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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel Chapter 268

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Franchise business.

Chain store franchise. Even though the words are different, it refers to a business in which a company recruits businesses by providing exclusive technology or distribution networks.

Franchise business is a business that uses a monopoly position even in modern society where safety measures are in place for self-employed people, so the tyranny of headquarters often makes the 9 o’clock news.

But what if I could wield exclusive authority as I please in a world with no legal safeguards?

You will be able to scoop up the money right away.

Of course, it is not easy to run a franchise business in a world where there are no copyrights or patents. If it weren’t for Lim Ha-yeon’s Giosugu.

“In conclusion, does this mean that I will become your subordinate?”

When I explained what a franchise was, Jeon Gil-san answered me with a reluctant expression.


It means to become a slave.

“It was clear just now….”

“I didn’t understand properly. Think of the Murim Alliance. They say that Gupailbang is part of the Murim Alliance, so are they a subordinate group of the Murim Alliance?”


“If the head office provides services and teaches business methods, the franchise owner just pays the costs. “It’s an equal trading relationship.”

There is just a more equal side.

“It’s not about acquiring a business, but rather providing a service and paying for it…”

This may be the first time you’ve heard of this business. Jeon Gil-san looked like a rat looking at the bait in a trap and contemplating whether to go in.

“You can’t buy my business with the amount written on that slip anyway. But if you have the money from that voucher and my help, you can run a business like mine.”

So give me the money.

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province. There is a constant flow of delivery orders to the restaurant I run, but it is difficult to even deliver to a large residential area, let alone deliver to all of Wuhan.

Even if Jeon Gil-san buys a guest house in a suitable residential area, there will be no harm to me at all.

“Wouldn’t paying you monthly franchise fees lower your profits?”

Jeon Gil-san asked me with a reluctant expression.

I understand what your worries are. Other guys are probably making good money, but you’re saying that if you have to pay franchise fees, it won’t be easy to make money?

In times like this, it’s better to shake attractive prey than to grab it while weighing profits and losses.

“Even considering it, it’s a business that leaves quite a mark. And the important thing is that this method is the best way to pass the test given by Mangeumjeonju.”

I know what you’re drooling over for food. Then just show the food again with just one word and that’s it.

“What do you mean?”

Jeon Gil-san reacted immediately.

“It looks like the grandchildren are competing with each other. Are you confident of taking first place?”

First, ask the subject whether he or she has the ability to eat food.

“No, if you don’t try, you can somehow…”

“When you make an excuse, you have to at least say it in a way that makes you understand.”

Your bluff doesn’t work. I said in a sarcastic tone.

“So what are you saying? “Does this mean that if you become a franchise owner, you can even come in first place?”

I get angry because it hits me right in the face.

“Have you figured out why Mangeum Jeonju gave this test?”

I asked in a confident manner, as if I were an instructor who had fully grasped the test taker’s intentions.


“What does Mangeum Battlefield do?”

“It’s a battlefield. “A place that lends money.”

“That’s it. Mangeum Battlefield is not a place to do business, but a place to make money. And the most important thing when investing money is choosing a place to lend money.”

“What does that have to do with this?”

“No matter what business the other grandchildren are in, it is not a business that already exists. How could it be possible that the Lord of the World would be pleased if he touched a few pennies with that? But how would you react if your grandson discovered a business that no one had ever done before and is leading it successfully?”

“You can get your grandfather’s attention with an original business?”

“That’s it. “I heard that when Mangeum Jeonju was young, he invested in a unique business, such as a franchise business, and left a lot of marks behind.”

“right. “My grandfather’s eyes have a reputation for being accurate.”

Jeon Gil-san nodded as if he was proud of his grandfather.

good. Let’s lift your mood by taking a flight at this time.

“I think you inherited your grandfather’s eyes, Jeon Gil-san.”


“Even author Ho Pil and Giosugu. “Didn’t you discover something that other grandsons couldn’t?”

“I’m definitely angry.”

“My business will grow every day. Then, the maternal grandfather is Jeon, the grandson who most closely resembles his own eyes. road. “You can’t help but pay attention to the mountains.”

I called out Jeon Gil-san’s name and put him on the plane.

The destination is Mangeum Jeonju. Have a comfortable and comfortable trip. It’s none of my business whether it will actually arrive, but the fee will be the full amount of your voucher.

“You could think of the test content that way.”

Jeon Gil-san covered his mouth in surprise and opened his eyes wide.

Now, you may be mistaken in thinking that you can reach Mangeum Jeonju by getting on a plane. If you have influenced your judgment by stimulating greed, it is time to turn away.

“Okay, let’s go get a drink. “Let’s go and talk more about business.”

I got up and started getting ready to go out, leaving behind Jeon Gil-san, who looked confused.

“Let’s have a drink?”

“If you want to do business together, don’t you think you have to let go of your personal feelings with alcohol?”

If you want to cloud your remaining judgment, alcohol is the best option.

“It’s alcohol…”

“Boy! “My mother told me never to drink alcohol during exam period…!”

“Uh-huh! How can you avoid alcohol while running a business? Okay, let’s go!”

Drinking party with Jeon Gil-san for the first, second, and third rounds.

In the end, I made Jeon Gil-san put his stamp on the contract.


“Ugh… the smell of alcohol. “Did you really put your stamp on the contract yesterday?”

next day. Ha-yeon Lim entered my office with a frown and immediately opened the window.

“If you don’t believe me, I put it on the table, so take a look.”

“It’s true.”

Ha-yeon Lim looked curiously at the document with Jeon Gil-san’s stamp on it.

“As soon as you receive the franchise fee from Jeon Gil-san, please ask me what I said before.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

“I didn’t say this in vain. Please.”

You should not become complacent just because one thing went well. Since you have already set off, you must keep running until you reach your destination.

“all right. then. But isn’t the franchise business meant to help Jeon Gil-san?”

“haha. No way. “Jeon Gil-san volunteered to become my tenant.”

I laughed happily as I remembered the guy who was drunk and wandering around without even knowing that he was signing a slave contract.

“A peasant?”

“He takes all the risk. He has to buy the guesthouse with his own money and pay all other expenses. Even all the expenses come out of my pocket. Even if he fails later, I don’t have to take any responsibility.”

I must run my business only with the amount on the voucher. However, most of the money in the voucher was used. It was difficult to conduct additional business.

However, the story changes when Jeon Gil-san is brought into the franchise business. This means you’ll be making a ton of extra money on a regular basis without taking on any additional accounting debt.

“But Jeon Gil-san. “It’s scary to let that guy make money.”

Im Ha-yeon pursed her lips and said, as if she didn’t like Jeon Gil-san.

“haha! Slowly, without anyone noticing, you have to squeeze the dry mop until not a single drop of water comes out. “As long as there is a prey called Mangeum Battlefield, you won’t even know that you are being squeezed.”

Equipment rental fees, franchise fees, material costs, training costs, beverage costs, advertising costs, etc., there are endless ways to squeeze them out.

I laughed, thinking of the idiot who happily stamped his name without knowing what would happen in the future.

“Wow… do you know that you just looked like a very vicious merchant?”

Did you not manage your facial expression for a moment? It would be difficult if Lim Ha-yeon misunderstood a good merchant like me.

What do we do. Let’s come forward shamelessly. I adjusted my expression and cast a gaze toward Ha-yeon Lim as if I was looking at something precious.

“If you want to think of yourself as a vicious merchant, do it. “Even if I’m criticized as an evil merchant, I will pass the test and save you.”

Why am I acting like a vicious merchant? It’s because of you.

Of course, there are also very trivial goals such as saving Daseo-gak and eliminating debt. I shrugged my shoulders with a nonchalant expression and smiled at Ha-yeon Lim.


Lim Ha-yeon turned her head away, as if she was dumbfounded. It’s pointless.

I put the contract in the drawer that would take me one step closer to passing the Mangeum Jeonju and Simoon exams and went back to work.


“Isn’t this a different story!”

Shortly after the contract with Jeon Gil-san ended. Jeon Gil-san raised his voice and shouted to me from his renovated guest room.

“What do you mean?”

“Why do we have to hire barbarians for guesthouses? “I told you it was my choice to hire people!”

“In the case of hiring personnel, it is not written that you will be selected from among the personnel dispatched from the head office.”

Since I am the head of the Korean community association, of course I have to use Korean.

“Why are they all Korean? “You can just use a midfielder!”

okay. They say they are Korean. If there was no reaction even when I frowned, I would have responded harshly.

“I read the contract and signed it, so why change my words?”

“I did put my stamp on the contract, though! “I never agreed to keep that contract!”

I think it would be right to make some joints for this guy.

“Hayeon Sojeo. “Go up and retrieve all the equipment.”

Let’s get into true education.

“all right.”

“uh?! “What is this?”

Jeon Gil-san was startled and shouted at me.

“The head office has the right to withdraw a franchise if it violates the terms of the contract. “If you are not going to keep the terms of the contract, just run the restaurant as usual.”

Giosugu is seized. men and horses.

“Franchise fee. Manpower introduction fee, material cost, guesthouse remodeling cost, training cost! “How much money did I just give you?”

Just listening to it, I accepted it with care. I opened my mouth with a cold expression towards Jeon Gil-san, who looked aggrieved.

“That’s why I introduced you to Koreans. The Koreans I introduce are not ordinary Koreans, but Koreans who have done business with me. “I brought you here to help you with your business, but then you suddenly call me a barbarian.”

“Still, isn’t it better to use people from the Central Plains rather than people from Joseon?”

“For someone who wants to become the successor to Mangeumjeonjang, is hair color that important? What is important for those who run a business in the future is not the color of the benefactor’s hair, but what color money they bring in. “If you don’t like me saying this, stop!”

I shouted with a stern expression.

“I… was wrong.”

“That’s it. I am also Korean. If you’re going to keep complaining because you’re a Korean, it’s better than not doing it at all. “Even though I said I was helping out in good faith and letting go of my personal feelings, how on earth will I be able to continue my business if things like this continue?”

After deliberately turning your body violently, slowly walk forward.

It’s already too late to turn back, right?

I’ve already spent almost all of the money in my voucher, and if I miss this opportunity, I’ll also lose the chance to become the successor to Mangeum Battlefield.

The moment we separate from this, he falls into the abyss of despair.

So, there is only one thing to say next.

“sorry! “I will no longer criticize your business methods.”

I knew it would happen. For the first time, Jeon Gil-san bowed to me and repeatedly apologized.

“You know there will be no next time.”

The initiative will continue to remain with me.

So, take care of yourselves from now on.


“Heulheul! “That kid Kang Yunho said that?”

Mangeum Jeonju’s mansion. Mangeum Jeonju could not hold back his laughter after hearing the conversation between Jeon Gil-san and Kang Yun-ho from the governor.

“yes. “I received word from a warrior who had been stationed next to Confucius as a guard station.”

“Hehehehe. okay. What does hair color matter to a guy who makes money? “The color of the money you bring is important.”

“I think my grandson, Jeon Confucius, is also great. “Let’s shake off our personal feelings and come together.”

I know that Mangeum Jeonju’s attention was focused on Kang Yun-ho. However, there is no one who doesn’t mind hearing praise from his or her bloodline. The Commander-in-Chief also praised Jeon Gil-san’s work.

“Tsk tsk. Gilsan, that guy has yellow buds.”

Noya Jang’s reaction was cold.


“What are you going to do when you become a tenant farmer? To run a business, you must take initiative. The smart one is Kang Yunho. “Because he swallowed up Gilsan, who caused him to lose Daseogak, without even realizing it.”

Mangeum Jeonju quickly realized that franchise business, which he had never heard of before, was in fact the same as tenant farming.

“The more I look at him, the more he becomes a great Confucius.”

“Heulheul.” okay. You’re doing so well. A man who is good at outside work needs a woman to support him. Isn’t that right, Commander?”

The general quickly grasped the meaning of Mangeum Jeonju’s words.

“The granddaughter of the Zhuge family has been secluded in the lodgings for several days.”

“It’s time. “Let the child dress up and call Kang Yun-ho.”

A word from the author (author review)

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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

I Became the Villainous Writer In Wuxia Romance, The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel, 무협 미연시의 오랑캐 글쟁이
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It wasn’t even malicious criticism. I just gave feedback in the tone I was asked to. So why the hell did I, the writer who just wanted to help a junior, possess this body of the prospective groom… a villain, who died in the hands of the heroine on their wedding night?


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