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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel Chapter 382

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“I heard that this is where the ceremony to promote Tumunhyangju will be held.”

Following Hayeon Sojeo’s guidance, I went to the location where the Tumun Hyangju induction ceremony would be held, and arrived at a completely unexpected place.

“Isn’t this the pavilion you used to come to sometimes?”

Isn’t this the pavilion where Hayeon and Sojeo came for a night walk or when she ran away from home?

They say it’s a den of thieves. I thought it was a secret place where the performance of 40 people decreases when you shout Sesame to open.

“Iknow, right. “It’s a coincidence.”

“I guess even Tumun knew that this pavilion had a nice view.”

When I climbed up to the roof of the pavilion and looked at the surroundings, I found that the view was wide and it was an ideal location for scouting and taking a walk.

“I think we have some time left.”

Did I come in too much of a hurry? The sun was lying down in the Yangtze River like a child carefully dipping its toes into a cold bath.

“Have you heard anything about the induction ceremony?”

“I heard it was some kind of test or something.”

“no way? “You’re not going to change your mind now, are you?”

I hate professors who suddenly give me unscheduled paper exams and then count them in my grades.

“I guess it’s done as a ritual, just like Mamun.”

Rather than a test, it’s more like a thief’s version of a self-introduction for the new semester.

It’s painful to introduce yourself, but you say you’re not interested in ordinary people. If you have a future superpower among them, you will be able to enjoy an easy life as a thief as long as you don’t say anything about being friends.

“Are you nervous?”

Hayeon Sojeo’s face is rigid. It’s a test, a ritual, and in the end, there’s only one last step left, so there’s nothing we can do.

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Or maybe you’re feeling a bit upset about what happened with Jegal Sojeo…”

“I don’t get upset over things like that!”

Hayeon Sojeo answered me as if I was dumbfounded.

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

I was just joking to relieve tension and have a laugh.

“Jegal Soje also endured a lot because of me. I’m not the kind of person who can’t compromise that much. Rather, what would I have said if you had only said a few words in that situation?”

Hayeon Soje’s eyes dripped with regret for Jegal Soje.

“haha. exactly?”

It seems to me that the two have become closer these days. Because the difficulties we had with each other disappeared and to anyone who saw us, we started to look like sisters.



“I couldn’t help but feel like it came out naturally…”

Hayeon Sojeo muttered, looking down at the roof as if she were embarrassed.

“ha ha ha.”

“Ugh! “This is why I didn’t want to talk about it.”

Hayeon Sojeo’s face turned a little red, as if she had been taken advantage of by my trick.

“Come here. “Let’s sit and watch the sunset until it’s time.”

I sat on the roof and patted the seat on my left.

Hayeon Sojeo looked at the seat next to me and at me alternately, then sighed softly and naturally sat down next to me.

Before I knew it, Hayeon Sojeo’s head was on my shoulder and my hand was naturally on her waist.


The sunset is setting.

The two watched the sun go down in silence for a while, feeling each other’s warmth. It was probably a time when they could have talked a lot, but the two didn’t bother to open their mouths.

Sharing the same time in the same space with your lover without saying a word. That alone can help you overcome the tension and fear in your heart and fill you with satisfaction and happiness.

“I’ve seen the night view from here, but this is my first time seeing the sunset.”

The man spoke only when he saw a small smile on the woman’s face.

“It’s my first time seeing this too.”

The setting sun colors the Yangtze River red, and the sunlight shimmers beautifully along the river.

Lim Ha-yeon was leaning on her lover’s shoulder, engraving in her eyes a scene she would never forget.

“It’s over now.”

It was long.

From Usan Gyobang, passing Uichang Daseogak, reaching Wuhan Gaekjan, and living in Muyeong Shintu. The journey to shed her status as a courtesan is coming to an end.

“Now it begins.”

Im Ha-yeon felt her lover’s hand on the back of her hand and raised her head slightly to look at him. The man was looking at her with a reassuring smile as always.


“My life and Hayeon Sojeo’s life is just beginning.”


How can you say things that pierce people’s hearts like this?

A pink arrow flew into her heart again and hit her, but it didn’t matter. Because her heart was already a target for a man.

“I somehow made it this far thanks to you.”

“I came this far because of Hayeon Sojeo.”

When the sun sets and night comes, the end will come. But it doesn’t end there. Because the sun rises again. Even after throwing away the status that had tormented him his whole life, he still has his lover by his side.

Ha-yeon Lim carefully hugged him to feel his touch.

I listened to his chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat. It’s getting a little faster. That fact felt good.

“that day. “Meeting you was the luckiest thing in my life.”

A man I met for the first time in the world, trembling with fear. The man who first reached out to him. Even though he shook his hand away, he smiled and held out his hand again as if it was no big deal.

A man who kindly brought me meals, gave me gifts as if they were nothing, and taught me how to live in the world.

It was all this man.

Maybe her whole life was meant to meet this man.

Ha-yeon Lim looked up again at the man who was filling her heart.

“I was able to come this far because I was with Sojeo Hayeon. “But there’s still one last step left.”

There is still some time left, so it would be nice to set the mood more. It was unclear whether the skill of shaking people’s hearts and getting away with it was natural or intentional.

But it doesn’t matter.

How many days have I spent wandering, worrying, suffering, and loving a man countless times? Now I know how to get what I want from a man.

Ha-yeon Lim spread her arms out to him as if she was yearning for affection with a slightly resentful expression.

“I’m jealous too. hug me.”

He looked at himself for a moment as if surprised, then smiled and opened his generous chest to hug me.

I should have asked you to hug me sooner. Ha-yeon Lim enjoyed his embrace.


Am I really nervous?

Well, I guess I can’t help but feel anxious. I felt her firm but soft shoulders shaking.


She naturally fell off her body as if her trembling heart had calmed down.


“For some reason, I think I can understand Jegal Soje’s feelings earlier.”

Hayeon Sojeo turned her head and spoke in a voice dripping with regret.

“Hayeon Sojeo. “Now there is only one trial left.”

“I see.”

Hayeon Sojeo nodded and looked up at me.

Her blue eyes filled with eyes. A pink-haired Muyoungshintu with eyes like the blue sky is looking at me.

A beauty that is difficult to get used to even if you try. My eyes are monopolizing the beauty of the woman who would have been the most prosperous courtesan in Hubei Province.

“Do you remember what happened on top of the palace before?”

Without realizing it, I raised my hand and stroked her cheek.

“Are you saying that we have so many problems that it’s hard to give answers to our hearts?”

“You answered that question some time later. “The next word.”

There is something we wanted to do after sharing our feelings.

“What’s next? ah?!”

Did I realize it?

Hayeon Sojeo’s blue eyes widened in an instant.

“Did you remember?”

We were trying to exchange our hearts about to burst, but stopped when a ridiculous misunderstanding came to light.

I asked her with a slightly sly smile.

“Why is that?”

Hayeon Sojeo looked at my face getting closer and closer and trembled for words.

Did I just want to hold the hand of the woman who gave me my heart? We confirmed our feelings for each other, so why didn’t we hug at least once?

‘Because once your self-control breaks, it will break down endlessly.’

She’s a runaway courtesan, so don’t touch her. It can be difficult for both of us for no reason. Even though I wanted to express my affection more actively, I held back for the sake of Hayeon Sojeo’s future.

Because there were so many problems. But now only one gateway remains.

Before we knew it, the distance between us had become so close that we could feel each other’s breath. I asked her affectionately.

“There is a courage spell used in Joseon. Would you like to try it?”

“How long does it take?”

“As much as Hayeon Sojeo wants.”

“Then… please do it for a long time.”

It didn’t take long for them to embrace each other’s breath.



The spell of courage that seemed to never end continued until an awkward coughing sound was heard from behind.

In fact, both of them had known for a long time that the executive of Tomoon, whom they had seen before, was here. It’s just that in order to put down the two people who were already on fire, Two Moon’s executives had to personally pour cold water on them.

The two looked at their lovers’ lips, which were shining with each other’s, with very regretful eyes, but it was time to end it.


The lovers did not necessarily talk to each other. Because each other’s faces were as red as the red sunset.

“We will start as soon as the sun sets. Deputy Hyangju, please follow the people and go to the ceremony hall first.”

If I don’t say anything, I think I’ll do something else before the induction ceremony. Two Moon’s executives did not bother to express their thoughts out loud.

“Hayeon Sojeo.”

“Because I have received enough courage. “Please wait.”

“I will be waiting.”

Kang Yunho nodded and followed the person in the door.

I have had enough courage. Lim Ha-yeon didn’t bother to look at Kang Yun-ho’s disappearance. Now it was time to look ahead.


“I will perform the ceremony.”

It feels like flying above the clouds. I feel like I can walk in the sky now. Ha-yeon Lim thought as she touched her lips.


Before we knew it, darkness had fallen over Wuhan. There were ten warriors standing on top of the pavilion, excluding one official with a familiar face.

“Ten executives from Two Moon. They are also among the 10 most skillful people. “They will roam the infinite night wearing white headbands.”

As the official said, white headbands were placed on the heads of the warriors.

“What can I do?”

“Take away the white headband. “Anyone who has been taken away will swear an oath of loyalty right on the spot.”

“Are there any conditions for passing?”

“No. “If you can’t grab any headband until the sun rises, you will only be looked at with distrust rather than loyalty even after you become Tumun Hyangju.”

There is no elimination. It’s just an opportunity to show off the new Tumoon Hyangju’s abilities in front of executives.

“Should we start right away?”

“As soon as you flip the coin, these people here will move. Tumunhyangju must move as soon as the coin falls from the seal and touches the ground.”

The place where Lim Ha-yeon is located is the roof of a tall pavilion with a panoramic view of Wuhan. Wait until the coin falls to the ground. In the meantime, the masters of Gyeonggong will be far away.

Catching even one is a miracle test, so it’s okay if you can’t catch them all. However, it would be perfect to demonstrate the capabilities of the new Tomunhyangju.

It was indeed a test that could be called a ritual of submission.

“I have something to ask.”

Lim Ha-yeon looked at the executives around her and asked.


“How many people did the squadron capture?”

Jeondae Tumun Hyangju and Jeondae Muyeongsintu. Ha-yeon Lim asked about her father.

“eight. “It was the largest number in the history of Tomun.”

Even catching two or three in the big city of Wuhan would be a miracle. The squadron captured eight.

It was not for nothing that the people of Tumun remained loyal to Hyangju and waited for his return even during his 10-year disappearance.

“is it so?”

Ha-yeon Lim raised one corner of her mouth and nodded.

“Are you sure you want to challenge the squadron?”

A few executives frowned at the smile and opened their mouths.

“He is a person who left history in the tombun. “Even though she is his daughter, she should know how great her father’s achievements are.”

“Do you recognize the achievements of the preliminary Hyangju? “Don’t forget that you agreed to it because you are his daughter.”

“This is Lord Tumunhyang, who was appointed after 10 years. “How rude!”


Most of Tumun’s executives agreed with Im Ha-yeon’s elevation to Hyangju, but that did not mean that their loyalty to Jeondae disappeared.

Ha-yeon Lim didn’t even think about responding to those words. Instead, I just closed my eyes.

Like someone who calms down before the final exam.

Seeing this, some people admired the new Hyangju’s resolute appearance, while others expressed disappointment at his lack of respect for his father.

The palace became quiet, and the official who had completed all preparations raised the coin.

“Let’s begin.”

The coin flipped.

Like the waves of the Yangtze River flowing across Wuhan, the executives climbed up the steps like the waters ahead, determined to move forward rather than being pushed back by the waters behind them.

Ha-yeon Lim was lost in thought as she listened to the falling coins.

‘perhaps. ‘What would have happened if I hadn’t met him?’

She would have been caught as a runaway courtesan. Unable to prevent Domunhyangju from becoming a mangju, she would have had to live as a prostitute for the rest of her life.

What happened next?

Would she have lived a satisfied life as a courtesan? no. He would have cursed and cursed his fate.

Perhaps, without understanding the truth, she may have committed theft to escape her status as a runaway courtesan.

A lowly courtesan and thief. Wouldn’t it have made me hate myself and do something I didn’t want to do at the same time?

Lim Ha-yeon’s thoughts were right. Because that was her fate in the future when she did not meet Kang Yun-ho.

But she was different now.

Cleared up misunderstandings about my father. Instead of being a thief, which he hated, he became a thief. As she went through a crisis with her lover, she came to love everything she had learned.

The current Lim Ha-yeon was a warrior who had shaken off all illusions.

“So then.”

The coin is still dropping.

“The questions are over! “It’s already started!”

A long, long, short, short time. Her eyes, adjusted to the darkness, opened with the sound of a coin hitting the ground.

The woman’s feet moved after shaking off the illusion.

“What what?”

Ha-yeon Lim already had a headband in her hand.

“If we catch them all before the sun rises, the ceremony will start right away, right?”

A flower bloomed so beautifully on a moonlit night.

The name of the flower that should have never bloomed originally.

Muyoung Shintu. Ha-yeon Lim.

The steps of a woman with a talent for spiritual fighting recognized by the world were so light.

A word from the author (author review)

Recommendations and comments are always helpful.

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The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

I Became the Villainous Writer In Wuxia Romance, The Barbarian Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel, 무협 미연시의 오랑캐 글쟁이
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It wasn’t even malicious criticism. I just gave feedback in the tone I was asked to. So why the hell did I, the writer who just wanted to help a junior, possess this body of the prospective groom… a villain, who died in the hands of the heroine on their wedding night?


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