”

“I can’t believe it was possible martial arts!”

“Hwarin Soger! Poison! Flesh! Ball! Live! “The moment I shouted, I felt victory.”

“Indeed, Party Sojeo is the party and government of this world itself.”

“If Doksal Space is a martial art you prepared together, is the last move a martial art you prepared for Volume 3?”

“Oh no. that is.”

Hwarin looked embarrassed, as if she wasn’t used to the heat of people.

Regardless of Dang Hwa-rin’s reaction, the crew members shouted at her in joy.

“That line I proudly shouted in front of the demons! “Can you tell me that line that Tang Jeong said one more time?”

“I almost cried when I heard that line. “I would like to hear it again.”


Hwarin could have just refused, but I guess she wasn’t used to receiving positive attention in front of so many people.

“Oh, welcome. “In my poisoned space.”

It immediately updated black history.


“Poison! Flesh! Ball! Liver!”

“Hwarin! I am a butterfly walking in the dark. Welcome to my poisonous space! “Shout out!”

Hwarin. If possible, let’s upgrade additionally while updating the dark history.

“Oh that line is so cool! “Is this the line that writer Hopil created for Danghwarin Sojeo?”

“yes. “That line suits Hwarin!”

“That’s how I see it!”

“Danggapoongun! Danggapoongun!”

“Poisonous space!”

“poison! fat! ball! liver!”

“You all really died!”

In the end, Hwarin couldn’t stand it anymore and exploded.


As Uigakju was finishing up, he approached Hwarin.

“Could you please take a look?”

Uigakju asked her if she would like to take a look at the condition of Hwarin, who had become a poisoner.


Uigakju examined Hwarin’s pulse as she held out her wrist.

Just a moment. Uigakju only took a moment to relax, but his face suddenly began to change seriously.

“What about this? “Bring the medicine over there right now!”

“Is there a problem?”

What’s going on? I asked the doctor right away.

“Oh my. “Quickly sit cross-legged and contemplate your inner self.”

Uigakju spoke to Hwarin in an excited voice without paying any attention to my question.

“yes? yes.”

Hwarin looked confused as to what was going on, but immediately sat cross-legged and closed her eyes.

“Everyone step back 50 steps now!”

At Uigakju’s shout, all the crew members around him widened their distance and retreated. Is something wrong?


As if Hwarin had realized something, she sat cross-legged, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the pedestal pillar.

“This is no time to be surprised! Hey kid! “Pull the poison out to one side!”


Hwarin spoke in an urgent voice.

“Is it impossible? If the poison cannot be moved by the gravitational force of dogma, tie it to the dogma as much as possible! hurry!”


Hwarin sat cross-legged and closed her eyes once again.

Is there a problem related to poison? Didn’t you become completely independent?

A heavy silence oppressed Hwarin’s surroundings. How much time has passed? Hwarin opened her eyes with a sad face and looked for someone.

Hwarin found me among the crowd and smiled sadly at me.

“Yunho… I’m sorry. “I feel like I failed too.”

Hwarin immediately collapsed.


“It’s still dangerous! “Don’t come any closer!”

“What the hell is going on!”

You were fine until just now. Why are you falling down? I barely stopped walking towards Hwarin and shouted at Uigakju.

Uigakju looked at me and Hwarin with a sad face and then opened his mouth.

“Right now, we have to go to Sacheondanga to save this child.”

A word from the author (author review)

Recommendations and comments are always helpful.

thank you

See next episode

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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

I Became the Villainous Writer In Wuxia Romance, The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel, 무협 미연시의 오랑캐 글쟁이
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It wasn’t even malicious criticism. I just gave feedback in the tone I was asked to. So why the hell did I, the writer who just wanted to help a junior, possess this body of the prospective groom… a villain, who died in the hands of the heroine on their wedding night?


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