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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel Chapter 272

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Author Ho Pil is a woman.

A mansion that was secretly infiltrated. Ha-yeon Lim couldn’t help but be surprised at the identity of the person she saw beyond the window.

At first, of course, I thought he was a fake writer, as Kang Yun-ho said. A little while ago, I expressed my dissatisfaction with him in a somewhat teasing way, but no matter what anyone says, isn’t writer Ho Pil the best Jiwoo of Kang Yun-ho?

But when I actually sneaked into the mansion, something strange happened.

They say the warriors are famous writers, but the person they are guarding is a woman. Im Ha-yeon’s head started spinning as soon as she confirmed that fact.

Writer Ho Pil is naturally known as a man.

If it had been a fake writer, of course it would have nominated a man. But she is a woman. I’m sure it’s not a fake but a real writer.


Lim Ha-yeon returned with a disapproving expression and asked Kang Yun-ho, with the shock still not gone.

“Is the writer Hopil a woman?”

“She was a woman with silver hair. “It’s a silver hair color that is common in foreign countries.”

This was another reason why Lim Ha-yeon suspected that the woman in the mansion was Ho Pil.

Silver hair is a rare hair color in central China, but common in foreign countries. What if that’s why the author’s pen name is Ho Pil (胡筆)?

There’s Kang Yun-ho and Ho-pil. What if they are both from foreign countries and have joined forces to become the ultimate villain?

If the woman he saw was truly a writer, it was a perfect fit.

“Silver hair? No way… have you heard the name?”

Why don’t you deny it? Im Ha-yeon gritted her teeth without realizing it when she saw Kang Yun-ho’s expression that he guessed something.

“Miss Hyang. “I heard it called that.”

“Miss Hyang? As expected… I guess my guess was right.”

What do you mean? Are you really saying that you are a very popular writer?

I feel like something is boiling inside my chest. Lim Ha-yeon clenched her fists to avoid showing her emotions in front of the man.

Is he really a writer with a passion for writing?

Although Lim Ha-yeon grumbled in front of Kang Yun-ho that he was an evil store manager, she now knew Kang Yun-ho’s beautiful stories better than anyone else.

She recalled a beautiful story that represented Kang Yun-ho, whom she knew well.

Kang Yun-ho of Daseo-gak risked his life and was taken to the Tang family.

You risk your life. It was an action that could not be easily done, even if it was between the attitude of an old lady and an impressionable woman, as in the old saying.


That’s actually it.

What if that was actually something they did because they were lovers, not close friends?

As I reflected on what I realized at Ha-yeon Lim’s mansion, my heart began to tingle involuntarily. My head feels cold. It felt like all my nerves were being pricked by thorns.

When was the last time you felt something similar? okay. It was when that man treated Hassoso kindly while acting strangely callously.

“I don’t know what the misunderstanding was, but that woman is not Hopil.”

Kang Yun-ho dismissed Lim Ha-yeon’s logic with a firm voice.

“Aren’t you just pretending to know because you’re a writer? “The hair color is also common in foreign countries.”

“Silver hair is not a hair color often seen in the midfield. why. Isn’t there a family famous for its silver hair? “Jegalse.”

“The person I saw is from the Zhuge family?”

Kang Yun-ho nodded to Lim Ha-yeon’s question.

“exactly. They say she is Jegalhyang, the granddaughter of Mangeum Jeonju. “The day I went to Mangeum Jeonju’s mansion, there was an uproar everywhere because I ran away from home, so I knew that my appearance was destroyed.”

“Mangeum Jeonju’s maternal granddaughter is pretending to be the writer Hopil? why?”

“Well, I don’t know either. But at least I got a clue. Thank you so much.”

Kang Yun-ho stood up and bowed his head politely to Lim Ha-yeon.

“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

Ha-yeon Lim was embarrassed by the man’s unusual behavior and waved his hand.

“I often wonder how I would have gotten through it without Hayeon Sojeo. Thank you so much every time.”

I don’t know how I would have gotten through it without you. Im Ha-yeon’s remaining doubts were blown away along with the thoughts that arose in her heart.

It couldn’t have been that way either.

I had some doubts. No, I don’t know why I had that suspicion. Why did I suddenly feel strange?

“no. “I lost my temper for no reason.”

Ha-yeon Lim smiled brightly, with the thorn that had been bothering her removed.


Never thought we would suddenly face a crisis of forced gender reassignment.

I might become famous right away if I were to be given a title like the artist of a beautiful girl, but I don’t want to do that just to increase my reputation.

“It’s good that we found out who the fake Ho Pil is, but the problem is that we have to prove it in front of people… But did you come back faster than you thought?”

I asked Lim Ha-yeon, who was smiling with a meaningless expression.


“The house of a person named Heo Song. “It’s nearby.”


I guess I went there quickly. By the way, I never would have thought that Jegalhyang was a fake Hopil. It’s a coincidence.

It’s Yeonggamtaeng. He said he was a passive and introverted child.

The woman hiding in the box on the day I visited Mangeum Jeonju’s mansion must have been Jegalhyang. I was convinced as I remembered our brief encounter that day.

What kind of passive and introverted person would commit such a big fraud? And that too, in a place where the real Hopil is nearby.

Wait, fake Hopil lives nearby?

I opened the drawer next to me and rummaged through the papers.

“what are you doing?”

“We need to solve the problem of fake handwriting.”

If your prediction is correct. There is a way to solve it.

“Would you like to write a letter to Sacheondanga?”

“Even if we send a letter to the place where the Sacheon Dang Family is located and help comes, it will take more than a month or two.”

Before I even worry about whether I should ask for help or not, the physical distance is an issue.

Plus, at best, the only opponent is Infinite Bookstore. In this case, it would be better to handle it on my own.

“Then what?”

“First, I have to meet the fake Hopil.”

Thanks to Ha-yeon Lim, I found out that it was fake, but I need to face the fake Hopil.

Because we can immediately declare it officially fake.

“You want to meet him?”

“If what I heard about his personality is correct, he wasn’t the type of person who would impersonate Ho Pil. I feel like I was kidnapped there. “It’s not too late even after we find out what’s going on.”

Even the samurai who guarded Zhuge Hyang, the commander-in-chief of the Mangeum Jeonju Mansion. How cheap it is. Even if she matches just 10% of the personality they described, there is a high probability that she is not the type of woman who would plan such a bold thing.

Even if he intentionally impersonated Ho Pil, it doesn’t matter. Because once they meet face to face, they can use Zhuge Hyang as a joker.

If Zhuge Hyang has been kidnapped, then he can ruin the Mangeum Library because he dared to kidnap the daughter of the Zhuge family.

It is better if you are sure that it is really a fake hopil. Let’s run straight to Mangeum Jeonju and shout that this confrontation is invalid.

You can also tell Jeon Gil-san and call him the best successor.

“How can we meet? “Are you going to kidnap me?”

This girl is talking about being in big trouble. The other person is the youngest daughter of the Zhuge family.

“Is it impossible to break into that house with my current light attack skills?”

I have to do bossam.

“It’s impossible to get through that guard.”

As expected, it was unreasonable to go beyond the realm of experts just because I ran a little faster.

It doesn’t really matter though.

“Then I guess I’ll just have to go in through the front door and bring him back.”

“yes? how?”

There is a way.

After searching through the drawers, I showed Ha-yeon Lim what I found.

“We have tickets.”

What I took out was Jeon Seo-gu’s usage records.

It was a record of delivery orders to and from Heo Song’s mansion countless times a day.


The mansion where Mangeum Jeonju’s maternal grandson, Heo Song, lives.

One person in the guest room opened the window a little and sighed slightly when she saw that the guards were still watching.

Inyoung in the guest room. The woman closed the window and stood in front of the desk.

A beauty with silver hair. Some people could have mistakenly thought she was a foreign beauty after seeing her silver hair and beauty.

However, the silver hair was evidence of the direct lineage between the Zhuge family’s ancestor, Zhuge Gongming, and Lady Hwang, a foreign woman.

Her appearance was as pure as the first snow that fell in the middle of the night, and her appearance, which had not yet completely shed her girlish appearance, was enough to guarantee that she would become one of the most beautiful women in Hubei in the future.

Her name is Jegalhyang.

The youngest daughter of the head of the Zhuge family. Ban jade leaf. A woman who received a lot of love from her parents and was raised with care like a flower in a greenhouse.

Although she was raised with care, she actually had one problem that bothered her parents. This is a problem that arose from being raised too carefully.

She was originally an introverted girl.

The child, who was timid and liked reading books and drawing, was reluctant to meet people.

Of course, it wasn’t because there was any illness or problem. It was simply because I was an introvert.

Even if there was an event at home, she would often run away, leaving it off to her older sisters and brothers.

When I had to meet people, I chose to stay in my room, and when someone looked for me, I learned how to hide and run away to prevent them from finding me.

In the end, I prefer to stay indoors rather than meet people.

A child who is better at running away than being confronted.

“After running away and running away! Before I knew it, I had become a fake writer. Aaaaaargh!”

A pure appearance resembling the first snowfall in the middle of the night without anyone stepping on it.

Zhuge Hyang screamed with an expression that did not even show a trace of his appearance.

A word from the author (author review)

Today, due to the length of time, I will hold a workshop at midnight.

In the world of martial arts, the heroines of the Zhuge Dynasty are sometimes depicted as having exotic appearances due to their ancestor, Lady Huang of Zhuge Gongmyeong.

According to the original tradition, Lady Hwang was a blonde woman, but in the world of martial arts, the blonde TO was already decided, so it was changed. Haha,

recommendations and comments are always helpful.

thank you

‘Yasteri’. I hope you like the new heroine. Thank you for your great support!

Thank you to our anonymous sponsor for your continued support!

See next episode

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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

I Became the Villainous Writer In Wuxia Romance, The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel, 무협 미연시의 오랑캐 글쟁이
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It wasn’t even malicious criticism. I just gave feedback in the tone I was asked to. So why the hell did I, the writer who just wanted to help a junior, possess this body of the prospective groom… a villain, who died in the hands of the heroine on their wedding night?


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